Scary For Kids

Thumb Game

The Thumb Game (oyayubi sagashi) is a japanese urban legend about a young woman who died. Anyone who finds her missing thumb will be granted a wish. The game is also sometimes called “Looking for the thumb”.

Thumb Game

The object of the Thumb Game is to find the missing left thumb of a murdered young woman. If you find it, your wish will be granted. You need three or more people to play this game.

In a villa, a 20-year old woman was murdered. Her corpse was dismembered. When her body parts were discovered, they were strewn all around the villa. Her left thumb was nowhere to be found.

Step 1: Form a circle sitting on the ground. You should grab the left thumb of the person on your right. The person on your left should grab your left thumb.

While the game is in progress, do not let go of the person’s thumb. Otherwise, when the game ends, their thumb will be missing.

Step 2: Everyone has to close their eyes and imagine they are in the villa where the murdered woman was dismembered. You must do this seriously or else it will not work.

While the game is in progress, do not open your eyes.

Step 3: Say the following chant twice.

“Oyayubi, Oyayubi, hear our voices.
Oyayubi, Oyayubi, grant our wish.”

You will be transported to a room you’ve never seen before. It is a western-style villa. There is one solitary candle in the room.

Step 4: You must start looking for the thumb immediately. You have until the candle burns out to search for the severed thumb.

Step 5: To get back from the villa, you must blow out the candle.

While you are in the villa, looking for the thumb, you may feel someone tap you twice on the shoulder. When this happens, do not look behind you. Otherwise, you will never be able to come back alive.

Warning: It is extremely important that you do not look behind you. If you do, you will be killed. You will never return from the villa. You will be forced to remain there eternally, tapping people on the shoulder twice and then brutally murdering them. Instead of just being a missing person, you will be a murderer.

If you manage to find the severed thumb, hold it tightly in your hand and then blow out the candle. You will return and your wish will be granted. If you cannot find the thumb, just blow out the candle and return. Do not allow the candle to burn out on its own or you will be stranded in the villa.

The Thumb Game Rules:
1. Do not let go of anyone’s thumb.
2. Do not open your eyes.
3. Do not allow the candle to burn out.
4. Do not look behind you.

The Thumb Game can be very dangerous. We recommend that you do not play it unless you memorize all of the rules beforehand. A mistake could cost you your life.

scary for kids


  • I’m playing this with my freinds tomorrow but I don’t want them to play because I don’t wanna put them at risk! :(

  • infernalthing, HOW?! Some of the others on here are 10x safer than this!
    Midnight Spirit, YES!!
    iwannabescared101, REALLY?! WHICH ONE!!?!?!?


  • this seems like a better one to try if u just wanna see if it worked if it doesnt work oh well and if it does well kool look around the villa dont turn around blow out the candle i really wudnt try looking for the thumb tho just sayin

  • Has anyone ever played “The Dead Mans Body” if u haven’t you should find it and play
    There’s no real ghosts involved so it’s perfectly safe but it is really creepy

  • um… this is a creepy game.. but one scary experience isnt much, is it?? I should give it a try 8D
    Okay, even though im being brave and clever and all now, i know that i will be FREAKED OUT to try it out!!!!!!! >.<

  • Me and my friend cristie with her other friend played this game and we couldn’t find the thumb so we gave up and blew out the candle.but someone or something tapped my shoulder and cristie’s shoulder.when we got back everyone was worried and we were scared!

  • One of my friends wanted to try this at a sleepover I had with two of my friends and I was like ‘sorry Mary but I really don’t want to possbily become a killer. Also if someone tapped on my shoudler it is an automatic thing for me to turn around. Why would I want to do that?’ She was so sad. She tried to get me to do like half of the games on here. She tried to make me do all the ones that they don’t say absoutly not to even if you do know the rules. I refused each time.

  • so strange. it is not rlly a safe game but safer than the midnight game. tlk about creepy. if i was forced to play either one of these games ,and i pray to GOD i dont hve to, then i wood pick the thumb game.

  • What happens if you imagine you’re in there… But with a shotgun :D blast the guy to pieces when he taps ya! It’s your imagination right – whats stopping you?

  • @ infernalthing:

    I don’t think this is the safest. You get brutally murdered. It’s like a chain. :)

  • Cool… I would love to play this game too, I just need to persuade a few of my friends to join…
    Who knows, I may find the thumb and my wish is granted… What is my wish?

  • Where do you get all these stories from?
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