Scary For Kids


The Webcam is a scary chain e-mail about a young girl who is having a conversation with her mother over the internet, when she happens to spot something strange in the video image.


A 17-year old girl went on the internet and found that her mother was also online. She decided to start a quick conversation with her mom. They were typing back and forth. It was a conversation that would forever scar the girl.

Mom: Hey sweetheart! Are you having a nice time at your Dad’s house?

Girl: Yeah, it’s pretty cool… You know… considering he’s not here! Hehe

Mom: Oh really? Where is he?

Girl: He left a note saying he was going to the store or something like that. Hey, you have a webcam now, don’t you!

Mom: Sure do. Kenny bought it for me!

Girl: Cool! Try it out!

Mom: Alrighty…

Girl: Oh god mom! What are you wearing?!

Mom: New jammies, you like?

Girl: No way! Those are so out of style!

Mom: Aww… Oh well-

Girl: Hey mom… Is Kenny there with you?

Mom: No, why?

Girl: ….Mom….Don’t move… just stay calm.. there’s someone in the doorway behind you…

Mom: Don’t scare me!

Girl: I’m not kidding… look in the reflection of the monitor… then slowly grab the phone and call 911….

Before her mother was able to reach the phone an ice pick was stabbed into the back of her neck and yanked all the way across. That’s the last image the girl ever saw of her mother. Blood from her mother’s throat splashed all over the camera. The only thing visible were shadows.

She saw this person tear her mother limb from limb… All she could do was watch in horror as this shadow killed the only person she loved.

Now that you know this information, that same shadow will be standing behind you in 5 minutes, ready to kill you unless you spread the link to different people. I suggest you hurry…

scary for kids


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    you could have
    A. called 911
    B. laughed at the killer
    C. cursed at the killer
    E. anoyed the heck out of him.
    F. Do I really need to finish?

    You can…
    A: Call 911.
    B: curse at the killer.
    C: make fun of the killer.

  • My mom is still alive.

    5 minutes later . . .

    I think I had better check on my mom. At least I sent the links.

  • She just watched huh? Is it one of those times you just can’t look away? Well there go her new pajamas….they were outdated anyways. Haha sorry jk I just couldn’t help myself ..nice story.

  • *5 minutes later* Shadow, where are you? Huh? I thought we would be best buddies… *sad song playing* *sheds a single tear* *looks down and wails like a retarded whale* I have no friends…

  • (this is true)

    *5 minutes later* *the lights start blinking* OH GOD OH GOD I SHOULD HAVE DONE WHAT IT SAID TO DO!!!!

  • LOL.
    5 minutes later:

    *I turn around* WHERE ARE YOU, shadow? I was looking forward to meeting you! I thought we were best buddies, but now we’re not…I wish you would tell me WHY??? (It sounds best when you sing it with Frozen’s Do You Wanna Build A Snowman song…) You always followed me around, like a stalker. Do you wanna follow me around? Well now you CAN’T because the wall is my best buddy now! You are my best buddy aren’t you, wall? *pats the wall that i’m leaning on*

  • Oh yeah.. & that shadow is the father remember shes home alone her fathers gone OwO LOL I TOTALLY FIGURED IT OUT ITS THE FATHER!

  • Im in a house full of people so that shadow will never get me ~
    *slowly looks at the door and sees a shadow*
    Oh god…
    *opens the door* AHH!! GOD!

  • i looked behind me and saw my fish tank open and my little siste munching on a apple. im babysitting my little sis so same thing as hom alone

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