Scary urban legends, myths and true ghost stories to read online. Tell these scary stories and horror tales around the campfire, at bedtime or on Halloween night. Check out dark and terrifying myths and legends from all over the world, including Japanese, Mexican, Korean and Chinese. Read them and decide whether they are true or false, real or fake.

These legends are so awesome! Can’t wait for more stories!!!!!!!
Poor Bloody Mary, she’s a nice girl, she just needs friends. Do you pity Carmen Winstead? Then you should be against all bullies. Her classmates were bad so don’t do that to your classmates be nice even if shes new thats the lesson you learned :)
Clown statue was one of my favs
I didn’t even read them yet pics are too scary I know some of them tho
I’m never going to have a Japanese boyfriend to risky
SFK why are you so awesome? P.S. could you start posting more Japanese and Korean legends!? They’re the scariest!
why do Japanese legends have to be scary!!
I knew all the legends from Urban Legend thanks to this site. :)
Some people believe that that this is true, but some are fake. :I
yes im with you ‘horror_obessed’. some stories may seem inapropriate but i belive this site knows whats right for ‘their’ ‘readers or viewers’! yes kimberly i agree with you!!!!! i was the ‘slit mouthed woman’ for halloween!!! and i scared ALOT of my peers! :D
Does anybody else think sfk should post mexican urban legends on here too I mean come on is anybody with me ?
these urban legends are Awesome but i love the japanese legends kinda better though i wish sfk would ad some more japanese legends like The Slit Mouth Woman. :D SFK is the best site ever!!!
Slit Mouth Woman (Kuchisake-onna) is one of my top favorites.
Did you know? Some of the stories on this site are actually cursed and have bad effects.
OMG the photos are freaking scary />.<\
@SFK I love the urban legends!! I’ve read every urban legend on this site!! Please can you add more!?
I love urban legends especially the myth ones and the jappenese
The Pictures are enough for sombody to poop there pants
The Nurse is creepy
tee-hee tee-hee i love it tee-hee tee-hee >:D
After about 5 years ive decided to make an account!
i love this site and i love the pace your going
keep up the good work!
Love the website! But it needs more Sci-Fi stories. You know, creepy viruses, alien invasions/abductions that sort of thing. Not just monsters or unrealistic versions of these types. It would be pretty cool to get an alien-ghost story on this website. You know, as long as they’re original and not so cliche.
*Zombie stories don’t count*
@death-chick you should try “video camera”
Need more stories on here.
Not scary… can someone help me find a really scary one?? :) <3