Scary For Kids

Your Story

This is the part of the Website where you get to tell me your scary stories. If you have a really good scary tale swirling around in your brain, you can post it in the comments section on this page. I will read it and, if it’s really good, you will have the honor of seeing it will be posted right here on this page.

Your Story

Before you tell us your story, here are a few rules you should follow:
1. Make sure the story is scary. (Who would want to read a story that isn’t scary?).
2. Make sure your story is good. (No lame stories, please).
3. Make sure your story REALLY is good. (I can’t search through 100 bad stories to find 1 good story).
4. Don’t post a bad story. (Please, I am begging you!)
4. Try to use proper spelling and grammar. (Or elze it wil bee hard 2 reed).
5. Don’t spam your story on other pages. Just post it here. I will see it.
6. If your story doesn’t get accepted, please don’t be angry or offended.
7. By submitting your story, you agree that you are giving Scaryforkids permission and rights to display it on the Website.

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scary for kids


  • My story is called: “The Crazy Lockdown”

    I woke up to my alarm playing to my favorite song, “That’s What I Like” by Bruno Mars. It was 6:20 am, on a Typical Friday morning. “Friday, lets make this a good day.” I thought, as I got out of bed to get ready for the new day at School. I brushed my teeth, got ready, ate breakfast, and walked out the door. “Bye Mom!” I said. “Bye Sweetie!” She answered. I got to School and walked into Ms. McCall’s classroom. We were working on “Writing Hour” and I wrote about why I Appreciate my Mom. Just as we were about to share our writing, over the intercom, our principal, Ms. Styon’s said: “This is a very special announcement, listen very carefully. This is a lockdown, turn off all devices and lights. The criminal is armed and in the building. That is all.” We went in to the “Attitude Adjustment Room” and locked the door. We put the chairs against the door. The man started walking towards the classroom door and banged on the door. He ended up breaking down the door. I couldn’t help myself but to scream “HELP!”. My teacher shushed me and calmed me down. The school office ladies contacted the students parents. The crazy man was looking for us when, Ms. McCall made a plan. “When I do a Thumbs Up, RUN.” She did a Thumbs Up. We ran out of the classroom. The parents were waiting outside the school, Praying for their children’s lives. I saw my Mom, Jennifer right away. I ran up to her, and squeezed her tight. We rode home quickly in my Moms White Honda. I felt safe, with my Mom. We went home and we turned on a Disney movie called “Adventures In Babysitting” and ate pizza. Then we heard a sound of glass shattering. We both ran to my room, armed with knives. He came running at us, with a Butter knife. I nearly laughed out loud. Then, I was surprised when he said “YEET” and pulled out a Butchers knife. He stabbed my Mom in her arm. I stabbed and stabbed him until, he died. We wrapped her arm up and everything was fine. We lived a happy ending.
    I hope you liked my story! ScaryForKids, please post my story. I worked really hard on it and, its would be a honor you you to post it.

  • Full Moon Cabin

    “Great,” Shannon complained, “we’re lost.”
    “We took a wrong turn,” said Courtney, who was driving, “I am very sorry.”

    I rolled my eyes. My two best friends and I were going on a camping trip together. I was very excited for this, since I had never been on a trip of any kind without my parents. It was getting dark, and we didn’t know where we were. All we could see was the full moon rising, trees, and the dirt path ahead of us.

    “It’s pretty late,” I told them, looking at the clock, which read 10:30, “why don’t we stop somewhere for the night?”
    “Where would we stop?” Asked Shannon.
    “This is only another campsite,” Courtney explained, “We can stay in one of the cabins and see where we are in the morning.

    The car approached a cabin with the lights on, and pulled into the driveway. We walked up the porch, and I knocked on the door. We waited a second, and the door swung open. Standing there was a little old lady.

    “Hello,” she said with a smile, “please, come in.”
    “Hello,” Courtney spoke up, “we were just looking for a place to stay. Are there any vacant cabins?”
    “Please, spend the night here,” the lady said, gesturing for us to come in, “I hardly ever get company.”
    “You live here?” I asked, stepping in.
    “Yes, I do,” she said, “it gets terribly lonely.”
    “Well, I’m Samantha,” I said. The others introduced themselves.

    It was a small room, with three adjacent rooms.

    “Well, it’s getting late,” the old lady explained, “you girls should be getting to bed.” She showed us our room. Three small beds.

    “Thank you,” we told her, and began getting ready for bed.

    I was the last one to finish. I had just gotten into bed when the old lady knocked on the door.

    “Come in,” I said.
    “I’m sorry to interrupt,” she said, “but this cabin doesn’t have running water. Would you mind going to the well and fetching some water?”
    “Alright,” I said, shrugging.
    “It’s only a few feet away,” she smiled. She handed me a bucket and flashlight.

    I walked outside and to the side of the house, flashlight in hand. I quickly found the well. I began filling the bucket. In the light of our bedroom, I could see the silhouette of the old lady working on something. I finished filling the bucket and walked back inside. The old lady was on the couch, as if she were waiting for me. I immediately noticed she had wolf paws for hands and feet.

