Scary For Kids

Your Story

This is the part of the Website where you get to tell me your scary stories. If you have a really good scary tale swirling around in your brain, you can post it in the comments section on this page. I will read it and, if it’s really good, you will have the honor of seeing it will be posted right here on this page.

Your Story

Before you tell us your story, here are a few rules you should follow:
1. Make sure the story is scary. (Who would want to read a story that isn’t scary?).
2. Make sure your story is good. (No lame stories, please).
3. Make sure your story REALLY is good. (I can’t search through 100 bad stories to find 1 good story).
4. Don’t post a bad story. (Please, I am begging you!)
4. Try to use proper spelling and grammar. (Or elze it wil bee hard 2 reed).
5. Don’t spam your story on other pages. Just post it here. I will see it.
6. If your story doesn’t get accepted, please don’t be angry or offended.
7. By submitting your story, you agree that you are giving Scaryforkids permission and rights to display it on the Website.

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  • I can’t care too much about grammar or spelling, what the point anyway, it not like there are going to be Grammar Nazi out there looking for me. I am at my home some where in London, and again there is no point because it will be gone soon anyway. I had to type something down about what happens three months ago.
    It all began when I was walking home from school, I had gut feeling that something could happen at home. The slower I walk the more concern I became. So I ran home as fast as possible.
    Once I reach the front door, I knew something was up because it never left open before. Being curious teenager, I decided to enter the home. I found my mum sitting on the floor, she was not her normal self – she was shaking like person with fit and moaning too. I knelt down, trying to get her attention before calling 999 emergency services. You know the rules, check before call.
    Anyway I was trying to get her attention but she doesn’t seem to notice me there. At least that what I thought when she grabbed my arm. She made hoarse whisper noise
    Then she pull my arm to her chest. My mum is dying. I had no time to waste but pull my arm off from her grip and call 999. No one pick up the phone. Well that normal because phone signal never been well around here recently. But I can’t just leave my mum in state like that. I had to repeat to her twice to stay where she is before I knock on my neighbor house. Of course she would be screaming her head off and drag herself along the floor.
    I knock on the door to Mr Keller, who seem to be very nice man. But when the door was answer, instead of person with Hawaiian shirt and golf trouser, I was greet by grumpy old man. His skin was pale and his eyes was wild and crazy. I decided to not argue with him because at that point he was groaning and shouting nonsense at me.
    I had notice something strange, the air smell strong of gas. And that where I found the crash. Two or three cars was piling on top of each others. Gas leak was massive. It was surprised that no one called the police or ambulance. Why no one notice?
    And I heard it. Baby wailing. It was trapped in the car!
    My heart leap the beat.
    The door of car won’t budge. But I can see the baby, so small and delicate.
    I wasn’t going crazy, but wow the baby tastes so good.
    And now I realised that the wailing has stopped. The baby. Ah peace. Next time you see baby, you had to try it, forget the cooking. Just grab them and tear them apart..
    I had to stop right there because it making me sound mad.
    Beware of the walker.

  • Here is my attempt at a story. Is it O.K or too cliched?

    I came across a chilling question on Yahoo! Answers yesterday. At first, I didn’t notice anything out-of-place, and was about to exit when something caught my eye.
    Here is what was written on the page:

    Q. A loved one passed away recently, and I’d like to know the best place to hold the funeral of the 17-year old girl. She was a fun-loving, happy-go-lucky person.
    (R.I.P Gabby)
    Posted at 3:09 AM, Wednesday

    Answers (3)

    BEST ANSWER chosen by Asker

    I’m terribly sorry for your loss. May she R.I.P.
    I think that the church by the river would be the best place to host the funeral because it has a wide, lush green area all around it. During the day, it’s an amazing place to run around and have fun. Also the river itself is a beautiful thing to look at when the sun sets. If she was a picnic-y type of person, she would have loved to go there. I sincerely hope I helped!
    Abigail Nicholls … 10:03 AM, Wednesday

    :’( Aw, that’s too young! R.I.P Gabriella!
    PhoebeM … 4:53 PM, Thursday

    I wish I knew her! X( N e way, there’s this church near the graveyard. Not too shabby… Was she a goth? Coz goths can be fun-loving. I think. R.I.P
    AdamizEve… 6:49 PM, Thursday

    Update by Asker: Thank you so much Abigail! My funeral was a great success! (If you can call it that :P)
    Posted at 2:16 AM, Saturday

  • “Goodnight honey, would you like me to read you a bedtime story?” Asked Julia’s mother

    “Yes please.” Responded Julia

    “There once was a beautiful princess she lived in a tall castle, one day a prince was exploring when he found her, the girl had VERY long hair you see so the prince said Let down your hair and I’ll save you. She did he climbed up grabbed her and they slid down the very long hair then she yanked it back the prince took her to a barbers and got her hair cut to a regular height and after months and months of begging the Princess finally said yes to the prince and they got married and lived happily ever after The end.”

