Scary For Kids

Your Story

This is the part of the Website where you get to tell me your scary stories. If you have a really good scary tale swirling around in your brain, you can post it in the comments section on this page. I will read it and, if it’s really good, you will have the honor of seeing it will be posted right here on this page.

Your Story

Before you tell us your story, here are a few rules you should follow:
1. Make sure the story is scary. (Who would want to read a story that isn’t scary?).
2. Make sure your story is good. (No lame stories, please).
3. Make sure your story REALLY is good. (I can’t search through 100 bad stories to find 1 good story).
4. Don’t post a bad story. (Please, I am begging you!)
4. Try to use proper spelling and grammar. (Or elze it wil bee hard 2 reed).
5. Don’t spam your story on other pages. Just post it here. I will see it.
6. If your story doesn’t get accepted, please don’t be angry or offended.
7. By submitting your story, you agree that you are giving Scaryforkids permission and rights to display it on the Website.

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  • 2 sentence scary stories:

    1. The grinning face stared at me from the darkness beyond my bedroom window. I live on the 14th floor.

    2. There was a picture in my phone of me sleeping. I live alone

    3. I just saw my reflection blink.

    4. Working the night shift alone tonight. There is a face in the cellar staring at the security camera

    5. They delivered the mannequins in bubble wrap. From the main room I begin to hear popping.

    6. She asked why I was breathing so heavily. I wasn’t.

    7. You get home, tired after a long day’s work and ready for a relaxing night alone. You reach for the light switch, but another hand is already there.

    8. My daughter won’t stop crying and screaming in the middle of the night. I visit her grave and ask her to stop, but it doesn’t help.

    9. My wife woke me up last night to tell me there was an intruder in our house. She was murdered by an intruder 2 years ago

    10. The last man on Earth sat alone in a room. There was a knock at the door.

    Last one to make you laugh,
    11. I was stoned. And Taco Bell was closed.

  • My favourite stories on here are Red Hair, Looking For A Friend, The Hacker, Letterhead, Revenge Is Sweet, Kindness and How To Win A Girl’s Heart :p And pretty much every other story :-)

  • The Last Missed Call

    When I was 8 years old, my friends and I had gotten Iphones for Christmas. Our parents taught us not to answer numbers we didn’t know, but we soon regretted it years later.

    When my friends Jaycee, Allie, Alana, Brittany, and I were 15, we were giving a lot of people our number. When a new boy came to the school, my friends immediately gave him their number. ” I don’t think that was a good idea to give him ur number,” I said. “Relax Jessica, every thing will be OK,” said my friend Jaycee. A week later, Jaycee go a call from a blocked number while I was at her house. “Don’t answer it,” I thought, but Jaycee, the one that thinks every thing is OK because were older now, answers it.

    Jaycee: Hello

    Blocked: January 5, death comes upon you

    Jaycee: What?! Who is this.

    Blocked: 3:55, Steak knifes will repeatedly stab you to.

    Jaycee: What are you talking about? Are you a stalker.

    Blocked: You mother will find u dead, layed out upon her bed.

    Jaycee: You just some rymeing freak. I’m hanging up on you.

    “What did it say” I asked. ” Oh it was just some freak” said Jaycee.
    Then her phone began to ring again. It was the blocked number. “Don’t answer it Jaycee” I said. Then the ringing stopped and her phone vibrated.

    Blocked: You’ll regret giving me your number and you’ll regret not answering my call.

    Jaycee: Just leave me alone. I don’t know who you are. Leave me alone u stupid little freak.

    Blocked: You’ll regret it.

    ” Jessica I think you should leave. Like now. On January 5 Jaycee didn’t come to school. She might be sick and its Friday, she has cheer anyway. When the bell rang I got with my friends and then the same blocked number called Brittany.

    Brittany: Hhhheeeeeeelllllllloooo This is Brittany

    Blocked: Brittany, February 5 you’ll be just like your friend

    Brittany: I’m so sorry who is this

    Blocked: Blood curling screams with no one to defend

    Brittany: I think you have the wrong number bye.


    Brittany: Leave me alone


    Then the line cut off. Brittany is crying in tears. “Will y’all walk me home? Asked Brittany. Allie replied” of course what kinds of friends would we be if we didn’t. While Allie, Alana and I were at Brittany’s house trying to calm her down, I got a message from my mom to come home, so did Allie and Alana.

    A month later Jaycee still hasn’t come to school. I decided to skip class and go to her house and find out what was wrong. When I got to her house the front door was opened and there were red foot prints. I was already freaked out by just that but I don’t think any thing would scare me more than what I saw in her mothers bed room. I walked in the room and then I screamed. It was Jaycee, tied to her mothers bed and stabbed repeatedly in the heart and her stomach ripped open. I slammed against the wall crying and call in the cops. I told them what happens and what saw. After talking to the cops I call her mom and tell her to come home quick. I also called Allie, Brittany and Alana. I crawled over to Jaycees lifeless bloody body and hold her hand and cry while I’m waiting on the cops to get there. When the cops get there they ask me kindly to leave so they help me and take me out side. As soon as I get out side I see the other girls. Still crying I run to them and they ask what happened and I tell them. With us all crying we all went home. The next day we had a closed casket funeral. The girls and I sit there crying on her casket and saying this shouldn’t have happened. The next month we put all that behind us and countenued on with our life. When I got to school I find that Brittany was not there and neither was Allie. Me and Alana were paranoied. I went to Allie and Alana’s house and Alana went to Brittany’s house. What I saw was something worse than what happened to Jaycee. Allie was in the tub with her head cut off and it hanging above her body. I called Alana and we were both crying. She told me that Brittany was dead. She was hung. I was crying harder than Alana because I had to tell her what happened to her sister. I told her and she stared screaming and crying then we met at her house. We called the cops to tell them. And I called Brittany’s mom and Alana caller her mom. As soon as we were off the phone Alana’s phone vibrated with a message

    Blocked: First Jaycee, then Brittany then Allie.

