Scary For Kids
White String

White String

The White String is a strange urban legend from Japan about ear piercing. During the 1980s, this legend was popular in japan and a lot of kids were afraid to get their ears pierced because they believed the legend was true.

White String

A young girl desperately wanted to get her ears pierced. Her parents said she was too young, but she pleaded with them, saying that all the other girls in her class had pierced ears. Eventually, her parents relented and agreed to let her do it. They gave her some money and told her to go the the local mall and get her ears pierced in a jewelery store.

Instead, the girl decided to keep the money and do the piercing herself. She got her best friend to help her do it. They heated up a large needle and stuck it through both of the girl’s earlobes. It was quite painful, but in the end, her ears were pierced and she was delighted to be able to wear earrings.

However, a few days later, the girl was in school when she began to feel a pain in her left ear. Her earlobe was extremely itchy. During break time she went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. Her earlobe was red and inflamed. She began scratching at it.

When she looked closely, she saw what looked like the end of a piece of white string sticking out of the hole in her earlobe. Thinking it was very strange, she started picking and pulling at it. After a few minutes, there was a long piece of white string hanging out of her piercced earlobe. There didn’t seem to be any end to it.

Finally, she got a pair of scissors and cut the string.

Suddenly, everything went black. She couldn’t see.

She was rushed to the emergency room of the local hospital where a doctor examined her. When she told the doctor what had happened, he was shocked.

“I’m sorry, you will be blind for the rest of your life”, he said. “That wasn’t white string. That was your optic nerve.”

scary for kids


  • Creepy >_< I have 5 piercings in my ears… but still this is impossible and can never be true :P

  • I got my lip pierced.So what am I gonna pull out from there-Meh tongue?

    God I sound stupid.-.

  • I first got my ears peirced when I was about 6 months. Whilst I was reading this I was fiddling with my Disco Ball earrings and when I read the last sentence, I felt some sort of string thingy. I ran to the mirror but it actually was some string from my school project.

  • 1: if your ears were pierced near your optic nerve, you would probably go blind immediately.
    2: your optic nerve runs from your eyes to your brain
    3: There are barely any nerve endings in your earlobe anyway (trust me i have pierced ears)
    4: somebody’s mom probably made it up so her kid wouldn’t go get them done

  • I read this like last summer when it was first posted on this website I just didnt have time to write a comment but its gross

  • I agree with iwannascared101, how is your optic nerve connected to your earlobe?

  • the story scared me until the end
    then im like few not that scary
    i dont think that will ever happen to me

  • dont wanna be a spoil sport but your optic nerve goes from the back of your eye ball strait to your brain nowhere near you mums a nurse.i know these things

  • i once got my ears pierced when i was about 8 years old. i once put these ear rings in and my ear started turning red and getting itchy and it felt like it was burning, luckily it was just infected and it would heal after a couple days. but i never want to get my ears pierced again. great story:)

  • This story creeped the shit out of me…
    Luckily I don’t have pierced ears, so I’m safe! Hahaha :)

  • Well.. everytime I had my ear inflamed, nothing ever happened. But the story is great. and scary xD

  • Ohmygosh, I just got a second hole in my ear, and it’s itchy and red and inflamed! But we took the earring out and it was just a little infected. Or was it? o.O Great story too. x3

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