Scary For Kids

Waverly Hills

Waverly Hills Sanatorium in Louisville, Kentucky is said to be one of the scariest places on earth. It is an abandoned hospital that is haunted by ghosts and shadow people and was investigated by Ghost Hunters and Most Haunted.

Waverly Hills

In 1900, Louisville, Kentucky had the highest tuberculosis death rate in the country. Hospitals were needed to care for the sick so, in 1926, Waverly Hills was constructed. It was considered to be the most advanced tuberculosis hospital in the country.

Treatment of the disease in those days was primitive at best, meaning that many people simply came to Waverly Hills to die. Records have been lost, but it is estimated that tens of thousands died at Waverly. At the height of the tuberculosis epidemic, it is reported that one patient an hour died.

Waverly Hills

Room 502 in Waverly Hills Sanatorium has a scary reputation. In 1928, the head nurse was found dead in Room 502. She had hanged herself from the light fixture in a fit of depression. She was 29 years-old at the time, unmarried and pregnant. It is unknown just how long she may have been left hanging in this room before her body was finally discovered. They say that the mental patients continued to walk around, ignoring her hanging body until the next nurse showed up for duty.

In 1932, another nurse who worked in room 502 jumped from the balcony of the roof that leads from the room and was killed when
she landed with a splat on the ground, several stories below.

Waverly Hills Sanatorium

The Death Tunnel or Body Chute is a 500 foot long tunnel that leads from the hospital to the railroad tracks at the bottom of the hill. Originally, it was built to transport produce to the hospital. However, as the deaths continued to rise, the staff began using the Death Tunnel to transport the bodies of the dead so that the other patients would not see how many corpses were leaving the hospital.

Stories of ghosts at Waverly continued to surface, and amazingly, most of them are akin to what others have experienced. Many have seen a little boy playing with his ball on the third floor, many people have witnessed “shadow people,” and there has been a report of a woman running from the building with chains on bleeding from the wrists shrieking, “Help me! Somebody save me!”

scary for kids


  • Construction on this building began in 1908, and opened for business on July 26, 1910, rather than 1926 as the article says.

  • @Cassydi and @Terrorteller, I think you are right! I refreshed the page and the picture looked as if it had zoomed in slightly on the ghost. I think they just programmed the website to do that. It is possible.

  • Pretty sad ( ´Д`)y━・~~ But somehow it looks like when i refresh the page the ghost at door in last pic comes closer to my screen (._.) I mean, the (wo)man that made the picture eh, it looks like everytime i refresh the page the pic is taken more closely to the ghost, to be exact. And 2nd pic i saw something ‘slowly’ move to. So @Terrorteller is right. Maybe our eyes are playing tricks on us, or the pic is like a gif, but everything moves slowwwwww…….But ill stick with the 1st one..

  • so the little boy ghost must of died from tuberculosis too? wow that’s sad ;__;

  • this makes me upset i love haunted places and mysteries,before i was born but it considered a waste….all those documents,hmmm….history lost):

  • Really sad, poor nurse :'( i love ghosts there just peoples theres one in my house called mark i whisper to him at night

  • HO!!WOAH WOAH WOAH!!!!!!!!!I read this a couple months ago on the site,and only now do I see the lady standing near the door!Also,I’m brushing this off,but only slightly,I pretty sure I saw something move on the second picture near the door.Creepy,but it was most likely my eyes playing tricks.

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