    Blocked: Look out the window

    When we looked out the window we saw the murderer. We went and locked all the windows and doors. We called the cops and they hand cuffed him. They said he has been killing anyone that go his number. Then I looked at him and it was the new boy.
    You’ll pay he said.
    Me, Jessica, and Allie are now in a mental hospital for life. Still having horrible memories of what happened.

  • The Larson House

    There is a house, way on the top of a hill, called the Larson House. Nobody lives there, no one has lived there, and no one will go in there. Most people believe it is haunted. Haunted by ghosts that once lived there when it was an insane asylum. Ghosts that died there, and that haunt those that enter it. The legend goes that a man named Edward Larson once owned the house, and his great great grandson inherited it. He turned it into a house for troubled children. That’s right. Only children. One night, all of the children were inside, and a fire started. All of the children inside perished. Along with Edward Larson’s Great Great Grandson. They never moved on, so they stayed to haunt the living. Anyone to come to know of this story will be haunted in their dreams, and in their homes, until the story is passed on to someone else. Only then will they be free. My great aunt told me this story. Then the terror began. I was blasted into sleepless nights, and terrifying dreams. I woke up screaming one morning. I couldn’t take it anymore. So, that’s why you are hearing this. I will now be able to sleep peacefully for I have told you this story. Pleasant dreams.

  • Night time murder.

    My name is Mackenna. I was murdered one night, and had my toes, fingers, and head cut off. If you do not tell 25 people of this story, in the next 2 hours, I will be at your bed tonight, and I will kill you the way I was killed that terrible night. I will cut off your toes, fingers, and head, then I will hang your decapitated body in your doorway. Hurry. Your time starts now. Sweet dreams.

  • Dear, SFK, I think you’ll like this one.

    “I’m sorry.”

    Do you hear it to?
    Well? Do you?
    that humming sound when your hard at work in your office, or when your working on your algebra quiz?
    You hear it don’t you?
    Its quiet but I know you hear it. If you don’t I know you will. It always starts quiet.
    Do you hear?
    Here they come.
    I know you hear it.
    They want you.
    Just like they wanted me.
    but I’m here now. Forced to help.
    I remember you, you were my best friend, remember? we used to play with Barbie’s together. when we were tikes? remember?
    I remember that time you killed your cat. they want you to pay.
    I remember that time, you “accidentally” strangled your little sibling. They want you to pay.
    I remember the time you stabbed your mommy to death with your scissors when you were making snowflakes. oh they just cant wait for you to pay.
    I’m sorry, they made me tell them!
    They forced me to. BFF’s remember?
    Just don’t look behind you.

  • Killer Game

    My friends and I have a game we like to play. We call it the Killer Game. It’s like the Hunger Games, just we don’t really kill people. At least, they don’t. My name is Lacey, and I play this game way different then everyone else. I have long black hair, usually tied in a pony tail. No one suspects me. They are stupid enough to keep playing the game. My friends just asked if I want to play. Okay then. Lets do it. We have a little area in the middle of the yard. That is where we get the “Weapons” I don’t need those. I have one of my own. One person was getting suspicious of me, and how I never “Died” But never grabbed a weapon. Now it’s his turn. I creep up quietly to him. A twig snaps. He spins around. “Who’s there?” He asked, holding out his “Weapon” A pool noodle. I step out, laughing, and pull out my knife. “Like that little noodle is gonna stop me!” He steps back. I lunge, and start stabbing him. When i’m sure he’s dead, I chuck my knife into the woods, mentally remembering where it is, and scream. Everyone else come running. I am covered in blood, but they think it’s just because i’m holding him in my arms. Some one stumbled out of the woods, holding my knife. Everyone rushed to her. I walked over too. I knew they were about to discover my name carved on it, so I tripped, and flung my arm up, knocking it into the woods. She looked at me, angry. “There was a name carved in it. We were about to find out who it is!” “Sorry! I tripped,” I said, holding my arm, pretending it hurt. We all left. Like always, the police came, and left. That night, I went outside, and grabbed my knife. I went to the girl who found my knifes house. I crept in the window, and tapped her shoulder. She woke up, and before she screamed, I covered her mouth, and stabbed her. After, I smiled. I screamed, then ran to the window, jumped out, and shut it. I walked off. Another victim. Another good day.

  • Ok this a short story but scary pls put it on the website it’s also my birthday I love SFK

    “Was it just a dream”

    One day I woke up to see my self in a different world. I walked down to eat breakfast just to see my parents but I had a felling was it my parents? I wonder. So I just thought I was imagining things so then I went to school but when I got there The building was abanded I still walked in the door shut BEHING me by that point I was getting freaked out I walked in what was supposed to be my classroom there were cobwebs all over I got out and went to the bathroom I screamed there was a severed head on all the toilets I puked all over I tured to see a killer with a butcher knife about to kill me.then I woke up “was It just a dream

