Scary For Kids
Well to Hell

Well to Hell

The Well to Hell is an urban myth about a team of scientists in Siberia who drilled a hole so deep that it broke through to hell. The story first appeared as an article in a Finnish newspaper.

Well to Hell

According to the legend, some years ago, a Russian scientific team were working on a geological drilling project in Siberia. They had managed to drill a hole over 14.5 km depth deep in the crust of the earth, when the drill bit suddenly began to rotate wildly.

According to the story, the geologists were dumbfounded. They couldn’t understand what they had come across. Some members of the team thought they might have reached the deep center of the earth and it was hollow. Others believed that they had just come across a deep, underground cave.

The geologists felt a blast of searing heat gush out of the hole and thought they heard faint sounds emanating from the well. They raised the drill and lowered temperature gauges to measure the heat at the bottom of the hole.

They got a huge surprise. The temperature they discovered was far higher than they had expected. By their calculations, the temperature at the bottom would have to be about 1,100 degrees Celsius (over 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit).

They were shocked. It just didn’t seem possible. Some of the scientists were too afraid to continue with the project.

The most shocking thing was what they found next. They lowered a special microphone into the hole that was designed to withstand the heat. What they heard turned the remaining scientists into nervous wrecks.

It was a weak, but high-pitched sound. At first, they thought it was coming from their own equipment, but after some adjustments they realized it was actually coming from the earth’s interior.

They could hardly believe their own ears.

The scientists heard human voices, screaming in pain. It sounded like thousands, perhaps millions, of suffering souls crying and shrieking in unending torture.

The horrified scientists had stumbled across a gateway to HELL!

After this ghastly discovery, about half of the remaining scientists quit their jobs and left. They were just to terrified to go on, fearing that they had accidentally let loose the evil powers of hell upon the earth’s surface. They hoped and prayed that whatever was down there would stay down there…

It’s a great story, but unfortunately it isn’t true. In 1989, Russian scientists working in the Kola Peninsula did manage to drill a hole that was 8 miles deep. They encountered some interesting geological formations, but nothing supernatural. The story was made up by a Christian group in Finland and published in the letters page of a newspaper.

scary for kids


  • I believe all animals go to heaven. They DO have souls. They care, they love, they feel. Haven’t you seen or heard about the lion that killed a monkey mother then felt sorry for the baby and took care of it? Ducks take care of orphaned eggs an babies too!

  • Animals do not go to heaven nor hell, despite what some want to believe. They do not know
    differences between good and evil, only their natural born instinct. Animals are here to fulfill their duties as one of God’s creatures, and were not designed to live forever, proving my point that animals don’t go to heaven. As an old friend of mine used to say, were animals the ones who ate the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge? No. Henceforth they experience no sin or eternal soul.

  • So it seems God doesn’t care about animals at all, cause he created below humans and that must that all animals are destined to go to hell.

  • @Normandy yes they are below us however no one would ever know if they can communicate with god or have eternal souls ps not all humans go to heaven some go to hell pps maybe through a well :D

  • Please do not assume percentages just because you disagree with me. Just because an animal is living and breathing does not guarantee that they posses a soul. In fact, animals were created below humans, and unlike us they do not have an eternal soul, which allows us to enter into heaven. Man is aware of sin and forgiveness, and can communicate with God. Animals and plants don’t think like us and don’t hold the same spiritual capacity as man.

  • @normandy um im 90% sure that cats DO have souls cuz they feel i and are alive i think things like plants dont have souls

  • I agree with the theory of humans not being able to hear the screams of the tortured. Animals, especially cats can likely only hear the screams of hell since they don’t have souls and aren’t going to heaven.

  • @ xx_Layla_xx12 – my younger brother loves that show. I haven’t watched it with him yet though.

    There are actually certain places on Earth that are said to be ‘Gateways to Hell’- The picture used is called ‘Darvasa’ in Turkmenistan, or ‘Burning Gates’. It’s a deep cavern filled with natural gas that locals set on fire to keep it from essentially destroying everything around it. I think there are also a handful of places elsewhere that claim to have a gate to Hell (some in the States I believe like New Jersey and Pennsylvania- correct me if I’m wrong). Interesting story though! Wouldn’t be surprised if it was published- I doubt it would fly too well where I live though, but still an interesting little blipit

  • I wish that this wasn’t a lie! It would be so awesome to have someone unleash total annihlation on the Earth and for you to save it! Just think of it like this(read this in a hillbilly like old man voice):-
    It all began a few years ago…… They did it. Found it and got us in a bit of trouble. Them demons came after us good people….. A whole lot of em died…….. But now, we are on the verge of winning. Them demons dont stand a chance against us. They dont know us rednecks. We daggone and started to kill em. Now they run. So let em run back to hell!!! Get them chainsaws ready boy! Its time to get out there again. YEHHAWWW!!

  • That’s kinda creepy. It’s said that humans can’t hear the sounds of the tortured people in their graves because it’s mercy from God. Other animals like cats can though.

  • HAHAHAHAHA^ you make me laugh ahaha okay. ANYWAYS, wouldn’t it be a good thing if it wasn’t real? Why would it be good to let hell loose on earth..

  • I hate when people say “Sorry, but FIRSTTTT!!!”. Don’t be sorry, just don’t do it at all.

  • XxDeathBoltxX LOL I do! Some of them actually comment “FIRST! Okay better go read the story now.” Honey, it’s like you’re asking me to virtually slap you.

  • Anyone get the feeling that SFK is just full of stalkers who want to post 1st 2nd etc?
    I do

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