Scary For Kids

True Love Waits

True Love Waits is the sad story of a girl and a boy in love. Erica and Kyle long to be together, but circumstances seem to be conspiring to keep them apart.

True Love Waits

One day, Erica was lying on her bed when she got a call from her boyfriend, Kyle.

Kyle: Baby, we need to talk.

Erica: What do u mean, Kyle?

Kyle: Something has cropped up…

Erica: What? What’s wrong? Is it bad?

Kyle: I don’t want to hurt you, Baby…

Erica suddenly got a sinking feeling in her stomach. Oh my God, she thought, I hope he doesn’t want to break up with me. I love him so much.

Kyle: Baby, are you there?

Erica: Yeah, I’m here. What is so important?

Kyle: I’m not sure if I should say it…

Erica: Well, you already brought it up, so please just tell me.

Kyle: I’m leaving…

Erica: Baby, what are you talking about? I don’t want you to leave me, I love you.

Kyle: Not like that, I mean, I’m moving far away.

Erica: Why? Your whole family lives here.

Kyle: Well, my father is sending me away to a boarding school far away.

Erica: I can’t believe this…

All of a sudden, Erica’s father burst into her bedroom.

“Erica!” he yelled furiously. “What did I tell you about talking to boys?! Get off the damn phone!!”

Erica pretended to hang up and her father glared at her angrily for a few moments, then left, slamming her bedroom door behind him.

Kyle: Wow, your father sounds really mad.

Erica: You know how he gets… Anyway, I don’t want you to go.

Kyle: Would you run away with me?

Erica: Baby, you know I would. I would do anything for you, but I can’t… You don’t know what would happen if I did. My dad would kill me!

Kyle: Its okay… I guess… I understand…

Erica: I can’t believe what’s going on.

Kyle: I need to give you something tonight because I am leaving on Flight 180 in the morning. I need to see you now.

Erica: Ok, I’ll sneak out and meet you at the park.

Kyle: Great. Meet you there in twenty minutes.

The young lovers met each other at a nearby park. When Erica laid eyes on Kyle, she rushed over and gave him a big hug. He squeezed her tightly and kissed her on the cheek.

“Here you go,” he said, handing her a note. “This is for you. I’ve got to go.”

Erica was speechless and began to cry. Kyle tried to comfort her.

“Baby, don’t cry,” he said, soothingly. “You know I love you. But I have to go.”

“Okay,” replied Erica sadly and they both walked away.

When she got home, Erica took out the note Kyle had given to her and began reading it.


You probably already know that I’m leaving. I knew it would be better if I wrote you a letter explaining the truth about how much I care about you.

The truth is, is that I never loved you. I hate you so much. Don’t you ever forget that, Bitch. I never cared about you and never wanted to talk to you or be around you all the time. You really have no clue how much I really hate you. Now that I am leaving, I thought you should know that I hate you with every ounce of my being, Bitch. You were never good to me and you were never there for me when I needed you.

I didn’t think I could ever hate someone as much as I hate you right now. I never want to see you again. For the rest of my life, I will never miss kissing you. I will never want to cuddle up like how we used to. I will never miss you and that is a promise. You never had my love, and I want you to remember that. You better keep this letter because this may be the last thing you have from me, Bitch. I hate you so much. I never want you to contact me… Goodbye.


Erica was so shocked that she broke down crying and threw the letter into the garbage. Her heart ached and it felt as if it would never stop hurting. She just wanted to die.

The next day, Erica was still sad, depressed and lonely. She got a phone call from her best friend.

Friend: How are you feeling?

Erica: I still can’t believe this happened. I thought he loved me.

Friend: Oh, with regards to that letter. Kyle left me a message last night. He told me to tell you to look in your jacket pocket or something…

Erica: Umm… Okay. Hold on.

Searching through the pockets of her jacket, Erica found a small, crumpled piece of paper. It read:

“Baby, I hope you find this before you read my letter. I was afraid your dad might find it and read it, so I switched a few words… Here’s the code: Hate = Love, Never = Always, Bitch = Baby. I hope you didn’t take that seriously because I love you with all my heart and it was so hard to let you go. That’s why I wanted you to run away with me… Love, Kyle.”

Overjoyed, she picked up the phone.

Erica: Oh my God! It was all a big misunderstanding. His note was just a coded love letter! Kyle really does love me! He must have slipped the note into my pocket when he hugged me in the park. I can’t believe how stupid I’ve been!

Friend: LOL! OK, I’m happy for you, but I’ve got to go. Call me later.

Erica: Bye. I’ll be here waiting for my baby to call me!

After hanging up the phone, Erica sat down on the sofa and turned on the TV. There was a breaking news flash.

“An airplane has just crashed. Over 47 young boys died and there were no survivors. This is a tragedy we will never forget. The plane that crashed is Flight 180. It was on its way to an all-boys boarding school…”

Erica stared at the TV, open-mouthed as the remote control fell from her hands. She couldn’t believe it. Kyle was dead and now, she had nothing left to live for. She began shaking and crying uncontrollably.

An hour later, with tears streaming down her face, Erica went out to the garage and fetched a can of gasoline. She stood in the middle of her front garden and poured the gasoline over her head, then lit a match. She went up like a human torch.

When her father came home from work, he discovered her charred remains in the driveway.

Later that day, her phone rang but there was nobody there to answer it. Someone left a message on the answering machine:

“Hi, Baby! It’s Kyle! I guess you’re not home. I just called to let you know that I’m alive. I missed my flight because I wanted to see you one last time. I hope you are not worried about me. Guess what? I had a talk with my dad and he said I don’t have to go to the boarding school after all. So, I am staying here for good. Isn’t that great?”

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