  • Bloody Mary

    She lived deep in the forest in a tiny cottage and sold herbal remedies for a living. Folks living in the town nearby called her Bloody Mary, and said she was a witch. None dared cross the old crone for fear that their cows would go dry, their food-stores rot away before winter, their children take sick of fever, or any number of terrible things that an angry witch could do to her neighbors.
    Then the little girls in the village began to disappear, one by one. No one could find out where they had gone. Grief-stricken families searched the woods, the local buildings, and all the houses and barns, but there was no sign of the missing girls. A few brave souls even went to Bloody Mary’s home in the woods to see if the witch had taken the girls, but she denied any knowledge of the disappearances. Still, it was noted that her haggard appearance had changed. She looked younger, more attractive. The neighbors were suspicious, but they could find no proof that the witch had taken their young ones.
    Then came the night when the daughter of the miller rose from her bed and walked outside, following an enchanted sound no one else could hear. The miller’s wife had a toothache and was sitting up in the kitchen treating the tooth with an herbal remedy when her daughter left the house. She screamed for her husband and followed the girl out of the door. The miller came running in his nightshirt. Together, they tried to restrain the girl, but she kept breaking away from them and heading out of town.
    The desperate cries of the miller and his wife woke the neighbors. They came to assist the frantic couple. Suddenly, a sharp-eyed farmer gave a shout and pointed towards a strange light at the edge of the woods. A few townsmen followed him out into the field and saw Bloody Mary standing beside a large oak tree, holding a magic wand that was pointed towards the miller’s house. She was glowing with an unearthly light as she set her evil spell upon the miller’s daughter.
    The townsmen grabbed their guns and their pitchforks and ran toward the witch. When she heard the commotion, Bloody Mary broke off her spell and fled back into the woods. The far-sighted farmer had loaded his gun with silver bullets in case the witch ever came after his daughter. Now he took aim and shot at her. The bullet hit Bloody Mary in the hip and she fell to the ground. The angry townsmen leapt upon her and carried her back into the field, where they built a huge bonfire and burned her at the stake.
    As she burned, Bloody Mary screamed a curse at the villagers. If anyone mentioned her name aloud before a mirror, she would send her spirit to revenge herself upon them for her terrible death. When she was dead, the villagers went to the house in the wood and found the unmarked graves of the little girls the evil witch had murdered. She had used their blood to make her young again.
    From that day to this, anyone foolish enough to chant Bloody Mary’s name three times before a darkened mirror will summon the vengeful spirit of the witch. It is said that she will tear their bodies to pieces and rip their souls from their mutilated bodies. The souls of these unfortunate ones will burn in torment as Bloody Mary once was burned, and they will be trapped forever in the mirror.

    By SexyUnicorn

  • Hi there! feels good to be here.. I have got a new story after a long time….It is called:-


    You may think you are alone…very alone….sitting quietly with your computer in your lap or at the desk. But, did you ever spend a moment of your life thinking about all the things happening in the whole world? Did you? 90% of all the people in the world will say NO.

    If you are among the 90% then please look back in the path of your life and see the horrors which you left alone. The extreme fear which you felt during sleepless nights and now you became blind to those fears that creep and crawl through the darkness…because you have grown up a lot…how did you feel during your sleepless nights…burrowing under your covers, shaking and shivering in the darkness, afraid to move, afraid to make a sound, afraid to breathe?

    Sometimes do you feel your hair standing at the edge and get to know that something is not right? Hey, did you got lost in your dreams? No no, those are not dreams….those are reality which you left behind and you think they are far away. Unfortunately, you didn’t face the reality and think you are safe…. Now, you have read all this…so let me come to the conclusion that LOOK AROUND! YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

    I hope you all like this..Probably, it is my best story…(according to me)
    I apologize if there are any grammatical mistakes or spelling mistakes…
    And SFK, please read my story and publish it(if it is worthy). And love you all…

    — Veasna Matthels

  • This story took me AGES! Hope u guys like it :p

    “Fear Of Closets”

    I’ve always had an intense fear of closets. Not like a small fear of spiders or something, but a proper fear, a petrifying phobia. It all started one day, when I spotted something weird in my Mom and Dad’s closet. I still have nightmares about it 4 years later…….

    The day began like any normal day. I got up, had breakfast, got ready, and went to school. It was a really stressful and boring day. I had to sit loads of exams , and to top it all off I had tons of homework to do. After what seemed like an age, the school bell FINALLY rang. Grabbing my bag and textbooks, I sprinted out of there as fast as lightning.

    As soon as I arrived home, I quickly greeted my parents and bolted upstairs. My tennis club was on that day, and I was getting a lift from my friend’s mom. Slumping down at my dressing table, I brushed out my hair, brushing out the day’s stress and pinning it up carefully. I rummaged in my desk for some hairspray, but soon realized I must have run out. I knocked on my sister Laura’s bedroom door to borrow some, and that’s when I happened to glance into my Mom and Dad’s room. That’s when I saw it. There was a small pitch-black space
    in-between the sliding doors, which was probably about 3 inches wide.
    In this space I could see a dark figure rustling about. Suddenly I spotted a cold, dead eye staring at me, and a slither of rope.

    I was rooted to the spot. I couldn’t move, or scream either. “Petrified” couldn’t even begin to explain how scared I was. After a few minutes of standing there I finally summoned up enough courage to move. I rushed downstairs as if my life depended on it, which, at that moment, it probably did. Tears flowing down my cheeks, I explained to my parents what happened. Their faces grew pale, and my father grabbed his shotgun, and together we crept up the stairs silently. He rushed into the room, thrust the sliding doors open, and managed to catch a brief glimpse of the hideous apparition, before it disappeared into thin air, as if it hadn’t been there at all.