    “Uhh…” I stammered, pointing.
    “Oh!” She chuckled, “There are a lot of wolves around here. I make them into projects in my free time.” I was very uneasy.
    “Here’s the water you wanted,” I said, remembering.
    “Thank you. Now, get off to bed.”

    I walked to the bedroom, and I saw Shannon and Courtney in their beds. It took a second for my eyes to adjust to the darkness, but when they did, I saw that their feet were missing. In shock, I looked closer. Yes, their feet were completely gone. The ankles had been messily stitched up. I heard the howl of a wolf outside. I ran into the living room, screaming.

    “Ma’am! Come quick! Someone-”

    Standing in the middle of the room was a wolf, with bloody human feet, messily stitched on.

    Thanks for reading! Have a day and don’t feed the plants!

  • SFK could you please post my story “Cookies for sale”? I worked really hard on it and I would be happy to see it posted.

  • Idk about this one, I think I made it up. I might have posted a similar version, but idk. Here goes!

    Mysterious happenings

    Hello. My name is Jenny. I am 10 years old and I live in a skyscraper in new York.
    Our skyscraper has 12 floors. But if you have ever taken the elevator, you would know that there are 13 buttons. However, the thirteenth button is out of order.
    The day before Halloween, my friends Alyssa, Danielle and I had a sleepover. Alyssa and Danielle also live in my building. Alyssa lives on the 8th floor, Danielle lives on the 12th. I live on the 11th.
    We had just finished watching a horror film called “The Door on the Floor”, and were discussing how horrible it had been when Danielle said, ” so does anyone want to hear a story? I guarantee, it’s way better than that movie.”
    “It’s about our building. About 50 years ago, there was a man. He was very wealthy, and he decided that he wanted his own skyscraper. It was supposed to have 13 floors, the thirteenth a special penthouse for his family.
    ” one year, on Halloween, he received news that his only daughter had been playing by the lake with her friends when she fell in and drowned. Grief stricken, he ordered production of the building to end at once. They had already built 12 floors, and had already added a 13th button to the elevator. Ever since then, they say that if you get in the elevator at midnight on Halloween, the thirteenth button will work. However, all the people who go to the thirteenth floor never come back. They say that the man’s ghost haunts the thirteenth floor, hoping to get revenge on whoever pushed his daughter into the lake.”
    No one spoke for some time. Then Alyssa said, “do you that no it’s true?”
    “Nah, seems like a load of hooey to me,” Danielle said.
    The next day, we all met at my apartment in our costumes. We were going to trade Candy afterwards.
    “Don’t be late!” My mother called from the kitchen. “We won’t!” I replied, and we left.
    We went to every apartment on every floor, and by the time we had finished, we were all tired. “What time is it?” I asked Alyssa, yawning. “11:59,” she said, checking her watch. ” we’d better get going.”
    When we got in the elevator, we noticed that the 13th button was glowing. We exchanged nervous glances, and without thinking, we all pressed the 13th button together. Suddenly, there was a strong jolt, and the elevator began jumping around and shaking madly. Then it began to ascend slowly, and we all huddled together, watching the button in horror.
    Suddenly, the elevator stopped and the lights went out. The doors slowly and shakily began to open. Beyond the elevator, it was pitch black. I stepped forward, holding my friend’s hands. We stepped out of the elevator slowly and nervously. Alyssa rummaged in her pillowcase and pulled out a flashlight, then began clicking it furiously. It flickered for a second and then went out.
    Suddenly, we heard a voice. “Hello?” It sounded like a little girl’s voice. “Do you want to play?” We turned around and saw a girl with soaked blond hair and a pink coat that seemed to be dripping. Her face was a slight bluish color, and her eyes were gaunt and pale. I squeezed Danielle’s hand. The girl cocked her head to the side. Then said, “daddy thinks that little tommy martin pushed me in the lake. The truth is, I drowned myself because daddy was always too busy for me. Maybe you can stay and play with me, and I will be happy again. Maybe you can stay forever….” She began drifting toward us, and we ran back to the elevator. Danielle pushed the button to the 12th floor furiously, and the elevator sped downwards just before the girl got in.
    “Phew. That was close,” I said. My friends looked at me. “Umm…. So, maybe we shouldn’t tell a anyone about this,” Danielle said nervously. So what happened on that night has forever remained a secret.
    The end! I know it’s terrible. Sorry about that. I mean, you know, i’m not proud of it….

  • Cookies for sale

    When I was walking home, I saw a stand thay said cookies for sale. I was curious so when I went to school, I asked all my friends about the cookies. They said they sold the best cookies in the world.

    Suddenly, one day I thought about it. My parents would never let me. Since I was an obedient daughter, I never bought a cookie. One day I heared one of my friend’s died the first time she ate one of the cookies.

