Scary For Kids

Your Story

This is the part of the Website where you get to tell me your scary stories. If you have a really good scary tale swirling around in your brain, you can post it in the comments section on this page. I will read it and, if it’s really good, you will have the honor of seeing it will be posted right here on this page.

Your Story

Before you tell us your story, here are a few rules you should follow:
1. Make sure the story is scary. (Who would want to read a story that isn’t scary?).
2. Make sure your story is good. (No lame stories, please).
3. Make sure your story REALLY is good. (I can’t search through 100 bad stories to find 1 good story).
4. Don’t post a bad story. (Please, I am begging you!)
4. Try to use proper spelling and grammar. (Or elze it wil bee hard 2 reed).
5. Don’t spam your story on other pages. Just post it here. I will see it.
6. If your story doesn’t get accepted, please don’t be angry or offended.
7. By submitting your story, you agree that you are giving Scaryforkids permission and rights to display it on the Website.

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scary for kids


  • this is called “Luna”
    My name is Melanie. My best friends are Emma and Chloe. Every weekend I walk over to Emma’s house. I hate it. love hanging out with my friends, don’t get me wrong, I hate the walk. I have to turn the corner. The house around the corner is creepy and abandoned. One day, when I was walking to Emma’s place, I saw them crossing the street and giving me a flashlight. “What’s this for?” I asked, fearing the answer. “WE’RE GOING INSIDE THE HOUSE!!!” Chloe yelled. I refused. “AWWWW C’MON!” Emma whined. My phone rang. My mom texted me
    Mom: Mel, you have to come home.
    Me: Why?
    Mom: I need your help baking the cake for your sister’s birthday, remember?
    Me: Ok fine, i’ll be there in a bit.
    “Sorry guys, I have to go home. Sis’s birthday. Maybe another time?” Saved by the bell. I ran home. I helped with the cake and the party. When all of the five year old maniacs were gathered in the living room, the doorbell rang. I answered it. “Hi, are you here for the party?” I said nicely. “yeah, I’m Luna. Is this the right address?” she said in the cutest voice ever. Just her voice made me want to hug her. She had blue eyes and brown hair, with light skin. She was also wearing a white dress with a red spot near her heart.. “Yes! The guests gather in the living room and gifts go on the kitchen table.” I answered. But, when I held her hand to show her where the kitchen was, she was cold. Her hand was freezing, despite it being a hot summer day. I didn’t think much of it. When it was time to eat cake, Luna kept on looking at the knives. She went so far as to take the biggest knife out of its holder. I sat her back down, furious at her.
    After the party was over, the maniacs left and I got a text from Chloe.
    Chloe: so… u ready 4 tomorrow?
    Me: Wats 4 tmmrw??
    Chloe: O yes u r!
    Me: waaaa. Fine, i’ll go, but on one condition >:) …
    Chloe: what’s that?
    Me: you will have to tell Jake you like him >:)
    Chloe: SCREW YOU!!!!!
    Me: then i won’t do it.
    Chloe: >:( fine….
    Me: jk. Youll have to get ice-cream for us
    Chloe: granted. Meet you there with flashlights.
    Me: BAIZ!
    The next morning, I told my mom that I was going to Chloe’s house, so she didn’t have to worry about me. I stood in front of the house waiting for Emma and my doom. When she finally came, we stepped in. “OOOOOOOO, SPOOKY!” Emma screamed into my ear. “Jesus, Emma, calm down!” I yelled back. We went our separate ways. Chloe went upstairs into the bedrooms. Emma stayed downstairs and went into the kitchen. I went into the basement. Of course i had to go into the basement. As I continued down the old wooden steps, the one i stepped on caved in. “Old house, confirmed.” I noted. I continued, unaware of the sight that would be burned into my brain forever. The awful smell should have warned me. When I reached the bottom of the steps, I saw 3 body bags. And one of them was small. About the size of a five year old. Tears were in my eyes as I reluctantly opened the smallest bag. There was a girl, about five years old, and had brown hair. She had a stab wound in her heart. I screamed as I ran out of the house, and threw up on the lawn. I went home and rested. Chloe called the police to see if i was ok. I told an officer that I saw a girl at my sister’s party that looked like the girl in the bag.”Describe her.” he asked. “She had Brown hair and blue eyes. She was wearing a white dress with a red spot near her heart!!!” I said frantically. “Wait! What was her name?!?” He asked rather loudly. “L-Luna….” I whispered. “Luna! That was the girl who committed suicide ten years ago by stabbing herself in the heart!”

  • this story is named: good night brother
    it’s my first, so feel free to critique

    it was late…2:38 am if i remember correctly

    i had gone downstairs for a drink, it was winter so the heaters had been on full blast all month, which meant dry air, which meant dry throats.

    my house has two set of stairs. some old wooden ones, and one that was covered in carpet. i prefer those ones, because the wooden ones always creak and crack. the carpeted ones don’t.

    i went downstairs, and i saw my brother. he was just standing there, looking at a dark corner by the fridge. i was going to ask what he was doing, but you know that feeling how when you just wake up, you don’t really feel like talking. well i felt that…but it was also something more.

    it was just then that noticed that through the reflection on the fridge that his face was held in complete terror!

    that dark corner, was the silhouette of man.
    i had no time to waste! i climbed back up the stairs, and grabbed a BB-gun. a lot of people think they’re harmless, but the top of the line ones can fire up to 341 ft. per second. and if anything goes that fast it’ll do some damage!

    i ran back down stairs! no time to lose! i din’t worry about which stairs to take, the gun-shot would wake everyone up anyways!

    i took aim, my brother still standing paralyzed with fear! i shot right past his head! and into the intruder’s shoulder!
    he bent over in pain! i small bit of satisfaction rising over me.
    and then, he pulled out his own firearms.

    he started shooting like crazy! he was crippled with pain, so he just shot at whatever he though would die.
    plants, cup boards, windows, doors, tables, chairs,

    …my brother…

    it was 6:00 am if i remember correctly. the police had come and found me under my father desk, in his study. i told them what happened. but with the dead body…i could tell they already knew. my parents hugged me so hard i almost broke a rib. they were grieving over the son they lost, but they wanted to focus on the one they still had. to relieve some of the pain. it didn’t work.

    i gave my description of the man, and he was caught three months later. it was hard! that scumbag proclaimed his innocence, all the way to the chair. it was hard, hard to see him, hard hear him try everything save himself, hard to tell this story, hard to go on with my life with the knowledge that someone like that could exist.

    but hardest of all, would be that i couldn’t come up with a more convincing story. you could probably tell by now, i mean, reflection on the fridge? things don’t normally reflect in the dark. and even if so how could i perfectly tell his expression? and shoot right past his head and into the intruder’s shoulder? i was a child not a marksman.

    no. that’s just a story i’ve been telling people
    my brother was shot though! but by me.
    you see there was no home invader just my brother, with a sore throat.
    and a scared 9 year old, who thought they were protecting there older brother. the truth is i did think that shadow was a person, at the time so shot! but i had just shot a wall, a wall which rebounded the lead right into my brother! he was dead on the spot. but i didn’t want to go to jail or prison. so i shot the gun a few more times. making more bullet holes, that would look like an attack. probably the quickest i’ve ever though to do something, it was life or death after all.

    “lame!” i can almost here you say “this just another writer on the internet, trying to make their fiction seem real”

    but isn’t it obvious? that’s why i’m putting this on a small website in corners of the internet. i feel immense guilt for murdering my own brother in cold blood, and having an innocent sent to death. i want to confess! but i don’t wish to go to prison!

    so this is perfect. no one will ever believe me. but i still confessed my sins and am now pure! so thank you. thank you for being a skeptic!

    hope you liked it that was my first horror story:)

  • This story is called Movie Night Massacre.
    Six friends Vanessa, Veronica, Eva, Jacob, Collins, and Mason were having a movie night in Eva’s house. “Any suggestions?” Asked Eva. “Nightmare On Elm Street!” Vanessa exclaimed. Eva went on Netflix and turned on “Nightmare On Elm Street.” About halfway through the movie, They all heard a knock at the door. “Who could that be” Asked Collins as he answered the door. Standing at the door was a guy with a ax and rope. He ran inside the house chasing the teenagers. He swung the ax at the teenagers, then he hit Jacob across the head and left him unconscious. He chopped Eva’s arm off. He hit Mason across the face. He Chopped Vanessa, Veronica, and, Collins leg off. Then he left leaving all of the dead bodies across the floor. The parents have security cameras in the house. When the parents got home, They checked the cameras and watched the horrifying scene. They went to the police Station and told the officer the mans name because they knew him. The police said “He died of a heart attack 10 years ago!”