    “That was a great story mommy. Dodo liked it to.”

    “Who’s Dodo?” asked Julia’s mother

    “Him.” Julia pointed to the corner but the mother couldn’t see anything it was dark over there the only light in the room was the nightlight and a small flashlight the mother had for reading, figuring it was just an imaginary friend she kissed her daughter’s forehead and said “I think Dodo liked it also”

    “Goodnight mommy.” said Julia pleased but she was kinda scared and asked her mother to stay there with her until she fell asleep her mom said ok and stayed there. After a little bit her daughter fell asleep and the mother went to her own bed with her husband. she thought Why was julia so scared? it’s probably just a phase. As the mother wa drifting to sleep she heard shuffling she couldn’t tell where it was coming from and guessed it was just her husband. Then she heard something fall that came from her daughters room she woke up her husband and they both dashed into the room. “AHHHHH” Julia screamed as she saw “Dodo” emerge from the corner. The mother thought it was a imaginary friend but it was a man that got in earlier and was hiding in the corner until the mother left and saw that he was grabbing a knife and trying to kill the kid she stopped him grabbed Julia and they ran outside, called the police and they came just as the killer was coming downstairs.

  • My School

    This is a story about a school I used to go to. The legend was disturbing at the time. The legend is about the bathrooms.

    First off every bathroom in that school is haunted I swear. Except for one the kindergarten and 1st grade bathroom. Let’s with the locker rooms.
    The Legend of The Girl locker Room: One day there was little girl named Mary. She wanted to go into the locker room on day, so she got 2 of her friends (Mia and Melissa) and she went inside while her 2 friends stayed outside. Suddenly they heard a scream. They dared to go inside, but inside they Mary’s severed head. They screamed as they ran outside. That was a bad mistake. They were meet by Mary, she had no head, just blood pouring out of her neck. She lifted a finger and pointed behind them. They turned around, to their horror, standing behind them was the ghost that had killed Mary. They went out into the gym and ran at the door for their life. To their horror the door shut and locked. They ran for the bleachers that were high enough to reach the open windows. They did the only thing they could have done. They committed suicide by jumping. Now when a bird flies through the open window, just know that that is the soul of one of the girls. Now if you want see Mary, you have to go into the locker room alone. In the dark. Say into the mirror, “Blood Mary I Killed Your Baby.” twirl and kick the mirror. Do it 3 times and she will appear.
    2nd (this is just a little tale not very scary): My friend said that if you go into the locker room open a certain locker, there will be a set of stair that lead to a different world.

    Boys locker room (I don’t know a lot about this legend I’m not a boy. I have been in there because it was part of a play) In the boys locker room there is a door. Legend has it that a few years ago there was a boy. This boy loved to play pranks. One day before summer break he decided to hide behind the door. He climbed the door and went through the space between the door and the ceiling. No one ever came to find him. His ghost haunt those who play pranks on people. Be careful if you are a trickster.

    (the rest are just about girl’s bathrooms)

    2nd Grade Bathroom: Don’t go in there no matter what. There is a little vent. Someone hides in there. If you hear laughing, it’s too late. I don’t know much about this one either.

    3rd and 4th Grade Bathrooms (this happened to me): 1st chance: Clapping coming from the big vent. 2nd chance: footsteps 3rd chance: whistling you’d be lucky to get out.

    (@sfk: I hope you like. It may be a little bad. Sorry if it is. I tried to remember hard about what the legend were!)