    More and more of my friends died because of the cookies. I decided to investigate. I bought a cookie and cut it in half. To my terror I found blood, eye balls, hearts, worms and bugs. I told my parents about my dead friends and their insides in the cookie.

    They called 911 and the police came and arrested the people who owned the stand. But this actually happened, well, sort of. Some people poisen cookies and candy, Don’t take candy from strangers, kids!

    But this morning when I woke up I saw cookies on my plate for breakfast. I asked my mom if she gave me that and she said a secret admirer left it on the door step. I thought that was nice but I broke it in half to see if it was poisened.

    It was poisened. I told my mom and she called 911. It was the same recipe as the people that used to own the cookie stand. I was always known as investi-girl. I kept on receiving cookies I got so angry I called 911 and told them that the people who owned the stand, should be hanged on an oak tree.

    So that evening, people were gathered around a tree while the people who owned the cookie stand were forced to hang on an oak tree. Good thing the oak tree was far away from my house. But it was in my school yard, where we have recess.

    The next day during recess, someone dared me to climb on the oak tree. I didn’t want them to think I was scared, so I agreed. When I was on the top of the tree I felt someone staring at me when I looked at the hanging people and I found out they were staring at me and they were smiling at me.

    I got so freaked out, I fell down. I felt humiliated now. The world was ending for me everyone was laughing at me. The bell rang so I had to line up to go inside. I was worried about that moment when one of the hanging owners were staring and smiling at me. I was scared. I stopped playing with random people. I just sat on the swing waiting for the bell to ring.

    My condition was getting worse and I stopped talking. I missed my friends. I tried doing yoga and I got better. Everyday I had to do yoga so I could get better. One day a girl came up to me and started kicking me. I tried to tell her to stop but she ignored me.

    The next day I found a cookie on my doorstep with a note that said give this to the bully. So when I went to school I taped the cookie on her locker. I saw her eat it and then she fainted, or at least died. I was so happy that I started playing with random people again.

    Soon came Valentine’s Day. On my doorstep it had a choclate chip cookie, and it said from jason but when I ate it, it tastes like bugs and blood. Something kept moving around in my chest then…Pop! My heart fell out of my chest and I was bleeding. My hair turned gray and my skin turned pale and I saw another stand that said Jason’s Cookie Stand.

    The end.

  • I have a story. It’s called Turn Around.

    There was a girl named Kim Jackson and her brother Johnathan. . They were into paranormal things like ghosts and demons. There was an abandoned house across the street from their house that was rumored to be haunted. One day, Kim and Johnathan planned to go to the haunted house. They knew their parents wouldn’t allow them to go because they always said paranormal things are wastes of time. So when it was time for dinner, Maria told them to come for dinner. “We’ll be there in 5 minutes”,Kim said. Then, they climbed out the window and walked to the house. “Do you think the house is actually haunted?”,asked Johnathan. “Maybe. We have to go there first to find out”,replied Kim. In only a few minutes, they were at the door of the house. There were 5 windows. 3 were just shattered glass and 2 were dirty with cobwebs. They were surprised to find that there was no door,just an empty space the size of a door to enter the house. They entered the house and were horrified to find skulls and bones on the floor and blood on the walls. There was a note on the floor. Johnathan picked up the note. It read, “Turn around, Maria and Johnathan”. At their house, Kim and Johnathan’s parents were wondering why they haven’t come for dinner. They went to their room. They weren’t there. They ran across the street looking for their kids. While they were looking for their kids,they heard familiar screams coming from the haunted house. They were the screams of Kim and Johnathan. The parents ran inside the house to see their beloved kids’ dead bodies. On Kim’s body, there was a note. The father picked it up. It read,”You’ve seen the dead bodies of your children. Now turn around”.

  • This is an indian story.i hope you like it.

    I was once taking a road trip from chennai to bengaluru with my friend joe,his sister angel and her bf jack.We were going to watch a cricket match and also to meet jack’s parents.Jack was a quiet boy whom we had met last year.He live in a hostel and we knew little about him.
    Seeking the thrill of driving at night,we started our trip at 7:30 pm and stopped at a roadside stall for dinner.The owner of the stall warned us that to continue our journey,we had to pass through a village which was supposedly haunted by the ghost of a widow.In olden times widows were seen as bad luck and this woman was burnt alive as the people thought she was the reason for all the ill happenings.
    He said that the woman was burnt alive at the exact spot where the new road was laid and the road,despite had witnessed a lot of accidents with no survivors.He said”going there is same as killing yourself” .I was a bit scared but joe and jack didn’t believe a word of it.
    As we were driving,we saw a beautiful girl who was looking for a ride.Joe being a natural flirt,stopped the car and offered her a ride.Me and joe were at the front,angel and the girl at the second and jack was at the back seat.As we were driving I noticed many strange looking people who were were pointing at our car and saying this we couldn’t understand
    Only i and joe saw this as the others were asleep.We started getting scared as we saw more apparitions pointing at us.Some were headless,some had their eyes gouged out and some looked like zombie.I realized that they were pointing at the girl and began feeling that she was a ghost.As i was about to warn joe,the car lost control and was about to hit a tree.I jumped out and saw the car colliding with the tree and was sure all my friends were dead.
    I began getting scared as i was stranded all alone.As i was thinking of what to do,i felt a tap on my shoulder.I turned back expecting to see a ghost but i was relieved to see jack.I told him”Thank god you survived.”I told him to give me his mobile so that i could inform the cops.He told “I’ve already informed them about the crash and four bodies.I didn’t know why but i felt uneasy on hearing this.I looked at the car and saw the lifeless body of my friends and that of the hitchhiker.I realized that the ghost wasn’t pointing at the girl.It was pointing behind her.I was abut to run away when i felt joe holding my hand hand tightly.He gave a devilish grin and said”Where are you going.You haven’t met my mother yet,”