  • This story is called The Murders On Elm Street
    I was sitting on the couch watching T.V and all of the sudden I heard A high pitched scream. It was coming from my street, Elm Street. Then A news bulletin popped up and it said:”There is a crazed murderer on the loose, Make sure to lock all doors and windows”. I heard another scream. I grabbed my shotgun and went over to the window. I looked out and saw two dead bodies of two women in my front yard. I was Horrified. I picked up my phone and called 911. An officer named James picked up and told me there were multiple phone calls about the same screams. The officer James told me he will call me back when he finds a suspect. It was about A week later when he called me and told me he found A suspect. It was about 9:45 pm so I decided to go to bed. As I was about to fall asleep, I heard glass break. I grabbed my shotgun from my bedside table and walked into the living room with trembling hands and saw A broken window, A masked gunman, and my cousins dead body. I broke down into tears. All of the sudden, The gunman came running at me with A large butchers knife. Still in tears, I shot the gunman in the head. He dropped dead immediately after I shot him. Right after that I went to check on my parents and my two children, Jessica and Gracie. Thank God they were okay. Then I began experiencing nightmares. When I woke up in the middle of night, I saw A man next to my bed. I closed my eyes and tried to make myself think it was A dream. Then I opened my eyes again and saw the same man. Right before I blacked out, I heard a deep voice say: “Goodbye Jason”. I woke up in the hospital. I saw my children and my parents sobbing next to the hospital bed. I discovered 17 stitches across my neck. When I got out later that day, I stayed up all night with my children. A few months later when I got the stitches out, My children, My parents and I went on a vacation to Disney World for three weeks. Before we got in the car, I set up Security cameras in all of the rooms in the house. When we got back, I checked the cameras. As I was checking the last camera, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. Again and again until the last one, when I died…

  • There was a girl named Shanna who was very vain and very competitive. She would spend hours putting on makeup and putting on clothes. Her mother had OCD and always was organizing things and never paid any attention to her daughter. Her father was a very rich man, who allowed his daughter to do anything she pleased. Although Shanna’s life at home sounds great enough, her life at school was pure agony. She was always late and delayed in school because she was so vain. She was also known as a bully to anyone and everyone who thought she was below perfect looking. She was always complaining about everyone and everything who didn’t do exactly what she wanted them to do. She always thought that no one dated her because they didn’t want others to get jealous of them and beat them up or she just thought no one was worthy enough to be with her. She had no friends because of how vain she was and sweared everyone’s name to fall asleep. Her prom was coming up and she had no date. She leaned on her desk angrily and yelled, “WHY ISN’T ANYONE WORTHY ENOUGH TO BE WITH ME???!!!” A new boy joined her school the next day. He was so kind and sweet and also good looking that he quickly became popular and got a great reputation. Shanna thought he was at least worthy to be with her and she asked him to go to prom with her. He smiled awkwardly and said, “You’re the 8th person to ask me that today,” He continued. “Everyone is so beautiful I don’t know who to choose. I’m sorry.” Shanna was angry at this and rolled her eyes and stomped away. The boy leaned over to his friend and asked, “Did I hurt her feelings? I didn’t want to.” His friend patted him on the back and told him everything about her. The boy took out a notepad and wrote: “Do not take Shanna to prom!!” The boy was bisexual so he chose a boy to go out with him to prom and they danced the night away. Shanna looked for him and when she saw him with another boy it enraged her. She had put on a $20,000 big poofy princess looking dress with purple stripes and gold around the waist. It kinda looked like a weird untraditional wedding dress. She began crying and unsurprisingly, no one comforted her. When she heard the principal was gonna say who had won prom king and queen, she smiled waiting to hear her name. But she was hit with a big sense of reality when the principal said that the new boy and his boyfriend had won. she ran all the way up on stage pushing and shoving everyone in her way. She grabbed the microphone and yelled, “A BOY CANNOT WIN PROM QUEEN!!!” A teacher came up to calm her down but she killed him with the microphone. Everyone’s dream night turned into a nightmare as she killed every single one of the people who had been there. Only five people survived the attack. The principal, the new boy, his date, a mother who had been there, and a teacher. Shanna went home acting weird. She said everything was fine and that someone had spilled some punch on her dress and that it would come out easy. While her mother was washing the dress, Shanna told her father everything. She felt no guilt and even tried to kill her father. But he was a very strong man, and pinned his daughter down. He told his wife to call the police and she did. Shanna was arrested for the murders of 86 people and sentenced to death row. Legend has it if you go to the exact area where the prom was held and shout Shanna’s name 5 times, she will appear and kill you and everyone you know with a microphone. The same weapon she used to kill them all.

  • Tick- Tock
    There was once an old eerie town called Psycho City, it was known for the giant clock that sat on top of the mayor’s home, shadowing the whole city. In this town there was a mad man named Igor, everybody in town feared him. Whenever he was out he was always muttering about clocks, and whispering
    “Tick- tock, tick- tock”
    One day in his dark home, at his dark dest he was thinking about how everybody else wasn’t crazy, and he wanted to make them crazy, he wanted to have… friends, that we just like him. So, one stormy night when everybody was asleep he slithered to there bedside, and watched them sleep
    “How peaceful” he muttered while giggling to himself
    But at exactly midnight he crawled to all of the clocks and set them to 3:00PM the next day, first Igor went to the grandfather clock in the middle of the mayor’s home, and moved the hands until it had rung three times, and on the third chime, he snuck away.
    When the villagers woke up the next day it was 9:00PM the next night. The villagers all wondered how they could’ve slept in that much. But they weren’t tired enough to go back to sleep, so they got out of bed, and went about their days as normal, but wondered how at 9:00 at night, it was still bright outside. They ended up going to sleep at 3:00AM the next morning. But when they were all asleep Igor snuck into their houses, and changed the clock to 8:00 AM two days later. He started with the grandfather clock in the middle of the mayor’s house, he moved the hands until the clock had rung three times, and then on the third chime he snuck away.
    When the villagers woke up it was 5:00 PM the next day. The villagers were confused and were starting to wonder if they had gone crazy! Soon people actually started believing they were insane! Running around mumbling about clocks and chanting
    “Tick- tock, tick tock”
    And Igor just sat on top of the giant clock above the mayor’s home watching it all happen below. That night the villagers went to sleep at 1:00 in the afternoon- tick- or was it morning- tock- maybe it was night- tick tock- I don’t know anymore…

  • The story begins with a man named “Coachman Ali” who is walking towards a post office as usual in the cold morning bearing tittered clothes. A deathly silence prevails all around.
    On reaching the post office, he seems to be as happy as a pilgrimage would be on reaching his destination. He enters the office and sits at the corner where he was accustomed to sit for the last five years.
    The clerk begins sorting out the letters in his speed, flinging the letters to the corresponding peons.
    Ali was a clever hunter and derived pleasure from the bewildered terror of the dying birds. As his skill increased, so did his hunting. But this was probably disliked by his daughter.
    The day his daughter leaved him after marrying with a soldier, his regiment in Punjab, he stopped hunting. He could no longer enjoy the screams of dying birds. He had understood the meaning of love and separation.
    Since then, he had been regularly visiting post office in early morning expecting a letter from his daughter Miriam, but it doesn’t come and returns home empty handed.
    The post office staff often laughs at him when they see his habits. The clerk even calls out his name; jokingly even there was no letter on his name. Also there were often discussions on his lunacy.
    For several days, Ali did not come to the post office. Everyone was curious to know the reason behind this. At last, he comes again, but, now it was difficult for him even to breathe and there were clear signs of his approaching end.
    Finally, he meets the post master and asks him for Miriam’s letter. As the post master was in hurry and was about to leave the country, he scolded him by saying that he would not eat his letter, if it would come.
    Then Ali called a clerk and gave him five golden guineas and asked him to deliver his letter, if it would come, to his grave. He slowly left him and was not seen by any one after that.
    One day, the post master’s daughter fell ill and he was anxious to hear from her. He searched for the letter from his daughter from the pile of letters and picked up a letter of the name he expected. It was addressed to “Coachman Ali”.
    Now he realized about his haughty temper towards Ali. He called Lakshmi Das, a clerk and asked him to find out Ali. That day he did not receive his letter and decided that he would hand over Ali’s letter to him, himself.
    Next morning, he opened the door and saw Ali leaning on a stick with tears in his eves. His eyes had a light so unearthly that the post master was scared. But, suddenly he disappeared.
    Then Lakshmi Das came and told him that Ali had died three months back.
    Now the post master was bewildered and confused. He still had Miriam’s letter in his hand. That evening he himself went to Ali’s grave to place the letter.

  • Chalayna

    Long ago, in the Suburbs of Mexico, there lived a 12 year old girl named Chalayna and her father, Miguel. They lived in a small hut away from the city, so there wasn’t much work, leaving them poor. As well as that, the father was sick and old, he had arthritis and brain cancer making it hard for him to move so he was fragile and there was no treatment as they were too poor, so he was unable to work leaving the young Chalayna having to sell dresses she’d learnt to make from her mother before she died. Yet business was low as well as income so they were low on food supplies. The special thing about Chalayna was that her dresses and garments made were the best known in the village, they were absolutely beautiful, she’d wash the old cloths, hang them up and again wash them with a very special solution to make them silky and smooth, then she’d use all kinds of colours like green, red and yellow then sew on laces and, buttons or small sequels or plastic pearls to complete something that looked like what a goddess could wear, her father was very proud of her, but as they were living in an almost deserted area and not being able to find transportation to move to more urban area, not many would buy, so the prices were pretty low.

    Months passed, and poor old Miguel passed away, Chalayna was left to fend for herself. She was absolutely frustrated and upset by the tragedy that she spent a few weeks weeping in her broken bed.

    As more months passed, Chalayna decided it was time to move on, as she couldn’t afford to get her father a legal funeral, she decided to wrap his rotting corpse in her best garments and bury him by the hill. As night came, she packed her bag with cloths and accessories for the dresses and headed off to the city where she could hopefully make a living off her pieces. When she finally arrived to Los Morales, she decided to straight up start her own small business and within months, thousands of rich people were buying her beautiful garment masterpieces and soon enough, her business became the biggest in the city leaving her tons of money. Even the King of Sweden proposed her to make the best dress for his Daughters wedding who was soon to be a bride, it would be sent off all the way to Sweden.