  • To the nights end:
    My 8th birthday. The cheesy paper birthday hats, my little sister friends screaming around the house tripping and crying. All the parents in the corner of the room the smell of Baskin Robins melted ice cream cake in the air. We ate cake but the whole time I stared at my mother’s new boyfriend, Dave. It bugged me him and her together giggling even when Dad was coming back soon. After hours of pin the tail of the donkey gift openings and millions of pointless photos Dave and the others left.
    “How was the party”?, asked Mom.
    “Good”, I lied with a fake smile from ear to ear on my face.
    “Did you like Dave”? Mother said happily.
    “He was funny’, my little sister Clare giggled.
    “He was okay”, I mumbled.
    I walked up stairs I laid in my bed thinking about dad he should be here he shouldn’t have left. Then I thought of Dave stealing my mother away from me. He made me furious.
    I woke up the next morning my mother smiling.
    “Good morning”, I groaned.
    “Good morning sweetie I’m going out with Dave at 4:30 pm”, Mother smiled.
    I had waited for 4:30, at 4:00 the door bell rang. I ran to the door got on my tippy toes and looked through the peep hole. Dave.
    I opened the door Dave smiled down at me.
    “Your half hour early” I growled.
    “I just wanted to see you girls” he laughed.
    “Dave”! Clare cried has she saw him.
    Mom walked into the room. Dave left with her minutes later. I marched upstairs .
    “dumb Dave”, i growled with tears in my eyes. I didn’t like Dave. The phone rang Unknown number. I picked it up.
    “Jamie its Daddy I need your help your need your mother to dump Dave he is planning something.He did something along time ago he’s gonna do it again. Please stop him”. rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeee

    The line went dead.
    Dave and mom came home.
    “Of course you can stay her for the night Dave”, I over heard my mother say.
    “Why is he staying here “, I screamed.
    “His house is getting fumagated be nice to him he is my boyfriend”. Mother yelled.
    “You just trying to replace dad” ,I yelled back.
    “Your father is dead you know that I wanna be happy Jamie”!
    I ran to my room and went to sleep when I was awake by a strange noise. It was a song a soft hum.
    I heard shuffling I saw Dave smiling.
    “SShh listen to the bugs”, he sang,” listen to the wind they go on till the nights end”.
    He shuffled over to me shoving his knife into my stomach, putting his hand on my mouth.

    He sang on. ” There was a boy he lived with his pa his pa made him work all day the pa told his boy to listen to the wind and the bugs. The pa killed his Ma in front of his face and told him it was so her life would never end. The boy cried till the nights end. Found his pa inside the barn and made his night never end.

    I laid on my bed the lights going dark.

    “Why”?, I cried.
    “So your night will never end”.

  • @sfk let me know if it’s up for post. And my god i can’t believe the story above has a shiela as the character name is it just a conincidence, sfk u can rewrite mine as lacey, i’ve been up all night writing this.

    This is a story that happened to one of my mom’s friend back when she was not married yet and lived with her family

    Far out in the country b4 people were familiar with everyday electric everywhere and considered a luxurious thing only for in the big city when time where folks used to live afar between villages and candles and lamps were the only means to see at night when avenues and streets went blindingly dark once night fell. My mom’s friend shiela: their family lived closely knitted together it was three houses warmly built close to one another. Shiela was out of matches in the kitchen trying to start the fire for dinner Their kitchen was the room where the backdoor was at, which is common still today. It’s considered bad omen if a sick person or just in general sense to go out from the backdoor of a house at nights. She stepped her foot out of the door carefree to ask a matchbox from the next door relatives. As she was walking her steps up to their frontyard she saw a huge tall man all in black, couldnt see anything but just a figure, shrugged off side-stepped, she just thought it was weird and got in their relatives’ kitchen asked them for a match Got the couple of matchsticks in her hand jovially walking out. And then it started the struggling sounds acts. She saw the tall black man again and he told her to come with him someplace but: “no” and dragging and grumping. She was in the act/stance of trying to free herself with her other hand from the clutch of whatever was pulling by her hand.These similar words “let me go”, “what kind of a person are you”, “i said no i’m not”. Friends family people around started flogging in asking what was wrong but they couldn’t see it, only her struggling her faint shriek.
    She said the body made a big grin smile when only women were in the room, but didn’t smile when alot of men were in the room. A priestess was called and sorts of sacrifices or exorcism/cleansing were performed. She recovered after a few days or so the next morning. She had nail scratch marks on her hand, the mark left from a tight grip and the pull and struggle made her exhausted and in a trance like state with lethargy.