    I hope this story was good and that it will get published.You are welcome to make any improvements on this.

  • I am sorry for the delay in continuing it.heres th contd…

    When i stopped i saw that i was completely surrounded by trees ad there was only a trace of light.I saw a shotgun on a tree branch but as i was about to go pick it,i sensed something behind me.I turned to see the creature behind me looking at me with it’s pearly white eyes and gnashing its rotten teeth.I tried to make a quick dash for the gun but the creature caught hold of me.I tried to wriggle away from it’s grasp and i almost got away but i caught hold of my leg.As the creature proceeded to rip me apart all i could do was shout NOOOOOOO as it became black.

    “Aw man….”I groaned as i kicked my PC. “…I am never gonna finish this damn game.”

    I hope it was good and you can modify it if u want to.

  • All right,here’s one:
    (i don’t know a title for this)

    I was scared to my death as i began running away from it.I was just walking towards my home when i first laid my eyes on it .It did not look like a human nor did it look like an animal.In fact i could not even see how it looked clearly.All i know is it is chasing me and i do not know where to find refuge in.It led me to a dark forest and i had only my flashlight for protection.I felt like i could see it’s eyes behind every tree and hear it’s groan breaking the eerie silence of the forest.I was running for my life when i saw light at a distance.I thought i was safe,but when i reached near the source i realized that it was the body of a previous unfortunate victim.Out of the corner of my eye i saw the thing glaring at me.
    Frightened i ran away from the place till i reached a graveyard.I felt like running,but my legs wouldn’t budge.Terrified i stood there as i saw the creature coming closer towards me.
    Gathering all my courage,i ran.I simply ran without caring where i would reach.When i finally stopped i

  • This story is called “The Happenings”.

    My house is haunted, I just know it. Even my kids know it. I have had T.V’s randomly turning on, Lights turning on and off, And Blankets getting ripped off of my bed. But, One night something way worse happened. I woke up to hear glass shattering. Thinking it was my cat, I went back to sleep. A few minutes later I heard glass shattering again. Then, I went to investigate. I saw a black shadow in the kitchen. Once it spotted me, It started throwing knives at me. I ran out of the kitchen, Grabbed my kids and ran out of the house. I drove to my landlords house and told him everything. He admitted the house was haunted. He told me that “Years ago, There was a women who was murdered in that house. The murderer attacked her in her sleep. She now haunts this house.” I was shocked. Oh god… Shes behind me… Goodbye…

  • Hey sfk I’m here whit the story I promised (from dating profile). OK I know it’s not that good but I trued. If you see any things you can change it to make the story better feel free too do so. OK this is kinda a riddle but its pretty easy so not really,but hey if you think it’s enough to make people’s head scratching, it can be a riddle . Well here it goes I hope I see it in the website
    Hate:Once there was a boy named David.he was 13 and lived in the city.David hated his parent.
    Why you say? His parents hit him all the time,they bearly feed him enough to live. They would tourter him.he rally hated his parents
    One day in the night he went to his bed too catch some the middle of his bed he saw a letter .he opened it up and it claimed to be from the devil.
    In the letter it offered him a deal.he would kill anyone who angered the boy ,but in exchange the devil kept the souls of those killed.there was two boxes at the bottom one for accept one for deny.
    the boy dint think much of it and thought it was a joke or something. He still checked the accept box anyways and left it there.
    The next day the letter wasn’t there.not only that but when he walked in his parents room there throat. The boy smiled “it worked!”
    He called the police and told them he woke up to find his parents like that.all while sounding sad and sheding fake tears
    Years passed and the boy was now 16.he had a bully in school that would always harass him. He went missing and was found three months later .he was found in a garbage can decapitated.
    When he was 25 his boss fired him for sleeping on the job.that night his boss died in a car accident.
    When he was 35 hid wife caught him cheating and wanted a divore. She took every thing from him. She died of a hard attack the next day.
    The police started getting getting suspicious about all the deafs related too him.they filed and investigation but found nothing,so they couldn’t pin the deafs on him.
    David started feeling guilty.his parents did a really bad thing and deserved it,but not the bully,his boss ,or former wife deserved to die.that night we went to a bar too try and forget but it did no use.
    He got to his house around 11 and went too bed.
    He suddenly woke up. He wasn’t at hid house, he dint know where they were. It was extremely hot and the ground was rock and he heard screams in the back ground.he thout for a little and then gasped,knowing were he was