    Years passed and by the time she was 24, many people started getting curious as to how her dresses felt so silky like no other and what the ingredients were in the secret solution, even the best manufacturers were baffled since they tried numerous times with different ingredients, yet the silkiness of the dresses containing the solution weren’t even close to Chalaynas, not even her workers has seen what the solution looked like or what colour it was let alone know the ingredients, nor did her father, she was the only one who knew.

    One day, as Chalayna was working on a garment for a rich dead woman, a mysterious looking man wearing a long black robe approached her asking if he could talk, the fact that Chalayna was so rich by then gave her arrogance and selfishness so she yelled at him to leave her work and not disturb again. As night approached, Chalayna was the only one left in her business building, all her workers had left for the night and she was exhausted so she decided her shift was over. She headed downstairs, grabbed her keys to lock the building but just as she was about to turn the key she heard something smash within the building, she hurried back to the second floor and found that the glass containing her most expensive dress laced with golden sequels had been stolen. Chalayna fumed with rage and grabbed an ice pick near the sewing machine, although she was scared, she was determined to fight the robber off, but just before she could do any further, someone leaped behind her, forcibly holding her arms and her mouth shut so she wouldn’t scream. Looking up, she noticed it was the same mysterious man who’d asked if he could talk earlier, she tried to free herself but he was far too strong for her match.

    ‘Whats the ingredients?’ he whispered’

    ‘Please just let me go!’She tried to speak, so he removed his hand

    ‘Tell me or i’ll slice your head off with that sewing machine’ He yelled as he slowly turned it on

    ‘OK fine, please don’t hurt me’ She hesitated to tell him at first, but then suddenly came with a plan.

    She struggeled herself free from his grip and yelled ‘IT’S HUMAN BLOOD YOU LITTLE SHIT!!’ Realising that her secret ingredient was now in his ear, she stuck her fingers in his eyes and stabbed him in the hand with the ice pick, grabbed him by the hair and sliced his neck off with the sewing machine that was still on going.

    As morning arose, one of her workers came in early to see Chalayna dipping a white cloth into something that looked like a red, dark liquid.
    Note: I hope you guys liked it, did you find the secret at the end? Sorry for my terrible grammar but it’s my first time writing a story, thanks for reading!

  • Scary Past

    Based on a true story. It was just another day in school. It was History after lunch time so most students were sleepy. I found myself drifting to sleep when we heard screams coming from the classroom a floor beneath us. They had no other classrooms near them. It was just basically them on the 2nd floor with the different labs. Immediately all of us went outside to see why they were screaming. I asked all my friends from that class but none of them would tell me what happened since they were still scared. Until the end of the day, we gathered together and they told me this:

    Ms. Eva was sitting on the teacher’s table. Scolding us on what we have done. When Tracy, the one who can see ghosts, became pale and looked at the blackboard behind Ms. Eva. She screamed and covered her ears and closed her eyes. We were all scared and kept quiet when we all heard a child’s laughter.

    The laughter sounded like the child was playing and it didn’t stop for 15 seconds until it became quite again. We kept darting our eyes back and forth to see if it came from a phone or not. Mark then noticed footprints of children all over the ceiling. Some are barefooted, some aren’t. We also noticed an adult’s footprints just being stationary in the corner, but we didn’t really mind it. Then Yassi heard somebody calling for help so she stood up and walked around the room. Since she can’t find where it’s coming from, she came back to her chair scared. It wouldn’t stop bothering her. Tracy looked at the blackboard again and screamed. We all darted our eyes to the blackboard to see a child’s hand prints as well as an adult’s. There were also writings around the walls ‘HELP ME’ written in blood. By that time Tracy had began crying and began mumbling words.

    We heard another giggle and this time our teacher said ‘ENOUGH!’ Whoever is doing it stop it! Stop scaring each other. Look, Tracy is scared! So whoever is doing it stop it or I’ll give you detention’

    Just then we heard children’s screams of terror. We couldn’t really do anything. We didn’t dare move. We just let the screaming pass by together with an adult’s maniac like laughter. Almost all of us were crying including the teacher. We snapped out of the trance of what seemed like 5 minutes of hearing the laughter and cries, we all screamed and ran out the room.

    As soon as a nun in our school heard about the story, she grabbed a rosary, a bible and Holy Water and began blessing the room.

    Since our school is over a hundred years old, we investigated it’s history. It turns out, it’s a cemetery for those who have died in the war, those who died during a major flash flood in our city and it was also a house with a single father and his three children which he murdered in their room while they were playing with each other.

    Because of the incident, we started having altars in each classroom and started praying for all lost souls. So far, nothing has happened. It’s been 3 years since that incident happened and to this day, it still scares me. Even though we were just a floor above them, with the door and windows open, we never heard the children’s laughter and cries and the adult’s maniac laughter.

  • (No offense to the other stories but this is different than all those same old tales)


    “Truth Doll”

    Bella was a spoiled little girl and she was going to start preschool after her current summer break. She couldn’t wait to start it so that she could make her first friends! There were only a few houses near hers, but the children there didn’t like Bella because she would often start fights and constantly complain. She wanted to have a new beginning in school.

    One morning, Bella was complaining to her mom that she wanted a new doll. After half an hour of arguing, Bella lost the argument and was told she couldn’t buy anything until school started. Bella ran to her room very upset. As she slumped onto her bed, she turned to her nightstand.
    She happened to notice a small piggy bank behind her lamp.

    She decided to use her own savings to sneak out and buy a new toy. After emptying the piggy bank, Bella ended up with 30 dollars. She went downstairs and called to her mother.
    “Mom, I’m going to go play in the front yard!”
    Her mother replied from the kitchen, “Ok, but be back for lunch! I’m making your favorite noodle soup!”

    Bella went outside and pretended to play for a while. After making sure her mother wasn’t looking through the window near the door, she went around the house to their garage and took her bicycle out. She rode it down their hill to the nearest shops.

    After 10 minutes, she found an old toy shop. She entered and smelled a musty scent that made her sneeze. An old man was sitting at the front counter.
    “Welcome” he said.

    Bella walked through the small shops and checked the rows of shelves and boxes for any toys. All she found were dusty clothes, a few pairs of adult shoes, and action figures until she got to the back of the shop.

    The back of the shop has three shelves filled with dolls. Bella noticed every single doll was tattered and very old looking. She didn’t want to buy any of them. She went back to the front counter and was about to leave when she happened to noticed a beautiful doll behind the old man. It was prettier than all her dolls and she instantly loved it.

    “How much for the doll?”

    The old man replied, “Sorry, pumpkin, but it’s not for sale”.

    Bella began to cry. She wailed in front of the old man until he couldn’t take take it anymore.

    “Ok, ok, ok! Just stop crying.”
    He didn’t want any visitors to think he was making children cry..

    Bella began to quiet down until she was only sniffing.

    “But listen to me… I found it outside the house of someone who was murdered.. It’s rumored that it’s cursed!”

    The old man decided not to mention what the curse was so he didn’t completely spoil it for the little girl.

    “Just be careful around it… Don’t play with it too much.”

    The girl was overjoyed. The man offered the doll for free but she gave him the $30.

    She biked all the way back home with the doll then hid it behind a plant. She decided to pretend to climb trees, just in case. Just as she was up the first tree, her mother called outside.

    “Come on! The soup’s almost cold!”

    Bella ran inside and into the kitchen. She finished as fast as she could then reminded herself to get her doll. She snuck the doll upstairs to her room. She played with it until bedtime. Her mother told her to turn out the lights from downstairs.

    There was only one problem:
    Bella was afraid of the dark. Well, not necessarily of the dark, but whatever
    could be hiding in it. She turned off the lights and hid herself under her covers with the doll.

    “What if there’s a monster under my bed. A monster that would grab my feet when I try to get out.” She told her doll.

    It felt better to have something she could talk to her fears about.

    “Sometimes, I see faces in the tree branches through my window. I always feel like they could come to life and climb in.. It’s silly, isn’t it?”

    She moved the dolls head into a nod.

    ” My brother told me about a guy called Jeff the Killer. He has a really scary face. No eyelids and a torn mouth with bleached white skin. He writes “Go to sleep” and when you do, he murders you.”

    She felt better to get her fears out.

    “But they aren’t real. Anyways, you can protect me.”

    With that, she fell asleep.

    The next morning, It was Thursday,
    May 12th. School would start at the end of July! Bella couldn’t wait. She basically spent the entire day with her doll. She went outside with it and pretended to dance with her. She put her up in the trees and climbed next to her. She even played hide and go seek… It was pretty difficult. After lunch, she went upstairs and played tea party with her new doll and her other dolls. Bella was having the time of her life.

    By the time it was night, Bella was exhausted. It was 8:30 PM. After climbing into bed with her doll, she was about to fall asleep when she remembered something that kept her up. She had completely forgotten about the curse. She started to feel a bit scared when she remembered the old man’s warnings… Bella had to know what it was. She had to sneak out.

    At 11:30 PM, Bella’s parents were asleep. As quiet as a mouse, Bella took the doll and snuck out. She decided to run to the shop since the bicycle would be too noisy. She reached it at 11:45.

    The man was about to close up wen Bella came in, but she stopped him.

    “Excuse me sir, but could you please tell me what the curse is? I need to know, I came all this way late at night!”

    The old man looked at her sadly and sighed.

    “Very well. The curse of the doll is called the Reality Curse. Whoever owns the doll must be very careful not to mention any bad things to the doll. Otherwise, the doll will make the fears into a reality on the upcoming Friday the 13th. The last owner of the doll died after he told it about his fear of murderers. The curse is unavoidable. ”

    Bella dropped the doll right there. She cried all the way home and didn’t stop running till she reached her front door. There she stopped to think.

