Scary For Kids

Yellow House

The Yellow House is a scary true ghost story about a haunted house named “la Casa Matusita” in Lima, Peru. This is the most famous urban legend in Peru.

Yellow House

There is a strange, bright yellow house in Lima, Peru that is said to be cursed. The name of the house is “La Casa Matusita” and according to legend, a group of people met a grisly end on the 2nd floor of the old building.

Many years ago an old man lived in the yellow house. He had wife or children and lived with his servants, a butler and a cook. The man occupied the 2nd floor of the yellow house and his servants lived on the ground floor.

The man was ill-tempered and treated his servants very badly, constantly mistreating and insulting them. The servants were filled with hatred for the man and vowed to someday get their revenge. They came up with a plan to publicly embarrass their employer.

One day, the old man was holding a dinner party. When his guests arrived and were seated in the dining room, the servants decided to take their revenge. They had obtained illegal hallucinogenic drugs (LSD) and put them in the food they were serving to the man and his guests.

Then the servants walked out, quietly locking the dining room door behind them. They retired to the kitchen to await the results of their plan. After about 15 minutes, they heard angry voices and the sound of plates smashing. They chuckled to themselves. This was followed by violent yells and blood-curdling screams. The servants began to get worried.

After the noises had died down, the butler and the cook opened the door of the dining room and were horrified by the gruesome scene they discovered inside. The walls and ceiling were splattered with blood. On the floor lay mangled bodies and body parts – eyes, hands, internal organs, severed heads. The faces of the guests were twisted masks of hate and terror.

Each and every guest at the dinner party, including the old man, had met a brutal and terrifying end. Driven insane by the hallucinogenic drugs, the guests had murdered each other in the most appalling ways imaginable.

The sight of so much savagery caused the servants to lose their minds. Horrified by the massacre they had caused and fearing they would be executed by the law, the servants took their own lives, hanging themselves from the ceiling of the dining room.

Ever since then, the yellow house in Peru had a reputation for being haunted. Most people were afraid to go near the place. It is said that the house began to fall to ruin until it was purchased years later by a property developer.

Later, a Japanese family moved into the house. They were completely unaware of the history of the old building and of its fearsome reputation. The night they moved in, the husband took a knife and murdered his entire family before killing himself.

After that, the house lay vacant for many years until a local priest was asked to perform an exorcism there. The owners wanted the house to be cleansed so that it could be sold. The priest entered the first floor with no problem. It was when he set foot on the second floor had a panic attack that resulted in his death.

Another of the best known cases is that of Humberto Vera Vilchez, aIn the 1960s, a television host made a bet live on air, saying that he would be able to spend seven nights alone inside the house. He managed to stay one night, and the next morning, he was found lying outside on the pavement. He had lost his mind and had to be confined to a mental asylum. He was never heard from again.

It is said that from time to time, ghostly screams and yells can be heard coming from La Casa Matusita. Some people have even seen ghostly figures lurking in the 2nd floor windows. Today, the 1st floor of the yellow house is rented out to a business. The 2nd floor is kept unoccupied and securely locked. According to legend, if a group of people goes to stay the night on the 2nd floor of the yellow house, they will go insane during the night and slaughter each other, re-enacting the terrible events that happened there years before.

scary for kids


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  • Poor Japanese family, they didn’t deserve to die .-. By the way, does anyone know the yellow house’s direction in Lima? The day I go to Peru i would like to pass by it and see >__>

  • Ayone who would dare to go in there is a total wacko….. where is it again? :)


  • Concerning the Japanese family, I read somewhere that it happened because the father had a gambling problem. He gambled away and lost all his money. Which is why he snapped.

  • Yellow doesn’t look like a scary color for me… o.o
    But nice story, creepy too… I wish i cud visit 3:) 3:)

  • Yellow doesn’t look like a scary color for me… o.o
    But nice story, creepy too… I wish i cud visit 3:)

  • I just found out that my friend Samantha when ever we do something spiritual like this games called jack jack pull my hands up or when she closes her eyes and puts her head backwards then when she opens her eyes she sees ghosts,she gets mad at her friends and hits us after awhile she drank water and she was normal.I even did a test two times! First we did a spiritual thing then she was mad.after that she drank water and she was k again! Could someone tell me what is happening to my friend?!

  • My friend smantha closed her eyes then she was all mean and said she hated me then after a few minutes she went back to normal and said she didn’t remember anything. Like if she wAs possessed almost like the house.

  • @scream XD
    It’s probably yellow to make it seem less creepy and more welcoming – just for a sense of irony, like a cute little house on the outside with a living Hell on the inside.
    Kinda like Serial Killers, some look completely normal in appearance, and are actually complete psychos, my point is that it’s supposed to look more welcoming to disguise it’s horrifying past.

  • why yellow!!!!
    couldnt it just beh purple or black or blue why that nasty color? huh? huh?!

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