Scary For Kids

Ugly Baby

The Ugly Baby is a Mexican urban legend about a hideous child that is born in a small hospital, one terrible night.

Ugly Baby

According to the legend, this all happened a few years ago, in a small hospital in the city of Chihuahua, Mexico.

It was a rainy Monday night in March, when a pregnant woman staggered into the hospital’s emergency room. She had fallen down the stairs at her home. The poor woman was in great pain and her condition was very serious. She was bleeding internally and the doctors had to operate immediately.

The woman knew she was dying, but she wanted to save her child. The doctors had to perform a cesarean section. As the poor mother died on the operating table, they cut her stomach open. When the surgeon reached in and took out the baby, he discovered that it was dead too.

It was the most ugly baby he had ever seen. Its skin was a sickly greyish-purple and its head was mishapen and deformed. The baby’s face was hideously shriveled and wrinkled, like an old man.

A nurse quickly took the child and brought it into another room, where she placed it in a crib. The baby was so ugly that all of the nurses in the hospital nurses could not stop talking about how horrible it was. They each took a few minutes to go into the room and see it for themselves.

Two nurses went in together to view the grotesque and malformed baby. As they stared down at it, the nurses were overcome by a sense of revulsion. They couldn’t bear to look at it.

“My God,” said one nurse. “It’s so… UGLY!”

“It’s better that it didn’t survive,” said the other.

Suddenly, the ugly baby’s eyes flickered open and it’s mouth began to move. From deep within its throat a low glutteral moan escaped.

In a hoarse voice that filled them with terror, it said, “I may be ugly, but more ugly still is what will happen to both of you on Thursday at 3PM.”

With that, the baby closed its eyes and lay still. The two nurses came running out of the room. They were screaming and crying hysterically. Their colleagues had to give them medication to help calm them down.

When they were able to recount what had happened, nobody would believe them. One doctor examined the child again, checking its vital signs. He confirmed that the ugly baby had been dead when it came out of its mother’s stomach.

The two nurses were shaking and trembling. They spent two days off sick from work with their nerves. The hospital psychiatrist tried to tell them that it must have been their imagination. A collective psychosis, he said.

The next day, the two nurses returned to work. Hours later, they died in a freak accident. A gas storage tank blew up and both of them were killed in the explosion.

The accident occurred on a Thursday at three o’clock in the afternoon, just as the ugly baby had predicted.

scary for kids


  • first of all they need to stfu second of all don’t call a baby ugly 3rd of all (LAST ONE) shut up when that ugly nurse bitch probably got moles everywhere maybe even on her ass

  • Okay, first of all people,


    Second of all,


    Third of all….


  • reminds me of beverly hills chihuahuas lol
    @ dead girl Xxx I know right a dead baby talking is just really bizarre

  • Actually, Chihuahua does exist. How else would there have been a dog named after it? Chihuahuas are a Mexican breed anyway.

  • @Banana phone(My brother) Yeah haha! Dw it isn’t real for sure! And Chihuahua doesnt exist

  • @ Banana phone
    my question too.. its too impossible isnt it? i mean, a dead baby talking? maybe this is just a legend xD
    Oh weird story by the way and i havent heard of a city called Chihuahua :O

  • Is this real or a legend? I am just confused because it said this legend happened a few daays ago I am puzzled
    but the story was so scary I am not going to operate on a pregnant woman who fell down the stairs ever!

  • i bet the city is called chihuahua because there are lots of chihuahuas there .and papi from beverly hills chihuahua was there XD

  • i feel sorry for the mom and the baby,i dont feel sorry for those two nurses though.

  • The Death Power(sorry i couldn’t comeup with a better title)
    It’s five minutes to midnight, and I’m on an express train on the outskirts of Tokyo. It’s just me and a few other people, and then this one guy gets on. When he gets in, he looks around and suddenly has this terrified expression on his face as the doors close behind him.
    He walks up to a woman, “Excuse me ma’am, are you 28?”
    “That’s exactly right,” the woman says. “How could you tell?”
    He ignores her and turns to the man next to me, “And you, you’re 45?”
    “Why yes, that’s right.”
    He looks to me, “And you’re 35.”
    “That’s correct. But how do you know?”
    “And you miss, you’re 50?”
    “Yes that’s right. But I’ll be turning 51 tomorrow, in five minutes.”
    When she says this the man goes white as a sheet.
    “I have a special power: I can see how long each of you is going to live.”

  • ok this story was a bit weird, and seriously…there’s a city named Chihuahua?

  • oh that is so lumping sad all kids should be loved because all kids are beautiful in the inside 👼

  • My mum had cesaerean (siz-air-rian) with my brother in 2007. Luckily there still both alive. My brother is now five years old. When he was being born, the cords got stuck around hes neck, but he still lived!

  • Discrimanator nurses. LOLOLOLOLOLOL. Hey gals/guys! I’m from PHL. :) Our school year starts at June. So uuummmmmm…. aaaahhhhh… ummmmm… eeeehhhh… So agh, yeah ummm TOMORROW IS OUR…….!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mmmmmmmm—-MASTERY TESSSTTTT!!!!!! ^ω^ Please hope me all the luck! <3 I'd really appreciate it. Thank ya fellas! Mutss lüv!

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