  • YinYang

    There were once two twins born in Japan. Their parents had a fascination with the YinYang, so they named the oldest Yin, and the youngest Yang. As the girls grew older, it was clear they each got the wrong names. Yin was mean and cruel to everyone, while her sister, Yang, was kind and honest. One day, the family was on a car trip to Tokyo. The family was involved in a gruesome car crash. Yang died along with her mother and father, but Yin survived. Yin found an old witch near Tokyo and asked for her sister back. The witch brewed something in a gigantic, worn pot. The witch gave Yin a potion, and instructed her to drink it. Yin obeyed and suddenly the room grew cold. Yin screamed as her sister’s spirit was sucked into her. Yin was now YinYang. One half of her body was pure white with a beautiful smile. The other side was jet black with a scary glare. Some say if you go to the remnants of the old witch’s house and chant YinYang, YinYang, YinYang,YinYang,YinYang… She will appear in front of you. The evil side will try to kill you while the pure side tries to hold back. The evil side always wins……….

  • Blink

    “Hey Mom! I’m leaving!”Sierra yells.
    “Ok, but be careful!”
    “Ok!” she says heading outside and stopping at my car.
    “Hey Siri.”
    “Hey Blink.” Yep that’s right my name is Blink.Not everyone knows my real name,but Sierra insisted I tell her,so I did.
    “So, what are we doing today?”
    “I was thinking about going to the mall.”
    “OK! Let’s go!” and I speed off.I’m going to get you caught up here. My name is Blink Storm,I’m 13,I live in Chicago,and I’m not…how should I say this…human (Shhh,that’s my little secret!). I’m not going to tell you what I am,so just hang on to the little suspense you have so far.”Hey,can we listen to music?”
    “Yea.” I turn on the radio and Sierra starts singing.
    “Blink, what’s wrong?” Apparently I was looking very worried.
    “Are you sure?”
    “Yes, I’m sure.”
    “Ok.” There is complete silence until we reach the mall.
    “Hey let’s go get something to eat inside. I’m starving.” I say to break the silence.
    “Me too!” We head to the closest restaurant inside and order our food.We start eating when I get nauseous, and suddenly the alarms go off,and everyone is running outside so Sierra says, “Let’s go”
    “You go, I’ll be right back.” look at my name
    “Just go!”
    “Fine!” She yells as she runs out the door. I run down to where I hear growling and gun shots. When I reach where the growling creature is, and I see it’s a Lycan getting shot by the police. I start to get a sharp pain in my back and I run to where the remaining police officers can no longer see me,because I know what is going to happen next.I was sent here to protect humanity against the evil that lurks around. I am a type of angel. I have black feathered wings that pop up when I want them to,black hair,oh and my special powers are I can disappear, spit acid, I’m really fast and strong,and I can make my enemies see what they fear most. Last year while I was in my human form,I was bitten by a vampire,so I’m part vampire sooooo yea. I am a fallen angel/vampire. I’m well known throughout the country as the “Angel in Black” but I’m not here to amuse the humans,I’m here to protect them. Besides,I haven’t been the same since the failure of my last mission where over 17,000 humans died of “EBOLA”, (and my best non-human friend Ashlynn was killed,I tried to save her using my blood,but it did not work), which was not the actually reason they died.Demons infected the water with their blood, causing humans to transform and pass on their “SICKNESS”.Well back to my fight.
    “Hey! Beasty! Look over here!” I yell at the Lycan.
    “GGGGGGRRRRRRRR!!!!!” was the only response I got.
    As I got closer to the Lycan, I could feel something slowing down time. I am afraid that I know who sent this beast. It was Asmodeus, Lord of the Underworld. He has hated me since he first met me. I don’t know why,I should be the closest one to him.I am his daughter. Apparently I was drawn into the good of the world, and he ;of course, is the evilest. You can tell I was supposed to be evil because of my dark apparel.I’ve told you to much already! No one is supposed to know! Back to my fight…
