Scary For Kids

Trilogy of Terror

Trilogy of Terror (1975) is a horror anthology movie starring Karen Black and a terrifying Zuni Fetish Doll. It is based on three short stories written by Richard Matheson.

Trilogy Of Terror

The first two stories in Trilogy of Terror are a bit boring, but the third story, called “Amelia”, makes this the best scary doll movie ever filmed. It is based on Richard Matheson’s story “Prey”.

Karen Black plays a young woman who lives alone in an apartment. One day, she receives a package in the mail that contains a mysterious Zuni fetish doll. It looks like a tiny aboriginal warrior, with razor sharp teeth and a long spear. A note included in the package claims that the doll contains the spirit of a Zuni hunter named “He Who Kills”. It says that the gold chain the doll is wearing keeps the spirit of the hunter trapped inside the doll.

However, the Zuni doll’s golden chain falls off without her knowing. When the woman comes into the living room, she discovers that the doll is nowhere to be found. There is a knife missing from the kitchen and when she investigates, she is suddenly attacked by the doll, which stabs at her ankles viciously. The woman tries to run away but the doll chases her around the apartment.

scary for kids


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  • Also, on this video posted here, you can actually see the fishing string being pulled above the puppet to release the gold chain from around the doll lol!

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