Scary For Kids


  • For all the people who think that Scary For Kids (even scarier for adults) is rubbish and not scary, DONT read them. Personally, I like Scary For Kids, but I just think that the people who don’t like it, continually read them.

    — Chloe

  • The thing in the photo at the top kinda looks like baymax from big hero 6. It’s super KAWAII!!!!!!

  • The pop rocks one is impossible you dont explode. Worst case scenario you throw up

  • In my opinion I think tht that pop rocks and soda one isnt true but something like that could happen like say if you drank some sort of chemical that after it would react severly to pop if you drink it but you didnt kno it.. you could explode… especially if it’s made out of explosive material.

  • If you ever find yourself in Mt. Hope, Alabama, be sure to visit Henry Hill. Henry was driving home late one night when his car broke down in the dip between two hills. He got out to take a look at the engine when another car came over one of the hills and hit him. If you park in that dip, put your car into neutral. It will drift up one of the hills. It doesn’t matter which way you’re facing, it always goes up the same hill. I can honestly say that I’ve tried it and it really did work. The legend says it’s Henry trying to push you up so other drivers can see you better. It’s even better because Mt. Hope is one of those back-water, miles between houses sort of towns where you’d expect to hear chainsaws in the distance.

  • Lol the picture of the man at the top, i saw hus videos a few days ago on youtube and there so funny. He alwaYs falls down the stairs

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