Scary For Kids

Three Wishes

Three Wishes is a spooky little story about an old man who encounters an old hag that grants him 3 wishes.

Three Wishes

An elderly man was sitting alone on a dark path. He wasn’t sure of which direction to go, and he’d forgotten both where he was traveling to. He also couldn’t remember who he was.

He sat down for a moment to rest his weary legs, and suddenly looked up to see an elderly woman before him. Her skin was wrinkled and grey and her nose was crooked. Warts covered her hairy chin.

She grinned toothlessly and said with a cackle, “Now your third wish. What will it be?”

“Third wish?” The man was baffled. “How can it be three wishes if I haven’t had a first and second wish?”

“You’ve had two wishes already,” the old hag said, “but your second wish was for me to return everything to the way it was before you had made your first wish. That’s why you remember nothing; because everything is the way it was before you made any wishes.” She cackled at the poor man. “So it is that you have one wish left.”

“All right,” he said hesitantly, “I don’t believe this, but there’s no harm in trying. I wish to know who I am.”

“Funny,” said the old woman as she granted his wish and disappeared forever. “That was your first wish…”

scary for kids


  • I agree with “Morpho menelaus”, it’s very creative.

    @Sakura Not ALL stories on here are scary if you haven’t noticed.

    @SUSHI TACOS No, I don’t think you have to have an IQ of 589. I’m actually pretty stupid and I think I understood it. He wanted to know who he was, which, as the old hag stated, was his first wish. Then, his second wish was for everything to be the way it was – he wished to forget that he knew who he was. Then, when he had forgotten everything, he wished to know who he was, but forgot that was his first wish, obviously. So, he had wanted to forget who he was, so it must have been something terrible. As pinkKaygana said, he could have been the son of satan or an assassin. I don’t know if he is, but it was terrible enough to make him want to forget it. That’s how I understood it, at least…


  • @the-crazy-bush-lady
    that’s the point of the story. he could be the devil’s son, or an assasin, or the brother of a demon or something, which is why he didnt want to know it. ur not supposed to know it either. but the point of the story is that the woman told him who he was even though he didnt want to know, then she disappeared forever so he cant wish anymore wishes…

  • The point of the story is that the man wakes up forgetting who he was,the lady tells him his second wish was to go back to the beginning before he made his first wish,so he decides to use it to find out who he is,but she tells him that that was his first wish.So that means whatever happened to him he wanted to forget it,but forgot he wished that and wished for his memories back.

  • this is what i think. the man was a wanted man. however, while on the run, something happened to him and he lost his memory instantly but survived. the old lady appeared and gave him three wishes. first, he wished tht he knew who he was. when he found out, he was horrified. so he asked the old lady for everything to be as it was before he made his first wish. so his memory was erased. then again, he wished to know who he was as he had forgotten tht he had wished tht already…

  • aw man that stunk I mean I like to know why he didn’t want to know who he was

  • I get how this is creepy, but it’s not scary. Cause like, his first wish was to know who he really is, but then he realizes that the truth is more than he can handle. So his second wish is to not know, which leaves him with amnesia or something. Then his third wish is to know who he is, only now… *duhduhduh* he can’t erase the truth! Yeah, kinda psychological scary.

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