    “It can’t be real. Mama knows that too! He only told me its cursed because he wants to mess with me. He’s a real meanie!”

    Instead of being scared, Bella was rather upset. Why did he want to scare her. She decided to go to bed and think of it tomorrow. She snuck upstairs into her bedroom as quiet as possible. Her parents where still asleep. She climbed into bed.

    “Even if it was real, nothing can happen. I left the doll with the man!”

    Bella felt a lot better. She began to think of lots of her favorite things. She was dreaming of her stuffed unicorns and how the doll was gone. She was dreaming of all her good dolls and how pretty they were and how much fun they would have.

    Dreamt even as the clock struck 12:00. Dreamt even as the wind began to shape the trees. Dreamt even as a shadowy figure wrote “Go to Sleep” in blood on her bedroom window.

  • There was a girl named Janet that work at the local grocery store. She lived by herself in an apartment building. She had just graduated college and she was working to become the manager of the store.

    She came home one day and noticed that something was missing. She could figure out what was missing. She called her friend Carol to help her find what was missing. Carol had been to her house hundreds of times so she knew where everything was located.

    Carol couldn’t figure it out either, and it was getting dark. They decided to go to bed and search again tomorrow.

    That night Janet sat in bed thinking about what it was and where it was now.

    The next day Janet called in sick for work so they could search the whole day. Janet was a doll collector so she went to go look at her collection to see if any were gone.

    It was a good thing she did because all of her dolls were gone. She immediately called the cops.

    When they got there she told them what had happened. She told them exactly how many dolls were missing and she showed them a picture of all the dolls in one spot.

    The police decided to search the neighborhood for the thief. While they were searching they found an old cabin that was really broken down. They decided to search it. When they went in the was nobody there but they heard something weird.

    It was an old woman’s voice saying “Mmm yummy dolls”!

    It just kept repeating over and over again. They said they would search the basement. When they went down there they found an old woman in a rocking chair with the head of one of Janet’s dolls in her mouth.

    She was arrested and all of Janet’s dolls were replaced. But there was one that still had teeth marks on it

  • Hello sfk! I wrote this story.hope you’ll like it.


    Jennifer was at a birthday party of her friend and it was getting late at night.she wanted to leave and told the host that she was leaving.hearing this her friend asked her ” Jenny, are you sure you want to leave from here now? It’s late at night and you are alone can sleep over here tonight and leave tomorrow morning.that’s better, right?.but Jennifer was not in a mood to listen.she told her friend that she had to go home and finish some pending work.she assured her friend that she would be safe and left the party.Her home was just a few blocks away and she decided to walk.she knew that it was a safe was a moonlit night and all the shops were closed.the street was deserted and she almost thought for a moment that she could’ve stayed back.still she walked and she felt a strange presence, she looked back and caught a figure following her.she could make out that it was a man.she felt uneasy and walked fast.when she glanced back she saw the man running towards her.she got frightened out of her wits and she started running screaming for help.she knew that there were no houses nearby and all the shops were closed.she hoped that someone would hear her and she screamed for help.the man was a lot behind her and she heard him shout something.she continued to run frantically in hope to save her life.she was running through the road and suddenly a car screeched infront of her, hitting her.she fell to the road and got a head injury bleeding all over.the car driver stepped out of the car .she also saw the man nearing her and she was losing her consciousness.he reached over to her and said, ma’am what did you do? You forgot your cellphone at the party and I was send by your friend to give it back to you.why did you run like that?.Jennifer stammered between hard breathes “please…. take me to hospital.”he helped the driver to take her to the car, and she was later recovered in the hospital.days later as she was recovering in hospital, her friend came to visit she was narrating the incident, her friend said.. “but Jenny….I didn’t send anyone to return you’re phone.I thought I could keep it and give it to you the next day morning.” Jennifer stared at her in disbelief.she then understood that the man was trying to convince the driver that he was not chasing her and was trying to return her phone.if the accident haven’t happened,that man would’ve caught her.when Jennifer got her phone back from her friend, she went through all her selfies at the birthday party and in one picture she saw the man in the background.he was grinning and holding up a butcher knife.

  • “Sarah”

    Carli Smith, a 27 year Brazilian old journalist, lives with her 3 year old daughter Cassie and her sister Sarah Evans in a small apartment in Pennsylvania.
    One day, Sarah texted Carli, saying she would be home late.
    When Carli got home at 8:00 pm with Cassie, Sarah still wasn’t there.
    She waited a little longer after putting Cassie to bed. Sarah still didn’t come home. She started to get worried.
    -a few hours later-
    12;00 AM.
    It started.
    Carli started to hear static, which was impossible since the TV was off.
    She started trembling, and started listening to music through her headphones.
    A few minutes later, Carli started hearing tapping sounds even through her headphones, which disturbed her.
    She walked over to Cassie, holding her tightly. Cassie woke up, startled.
    Carli cuddled her, sitting on the sofa.
    An hour later, she started hearing clicking sounds. Sound that sounded like heels.
    S – Sarah? Is that you? She asked, walking towards the door.
    She then heard moaning and groaning, which both disturbed her and disgusted her.
    If you’re gonna do it, do it quietly. She said, rolling her eyes.
    She then realized that the sounds were continuous.…
    This went on for an hour or so.
    Carli couldn’t take it anymore, so she went towards the door, with Cassie in her arms.
    She looked through the peephole, and saw something she couldn’t ever erase from her memory.
    Her sister.
    Bloody eyes.
    Pale skin.
    Ripped clothes.
    Wounded body.
    S – Sarah? She asked, crying in fear. Sarah said.
    SARAH! She shouted, frightened and sad.
    Sarah suddenly faded away, leaving small streaks of blood.
    S – said, tears streaming down her face like a waterfall.
    She eventually fell asleep.
    The next day, she found a few newspapers at the foot of her bed..along with a letter that said: CARLI..I LIVED WITH YOU FOR TWO YEARS..THAT WAS ME THE OTHER NIGHT..THE GIRL YOU SAW THOSE DAYS WAS NOT ME..IT WAS…
    “HER”. Written in blood.
    (Or maybe red ink)
    [Shut up Kim]
    She turned pale as a ghost when she read the headline;
    Carli looked at the date.
    It said: July 11, 2014..
    Wha..? She said, shaking in terror.
    She had been living there..
    Since 2012..
    And it’s 2016…

  • The Signs

    *This story is also on written on Wattpad, in “Curiously Creepy Tales”. I am A. M. W. @Emma_Luna.*

    One night Aubrey White was at the residence of Julia Pen. They were talking and having a grand time. After a while they were telling stories.

    “I know a story,” Aubrey said. “Of a boy named Noah and his friend Brandon. They were at Noah’s house, one dark and stormy night, when his parents weren’t home.

    “But the boys weren’t afraid. Well, they weren’t until they started noticing the – ” She lowered her voice to a whisper. “The signs.”

    “What signs?” Julia interrupted.

    Irritated, Aubrey rolled her eyes. “Shh! I’m telling a story.”

    “Well, duh.”

    Aubrey ignored this. “Now you ruined the mood.”

    “Sorry. Go on.”

    “Fine. The signs of; Bloody Rose, they call her.”

    “Like Bloody Mary?”

    “No. Quite different. Now, if you don’t stop talking, I’ll summon Bloody Mary to you, and you’ll never hear the end of my story.”

    Julia crossed her arms and scoffed huffily, but kept silent.

    “Thank you. Now, where were we? Oh, yes. Bloody Rose. It was said she was in your house if you experience any of the following without logical reason;

    “One, lights flickering.

    Two, tapping at your walls.

    Three, ominous phone calls, voicemails, notes, or texts.

    Four, voices whispering threats.

    Five, footsteps in the attic basement, or an upper floor.

    Six, disembodied laughter or shrieks, usually a child’s.

    Finally, Seven, a cool breeze inside or a presence of some sort.”

    She took a deep breath and continued.

    “It is said that these would grow so persistent and frightening that you would either go mad or drop dead on the spot. If the signs didn’t kill you, she would. You see, there’s a reason she’s called Bloody Rose. She would take the most beautiful, reddest, thorniest rose, and shove it down your throat, suffocating you. She will put your blood in a chalice, and drink from it. This is said to keep her spirit alive and youthful, so her only victims are children. She only comes if you know of her, know of someone who knows of her, or know of someone who has had an encounter with her.

    “So anyway, the Noah told the story I have told to you now, which is entitled, “The Signs”, by the way. Suddenly, the boys heard a strange tapping.

    “Tap, Tap, Tap.

    “And the lights flickered above their heads. They strained their ears to hear the soft pitter-patter of footsteps above them. While listening, they noticed something else. Cries and screams of children, while other voices laughed hysterically. They found a note. It read,

    “Scared Yet?”

    As they read it, a voice whispered the words aloud. Noah screamed as he felt a cold presence behind him, and keeled over, dead. Brandon, however, overcome with grief, waited for his fate. It did not come. Because, you know, if you offer yourself to her, she won’t take your blood.”

    When Aubrey stopped, Julia raised her hand.

    “What? You can talk now, the story’s over.”

    “How do you know about her?”

    Aubrey smirked. “My uncle was Brandon.”

    But suddenly, Julia wasn’t listening to her, but to something else. “Do you hear that?”