    “ARGHHHHHHH!”I yell as I slash the lycans throat,causing him to collapse,dead on the floor. “Yes!” I yell in triumph. As I turn, I see the remaining police staring at me. Uh Oh.Time to go! I run through the mall as my wings disappear,and out the front door to meet Sierra who is staring at me with shock.
    “OH MY GODDDDD!!!!YOU’RE ALIVE!!!!” She yells in my ear.I wipe my forehead to find my hand covered in blood.”Are you ok?!” she asks.
    “Yeah,I’m fine.Let’s just go.” I say as we walk to her car.
    -NEXT DAY-
    As I walk through school I see a very familiar face.
    “BLINK!!!!!” she says.
    “KANAYA!!!!!” I yell in reply.
    “I haven’t seen you since we were eight!.”
    “I know.”
    “Why did you leave?You left me alone to be hated!”
    “I know.I’m sorry.I was being tracked by the FBI because whats her face? Do you remember that girl Lizzy from school? Well she found out about me and I dropped her off a roof.So the FBI found out and tried to kill me.”
    “Oh,that’s why she wasn’t at school!”
    “Thanks for that.”
    “Your welcome.”I say. “So what are you doing here?”
    “Oh.My protector wanted me to come here.”
    “Who’s your protector?”
    “Oh his name is Piko.”
    “Oh.I don’t know him.”
    “Yea.”She says blushing.
    “Do you like him?”
    “NO! He is just really…nice.”
    “Yea.” We start to walk while everyone is looking at us.
    “So what has been going on the last few years?”
    “Nothing much.My guardians died so I’m on my own now.”
    “Well me too.”We continue to walk when I feel someone behind me.I turn so quickly I hit him in the face.
    “Scarlette!That hurt!”
    “Sorry Pheonix.I told you not to sneak up on me!”
    “I know I know.”
    “Apparently you don’t.”
    “I dooooooooooooooo!”
    “Shut up!Blink he obviously likes you!”Kanaya says.
    “Got to go!Kanaya let’s go!”We start to walk.”What’s the matter with you!No one knows my real name and now you just blurt it out!Be quiet!”
    “Ok Ok”
    “Sorry.I didn’t mean to yell at you.”
    “No,it’s really fine.”
    “No it’s not.”
    “Can we just go?”
    “Not until you accept my apology?”
    “Fine.I accept your apology.”
    “Thank you.Now let’s go!And… I would like to meet Piko.”
    “Oh yea.He’s doing somethi… oh here he comes!”
    “Hey Kanaya!”Piko says.
    “YOU!”Piko yells back.
    “Umm do you two know each other?”
    “Kanaya!He’s a VAMPIRE!!!!”
    “He bit me last year!Tried to make me his life long love or something like that!”
    “What!!!!PIKO!!!IS THIS TRUE!!!!”
    “Yes.She was alone and looked weak,so I bit her.”
    “I just came back from a mission!I was already suffering because my bes…..”I turn to see a face I thought I would never see again.”ASHLYNN!!!!”I say as I’m running up to her.
    “Shhh.Nobody knows my name.”I whisper.
    “How are you here?!I was holding you when you died!”
    “Your blood cured me.”
    “But it’s been a year.How come you just came here?”
    “I found my mother and asked some questions.It’s the prophecy. ‘One shall perish.One shall slay.But in a year the blood of thy sister shall retain.’ It made no sense then but now it does.Blink we are sisters.”
    “BUt how?”
    “Just think.I never knew my father and you never knew thy mother.They separated us because you’re the angel of darkness and I the light.But we found each other.We are twins.”
    “What!This can’t be happening!I thought I had everything figured out!You were dead!Because of me!!!And now you’re here.I been through so much!!!!!!”My eyes start to glow red.”NONONONONONONONONONONO!I… I… I HAVE TO GO!!!” I storm out of the school.
    “Blink!Wait!!!!”Kanaya and Ashlynn yell.
    “Arghhhhhh!” I lets my wings out and everyone sees what I am.”Welcome to the freak show!Get used to it!!!”I scream and my hands catch on fire.I start to fly as fast as I can,away from the school,away from the pain,away from it all.
    ~Back at the school~ Ashlynn’s POV
    “What are we going to do?!”
    “I’m going after her!”
    “You won’t be able to catch up
    “Yes I will.”My wings pop out.
    “Woahhhh.You’re an Angel tooo?”
    “Yes.Blink and I never knew we were sisters,for she is the angel of darkness and I the light.”
    “How’d you find out?Are those even your real names?”
    “I asked my mother and no.My name is Theodora and Blinks name is Arcadia.Ancient names,for we were dead for five years before we were awaken.We are both eighteen years old and you are…”
    “I’m 13.”
    “Yes I know.Now I must catch up to my sister.Goodbye.”I hurry off to find Blink…

