Scary urban legends, myths and true ghost stories to read online. Tell these scary stories and horror tales around the campfire, at bedtime or on Halloween night. Check out dark and terrifying myths and legends from all over the world, including Japanese, Mexican, Korean and Chinese. Read them and decide whether they are true or false, real or fake.

What about the 6th clinic? Its a hospital where you can gain anything but you age quickly then you die
Why Can’t We Read 13th Floor?
Guys I really wanna read purple mirror but I’m really scared because it says if you remember this phrase when your 20 years old you will die. I have a great memory of scary things for some reason. So has anyone read it when they were a child and now they’re 20 years old and they didn’t die?
Eight ft tall is creeping me out so much and so is teke teke and Kashima reiiko
Did you know if you go into the bathroom at 3:00am, put your finger on the mirror and say “Bloody Mary” three times, your mom will tell you to shut up and go to bed?
The Korean ones are the creepiest
im scared already
SFK you should make stories like “Bloody Mary”. I love your stories! (Some are not even enough to scare a little kid though :P). Bring in more scary stories! :3
its weird 13 is like lucky number for me…I must be evil then XD
It’s a house in Philadelphia. Each floor is scarier than the last. You pay and sign a waiver to get in. If you make it to the 13th floor, you could get a full refund, an extravagant prize, or you are trapped there. The stories vary. But very few have made it to the 13th floor, and those that have come back can’t even talk about it with out suffering a mental breakdown. Even more alarming, no one knows where this building is! It doesn’t exist. Yet, people somehow visit it every year.
Honestly, there is a two story house in my neighborhood that freaks me out. Why would I want to find this place? But it was interesting to find all this info on the 13th floor legend.
Is the 13 floor doesn’t exist here? I’m waiting…
all scary !!!
creepy and interesting stories
Read all of them a long while ago. Carmen Winstead was one of my faves. Can you post new Korean urban legends?
Some stupid kid @ my school decided to tell these stories to the little grade 1s going there.Poor Kids were traumatized
wow i love these stories, it creeps me out lol
Read them all. Loved “The Boyfriend” :)
Kuchisake-onna – My favorite of the Japanese urban legends.
I like the Mexican urban legends.
Just made an account after reading this awesome site for 3 years :) keeps gettin scarier:-)