Scary For Kids


Tomino is a Japanese urban legend about a poem that kills anyone who recites it out loud.


In this world there are things that you should never say out loud, and the Japanese poem “Tomino’s Hell” is one of them. According to the legend, if you read this poem out loud, disaster will strike. At best, you will feel very ill or injure yourself. At worst, you could die.

In this video you can hear Tomino being read in Japanese. You will notice that the person who made the video used text to speech software. They didn’t dare read it out loud themselves.

This is a rough English translation:

Tomino’s Hell

The older sister vomits blood, the younger sister spits fire.
Cute Tomino spits treasured jewels.
Tomino died alone and fell into hell.
Hell, darkness, with no flowers.
Is it Tomino’s older sister that whips?
The number of red welts is worrisome.
Whipping and beating and pounding,
The path to eternal hell is only one way.
Beg for guidance into the darkness of hell,
From the golden sheep, from the nightingale.
How much is left in the leather bag,
Prepare for the endless journey into hell.
Spring comes and into the woods and valleys,
Seven turns in the dark valley of hell.
In the cage is a nightingale, in the cart a sheep,
In the eyes of cute Tomino are tears.
Cry, nightingale, for the woods and the rain
Voicing your love for your sister.
The echo of your cry howls through hell,
and a blood-red flower blooms.
Through the seven mountains and valleys of hell,
Cute Tomino travels alone.
To welcome you to hell,
The glimmering spikes of the needled mountain
Stick fresh punctures in the flesh,
As a sign to cute Tomino.

I have no idea whether or not it is safe to read the English translation out loud. If I were you, I would err on the side of caution.

One person said: “I once read Tomino’s Hell on the air for an online radio show called Radio Urban Legends. At first everything was normal, but gradually my body, it became difficult to read. I read half of it and then broke down and threw it away. Two days later I got injured and I was left with seven stitches. I do not want to think that this was because of the poem.”

scary for kids


  • Reading it out loud wasn’t the scary part. It was listening to the video in a dark room so the only light is from my iPod and the voice sounds demonic and the face in the picture is implanted in my brain. The only reason someone would get sick from it is the mentality. You get so worked up about the fact that it is supposedly dangerous that you actually convince yourself you are feeling ill.

  • lol video creeps me the hell out like whats with the huge eyes and the long neck its creepy and the voice just makes it worse oh and people its ok i read it out loud and im fine :)

  • The voice is what kills me. It is soooo creepy. I never want to hear that voice again. >_< F.Y.I I read it out loud and I am fine people!!!!!11

  • I read this out loud many times, and nothing has ever happened to me. And that picture always creeps me out, no matter how many times I see it.

  • I saw the video n got freaked out! but that girl kind of cute i think.. Her hairstyle same like mine.

  • Oh, And By The Way, Advance Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year to ALL, Especially to you ScaryForKids ^_^ GOD BLESS EveryOne ^_^

  • I Totally Agree on BettyQueenOfScreams.It is Indeed Very Disturbing.Especially to Christians like Me •_• The Thing that I FEAR more about Death Itself, Is No Other than THE LORD THY GOD ^_^

  • i read it aloud and nothing happened to me. i think ghosts are just there to scare people. they don’t exist actually

  • i read this outloud and the next day i broke my arm in 6 different spots….. DO NOT READ THIS OUTLOUD!!!! THIS STUFF IS REAL!!!

  • Things got worse last night, I dreamed I was in Hell and that I talked to Tomino the reason I’m bringing this up is because I didn’t read the poem and that was a subject that wasn’t in my mind.

  • I found out the translation is accurate and something will happen, last night my leg started cramping and it hasn’t stopped yet.

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