    A week later, I asked my parents why they had believed me. I mean, I could have been making that up, and I’m not exactly well known for being honest. They told me that the day after it happened, they had asked a neighbor about the history of our house, and apparently a teenage boy had hung himself in the closet 17 years ago after getting continuously beaten black and blue by bullies at his school. According to Mrs Chang, (our neighbor), he comes back each year, searching for the bullies, and, of course, anyone who knows his sad story. After learning this, they decided to move house. My parents told the police, but of course, they didn’t believe them. So we’ve just kept this horrible secret to ourselves.
    Well, not quite. Now that you know, they’re probably coming for you right this very moment…………………..

    Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee read this SFK, this is probably the best story I’ve ever written ! BTW when do you check this page ? Thanks! :-)

  • The Ice Machine (Don’t think it’s not scary just because of the name!)
    I looked around. I just couldn’t find the refrigerator. I just moved, and I’m trying to get use to the place. We moved into an old Victorian house. I poked my head into a doorway. “Ah ha!” I said. I walked over to the fridge, and grabbed a cup. This fridge had an ice and water machine installed in it. I pushed the ice button. Nothing came out. I looked at it puzzled. “Mom!” I yelled. “What?” She asked, coming down the stairs. “The ice machine is on the fritz.” I said, stepping aside for her to fix it. She pushed it, and ice came out. She let go, and the ice still came out. “You’re right! The ice machine is broken.”
    The machine wouldn’t stop shooting ice. Then the cupboard doors started swinging open. The floorboards lifted, and settled. The curtains billowed open. Me and my mom crouched on the ground, covering our heads. “Help! What’s going on?” I said, my heart beating a million miles an hour. The rugs floated up, revealing the words “GET OUT!” written in blood, with an arrow of blood pointing up the stairs. I ran after it, and my mom followed. It lead us to my sisters room. I screamed, and my mom did too. My sister was laying on the bed, and she had been decapitated. Her head was hanging in the doorway, and on her dead corpse, read the words, “YOU’RE NEXT!” I ran screaming down the stairs, and tripped, falling down the whole way. When I got to the bottom, I ran to the kitchen, and picked up the phone. I dialed 911. I put the phone up to my ear. I looked down. The line had been cut. I realized that it was a little too quiet in here. I looked around, looking for my mom. She came in, her eyes black as cole, and said in a raspy: “GET OUT!” I screamed, and ran out the door. I never once looked back. The house was investigated, but my sister and mom couldn’t be found. I went back a few years later, for I was lonely, and was looking for something to do. The moment I walked into the house, The air went icy cold. The curtains billowed, the cupboards swung open, and the ice machine, it shot ice out, forming the words, “THIS IS A HOLY HOUSE, WE WON’T ALLOW CHILDREN OF THE DEVIL ONTO THIS PREMISES, LEAVE NOW!” A dark figure appeared, and the hood dropped. The devil stepped forward. “Welcome home, my child!” I suddenly stepped forward and embraced him. I was home at last. Home with the devil.

    Thanks for reading! If you want to change it a bit, you may! Thanks! Also, if you could respond and tell me if mine was excepted, that would be great. Please consider mine. It would make the devil happy! Or else, he’ll GET YOU! Just kidding. But don’t forget to check under your bed tonight! And fix the ice machine…


    This is a true story.
    A few months ago I bought a Tudor Rose Roundlette (which is basically a stained glass image set in a circle, hung on a chain which you can use a sucker pad to stick on a window) and put it in the spare room. All was well and good, until a few weeks later I went to Hampton Court and bought one of Anne Boleyn, and put it on the window next to the Tudor Rose (for those that don’t know who she is, Hampton Court is one of the palaces she used to live in before her husband, Henry VIII, had her executed on trumped up charges of incest, adultery and witchcraft).

    A few hours later I came upstairs to find the Anne Boleyn one lying on the floor. Now, there is no way that it could have gotten there by itself unless someone physically took it down, or threw it down. To reach where it was on the floor, it would have to have propelled itself over a pile of books which are piled on top of the chest of drawers, behind a water fountain, which are all in front of a radiator (which is never turned on in that room). In short, it had to have been physically taken down. Had it dropped it would have become wedged. I put it back.

    This was to go on for a few days, I would find either Anne on the floor, or the Tudor Rose on the floor. One time I even found them both on the floor neatly placed side by side with the sucker pads arranged inside the chains. As I have said, unless someone physically did it (and it wasn’t me or my boyfriend), there is no way it could have happened.

    Soon after this, my boyfriend sent me a link for a concert called “Anne Boleyn’s songbook”, which is basically music she put together and was even believed to have composed some of. I booked my ticket, and am going. Since then there have been no further disturbances in that room, and just to be sure I have added to the pile of books and pinned Anne to the window.

    My boyfriend once asked me if I had noticed “any strange occurrences in this house” (I have), and he said that he was in the spare room (long before either of the roundlettes was in there), and he had something thrown at him from the top of the wardrobe; yes we have a cat, but it would be impossible for her to get up there. We have also heard the sound of things falling down in there and on investigation nothing is ever found out of place. The cat has no fear of it, so its not a bad room; but it does make me wonder who or what either followed me home that day at Hampton Court or who or what is it in that room to begin with, who so disliked Anne Boleyn being next to the Tudor Rose?


    This is a true story that happened to me a few years ago. My boyfriend and I had moved from Essex, England to be closer to London where he was working. The house was set right at the top of a hill, and reminded me of another house where I had lived as a child that had terrified me, when I was alone at night I would sleep with the TV on, and we had trouble getting the heating to work although no fault could ever be found.