  • This is a short story called “Tip Tap, Lights out”

    A young boy lie in bed, unable to sleep. He felt feverish and flicked on the light. Shadows retreated to the corners of the room. As he lay sweating, and tired, a tappity tap started on the window. Tip tap tip tap tip tap. He turned to gaze out the window, captivated by the hypnotic and mesmerizing noise. Tip tap tip tap. The boy stared in shock unable to move. Tip tap tip tap. The noise gradually became more louder. A deformed creature was banging on of it’s long, greasy claws on the glass. The boy retreated to the blankets and the noise became louder and louder and louder. And then it stopped. A silence set over the room. A blanket of darkness was thrown over the room when small flick of the light switch was heard. The boy felt the presence of another being in the room. And then in that moment daring to peek out from his fortress of blankets. The creature was there and it saw him. After that there was no pain, no more hurt, no more fear. Only the utter silence of a room once filled with laughter.

  • This is a collection of short scary stories

    There was a brick wall that seems to move away. I walked up to that wall one day then it fell and crushed me as it will for all eternity.

    One dark night I tried to fall asleep. She appeared then, but I know she won’t hurt me. Why? She already killed me.

    I love my stuffed animal. He is big and long with skin too. Love him very much, but my mommy doesn’t approve. She misses daddy so I will kill her too,stuff her. Then I will have two.

    My family just died. I cry all the time, I am the only one alive. they cry too, howling about how they miss me. It’s nice to hear, it takes away from the silence of the tomb.

    The little girl in my class plays piano. She plays it all the time in class. She is about 5 or 6 years old. I am terrified of her. Why? The class has no piano and we are all in the sixth grade.

    I cry all night. My parents ask me what’s wrong. That makes me cry harder. I don’t like to be around my parents anymore. The other kids in the orphanage stare at me. Why am I an orphan when I have parents? My parents died last week.

    My brother picks on me. He says I’m not even part of the family. I cry about that. But then I realize that that’s true. I hear my family howling at the moon and snarling. But I don’t have to worry. I will change soon.

    I stare at them. They are frozen in fear. They call for their parents. The parents always come, that’s when I have to disappear. But I wait for the night when their parents don’t come, that’s when I can pull them under the bed.

    I am the butcher’s daughter. My dad severs the best meat in town. Where does he get this great meat? You can thank my mother and brother for that. Human meat is better than cow, for one it’s so much cleaner than cow meat. I love it when dad comes home. He always has a little piece of meat for me. I know I’m safe. he won’t hurt me, I’m his little princess.

    I used to love to tan, that was until my dad did this to me. He told me it was a family tradition that has been going on for thousands of years. Yeah a family tradition I don’t want to be part of! I can’t eat garlic. Or even go to the church I used to go to when I was little. The worst part is drinking blood even though it has a nice taste to it…

    The road was claimed lives for as long as it’s been there. I can’t avoid it; it’s right by the school. The teachers tell us to be careful around it. If only they knew that the road has taken them too.

    After the woman committed the crime, she cleaned the knife. She wasn’t evil though. She didn’t kill anybody, but herself. Her lifeless body lie in bed as she stalked around the house.

    The tall stick like figure walks around the house. When I describe him to my brother he says I’m describing slender man. Oh if only my brother knew that the figure lives inside of him, coming out of my brother’s mouth when the night strikes.

    I hide her in my backpack. My parents and the police don’t know. I can’t help it, love my baby sister very much. It started when I wanted to take her to school. I opened my backpack around lunch time, and her lifeless eyes stared back at mine.

    My family sheirked in terror. The poltergeist threw the lamp and anything else he could find in the large house. I dashed into the closet and a cold voice whispered into my ear. “This job gets hard you know” and pain stabbed into my lower back. “So you will do it for me!” The voice cheerfully said.

    I waited for my older brother in the school hall. He said he bring me a bagel from the cafe he worked at. Just then my brother bolted into the hallway. “Here” he said shoving the oily bag at me. “You owe me” he said as he ran for the exit. After I ate the bagel,my mom called me. She spoke solemnly and told me that my brother was in a car crash on his way to work. He didn’t survive. The bagel started to feel heavy in my stomach.

    The little boy loves me. I’m his best friend in the whole wide world. His parents don’t like me. They don’t like how I never go home. “Don’t you want Fangy to go home?” They ask. Fangy that’s my name. “No” the little boy would reply. “Imaginary friends have to go home sometime.” They say. But me and the boy have a plan. Tonight we kill his parents.

    I hide in the tree. That’s where they can’t see you.

    My dog licked my hand in the darkness. I turned to pet him,but then out of the corner of my eye I saw my dog eating out of his food bowl. Then a human arm wrapped around me.