  • The Diary of a Bloodthirsty Ghost
    Day One,
    I wake up and see my mom crying and my dad’s arm wrapped around her. Our house was on fire. I ran up to my parents
    “don’t cry” I told my mom “if we can buy one house we can buy another, I don’t care that all my toys are gone, don’t cry”
    But they didn’t respond
    “mom” I said “dad?”
    I tried to tap my dad’s shoulder, but my hand whooshed through him.
    “What’s happening? What?” I slashed my hand through my dad’s back, then fell to my my knees and cried, I was a ghost.
    Day Two,
    My parents left, I started walking to the forest that used to be behind my house. On my way I saw something, sort of a black, charred lump, I walked towards it. As I got closer, I noticed it looked like a person, I ran to it. It was me, my charred body lifelessly laying on the ground, then it started to come back. It was midnight, I had pulled myself out of bed to get some water, and my dad was there, he had a can of gasoline and a lighter, he was pouring the gas on the counters, and the fridge, then when he turned around to put it on the kitchen table he saw me. His hand zipped after, just narrowly missing my shirt, I darted up to my mom, trying to shake her awake, she started to stir as my dad walked in pouring gas on the ground below us.
    “Hey buddy what’s wrong? This is how you clean the house”
    I slowly backed away, my mom’s eyes opened and as she looked up, she started wide eyed at daddy as he through the lighter on the ground, it exploded knocking us all back. My dad put a cloth over my mom’s mouth, then sped out of the house with mommy in his arms. I bounded after them struggling to see through the smoke, flames biting at my arms and legs. I couldn’t catch up, the smoke alarm blared as I tried to jump over the flames, resulting in a burn on my leg. I fell clutching my leg and my vision blurred, sirens wailing in the distance, I tried to shout for help
    “mommy! I whispered as everything turned black.
    Day Three,
    now that I knew the truth I needed my revenge, daddy had wronged me, and mommy didn’t remember. I was blood thirsty. Okay, so ghosts can’t really use computers so I had to track him down myself. I walked around, trying to hear anything, see anything about what had happened with my parents. Finally I saw in a newspaper that Frank and Susan (Dad and Mom) had gone to Mexico trying to take their minds off their recent tragedy. Daddy had told the press that the fire began because mommy left the oven on, and I was asleep. This just made me angrier.
    Day four,
    I began my walk to Mexico today, ghost time is a lot faster than human time, so I was there in 3 hours tops! I just recently tracked down daddy, and I decided it wasn’t enough just to kill him, I felt like I had to have a little fun. I found out ghosts could sip through walls so I did that and found myself in a bedroom, a kid’s bedroom! Then I heard a little boy’s voice
    “I’ll be in my room MOM!!!!!” She could only be my mom! I had to get rid of this kid!
    As far as I know my parents found his body hung in his room with his intestines hanging out, and his body charred, and black. They moved after that. I followed them to New York City.
    Day five,
    I messed with my dad today, he was cooking steak and I smashed his face onto the grill, he screamed and as soon as my mom came out he was rushed to the hospital. I made sure all of the doctors had… other things to work on. My dad had a scar on his face now.
    Day six,
    Today my dad was wacking away at the weeds and since I found out most things went through me I found that I could move material objects with my mind (that’s what I did with the grill) so today I floated the weed wacker upward until it was inches from his face, he was well you know BAFFLED because most people don’t see a flying weed wacker every day. He was just stunned, glued to his spot. I slammed the weed wacker down, figuring I’d done enough damage to his face, it sliced a chunk of his foot away. He screamed in pain clutching his foot to his chest, once again he was rushed to the emergency room, but the hospital had a unfortunate disaster. My mom and dad wrapped my dad’s foot in tissue paper, and I guess just tried to wait it out, but every day for some reason his foot tissue kept coming off no matter how much they duck taped it. So soon enough it got infected and mom had to amputate my dad’s leg, but all of the anesthetics in the stores and mysteriously disappeared, and all of the saws and knifes had burnt somehow. So my dad was in excruciating pain while my mom chewed his leg off.
    Day seven,
    After all of the “clumsy accidents” my dad had made, my mom decided she couldn’t handle it anymore, and she dumped daddy. He lives on the streets holding a sign that says
    “please help, I’ll take anything, please help me”
    I giggled at the sight of this, I was about to put him out of his misery when I realized how funny he looked, sobbing, leg pussy, lying in the streets. I decided this was so fun, I had to do it some more. But I only tortured parents who neglected their children. Often I murder the parents, they don’t deserve life. Sometimes I murder children to show the parents that they don’t understand what they have is great until they lose it.

    My parents neglected me, I am dead now, I am a ghost.

    How was it? Sorry if it sucks, first story, got this idea from the story Imaginary Friends. I’ve been reading on this website forever, and just recently got an account. Hop you guys like it!

  • Paranoia
    Lately I haven’t felt safe in my apartment. Or anywhere really. You see, last week when I was exiting my apartment building I saw a tall and skinny man dressed in a black overcoat with a black hat that covered his face staring at me. It wasn’t an who are you stare, it was a death stare that sent ice throughout my veins. I moved away, and he swayed with me, matching my steps. I turned around and walked back into my apartment. I haven’t been outside since. It’s been six days… I haven’t stopped coming to work and I haven’t bought groceries for a whole week. I just can’t go outside though. I am afraid that he is watching me and my every move. He is copying my breaths and heartbeats. I actually am not lonely, the TV provides great comfort. The voices soothing me that everything is going to be alright. It is the seventh day and I hear a knock on the door. I look in the peephole and my heart starts to pound loudly. It is him. The man. I fall back onto the floor and knock over a chair, I send it flying into the dinner table. I pick up the phone and dial 911. They ask me my emergency and I am nearly hysterical. I cry that a man is outside my door and he is going to kill me. They assure me they will get him taken care of. I need to stay calm they say, but I can’t be calm, tears falling over my face rapidly. I wait. 5 minutes… 10 minutes… They knock on my door. They tell me that no one was there, and there was nothing they could do, sorry. I go to my bedroom and lock myself in the closet, crying and shaking. I wish they understood. He is going to come for me… I don’t know how I fell asleep, but I wake up on my closet floor. Day seven. I remember what had happened last night and start to shake. My phone rings, and I check the caller ID. It’s Lana, a good friend of mine. I ask her why she was calling and she told me that she hadn’t seen me in a while and was worried about me. I tell her that I’m not okay, someone is out to hurt me and potentially kill me. She sighs over the phone and tells me that MAYBE I should see someone about this, it’s not healthy to be inside for a week. I tell her I will think about it and hang up. I am sitting and reading an old book about a scandalous marriage when I hear a knock on the door, two times. My blood freezes, ice cubes forming in my blood. It’s him, oh god it’s him. I run into my bedroom and lock my closet and dial 911 again. They have to help me. They have to…
    It’s day eight and the police didn’t help me. They hung up when I called, saying that this was getting old, no one was there last time, it’s hard to believe someone who cried wolf.
    I woke up in my closet… Again… The knocking stopped last night around ten. I hope he doesn’t come back today. I hope he stays out of my life forever. I hope… God I hope.
    Her: Maybe you should see someone.
    Me: I don’t need anyone to tell me I’m crazy.
    Her: You’re not crazy, you just are stressed out. Talking to someone may help.
    Me: But he’s there. He’s out there, mimicking my breaths and heartbeats.
    Her: Oh Kay…
    Me: I need to go.
    Her: Call 473-9383 if you want help.
    I slam my phone angrily on the table. I don’t need help. I need him to be gone. I am angry at Lana for telling me I need help. I eat a piece of toast and feel awful. Today sucks.
    Day nine started today and surprisingly the sun is shining through my dark curtains. I peek out through the curtains and the sun is high in the sky. I look out into the woods that surround the apartment building and I feel peace. For a second. I see him. He is standing behind a tree and his face to me. I can almost feel the eyes of him on me. I cry out in fear as he comes closer. I run to my bathroom and hide in the shower. I hear a knock at my door, louder and louder each time. All I can do is scream, and scream and scream…
    I am in a place of white. The walls are padded and the door is locked tightly. An asylum. That’s where I am. I look at my hands and bloody scratches are up my hands and arms. I don’t feel the pain as I examine them. A nurse walks in, her blonde hair pinned back tightly. She says that I was found in my apartment screaming about a man trying to murder me and I was having a seizure and scratching myself until I was bloody and sore. I look at her, confused. She says the doctor will be right in. She leaves.
    I wait for an hour… I think… When the doctor comes in. He is tall and skinny, almost stretched. He says hello. I nod, and so does he. I look at him, eyes wide. He does the same. It’s him. He smiles at me with a deadly smile. I back away. He tells me it won’t hurt, he has been looking for me and has finally got me. I try to run, but there is no where to go. He stabs me with a needle and the world goes black.


    There’s this girl that goes to my school named Anna… poor, poor soul. She’s in the fourth grade, just one below me. I appear to be her only friend. She seems to only give me details.
    I ask her what the purple and black bruises on her arms are from. She says her mother wrangles them too much.
    I ask her what the crimson scars on her legs are from. She says her cat scratches her too much.
    I ask her what the black swelling on her eyes are from. She says her brother beats her too much.
    I ask her what happened to the missing clumps of her long, straight, dark brunette hair. She says her father likes to tear her hair too much.
    I ask her what the red, puffy lumps on her feet are from. She says her sister stomps on her feet too much.
    But today, Anna was missing from school. From all the stories of her whole family constantly beating her, I fear that she must’ve died from too much. I should’ve told the teacher. For God’s sake, I should’ve told the authorities!
    But every time she told what the bruises were from, she made me promise not to tell anyone.
    And I always promised.
    After the bell rings, I rush on home. Anna and I are neighbors, but I see a “FOR SALE” sign in front of her house.
    I dash up to my porch where my grandma is always rocking in her rocking chair when I get home. I sit beside her and gaze upon my missing friend’s house.
    “Grandma,” I give her a longing look. “Do you know what happened to Anna Whiting?”
    “Ah, little Annalise Whiting? Your friend?” My grandma frowns. “Child authorities had audacity to take little Anna away!”
    “Why?” I burst as my eyes widen.
    “Well, they had a complete right to,” my Grandma shakes her head. “Little Anna has been living on her own for six years! Can you believe it? A nine-year-old has been living by herself since she was three!”

