Scary For Kids

Turn Left

Turn Left is a scary story submitted by a user named xXPhantomFangWolfXx. It’s about a man who is driving home late at night when he encounters a strange little girl.

Turn Left

Turn Left

Heavy rain pelted against the window of Alec’s beat-up car as he squinted against the gloom that was being feebly illuminated by the aged headlights. Muttering curses, he gripped the steering wheel and fumed at the fact that his boss had forced him to work late hours, causing him to have to drive home in the rain at night.

He hating driving in the rain. It only made the challenging drive along the narrow mountain road even more treacherous, but he’d done it before. And he’d do it again.

Suddenly Alec saw something that brought his car to a screeching stop on the slick road. There was a little girl, unusally pale and highlighted by the highbeams of the car, standing on the side of the road, just outside of the car lane. Overcoming his shock, he wheeled his car gently forward, rolling down his window to talk to the child.

“Hey! You gave me quite a shock! What are you doing out here in the middle of nowhere all by yourself?” Alec asked, trying to sound more cheery and good-natured than he felt.

“Waiting,” the girl replied, her voice low, and for an unidentifyable reason, slightly creepy.

“Waiting? For what?” Alec asked, confused.

“The bus,” she replied simply, as Alec leaned out the window and turned his gaze upward to realize that there was, in fact, a weather-beaten bus stop sign just a few feet from the girl. It was almost illegible due to rust and the paint peeling.

“I don’t think the bus runs here anymore. Do you live far from here? I could give you a ride,” Alec suggested.

The girl nodded, and wordlessly opened the door and climbed into the passenger seat. Alec started the car. They drove in silence for a few miles, when suddenly the girl broke the uncomfortable quiet.

“We’re not far from where I live now.”

Alec looked around.

“Are you sure? There aren’t any road signs or landmarks or stuff…” he trailed off.

“I’m sure,” she replied.

A few minutes later, after more silence, the girl spoke again.

“My stop is just ahead,” she said quietly.

“If you say so,” Alec muttered, uncertain as to whether or not they were going the right way.

Suddenly a bend in the road, leading to the right came into view in the distance.

“Turn left. My stop is to the left,” said the girl. Alec looked at her strangely.

“Kid, I don’t think you know your directions,” Alec said, eyeing the girl. “That turn goes to the right.”

“I know that. Turn left,” the girl said, a slightly angry tone creeping into her voice.

Alec turned his head fully towards her.

“I’m not turning left! Sorry, but you can’t possibly live down there, it’s nothing but a ravine!” Alec snapped.

The girl snapped her head around to face Alec, her face contorted in anger, and her previously ice-blue eyes were now a haunted purple.

“I said, TURN LEFT!” she screamed.

Suddenly, the steering wheel was wrenched out of Alec’s hands, sending the car careening through the guard rail and over the edge of the cliff.

As Alec lay dying in the mangled wreckage, he saw a second car at the bottom of the ravine. The bodies of a young girl and her parents were inside.

scary for kids


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  • @ xXPhantomFangWolfXx
    I want to be an author too!
    And btw I <3 ASDF movies. Sort of.

  • I love ASDF movies! ” I got you a pie” Oh boy, what flavour? “Pie flavour…..” neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeww dum dun dum dun dum dun

  • Reddie, I would be happy to share writing tips with you.
    Here are a few I stick by:
    If you are writing a story that you want to be scary, in my opinion it is best to end with a line that sends a shiver down your spine. Something with either a sense of grim finality to it, or that gives you the feeling that it isn’t over.
    Another thing that helps writing is well-structured sentences. Make sure that they’re filling, and leave you wanting to keep reading.
    Also, make sure that you use plenty of descriptive words, but not so many that it’s all you focus on, because that can bore your reader and drag things out. Also, make sure not to try to cram to much description into a sentence, because that can cause run-on sentences.
    And lastly, if you want a mental excercise to improve writing, there is one that I use that is easy, simple, and can even be fun to try.
    Everytime something interesting or funny happens to me, I jot it down in my head like I would write it in a book, using plenty of descriptive wording, and then try to think how it would fit in a story.
    I’m no professional, but I hope these little pointers help you. :) I know they help me!

  • OKAY, EVERYONE. I HOPE USING CAPS GETS YOUR ATTENTION. Okay? Good. Alright, so, I’ve been hearing that this story is very similar to another story on another site, and I just wanted to make it known that I did not intend any similarity. I honestly though this was an original idea. I don’t plagarize, and I hope you can believe me when I say this. I did not intend for this to sound like any other story.

  • Mole.D.Cheese, that was such a sweet comment. I want to be an author when I grow up, and you have no idea how much that means to me. Thank you.

  • This kind of reminds me of that video on youtube about a ghost girl. I believe it took place in Sintra, Portugal. The video is in portuguese with English subtitles. Its about a group of friends i guess on a roadtrip, when they see a young woman at the side of the road. They ask her if she needs a lift & she says sure. They ask her where shes headed & she says straight. The camera when pointing at her face, gets blury. So after sometime she points & says you see that place, right there? & they all said yes, & she continued by saying thats where i had my accident, & died! Then they got into a car crash & police found the tape. It is said to be a real video, but deeper research.talks about it being a short film called “La Curva”. (the Curve)
    & instead of posting stories here, is there some sort of way to do it more like personal, like by email? Cause ya never know, what if a famous author is on here reading comments & decides to.steal a story idea?

  • @ ghost_biscuits You can’t actually post stories, you can just leave them here: and if SFK likes ’em, they will get posted. :) I actually have two of my stories posted, the other is called Liar Liar.

    @thelivingdeadgirl_kalyani Seeing the second car was possible because dying implies going to die, as in ‘in the process of dying’, not already dead. So sorry if that sounded at all rude. That was not at all how I intended it.

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