    Now, I don’t usually watch slasher films (supernatural horror is more my thing), but for some reason I bought a second hand copy of a film called “Hoboken Hollow” (in short its based on a true story of the Texas Slave Ranch); watched it, and have never watched it again. The reasons will become clear. That night I dreamt I was a girl called Caroline, I lived in Texas and was born to a really sadistic family. I had an older twin brother called “Junior” (the same as the character in the film), who was overprotective and somewhat obsessed with me, and may have beat up a boy at the dance for some reason. Anyway, during the dream I saw Caroline lying on a table surrounded by people as she was sick. She grabbed my arm, and said “let me show you what happens when I don’t want to eat”. I felt a searing pain on my arm.

    The next morning I woke up as usual, put on a jumper to go and use the computer before I had to go to work. My arm itched, I mean really itched, but it wasn’t until I was getting dressed that I noticed I had three claw marks down my arm. Those where the days before we had a cat, and I don’t have any nails that can scratch like that (and it wasn’t my boyfriend either because his nails are stumps).

    Things got weirder at work. I had just started a new job for an occupational health company, and one of the nurses said about me, “What’s her name? Caroline?”

    A few weeks later I had another dream about Caroline. This one was messed up. Her father had discovered that her mother had been having an affair, and he took her out to the woods where he carved something like “slut” into her back, stuffed cotton in her mouth, taped it shut, put a white sheet over her, and left her in the sun.
    At work the next day, someone I had spoken to the day before, called and said, “I spoke to someone yesterday, I think her name was Caroline…”

    We didn’t stay for long in the house as we had to move for various reasons, but I had the dream one more time in the new house. I don’t remember it, or if anyone called me Caroline after it (although I have a feeling that they probably did). I haven’t had the dream since (we have since moved again), but I still have the DVD in my collection, not that I will ever watch it again.

  • Ok so this is a story I heard at a camp I went to.

    There once was two brothers. The older brothers nickname was Scar because of the scar on his face. Anyways Scar and his brother always got along. They would get jobs and at the end of the year they would quit and go partying. When they would run out of money they would go back to get a new job.

    This went on for years. Until one year Scar and his brother started hunting. They would sell the furs that they got and use the money to party more. They enjoyed hunting together very much. They had built a cabin in a forest. There was a lake there.

    They agreed that they would hunt together for as long as they could. But one year they met a young teacher. They both fell in love with the her. She was one of their recent customers. Soon all three of them were the best of friend.

    Years later Scars brother made the hot chocolate for his brother and him.

    ‘We had a good hunting season this year.’ Scar said.

    ‘Yeah.’ Was his brothers reply. ‘To bad this is my last year hunting.’

    ‘What are you talking about?’ Scar was surprised.

    ‘I’m engaged to Sally. I meant to tell you before but you were so happy that we were hunting again.’

    Scar jumped and attacked his brother. They got into a huge fist fight. That is when the power went out. Scar took a two headed axe thinking that it was a broom and swung it at his head. He heard a thump. A while later the power turned back on. He saw his brother’s decapitated body and freaked out. He quickly sunk the body. Except he could not find the head.

    Sally put in a missing persons report for the husband to be. The police searched for the brother but couldn’t find him. They questioned Scar and he lied to them saying that he was so happy for his brother when he found out that he was engaged.

    The next time he went hunting he heard a loon call. But what surprised him the most was that he heard his brothers voice calling out to the loon. He looked over towards the lake. He saw a boat going towards the loon. In the boat he swore that he saw the ghost of his brother. He died of a heart attack not long after.

    On the day that the wedding was supposed to be Sally went to the cabin. In her wedding dress. She sat there for hours, just staring at the lake. She went to go get a blanket cause it started getting late. That’s when she tripped. She looked down and saw her husband to be’s head. She couldn’t take it. She stabbed herself in the heart.

    It is said that at the camp if you hear a loon call the dead couple will come and kill the youngest person in each cabin.

  • Don’t befriend the new girl

    I’m Sarah, and here’s my story.

    It’s 3:49am at the moment. I haven’t slept because I’ve been waiting to write this. To tell everyone to stay away. To tell everyone what actually happened to me before I die. I’ll tell my story from the start, about how I got here. Trapped in this dark room.

    At the beginning of this year I had this friend named Belina, the “new girl” that came from another town. No one really knew her. There was something so weird about her. I never thought anything of it at first, but I just noticed strange little things she always did. At lunch she never ate. She was sickly thin, and she always had bags under her eyes. She never talked about her parents or her family, and weirdest of all was her hair. It was just so long and black and she looked like a ghost. Not literally, but she was very pale. Her fingers were long and frail and she didn’t talk much. She told me she never had many friends back in her small town. We never really hung out outside of school, she came to my house sometimes with other friends and she ended up being really quiet and just staring into space and playing with her bracelet. After a while of this she would just say she felt sick and go home. We didn’t know where she lived, and she never invited us over. We just thought she was a little weird, nothing too bad though. Someone always has to give the new girl a chance, right? Well one night she invited me over to her house, but just me. Which I thought was kinda weird. You know, since she was equally as friends with we as she was with all the other girls I hung out with. Maybe she just preferred me, or her parents only wanted one person over, I thought. I went home and skyped my friends to ask them if I should go. They said it was a little weird but I should go for fun, so I could tell them how her house was and what we did and such. So the next day at school I told Belina my answer, “yeah, my mom said I could stay tonight” I said. That was a mistake.