  • (DESCRIPTION FOR THIS STORY: Vickie is an average girl who is home alone. When she leaves to use the bathroom, she sees a monster in the mirror. When Vickie starts experiencing paranormal/supernatural wonders, she feels as if there is no hope left.)

    “Vickie, you know that we won’t be back for a couple hours,” my mother says as she and my father stand beside the front door in their best of clothing.
    “Yes, probably not till 10:30pm!” Father chuckles.
    “Guys, I’ll be alright!” I sigh with a joking smile. “I’m fourteen and three quarters! I can take care of myself for three hours.”
    “How did we deserve you?” Mother blows me a cheesy kiss. “Have fun!”
    “You too!” I call, but my parents have already exited the door and slammed it shut. I dash over to the door and lock it, then bite my bottom lip and smirk.
    An hour later, I groan and mumble with my hand pressed against my full stomach. I binged on sweets and soda the whole time. Twix, Circus Peanuts, Lays Chips, Chex Mix, Rootbeer and etc. I feel like I need to lay down and rest for a moment, but I also feel a gut feeling I need to use the restroom.
    After doing my “business” in the toilet, I head over to my sink and turn the faucet on. As I proceed to wash my hands, I look up into the mirror. I see me, the sink, my shower and the shower curtains that cover up half of the bath.
    Then, I see a long, thin, hand slowly reach out from behind the curtain and grasp it with its outstretched pale fingers.
    Of course I quickly turn around… but I see nothing in my curtains. I look down at the sink and splash water on to my face. I feel half asleep, so I might just be seeing things.
    I look up into the mirror again and I see the hand holding onto the curtains, but this time I see a motionless bald head peeking out. It has huge, deep, dark eye sockets but tiny white eyes with a small pupil. I once again turn around, but it isn’t there.
    I look at the mirror again and I see the outstretched human figure standing next to the curtain. It’s mouth is bigger than its huge eye sockets and it’s wide open. It’s just staring at me through the mirror. I turn around and it isn’t really behind me, but when I look at the mirror again it’s already out of the shower in the same position! I know I should just rush out of the bathroom and shut the door, but I’m not thinking straight because their is a freaking monster in my mirror! So I just take the candle next to the faucet and smash the mirror. Some of the glass shards must have breeched near my eyes because before I know it I am passed out in-
    I wake up on the bathroom floor. I feel water dripping on me one by one as I gain consciousness. I look up and see I left the faucet running as it overflows.
    “Crap,” I mutter as I stand and turn off the sink and let the sound of the water draining continue.
    Gurgle, gurgle, gurgle…
    I look up in the mirror and there is no monster anymore, nor is it smashed. Thank god. It was like something out of Silent Hill! I smile as I turn around and oh god… there’s the monster again! I scream and finally do what I should’ve done in the first place… run.
    I dash out of the bathroom and slam the door shut. I quickly get out my key and lock it tight. Then, I hear scratching on the door and all the other doors surrounding me burst open. In each cabinet and door is a duplicate of the pale outstretched monster. They wait a second before all jumping at me to eat, tear me up, twist me like a licorice or worse! I quickly duck and rush into my room and lock it.
    “Soon Mom and Dad will be home,” I cry. “They’ll save me.”
    I don’t know what to think. I mean, is this a dream? First, I saw a monster in my mirror that wasn’t really there. Then I fainted. Then when I woke up, the monster wasn’t in my mirror, but was really there. And there are more of them! In every single door! Thank god the one in my bedroom door ran out and thank god I escaped! My parents should be home any moment now.
    Then, I head over to the long mirror in my room to see if I have any fatal scratches and scars on me. I seem perfectly fine, so now I just have to wait.
    Then, I see something odd in my mirror. I don’t see myself, but I see my parents.
    They seem worried as they look around in my room.
    “Mom! Dad!” I cry as I turn around. But they’re not there.
    They’re in my mirror.
    “Vickie?” My mom weeps. “Where are you?”
    “Did she run off?” Father looks like he’s going to burst into tears.
    “Was she… no,” Mother doesn’t even want to think about me being dead. “I’ll call 911.”
    Then I come to the realization… when I fainted, I must have traveled into the world in my mirror. The world with the monsters.
    “I’m in here!” I bawl. “Please let me out! Let me out! I want out!”
    I try and push myself through the mirror as tears stream down my cheeks, but it’s no use. I lay down on the ground as I cry like a baby and try to fall asleep because when I wake up, I might wake up in my real home!
    Then I hear the sickening sound of my closet door opening. I open one eye to see one of the mirror monsters on my top shelf in my closet staring down at me in the most ghoulish and sickening grin. I can’t do a thing as he pounces down on me and

  • (please read the previous comment, “THE MAN WITH LITTLE EYES.” Thank you!) IMAGINARY BOY
    I have a secret to tell you. My imaginary friend, Claude, is in fact not imaginary. He is a ghost. Same with his family.
    He has no siblings, a mother named Mildred and a father named Charles. They can’t see me, though, for some reason. They can’t see my whole family. Must be a ghost thing. Only Claude can see me.
    My mother always tells me to stay away from Claude if he’s causing me trouble. She speaks of him as if she knows he’s not imaginary. But I always inform her that he is indeed imaginary.
    Although there are three gravestones outside. One for Claude, one for Mildred and one for Charles. So it’s hard having to explain that.
    Claude and I often hang out in my room where we play with dolls. He is my age, yet less mature.
    “Dolls are for sissies,” Claude always complains. “If you make me play with dolls, I’ll tell my Mummy and Daddy about you!”
    “You’re a ghost, Silly,” I giggle. “You can’t do squat about me.”
    Then, one day, I hear Claude tattling about me to his family of ghosts.
    “Mummy! Daddy!” Claude whines. “There’s something I need to tell you. There’s a girl who lives here named Victoria! She has a twin brother named Vincent and a mother named Beatrice! Victoria always makes me play with her and I want her out!”
    “You can’t frighten me away, you stupid ghost!” I call from upstairs.
    “What-What was that?” Mildred whispers in fear.
    “That’s the girl I was telling you about!” Claude complains.
    “What did you say her name was again?” Charles strictly questions.
    “Victoria! Victoria Maè!” Claude humphs.
    “Victoria?” Charles’s eyes widen. “How? She died years ago!”
    “What?” I gawk. “I never died! You guys are the ghost!”
    “Honey, I’m scared!” Mildred whimpers. “What happened the the previous family?”
    “The Maès were a delightful family,” Charles groans. “Always smiling. Always happy. Until the father, Manning, shot their two children, Victoria and Vincent in their sleep. Then smothered their mother in her slumber with her pillow. After killing them, he ran off. Never to be seen again.”
    “What?” I scream in frustration and tears. “I’m not dead! You guys are dead!”
    But I slowly come to the realization, Father did run away one night like that. But not because he killed us or anything! Claude and HIS family are dead, not mine! I’m not a ghost! I’m not a ghost!
    I run downstairs to the family as if I’m going to ram into them, but instead, I fly right through them.
    “Did you feel that?” Charles hugs Claude and Mildred.
    “It’s Victoria!” Tears are streaming down Mildred’s cheeks. “She’s come for revenge! I just know it!”
    “No, no,” I softly say as tears began to stream down my cheeks, too.
    “What’s it like being the one whose called a ghost, now?” Claude raises an eyebrow at me and smirks a ghoulish grin.
    “I’m not a ghost!” I pull my hair and scream so loudly the house begins to shake. Claude and his family begin to cry in fear. I am just a danger. I am just a creature. I am just a ghost.
    Those three gravestones outside aren’t for Claude, Mildred and Charles. They’re for Mother, Vincent and me. Turns out Claude isn’t my imaginary friend, I’m his.

    I will let you in on something. Something that is currently being researched on and kept a secret for fear sake.
    I should know.
    People have been having… strange nightmares lately. They wake up in a golden tunnel that leads down a hallway.
    Of course, they ponder down the hall noticing the fine detail in the walls. Then, they come to a room. The first thing people often notice is the large pile of shoes.
    Yes, shoes.
    Thousands of thousands of shoes. Each one a different size and style.
    A sign above the shoes says, “PLEASE TAKE OFF YOUR SHOES BEFORE DINING.”
    They slip off their shoes, which are always the ones they’ve worn before the dream, and plop them in the pile. Then they look beyond.
    It’s a large table fit for a king! Full of tropical foods, BBQ foods, fast foods, all your favorite foods and more!
    It makes their mouths water as they lick their lips and slowly take in everything as they make their way to the end of the table.
    Then they stop and gasp. At the end of the table sits a man pale as ever. His long, thin, tall skin is wrinkly. He has two small holes next to each other in the middle of his head and a long, ghoulish mouth. It’s pitch black inside his mouth with no teeth at all.
    And before him is a plate with eyes.
    They (they as in the victim of the dream) want to scream, but the foods beg them to eat and dine. They can’t resist no matter how hard they try.
    They munch on their favorite pick and forget all about the man with little eye holes.
    But the food is a trap, you see, because he cannot see without his eyes as he sits motionless in his chair. He hears their munching and crunching and lifts his long hands. He grabs the eyes on his plate and squishes them into his tiny eye holes.
    Then, he gobbles the person up and takes a look at his growing pile of shoes before baking more scrumptious meals for the next unlucky person.
    Me and other people of the FBI are currently investigating this topic, but we cannot tell a living soul about it. The dream kills people in their sleep and nobody can stop it.
    The man is real. We call him the Man with Small Eyes. It’s hard watching people pass in their sleep knowing the horrors their last minutes must have been; for their uneaten skin is used for the Man with Small Eye’s next victim’s meal.
    I can’t bare the fact people are suffering all because of a secret. That is why I’m telling you. If you ever have this dream, try as you must to last the night, but your attempts will never work.