    I went camping with my friends. A figure walked around our campsite. He was tall, gray and skinny. Every night one of us goes missing. We all want to get out of there. But we can never find a way out. I am the last one.

    I nibbled on a piece of meat. After I ate the little chunk I went to get more. I opened the fridge.Taking a knife I sliced a little piece of meat of my brother’s arm.

    My shadow was long and thin. It was night and there was no moon.

    “Taxi!” I hoisted my bag higher up on my shoulder. The taxi pulled over to me. “Thank you” the man just grunted. My ride home takes 39 minutes, we’ve been driving for hours.

    “It’s scary!” My little sister insisted. I looked at the stuffed bear with the big eyes and soft fluffy fur. “It’s not scary.” “It is.” She whimpered. “Fine if you’re so scared i’ll keep it in my room.” That night the last thing I saw was fake fur.
    The little girl’s parents went to check on her. They smiled when they saw their little girl hugging her teddy bear softly humming. “It was scary, but you got rid of it. Thank you beary.”

    The gravedigger hummed on his way to work. An old woman named Mary just died and he was hired to bury her. When Mary was in the hole when her withered hand shot up and pulled the gravedigger six feet down. Mary got up and hummed while she worked.

    I want you to be mine. On Valentine’s Day you shall be mine. You are so handsome, I love to watch you though your window at night. Like I said on Valentine’s Day you shall be mine.

    I was at home finally after a day at work. but some reason my husband screamed when I turned on the tv. I was confused until I saw a plaque on the wall that read my death date.

    I always hear the sound of a kid singing. it makes me tremble at the fact I don’t have a child.

    The kids at my school are extremely beautiful. They all have lively glowing faces and long full hair. Maybe I’m just ugly. Rotting flesh and only having a few hairs on my head don’t sell too hot you know.

    At my sleepover my friend Belle got a text from some random guy. It read “hey babe you and ur friends are looking nice tonight” We were all like you have a boyfriend!? She just turned her head and looked out my window. She screamed and turned a deathly shade of white. Outside the window was a 40 year old obese bald guy checking us out.

    I went to comic con all fresh faced and extremely excited. I had 500 dollars of my parents money and I was ready to spend it all. Something wasn’t right. I felt sickly and not very well. Dashing to a mirror I saw I was zombie.

    She locks the door every night to keep them out. She forgets the door can be unlocked from the other side.

    The thing stalked around my room, hiding from light sources and dashing in the closet often. But when all is still and we know they are asleep the thing comes up to me and strokes my hair. I smile at my father.

    In the roof, in the walls I crawl all over peeking through my little holes.

    Today at school a girl in a blue jacket tripped and fell. The next day the same. As the next. She will never come to class again. But now she has a plan. Tomorrow the blue jacket will go to you.

    In my backpack the creature hides. With a rotting face and no hair it can be truly feared. I stick my hand in and a warm tongue licks it then the teeth start to tear.

    If you see the eyes, the eyes of insanity during the night, put your face against your pillowcase.

    I sat down to eat my lunch in the school hallway. Kids ran all around and a girl sat down next to me. “Hi.” I said to her smiling. I turned my head and looked at all the crazy kids. She was gone when I looked back. So we’re all the kids. Confused I suddenly remembered that I wasn’t at school, that I was at the abandoned school where my father and his co workers were reconstructing it.

    Not too long ago a murder happened in our small town. I told my daughter to be careful and be sure to lock the doors when I went out. Another murder occurred. I was frantic now. One night as I tried to settle down in my bed my daughter came into my room telling me she was scared of the murderer. I told her I was too. I Let her settle into my bed with me. During the night a knife stabbed into my side. My daughter crawled on top of me and stabbed the knife at me again.

    In the windows of her house she could see the reflection of light made it so that she could see the upstairs of the house in the windows. She saw a dark shadow in one of the open doors. She was very frightened and immediately went upstairs to check it out. She looked into the room and then laughed at her silly fear. Then a shadowy figure came out and took her away. She will probably be gone for years.

    A woman opened her closet to get her coat. Much to her surprise a dead body fell her when she opened the closet door. She propped it back in there. “You won’t be falling out again.” She said to the lifeless body.

    There is a dark room with a mirror in my house. One night a creepy effect was made where it looked like a tall figure with glowing yellow eyes was standing in the room. I knew what made this illusion and I went to fix it. I thought the mirror was reflecting a small box that sat on a shelf and the light from the other rooms were making it look like eyes. I simply put the box on the floor and walked out. When I looked back the eyes were still there.

  • My comment is awaiting moderation, whatever that is🙄
    I’m posting my poem again, hoping it’ll not be ‘awaiting moderation’ like last time.

    I wrote a poem about something scary that lurks in the dark. Hope you like it. It’s called- Bloody Bones

    Bloody bones lay scattered on the moonlight night,
    The roads deserted, not a soul in sight.
    Blood on the sidewalk, everything painted red,
    A blood-curdling scream and the little girl was dead.
    It sniffed at her and nibbled her ear,
    Gobbled her up and nobody did hear.