    ~10 hours later~Blinks POV

    Why would he do this to me?What have I done?How is she my sister?
    “Hey are you alright?”says a voice from behind me.I turn to see a guy with short black hair,blue eyes,and tattoos on his collarbone.
    “Yea,I’m fine.”
    “What are you doing on our roof?”
    “Umm,sorry I just got mad.”
    “You wanna come inside?We have an extra room.”
    “Sure.”we start to go inside when a question pops into my my mind.”Umm.Who is “we” ?”
    “My family.”Ohh.I think.
    “My name is Blink.”
    “Ohh,where are my manners.My name is Alec.”
    “Nice to meet you.”
    “I noticed you flying around outside.”Uh oh.
    “You’re not gonna call the cops are you?”Only if you don’t call them on us.”
    “Why would I call them on you?”
    “We are werewolves.”
    “Alec why are you bringing mortals here?”a short girl with medium black hair asked.
    “Calypso ,why are you here?And she’s not mortal.”
    “I’m here because I smelt her.”she said which was a little weird “And what is she?”
    “She’s an angel.”
    “Angel of what?”
    “Ummm,I’m the angel of darkness.”I say.
    “Alec!She’s the daughter of Raziel.Her name is Arcadia.”
    “Oh great Angel.We are sorry for any disturbances.”
    “Ummm,I don’t know what you’re talking about.”I say.
    “You are the daughter of our creator?”
    “Ummmm I don’t know what you are talking about?”I say
    “You are the daughter of Raziel.The angel who created us downworlders”Calypso says.
    “Yes.Vampires,werewolves,warlocks,elves.It pretty much sums everything up.” Alec says. “It’s too much for most people,” he said. “Most mortals.And not easy on us, either.Knowing about our world.Most mortals would die if they knew about our world.” RRRRIIIIIINNNNNNGGGGG!!!!!!! My phone rings.
    “Hello is this Scarlette Luna?”
    “Yes.Who is this?”
    “This is Sheriff O’hara.Your friend Sierra is in the hospital.”
    “What…what happened?”
    “We don’t know.It seems to be animal bites,but we need more clearence on that.”
    “Ok.I’ll be right there.”I turn to get my sword.
    “Where are you going?”asked Calypso.
    “My best friend friend was attacked,and is in the hospital.”
    “We should go with you.”
    “No it’s fine.”
    “Well we’re going either way.”
    ~At the hopital~

    “Ashlynn!What happened?!”
    “I… I… I don’t know.”I head to the secretary desk.
    “I’m looking for Sierra Gonzalez?”
    “Yes.She is in room 222.”the secretary replies.”
    “Thank you.” I head to her room,with Calypso and Ashlynn following. “Sierra!”I say when I see her but she is unresponsive.I see the bite. “WHAT????What is this?”I ask because I know it’s no animal bite.
    “It’s an elve bite.They bite in circle shapes but theres venom in their bites.”Calypso says.
    “What’s that mean?”
    “She’s turning into a changeling.She will not be able to control when she feeds or changes without the elve queen.We have to take her.”Ashlynn replies.
    “But the queen is evil.She likes to play with your mind.”
    “We have to take her.”Ashlynn and Calypso say in unison.And right then I faint.”

  • The Shadow
    Honestly I don’t care if anyone believes this or not . I don’t even want to tell my story but real evil is out there.
    I have had a shadow that takes the form of a huge black dog with eyes the color of a cigarette cherry stalk me for months now.
    The first time I encountered it I had taken my dog yerba out for a walk and as usual I just let him do his own thing because I live out in countryside of NC.
    I had heard a rustling sound coming from the field out to my left I thought my dog had just gotten but without me noticing but when I called him he came from the other direction. This freaked me out so I slowly turned around and to my dismay there was this big black dog with the most evil eyes I have ever seen. The thing seemed to be made up entirely of shadow. As I looked at it filled me with dread and pure terror. I had never seen the likes of what was staring me down waiting for me to make a move.I still don’t know why it didn’t attack me as I slowly moved to my front door. It watched every step I took and never took its evil gaze from me.
    The next time I encountered it iwas walking to a building we used for storage I forget what I was going after because I didn’t make it that far. As I have told you I let my dog run loose so I didn’t think anything about it when a large black dog was following. I was almost to the building when I decided to reach out and pet my dog since I had almost been terrifyed to go outside at night since had saw the shadow I thought it would comfort me. How wrong I was as I reached out and at the point where my hand would have touched his head it instead passed through. I ran all the way back into my house without ever looking back.
    There is only one more thing that has happened since. My friend and I were hanging out around my house we were just goofin off outside and he decided to snapchat a picture of us to one of our other friends and what I saw in the picture absoloutly freaked me out. I wish I had it to show but unfotunatley I don’t. In this photo my eyes glowed th same god awful color as the shadows.
    I am starting to truly worry for my safety. I am afraid it is trying to take me or at least my soul. I have never been one to let my imagination get the better of me.I honestly thought I was going crazy the first time I saw it but it keeps comeing back.
    As I said before I really don’t care if u think I’m telling the truth or not


    warning the following story is true:

    I had this doll. That doll was given to me on my 8th birthday by my mum. She had long red hair and vivid green eyes like a real human. I called her gemma it reminded me of my mum. I loved her very much until I found out the truth about her…

    When I got into UNI I didn’t play with her mostly because I was always so busy so when I go out for the day, I leave gemma on my bed.