  • The old man in the Desert

    I was wandering around one day when i came across an old man. He said he had been travelling in a desert but had gotten lost. He hadn’t eaten anything for weeks. I decide to help him by lending him a place to stay. I told him he could stay in my basement until he got his life settled again. I showed him my basement and went back upstairs and went to sleep. Weeks later, i unlocked the basement door to check on him. I called out his name but he didn’t answer. I walked further in and saw him lying on the floor, completely unresponsive..Maybe I should have given him something to eat………

    \ ( > o < ) / …oops….

  • Beneath Me:
    The following diary entries are taken directly from the laptop of a young college student. The laptop was found open next to her mutilated body on June 2nd, 2016.

    Day 1, 2:31 A.M.
    The scariest thing just happened. I was awoken by a sudden “Thump” in my room. I live alone, so it couldn’t have been a housemate. Maybe I’m imagining things, I should probably go back to sleep.

    4:13 A.M.
    Ok, now I DEFINITELY know I heard something in here. There was a rustling sound, then a sudden BANG! I can’t get back to sleep now, I might as well just stay here, safe in my bed, until it’s light outside. I’m so glad I have the internet to keep me company, LOL!

    Day 2, 3:57 A.M.
    I can’t sleep. I keep hearing noises I can’t explain. There is moaning, grunting, thumping, pounding… they are louder than last night. Maybe I should go sleep on the couch.

    Day 3, 2:37 A.M.
    I am getting really scared. The noises are louder than ever. I am going to call my best friend to see if I can spend the night at her house.

    6:14 A.M.
    I am at my best friend’s apartment, but I still can’t get to sleep. My friend suggested I set up a camera tonight to see if anyone is really in my house. I think I will do that tonight.

    Day 4, 7:31 A.M.
    Oh my god oh my god oh my god! I am watching the footage my camera picked up last night and THERE WAS SOMETHING IN MY ROOM! I don’t even know what it was. It dragged itself out from under my bed, across the floor and CLIMBED INTO MY BED WITH ME! It stayed there all night, but then at 6:00 it climbed back under my bed. I am still watching. Oh look, I’m getting out of bed and turning off the camera.

    That’s the end of the tape.

    Something isn’t right here.

    It climbed under my bed.

    It didn’t come out.

    Oh my god. It is still under my bed. I’m sitting on my bed.

    It is right beneath me.

  • Boy with an axe:

    In Richmond, Virginia there lived a 14 year old named Aaron. Aaron wasn’t a normal child; in fact he had various problems, and one of them was that he carried a cardboard axe with him wherever he went.

    When he went to school the axe went with him, and everybody thought he was a very strange kid. He had no friends and was constantly picked on. Even the nerds were bullied less than him

    At the end of the year, a popular boy named Hugh very rudely signed his yearbook “Hope you kill yourself you worthless little freak.” Aaron brushed it off.

    That night Hugh went missing. Police found his body hanging by the feet off of a bridge. They never found his head, but everybody assumed that the head had fell into the lake.

    On the first day of summer vacation Aaron showed up at the local park. He was holding a halloween prop severed head. A young child in the sand box started laughing at him. Aaron brushed it off again.

    That night a little boy was found dead. His body was hanging in a similar fashion that Hughs body was hanging in. Aarons parents were very concerned, so they sent him to day camp. When he arrived at camp he was carrying his axe again.

    Jared, who was a counselor told Aaron to put his axe down. Aaron did, but everybody noticed that there was tension in his eyes. When they had there lunch break, Aaron followed another child to the bathroom. Aaron took his axe with him. Nobody returned from the bathroom.

    Jared went into the bathroom to check on the kids. What he found was a very traumatizing sight. There was the decapitated body of a student stuffed neck first into the toilet. Suddenly Jared felt a tap on his shoulder. When he turned around he found Aaron holding an axe.

    Aaron lunged at Jared but Jared sidestepped it. Jared then ran out of the bathroom and called the police. When the police arrived they were confronted with a grisly sight.

    The boy in the toilets head was in the sink, but his face had been skinned off. A manhunt for Aaron soon followed and they found his body.

    Aaron had an axe sticking through his chest, and was wearing the face of his last victim.

  • New room bad text

    There were boxes all over the house. My parents and I had just moved into this new three story house with an attic since we had previously owned a room in an apartment. I was home alone at the moment waiting for my parents to get back from work. I started unpacking again but received a text message from my friend, Sarah.
    Sarah: Hey Alice, whatcha upto?
    Alice: Hey Sarah, nothing much. I’m just unpacking for now, waiting for my parents to get home from work. I started searching for my video game box while waiting for Sarah to respond when I received another text. I looked at my phone to see what Sarah had said, but it wasn’t Sarah.
    Xx65A09BxX: Hello Alice.
    The person who sent me the message didn’t have a regular name. It was just a whole bunch of random numbers and letters.
    Alice: Who are you??
    Sarah: Oh ok, mind if I come over?
    Alice: Of course not, you can totally come. But, I gotta ask you something. Have any of our friends thought about pranking me? Or did any of them send me a message right now? If you know anything about that…?
    Sarah: Awesome! I’ll be there in five minutes cuz I’m crazy bored ughhh. And no, I don’t know sorry. But why?
    I shook with fright thinking of who could have sent me that text, and how they knew my name.
    Alice: Oh man, because I received a text from a stranger… And they know my name.
    I stopped searching for my video game box and focused on the sounds of the house really quickly. I thought I had heard a noise like nails against a chalkboard but I guess I was just hearing things.
    Xx65A9BxX: I know your there, I can see you.
    When I read the message, a chill went down my spine.
    Watching me??? I thought creeped out. From where?
    Alice: What?! Where are you??! And how are you watching me? Show yourself! Prove to me that your watching me! Please.
    Sarah: What? Are your serious? Dang girl, that’s creepy as hell. Well, anyways I’m here. I just parked the car.
    I ran downstairs and opened the front door.
    “Hey Sarah! So glad your here. I’m scared…” She said sweating.
    “Hey Alice! Omg when you sent me that text I freaked out for a second but then I calmed down cuz I was thinking for a second that you had a stalker or something. Dude that would be so creepy, but don’t worry gurl, I’m here for ya.” She said winking and stepping in the house.”
    “Right back at ya girlfriend. I can’t wait to-” I paused as I was closing the door. I felt cold sweat
    going down my back. Sarah had seen it too because she was staring outside in horror as well. All I had seen was a dead and pale body hanging from the light in front of the door. It looked like a man’s body and he had long burgundy hair that was sticking up like if there was statick.
    We both screamed and raced up the stairs.
    “Omg, what on earth was that?!” I cried.
    “I don’t know.” Sarah responded calmly like if she wasn’t really paying attention to anything.
    I became suspicious of my friend. She had been acting very strangely lately which worried me because it made me lose some of my trust in her. After all, I had only met her a month ago.
    Xx65A9BxX: I’m right here.
    When I read the message I felt like a train had ran over me. I slowly turned around feeling the presence of somebody in the room besides Sarah and I.
    I turned around and looked but there was nothing there. I guess I wasn’t looking right because right at the corner of my eye, I saw a pale skeleton-like ghostly creature with black holes for eyes and very sharp claws wearing a black torn night gown that was covered in blood spots staring at me. I couldn’t really tell because it didn’t have eyes but it was facing me and I felt a surge of fear as I realized that this unidentified creature was in my room.
    “See me now?” It asked with a low raspy dry voice. It almost sounded like it had something stuck in its throat. I nearly passed out and my friend was staring at it in horror and shock.
    I ran to the window and opened it just in case we had to jump out. Suddenly, I heard a pound and Sarah started screaming.
    I turned to look at her and saw that the ghost had her gripped tightly in his sharp teeth.
    “Sarah!” I screamed running towards her trying to free her from the evil thing. But it was too late, the ghost had already shredded her into pieces. That thing was freakishly rapid and angry for some sort of reason.
    I screamed as I ran towards the window. I felt cold hands with sharp claws scratch my back, but I managed to jump out the window just in time when there was car passing by. I was in mid air when I started falling and I fell right onto a the top of a Kia Suv. I weakly turned to look at the window I had jumped out of and saw two ghost like figures staring at me through the window. One of them was the murder of Sarah; the same one that tried to get me. He started to turn more human like, until he finally looked like a regular guy. I blinked and looked at them again but they were gone. I noticed that the car I had landed on was my mom’s. She had come back from work but she looked different. I looked closely and noticed that she looked like… A zombie…
    “Mom??” I asked confused.
    She had a look of defeat and still didn’t talk. She WAS a zombie after all.
    “Oh no!!” I cried loudly.
    I looked around and saw that the sky was dark orange to grey and cloudy and that everyone that was around me was a zombie themselves too. I was the only surviver in this city. I might have been one of the only survivors in the world right now…
    But this story was supposed to be paranormal not apocalyptic. It’s because I messed up. I’m sorry and plz enjoy the story anyways. Thanks for reading. :D
    And I’ll make better stories if I get good ratings. 😄