    The girl was walking along the road,
    Startled by the croak of a toad.
    Wrapped her coat tightly around herself,
    You would’ve been scared yourself.
    If you saw the shadowed lurking past,
    The shadows that the eerie glow had cast.

    Her cheek stung as the cold wind blew,
    Paranoia crept over but she had no clue.
    Of what was waiting at the crossroads,
    About which the wind blew silent little codes.
    But she brushed it off, how stupid was she,
    Unaware that being paranoid was the key.

    The little reached the crossroad,
    Thinking that there was no code.
    But her instinct told her otherwise,
    “Turn back little one! Be a little wise,”
    The wind said to her, told her to back-off.
    She was about to leave, when she herd a scoff.

    She turned around, Oh! What a silly mistake,
    She knew not that she couldn’t outrun fate.
    She tried to run past, but it followed her,
    Running for her life, she cried her very last tears.
    It could outrun her soon, but it didn’t do so.
    It wanted her to suffer, so it let her go.

    She didn’t have to run very far,
    ‘Cause it zoomed up to her like a car.
    She could’ve lived a little longer,
    But she tripped and fell, so it got her.
    It was already way past midnight,
    So there was nobody that heard it bite.

    It sunk it’s long, sharp teeth into her skin,
    It tore we flesh, pricking a lot more than a pin.
    It ate away her limbs, then waited a bit,
    Saliva drained down its mouth, covering her in spit.
    She was alive still, but she couldn’t struggle,
    She was paralysed, all she could do was gurgle.

    Slowly and painfully, her life ebbed away,
    A scary night, that kept cowards at bay.
    It pulled out her heart, straight from her chest,
    She still had a little bit of life, but it soon left.
    It are her little heart, oh so carelessly,
    It tore out her head, being so very messy.
    It consumed her brain, up to the bone,
    Oh how brightly the moon had shone.

    It soon had devoured her petite little figure,
    How many more lives would it trigger?
    It still lives by, at the crossroads,
    But the wind ain’t there to blow the codes.
    It still lurks silently in the corner,
    Waiting for an unlucky soul like the former.
    They all suffer the same old fate,
    Like the little girl who stayed out late.
    It is one of a kind, it has no clones,
    It eats away everything, leaving a pile of BLOODY BONES!

    I worked really hard on it. Hope you like it. Actually, scary poems are not really my thing. I think I should stick to short verses about lost love and such. Or should I try out more with the horror genre? What do you think?

  • This story is called “Crazy Clown Lockdown”

    Arnold’s alarm set off frantically, beeping rapidly. In dazed mindset he threw his hand out to hit it, hit the table a few times finally hitting the snooze button. He rolled over in bed, and got up and got ready to begin the new week at school.

    When Arnold arrived at school, he went to his classes as normal. While the teacher was dragging on about multiplying and dividing fractions, Arnold raised his hand to ask to use the restroom. She motioned for him to go and he gratefully nodded back and hurried out of the room. Arnold was doing his business when a loudspeaker announcement came though. It said “We are on lockdown, turn off all the lights, and devices. The suspect is believed to have hacked our data system and they are believed to be armed and in the school.” Now Arnold was freaking out because he wasn’t done yet, and he heard footsteps coming closer. Static music seemed to be playing, and getting gradually louder. It sounded like the music that played from the ice cream man’s truck. Laughter that sounded like that of a madman’s ringed though the hallways. Arnold was literally crying as silently as he could, for he could not control his tears from coming out. He instantly felt relieved when the music drowned out from his earshot. Then shots of a gun could be heard and a scream rang out. He could the thunder of children’s footsteps stomping past the bathroom in a hurry to get out. Arnold, then pulled up his pants and ran out of the bathroom. He tripped on someone’s foot, and what he saw next left him frozen in fear on the floor, unable to move. There was a clown with a dirty white face, and a baggy clown outfit, that looked like it was rotting away. The clown was holding two balloons and gun and one hand, and on his shoulder there was the body of Arnold’s friend, Clara with several bullets holes in her head, slumped over the clown’s shoulder limply. Arnold felt his hand be grabbed and he was pulled up by a student with wide eyes and a knowing look, and she pulled him through the crowd. police sirens surrounded the school. Many parents were outside praying for their child’s life, crying and choking on their own tears. Arnold spotted his mother right away, and he ran towards her. She covered him in her arms and there they stood for what seemed like hours, just hugging each other. Arnold cried from fear and loss of his friend.. Around him he could hear police shouting to each other “He’s on the run!” But Arnold didn’t care, he thought it was all over now.