    Every time when I come back, I always see her in another position. I always thought my sister did it but after a while I see her holding notes that say ” WhY DiD YoU lEavE Me” or DiD YoU miSs mE?

    I got freaked out when my sister died one night. The police said they found traces of strangulation on her neck and they said they found no traces of footprints or fingerprint but, Gemma. Gemma’s hands where full of blood and she was holding a rope despite she was with me the whole night… or was she?

    After the incident I never looked at Gemma or held her but I kept her in a glass cabinet. Everyday I see her hands pressing against the cabinet or at night I hear banging in the cabinet. The very next day I went to the 2 paranormal inspectors to come and take a look at gemma and they said that she is not possessed by something but infact she was a living human who is trapped inside this doll and they also said that I was lucky to be alive. They took her for further examinations but before they arrived they had a very bad car crash. Police came to investigate that the car crash didn’t kill them but, something did but the surprising thing was that gemma disappeared.

    After hearing the news I tried to live in an apartment with lodes of people around me to be on the safe side.

    She now wonders every night looking for her next victim because she doesn’t have a normal body and it might be you…..

    btw never leave the door or window open at night

    SWEET DREAMS……………………….

  • I felt bored so I wrote this

    Ali jolted up in her bed. She wiped the sweat off of her forehead. Ali had the same dream every night but she had more control of herself in her dream. Ali lay in her bed and stared at the ceiling. It was moving. What looked like a foot was hanging from the ceiling. Scared, she ran out of her room to her mom. She screamed. Her mom was on the floor dead. Her neck was bent and she had no arms or legs.

    Rushing to her phone, Ali tripped and busted her knee open. Looking for what she tripped on she noticed that her knee was in someone’s mouth. Screaming she got up and ran to the counter. She called 911. Several minutes later the cops came and she explained everything that happened.

    Ali was put on trial for murdering her mom and two other people. She had chopped her moms limbs off and ate them. One of the other people she had his between the walls but ate her liver. The last victim was stabbed multiple times in the chest.

    Ali was ruled out as insane and was sent to an asylum for the criminally insane. Whenever she goes to sleep she has the dream of the day she killed her mother. It always went like this: She wakes up, goes down the hall to the living room, finds her mom and calls 911. But this night she saw something hovering over her mother. Completely black and not see through at all.

    Ali jerks awake with a cold sweat.

    “I finally found you…and…you…will…”

    Ali had been missing from her sell so the news told the town that a sphycopathic killer is on the loose. One night one of the police officers found ali between the walls in her house. She had been dead for a couple days and was killed. Carved on her back was “Got you”

  • The Night Kitchen

    I used to stay away from here
    The place that brings the others fear.
    But now I feel it helps me sleep
    when the things from the Night Kitchen creep.

    In the day its where you eat
    eggs, apples, cookies, meat.
    But at night the things, they start to moan
    the screams will chill you to the bone.

    If your awake when the others asleep,
    make sure you don’t make a peep.
    as tiptoe out the door,
    you must be silent to the core.

    as you peek into the room,
    be prepared for darkness to loom,
    but you will see a daring sight,
    will you come to the Night Kitchen tonight?