    When Katie saw her first body she could not help but cry her eyes out. She had to hold back
    the tears that were pouring out of her eyes.
    “You’ll never forget your first body” said Mrs. Parton, the owner of the morgue where Katie
    worked at.
    She chuckled when she told the poor girl that not only she had to put makeup on the
    deceased, but also bathe and put clothes on them.
    “You’ll get used to it eventually, my dear” she grinned at her annoyingly.
    Katie had to fight back the urge to jump her and punch her ugly face.
    “Gotta go. I have two more bodies to take care of” said Mrs. Parton, motioning Katie to the
    “Terrible… terrible accident… skulls crunched to pieces” she continued, as if reporting how
    the weather that day was.
    But the old cow was wrong. Katie will never get used to seeing dead bodies, let alone touching them.
    She could not sleep that night.
    She could not shake the cold tingling sensation off her hands.
    The cold you feel when you touch a dead body.
    No matter how many times she washed her hands with warm water, she still felt it. The smell
    of death was following her everywhere.
    Most people like sweet Mrs. Parton thought that she would eventually get used to it after a
    few months, that she would overcome her fear.
    But they were all wrong. Her fear was getting the best of her. And it got even worse one
    night when Mrs. Parton assigned her to take care of a dead old man named Mr. Wilson.
    It was her second month working at the morgue. She had finally been able to pull herself
    together and found the courage to do all the usual rituals when something unexpected
    She was rinsing water off the poor old man when she heard a sound that startled her. Like twigs cracking underfoot.
    She retreated to the walls behind her in horror, realizing what was going on.
    There was no doubt that the sound was coming from the dead body in front of her. She pressed herself hard onto the wall, her eyes never left Mr. Wilson.
    Another crack.
    Even when her whole body was trembling with fear she knew what the sound was. The dead old man was letting out a cough.
    But how come? He is already dead.
    She then found herself running away out of the room in terror, screaming all the way to Mrs. Parton’s office.
    “What the fuck is going on with you?” exclaimed the woman when Katie stormed in and collapsed on the floor.
    “Tt-the body….. he….. i….. I can’t do this” she sobbed frantically, hugging both her feet, looking completely shaken and pale.
    A small crowd now began to form in the hallway as people rubbernecked into the room trying to find out what was going on.
    Mrs. Parton took a glass of water and gave it to Katie.
    She was still shaking and her face was wet with tears and sweat.
    “Pull yourself together!” she said.
    She lifted her off the floor and set her on a chair next to her.
    “What happened to you?’ she asked again.
    Katie sobbed her story out while Mrs. Parton listened to her.
    “My dear poor girl” she said shaking her head, and to Katie’s disbelief, she started to chuckle. She looked up and now everybody else was giggling as well.
    “What? Do dead people cough like that around here?’ she asked, completely offended.
    Mrs. Parton then told her that the ‘cough’ she just heard was coming from gases trapped in a dead body when someone dies. Very soon after someone dies the decomposition process begins. Sometimes when air gets trapped in the lungs, the gases from the decomposition will push it out of the body by force and the result is the ‘cough’ that she heard when air passes through the respiratory tract.
    Because dead people can no longer control their muscles, the pressure can be so great it produces ugly sounds when it finds a way out.
    It makes sense. But still shaking all over it took her a couple of minutes to pull herself together again.
    She wiped her tears, completely embarrassed for the stir she had just caused.
    How could she possibly believe that a dead person can come back to life?
    She shook her head and took a deep breath. Those stupid horror movies are to blame.
    “You OK now?’ asked Mrs. Parton.
    She avoided her eyes, nodding tentatively.
    “Okay now go back to work” said Mrs. Parton now in a strict tone, motioning her to the door.
    Katie walked out of the room very slowly but she could hear Mrs. Parton chuckling again behind her,
    “Please do tell Mr. Wilson I said hi” she said.
    You fucking ugly old cow, Katie whispered to herself.

    Fucking gases getting trapped or not, she had decided that she would be more careful this time. She did not like surprises, let alone surprises from dead people. She walked in and Mr. Wilson was sprawled lifeless as she had left him. He looked very dead to her.
    She walked closer and took another deep breath.
    I can do this, she told herself.
    I can do this.
    I can do this.
    She put her mask back on and started to work on him again when she heard Mr. Wilson letting out a wail, followed by a bone-rattling growl that made all the hairs on her body stand on end.
    She recoiled in horror reflexively and again she found herself running screaming all the way to Mrs. Parton’s office.
    “I can’t do this” she shrieked.
    Mrs. Parton looked at her incredulously, a tired look on her face.
    “Katie, use your common sense!’ she exclaimed.
    “Do you really believe that Mr. Wilson has returned from the dead only to tease you? The old man left his family with great debts. If he had one reason to return it would be to finish his debts” she continued half amused and half impatient.
    Katie was too shaken to get the sarcasm in her joke right now.
    She was still overwhelmed by fear and embarrassment. She knew perfectly well that nobody had
    ever returned from the dead. But what she had just experienced was too much to bear. She could not rationalize any of it.
    Mrs. Parton rose from her seat and motioned Katie to follow her.
    They walked in silence. Katie knew that she had messed up pretty bad this time.
    Mrs. Parton put her mask on and started to examine Mr. Wilson very carefully. Katie watched her, feeling like a complete idiot.
    “He’s already begun to decompose pretty rapidly” said Mrs. Parton throwing a nasty glance at Katie.
    She walked across the room and grabbed a clip note on a small desk and started to make some notes.
    “Probably the hot weather’ she mumbled to herself while Katie slowly and hesitantly walked a little closer to the body.
    Then Mr. Wilson let out another sickly guttural growl.
    Katie retreated to the door, ready to run. But Mrs. Parton put her clip note back on the desk and bent over to have a closer look at the body.
    “See?” she spoke softly.
    “It’d been trapped here” she pat the old man’s chest “and was pushed out through here” her hands moved across his throat.
    She threw another nasty glance at Katie.
    “The heat is accelerating the decomposition. Take him to the embalming room now” she made a tsk tsk sound while making some more notes on her clip note.
    Having already found her courage while watching Mrs. Parton examining the body as if doing a cooking demo, Katie walked closer.
    “C’mon no time to waste now. It’s being discolored pretty quick”.
    They pushed the trolley carrying Mr. Wilson down the hall and at the elevator ran into Mr. Gregory who was pushing another trolley on which the pale dead body of a woman was laid down ready to be returned to her family, all dressed up but looking a bit too slutty for a corpse.
    “My dear God, Ron! You’ve made her look like a hooker! Wipe that lipstick off her lips a bit” complained Mrs. Parton.
    Katie had to stop herself from laughing.
    “I…i… tt-think she looks ppp-peaceful” stuttered Mr. Gregory.
    Mr. Gregory was a clumsy middle-aged man who always looked as if he would drop and break something when he moved. He had been working for quite a long time at the morgue and Mrs. Parton always treated him like a child.
    “Yes! As peaceful as a hooker in a rich man’s bed” Mrs. Parton shook her head in disbelief.
    “Katie please take Mr. Wilson upstairs to the embalming room, I’ll be right up in a minute” and with that she and Mr. Gregory left her in the cold hallway with the dead body of Mr. Wilson.
    The embalming room was on the third floor so she had to take an elevator specially designed to accommodate the moving.
    She proceeded to push the trolley into the elevator and pressed the button. She could still hear Mrs. Parton in the hallway nagging at poor Mr. Gregory for his masterpiece.
    The doors closed with a metallic screech and started to move, creaking and banging as it very slowly made its way up.
    She glanced at her watch. 09.15 PM. One hour to go and she could go home.
    A glass of hot tea and a warm shower would revive her completely after this exhausting day at work.
    She heaved a sigh when suddenly the lights went out and she found herself in complete darkness.
    The elevator shook and came to an abrupt halt
    She was now stuck in it with the dead body of old Mr. Wilson right next to her.
    Never had she imagined that something this nightmarish would ever happen to her.
    She leaned hard against the cold wall of the elevator, as far as possible from the decomposing body.
    This cannot be happening, she thought.
    Then panic attack starts kicking in.
    “HELP!!!!! HELP ME!!!!!” she screamt, attacking the wall in frustration until her hands start to feel numb from the pain. These walls were thick and solid. Maybe nobody would hear her.
    She shook her head in extreme terror.
    No! I will get out of here, she told herself.
    She took a deep breath and she heard a low heavy sigh in the dark next to her.
    She hit the buttons repeatedly but nothing happened and scream even louder.
    “Mrs. Parton? Somebody? Please! Please help me!”
    Another sigh.
    “Somebody please get me out of here!”
    This is a very natural process, she tried to calm herself down.
    The air gets trapped and that’s what makes the sound when it tries to find its way out.
    But in the dark with a dead body she could not help it.
    “Help! Please!….. Please…!”
    She heard a guttural growl.
    Remember, it’s the gases, it’s the stupid gases.
    She kept telling herself.
    The gases. It’s the gases.
    She took a deep breath and tried to control her rapid breathing when she heard another sound.
    It was different.
    Her blood froze.
    This time she was convinced that no fucking gas could ever produce such a sound.
    She started to kick and hit the wall frantically, screaming at the top of her lungs begging someone to help her.
    She heard that sound again in the dark
    Not a sigh. Not a growl.
    It was a giggle.

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