    That night I went home and packed all my overnight essentials, pajamas, toothbrush, makeup. Etc. and I drove to the address written on the tiny piece of paper she had given me. It took about half an hour to get there. I drove down the long twisted driveway in the dark and finally showed up. Yeah, it looked like somewhere she would live. Surprisingly, the house was comfortable and cute. It was really small too. When Belina greeted me at the door she didn’t even talk. She just gave me this weird smile, and it was very off. She never smiled. She took me down the hallway to this dark staircase. We went down and down for what seemed like forever, and finally we got to the bottom. It creeped me out how we were going to the basement. “What are we doing? Watching a movie?” I said. There were about 3 tvs in the room. She didn’t say anything. She grabbed my wrist, surprisingly strongly hence her frail structure. “What are you doing. Can you let go?” I asked, and she didn’t say anything. She looked into my eyes. That’s when I realized whatever that was wasn’t human. Her eyes were deeply black, and purple underneath. Her face was boney, her arms were as thin as sticks. And there were scars all over her. She smiled and her teeth were dull and yellow. They started to fall out and she laughed. at this point I was scared. She screamed at me to get into the closet and I did. She has me locked in here with no food, no water, nothing.

    It’s now been 3 days. I’m sure I’m going to die this morning. Oh shit, it’s 4. She’s going to wake up soon. What do I do? Last night she slipped a note under the door that said “I’ll explain. It all started 10 years ago when a girl named Jenny was held captive in this basement by her mother because she wasn’t the daughter she had wanted. She was beat and starved until she died. As a ghost, she haunted her mother. After her mother had died, Jenny didn’t have anyone to haunt, so she started to get revenge on perfect teen girls like you. The chain kept going on and on for ten years, and now it’s my turn to kill you. I’ve been in your shoes.. Last year I was a normal preppy girl like you with a perfect life until a new girl came to my school. I befriended her and she brought me down here and beat and staved me. The chain has to go on Sarah. You’re going to be a ghost like me. And you’re going to take revenge on teen girls like yourself. Got it, Sarah? Don’t forget your explanation note. I’m sorry”

    My hair has grow long and dark. I’m so frail and skinny. I feel so sick. And I now have about 30 minutes until my death, there’s no escape. She sleeps outside the door. I don’t want to die. I don’t want to be a ghost, and I don’t want to have to do this to someone else to end my misery. If a new girl comes to your school. Even if she’s a little off, don’t befriend her.

  • The Doll

    Mary was 8 years old when she moved into a new mansion with her mom and dad. Mary loved the mansion. It was gigantic, and she had her own room with everything she wanted. Mary’s grandmother gave her a precious doll last month on her birthday. She named the doll, Sally, and cared it with all her heart. Mary kept Sally by her everyday, unless she went out, like to church. When she came back she would always play and care for it.

    Two years passed and Mary turned 10 years old. She forgot about Sally and left her on a table in a room that was 13 rooms away from Mary’s bedroom. The next day after Mary ate her breakfast she scrambled to her room to play on her phone. As she was walking she looked to one room and saw Sally with a menacing look on her face. The doll was in the room next to the original one. Mary shrugged it off and went to her bedroom. She did the same routine the day after and realized Sally was in the 3rd room! Mary asked her parents and forgot about it.

    The next day Mary was eating her breakfast and she had a conversation with her parents before she went to her room to play. She asked her parents about giving the doll back to Grandma. her parents hesitated and insisted she kept it because her Grandma was so special to her. Mary went to the 3rd room and secretly took Sally outside and threw it in the dumpster. Mary walked back to her room and carried on with the day. She slept peacefully that night without thinking of Sally.

    The next day Mary skipped breakfast and looked in the 3rd room. Sally wasn’t there and Mary searched in the 4th room. There she was. Sally was sitting on the floor next to the wall with a sinister look on her face. Mary angrily took Sally and threw her outside from the window. Mary’s mother was outside gardening and scold her. Her mom kept Sally in the 4th room and told Mary to forget about her. Mary was obedient and listened to her mother.

    After Mary woke up she forgot about sally and carried on with her day. She walked her dogs and helped her mom garden. She never glanced in the either of the seven rooms next to hers. Mary kept this one for 3 days and then finally looked in the 7th room. As Mary slept she thought something would happen to her with Sally being in the last room. Mary then thought of just relaxing. She imagined nice sceneries in her mind and then peacefully drifted to a slumber.

    The next day Mary felt stiff and then opened her eyes. The sun was shining and there was a quiet breeze. Mary looked up and saw Sally looking at her with big blue eyes. Mary screamed and kicked but couldn’t get up. sally picked up her knife and crashed it down on Mary’s face. That was the last thing Mary saw.

  • Amusement Park

    I jogged to the “House of Mirrors” in the amusement Park with Brian behind me. The sun was about to set and we didn’t want to miss it. I picked up the pace and ran inside. “I go right you go left!” I said. Brian jolted left and I sprinted right. I looked at all the mirrors and I was puzzled. I didn’t know which one I was and I was almost lost. I walked deeper right and the mirrors got more confusing. All of a sudden I heard a faint scream. It must be Brian! I sprinted wherever there was an opening and hoped to reach him. I turned left and saw him sitting on the floor crying. “What’s wrong?” I said. “C-c-clown!” he said. “What clown?” I asked. He pointed in front of him by a separation of two large mirrors. I grabbed Brian by the shoulder and led him outside. We walked home and forgot about what happened in the “House of Mirrors.” The next day I wanted to explore at the same time the incident happened. It was almost sunset and the amusement park had less and less people. I managed to be the only one in the House of Mirrors. I went around the place where Brian cried yesterday. I looked around and a chill went up my spine. I felt like I was being watched. On spur of moment I heard a silent laugh. It was almost like the laugh of a clown’s. The laugh came closer and closer. I had no idea what to do but just run. I ran deeper left but the laughing just came closer faster and faster. “Help!! HELP!!” I screamed. I passed the front door and surprisingly saw Brian. “What are you doing here?” I said quickly. “I didn’t want you to get lost with the clown.” he said. I grabbed him and we turned and turned until we both got lost. I looked around and saw the mirrors shine in the moonlight. The clown’s laugh came everywhere and I was shaking constantly. I hugged Brian close to me. Then I turned around and saw the clown. It was disgusting with cheap paint and close but very sinister. The mirror shined on him and he brought up a knife from behind him. Brian screamed and cried. I hugged him closer and we just hoped to live. I blanked out and the last thing I saw was the clown’s knife crashing down on me.