    Arnold’s mother took him home. Covered him a blanket and gave him cup of hot chocolate, but he was shaking so much he couldn’t drink it without spilling or choking on and coughing it back out. The school called all the parents and left a voicemail, saying that there systems were hacked and that your child’s information could be the hands of the gunman, and that 3 students were pronounced dead, 50 injured. And that 1 student had a mental breakdown and was sent to a mental hospital. They told the parents to keep their children at home, and that they were working on recovering their data, and that parents should try to remain calm. They were told that the gunman lost most of their data, when the police hacked into his computer storage, but they couldn’t find all of it, your child’s info may be floating around in cyberspace. Arnold was crying really loudly now, and his mother assured him that his info, such as their phone number and email were recovered by the police. “They got most of the data, don’t worry.” She said. But Arnold had the sneaking suspicion that his was in the greasy hands of the clown he saw. His mother got a phone call from an unknown caller. It was just heavy breathing coming though the other end. Arnold spent most the night in his parent’s bed, and then he had to use the restroom, when he was done, out of habit he half-sleeped walked to his bedroom, pulled the covers over his body and settled in for the rest of the night. His parents went to check where he was, and just found him sleeping peacefully. “It’s late Suzie, just leave him here.” Arnold’s dad yawned talked. Around 3:00 am, Arnold had a strange dream that someone with a cold face was biting his toes, and whispered in his ear, “I know you….” Arnold awoke with a start, when the licking began. He woke up to see the clown licking his feet, and next to him was the body of Clara, she looked like her corpse had been dragged though bushes, there were twigs in her hair and skid marks on her face. Arnold you can’t blame him for what he did next, for you couldn’t blame him, as he didn’t really know what he was doing. He beat that clown, and he beat it hard. All during that he was screaming “WHERE IS YOUR SANITY!? YOU MONSTER!” Arnold was choking up tears and he threw up on the clown’s suit a little. His parents who were sleeping peacefully in bed, were suddenly awoken by the sounds of their screaming son, and the maniacal laughter of clown, as if even if he tried he could not stop laughing. The police were called and arrived as quick as they could. The neighbors had gathered around the house filled with fear. The police came in to Arnold’s room to find him beating the clown half to death. They had to pull him away and hold him back, while the other officers put the clown in cuffs. The clown was coughing up blood and looked angry at Arnold. Then in a high pitched voice the clown squealed “I’m coming for you!” And laughed like a chipmunk would. Arnold was shaking, crying, and bleeding.

    Years later, Arnold had done years of psychological help, and taken lots of therapy courses. But now he was a grown man with a family. And throughout the past few weeks, he had the feeling he was being watched. He had his children stay in his room for the time being, for the feeling that something bad was going to happen was just too much.

  • This story is called “Text Messages”.
    A girl named Victoria got a text from her “BFF”.
    Natalie: “Hey Victoria!” “Whats Up?”
    Victoria: “Hey!” “I’m Watching “Fuller House”. “What Are You Doing?”
    Natalie: “Finishing A Project”. “It Looks Fabulous!”
    Victoria: “Yeah, I Bet It Does!” “LOL!”
    Natalie: “Yeah.” “I Love It!”
    Natalie: *2 Hours Later*. “Victoria, Are You Okay?”
    Natalie: *1 Hour Later*. “Victoria PLEASE Answer Me!
    Victoria: “Natalie, Someone Is In The House!” I’m Behind Everything In My Closet With A Knife!”
    Natalie: “Victoria, Are You Okay!?”
    Victoria: “Yes Natalie, I’m Fine, But I’m Terrified!”
    Natalie: “I Love You Victoria.” “You Will Always Be My Best Friend.”
    Victoria: “I Love You Too Natalie.” “You Will Always Be My Best Friend Too.”
    Victoria: “Oh My God Natalie, Hes Coming To The Closet!”
    Victoria: “Goodbye Natalie.”
    Natalie: “Bye…”
    *Victoria Went Offline*

  • This story is called “Text Messages”.
    A girl named Victoria got a text from her “BFF”.
    Natalie: “Hey Victoria!” “Whats Up?”
    Victoria: “Hey!” “I’m Watching “Fuller House”. “What Are You Doing?”
    Natalie: “Finishing A Project”. “It Looks Fabulous!”
    Victoria: “Yeah, I Bet It Does!” “LOL!”
    Natalie: “Yeah.” “I Love It!”
    Natalie: *2 Hours Later*. “Victoria, Are You Okay?”
    Natalie: *1 Hour Later*. “Victoria PLEASE Answer Me!
    Victoria: “Natalie, Someone Is In The House!” I’m Behind Everything In My Closet With A Knife!”
    Natalie: “Victoria, Are You Okay!?”
    Victoria: “Yes Natalie, I’m Fine, But I’m Terrified!”
    Natalie: “I Love You Victoria.” “You Will Always Be My Best Friend.”
    Victoria: “I Love You Too Natalie.” “You Will Always Be My Best Friend Too.”
    Victoria: “Oh My God Natalie, Hes Coming To The Closet!”
    Victoria: “Goodbye Natalie.” “I Love You.”
    Natalie: ” I Love You Too…”
    *Victoria Went Offline*

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