  • The channel.

    There once a girl named Amanda, she wanted to see her grandma really badly. She asked her mom if she could go see her. Every time she said no. One day the mom was getting annoyed of her daughter that she just decided to let her go by herself. The mother said “FINE!! THEN WHY DONT YOU GO THERE YOU YOUR SELF?!?! I DONT UNDERSTAND WHY YOU WOULD WANT TO SEE HER! YOU DONT EVEN KNOW HER!!” The girl was happy she got to see her grandmother her self. She didn’t even want to see her mother after that.
    The day then came that she decided to sneak out of her house to go see her grandmother. She came to the apartments that her grandmother lived at and knocked at her door. There was no answer. She checked to see if the door was opened and it was.
    She got in and she saw her grandmother in a chair watching the tv but all there was on the tv was static. Amanda said ” grandma, what are you watching???” She replied “my favorite show! It’s called the dog and the bagel”
    There was no such show called “the dog and the bagel” she went outside the door and searched up this “show” and found out that it was a show that was made in the time her grandmother was a child and that it was hosted by a guy that went on a killing spree. This guy spent his whole life in an insane asylum and shot the show at the asylum. “But how could the show be static?” She found out after, that the show was cursed and who ever watched it would watch for the rest of the persons life.

  • (I posted this awhile back, in the wrong section under the name Shadow-of- Darkness, it was also named “Hunger games, however, I have decided to rename it “Run as fast as you can.” Anyway. here’s the story, while it isn’t a true story, I would appreciate you putting in under there anyway.”

    “Run as fast as you can”

    It was a hot summer night six years ago, me an my friends were playing a game we called “Hunger games” The rules were pretty simple, relatively. You tagged someone to kill them, though you needed a fake weapon to do so. Weapons were located in the middle of the yard, we called this area “The Cornucopia.” Once you died, you had to sit on the front porch, waiting for a new round to start. I ran, panicking, I never fought, I always ran, which was easy, since I was such a quick runner. My best friend, ‘Lindsay’ was right on my heels, with a huge pool noodle. It was inches away from getting me, so I dove into some bushes to get away. In these bushes, I hid away, until he lost interest.
    My body ached, in the last around I escaped from my friend Elliot, by climbing in a tree, which I fell from. I got a huge cut (To this day, I still have the scar) Looking around, I noticed no-one was near me, so I listen quietly, just in case, and ran for an alley way. I went near one of the garages in the alley way, holding my Dumbbell in hand. I had earned the weapon, I got it from a younger girl named Chloe, she was younger, but man, she was NOT an easy kill. (I ended up dating, and am still dating her.)

    Leaving the alley-way I went into a house where no one lived. Kids in my town said it was haunted, I honestly didn’t believe a word of it. Then I went into the garage, it was a small ugly room. It had a scent of must in the air. The ugly green wall pain was cracked, and faded, revealing a sickly shade of grey paint. No wonder no-one lived there, I thought, after stepping into the main-room. The red brick walls were covered in vines, and Ivy. A few were sticking out, they looked sharp, and jagged. I heard a rustle. I decided to be safe, and check it out. “Hey, is anyone there?” No answer, strange. I went over to where I hear the noise from, and pulled back a sheet. No one, but I heard a chuckle from behind me. “Who’s there? I won’t hurt you” I said. Suddenly, a deep voice started speaking “I agree, but I might hurt you!” I turned around to face him. He was a tall gentlemen, looking about 40. He was dressed nicely. “Stay away from me!” I said, browsing through my pocket, until I found my knife. “Or I’ll cut you up badly.” He laughed, and started towards me. Beetles, Toads, Bats. Suddenly, I lurched towards him, and cut him right in the face. He screamed, and fell towards the floor, he called me some names, but I can’t remember them. I started out the door, the last thing I heard before I got out was, “You wait someday, I’ll come back, and gut you!” I don’t know why I din’t finish him off.
    I still can’t go to sleep at night. I throw up from anxiety. I know, that someday, he WILL find me, and he WILL kill me.

  • Help

    Hi, my name is Bethany and today Mr. Banuler is going over oceans in science class. He was my favorite teacher. He was old short but walked really fast. He also had slick gray hair and laughed at alk the jokes and was never mean. He basically let us do anything. Today was a special day. He was in charge of the whole school for today because all the other classes except 7th grade want to a museum, including the principal and staff. Mr. Banuler finished discussing about deep ocean fish for once. “Can I use the bathroom?” I asked. “Sure!” He replyed. I walked to the bathroom on the end of the hall by 5th grade. I looked in the classrooms I passed and they were all dark and gloomy inside. When I passed 5th grade’s classroom an eerie presence stopped my feet. I could of sworn I saw a silhouette of a man dash into 5th grade. My mind was playing tricks on me. I finished doing my business in the bathroom and washed my hands. I was fixing my hair when I saw the silhouette in a stall right behind me. I quickly turned around and looked in the stall. There was nothing. All of a sudden my stomach started churning and I felt like someone punched me in the gut. I walked as fast as I can to my classroom and fell inside. I caught myself up and stood next to Mr. Banuler. I managed to say “I feel….” Then fell down. He caught me and I passed out. I could hear screams in my head and I got the goosebumps. “Bethany! Bethany can you hear me?” I hopped down from the desk I lay on and felt energized. “You should lay back down.” He said. “No. I am…fine. I just need help. Help” I said. He looked puzzled and so did the class. I knew something was inside of me. I felt possessed but I couldn’t talk. I was being extremely controlled. I sat down and stared at Mr. Banuler. He slowly got up and took his eyes away from me. “Okay class, take out your religion books.” He said. I didnt obey. I stood up and walked to the front of the class. I picked up a piece of chalk and drew satanic symbols. I was being possessed by a demon. How didnt I know? “We will be learning about Lucifer our lord.” I said. The class just watched and Mr. Banuler just stared. I drew great drawings of Satan and all different symbols. Then I felt a huge gust of reality blow into me. It was actually me. I was freeing myself from the demon possessing me. I managed to write out the word “help” on the board and scream it. Then I lost control. The demon was stronger than me. My eyes were black now, full of evil. Mr. Banuler was a smart man and he knew exactly what to do. He grabbed me by my arm and led me to a nearby church. Boy, he can run fast! We were in the church and I started saying curse words. I felt it control me even more. The last thing I said was “help me, hurry!” Mr. Banuler chanted things in a different language. There wasn’t much time let till the demon got full control over me. In about a minute I predicted. I grasped his hand tightly and then let go. I am gone. Mr. Banuler wept in the middle of church and the demon returned itself to a silhouette and ran off to an empty room.

  • The Library

    After math class our home room went to the library. It’s an everyday thing. The library was located above a hill by our middle school. My friend Amelia and I were searching for mystery books. Once we got ours we took our seats in the “quiet room.” No one really goes in there because the room next to it says to be haunted. I tried opening it but it was locked. Amelia told me about the Virgin Mary statue in the room with red eyes. She said she once went in there and looked in the statue’s eyes and began to feel dizzy and fell down. She was in the nurse’s room afterwords. It gave me the chills. We decided to sneak in right bafore dusk. After school and basketball practice the time has came. We quietly opened the library entrance door and sit behind the librarian’s desk. We never really knew his name. We saw him putting books away by the art room. We crept behind an elevated shelf right next to the quiet room. I whispered to Amelia “is he gone yet?” She nodded her head and we tiptoed silently to the quiet room and saw that the mysterious room was opened. “You first!” I said. Amelia bravely walked in and I trailed her. It was pitch black and I felt the fuzzy carpet beneath my sneakers. All of a sudden the door slammed close. There was an eerie silence in the room. Amelia and I knew to be quiet for we dont know what else lurked in the room. All of a sudden red eyes flashed from the statue and it screamed and mourned. She had the most horrifying face that left us frozen in our spots. Amelia and I jolted to the door and pushed it but it wouldn’t budge. I looked behind me and I saw the devilish face of the statue right by Amelia’s face. I pushed Amelia away and kicked the door as hard as I can. I had to save my own life. The statue was on my heels as I ran through the library. Amelia screamed my name but I couldn’t stop, even for my friend. Then as I passed the librarian’s desk a flimsy but steady hand grabbed my upper shoulder and dragged me behind the desk. I looked up and saw the librarian with a lantern under his head. He kept his arm wrapped around me. The statue kept running and then the librarian repeated words in a different language very strongly and the Virgin Mary statue stopped and cringed. The librarian kept going and the statue walked backwards to the mysterious room by the quiet room. “Thank you!” I said managing to make my voice above a whisper. “You are very lucky . That was not really a holy Virgin Mary statue it was all fake. A dark sinister spirit possessed the statue and only these words can stop it. I am sorry about your friend. She is in doom now with the spirit. You can never imagine what horrifying things is happening to her. I must leave now,” he said. I will never know what is happening to Amelia now or where the librarian is and who he is. The library was burnt and the school was shut down due to it’s dark histories.

  • Just a Dream…
    “Dude, calm down. It was just a dream.” My friend Justin just started freaking out because he had a dream. It was pretty dang bad though…
    Basically, he murdered his whole family. He said in the dream, he woke up in the middle of the night. He went downstairs for no reason and got a cleaver. Let’s just say things got a little messy.
    He walked upstairs again, not caring about the noise he made, and gave each family member a certain amount of whacks. He gave his mom forty. He gave his dad forty-one. He figured it would take less whacks for his sister, so he settled on twenty-five.
    After that he walked into his room and fell back asleep. That’s the main reason he thinks it’s real. He fell back asleep. Immediately after his nightmare, he video called me. “If you’re so scared, check on your parents!”
    “That’s exactly what I don’t want to do.” I was starting to get annoyed. “Just do it!” He finally agreed. “Okay, run back to me if you see anything.”
    I obviously knew there would be nothing there. Oh boy was I wrong.
    He came back with a grin on his face. “I’ll meet you at your place in five minutes.” Something about that seemed off. I just couldn’t put my finger on it.
    Five minutes later he was at my front door. He was acting kind of strange though. He seemed nervous and fidgety. “Dude, are you okay. You seem nervous. And why’d you bring a backpack? “Oh, I’m fine. But shouldn’t I be asking you that question?”
    Suddenly, he lunged. “What the heck, dude! What are you doing!”
    “All the stuff I said was a dream, wasn’t. And your next!”
    Suddenly, with his other hand, he grabbed butcher knife out of his backpack. I’m sorry bro, it just had to end this way. He mercilessly stabbed me, with the knife piercing my heart. I died instantly.
    I woke up in a cold sweat. I was shivering, yet I wasn’t scared. It was just a dream after all.

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