  • Anonymous

    My whole life was ruined by this. My family, my life’s work and myself. It happened about 4 years ago, but I still remember it as if it happened yesterday.
    I was 14 back then. I had a forum, NightmareStories, which I made when I was 10, and it was very famous. People would come everyday to read the scary stories I wrote. I had thousands of friends and followers. My forum was one of the best known. It was basically my life’s work. I gained a lot of respect and fame.
    One day, I got home from school and got on my computer. I typed the address, and the page started loading. I smiled as I thought of all the fan mails I could get after the page loaded. Wrong. The chat box was totally empty. No fan mails. I was stupefied , as usually it was overloaded with mails of people sending their own stories, but anyways I opened the chat box and typed out “Hello anyone here?”
    Almost instantly, a message popped out. It was from a user named Anonymous and he said “Hello.”
    I wondered that how he could type so fast and why he didn’t give himself a name. I shrugged and started chatting with him. He was nice and polite and was curious about me. Where I lived and what was my hobby. However, he couldn’t tell me his real name.
    It was getting late so I said goodbye and logged out.
    Next day, after I had breakfast, I went to my room and logged on to the forum again. I went to the chatroom, hoping to find Anonymous there. I opened the chat box. Nobody was there, not even Anonymous. I sighed and began skimming through our old conversations. I clicked on Anonymous’s profile. It took a long time to load, but after it did, it said that the page did not exist. I refreshed, but got the same thing. Frustrated, I closed Google Chrome and opened it again. I typed in my address and it loaded for a while and then the screen started flickering. The sound was static and then it stopped. My forum was there, and everything was back. Many fan mails, messages in the chat box and some mails in my inbox. By eyes gleamed with happiness. But it didn’t last long. As I opened the fan mails, I figured out that they all were complaints. They said that I was spamming the site. I realized that the follower bar was down to zero. I was shocked. There was no way I was spamming the site. Then I opened the chat box. I scrolled up to my previous conversation with Anonymous. There was nobody named Anonymous there. People were there, saying, “Hey, who are you talking to?!” I did not know what was happening. I was talking to myself the whole time. But how? Anonymous was there, talking to me.
    I angrily closed the the chat box and headed to the inbox. There was 3 messages from the moderator, Sphynx1453, and the messages read:
    Message 1:
    Dear NightMareSpirits1232,
    Please stop spamming the forum. If you continue this, you will be permanently banned.
    Thank you,
    Message 2:
    Dear NightMareSpirits1232,
    Please stop spamming this site. If continued, you will be permanently banned.
    Thank you,
    Message 3:
    Dear NightMareSpirits1232,
    You have been warned twice. Now you have been permanently banned from this forum. I’m sorry.
    Thank you,
    I was on the verge of tears as my life’s work was gone. I smacked the nightstand hard. I wiped my eyes as the screen suddenly flickered. The same static sound came on and slowly it faded again. The flickering stopped and the chat box came up on its own. There was Anonymous, and he just said, “Hello.”
    I angrily wrote “Hello? Just hello? I lost my life’s work because of you. Don’t you have something to say for yourself?!”
    Then, instantly, it said, “DIE”
    A chill ran down my spine as the screen became black. In the middle, in red words, appeared the words, “DIE”
    My heart almost leaped out of my throat as I heard screaming outside my door. They were my family’s. Then they all died down. I clutched my pillow in one hand, tears streaming down my face, and turned the doorknob. I walked out to the hallway, where my brother lay in a pool of blood, his throat and wrists slit. He just looked up at me with cold dead eyes. I tried not to scream when I saw my baby sister, dead, lying on the floor, skinned. I sobbed and walked downstairs quietly. My dad was stabbed, and my mom’s head was severed and her body was nowhere. I collapsed, sick at my stomach. I got up, realizing that the killer must be searching for me. I trotted upstairs to the study. I locked the door and horror filled me when I looked behind. There was a figure there, holding a knife and smiling from ear to ear. I screamed at top of my lungs as he came near me. I slowly neared to a corner, crying my eyes out. “Who are you? What do you want from me?” I said shakily. “I am Anonymous.” He said with a huge evil grin. Terrified, I jumped out of the nearest window. I landed on my left arm and blacked out.
    When I woke up, I was lying on a long hospital bed. Nurses were standing around me. I remembered what happened to me and started panicking. My aunt was there and calmed me down, saying that everything was alright. To my disappointment, I heard that the killer was not caught.
    I was released after 2 months. My left arm is completely paralyzed and I sometimes have intense headaches.
    I am living with my aunt’s house. She is really nice to me and pays for everything.
    One day, I was on the computer, bored. Suddenly I remembered the forum I created years ago. I got on that forum, to see that it was gone. I decided to make another one. I created a new account with the same name. I again named my forum NightmareStories and soon posted a story. Hoping that someone will come on the chat box, I wrote, “Hello. Anyone there?”
    Immediately, I got a response. To my utter horror, it was written-
    Anonymous: FOUND YOU.
    Just then, I heard footsteps behind me in the closet. I turned around and…

    (SFK, I know it’s too long, and it took me a long time to write. I really hope you post it.)


    Title: Cupcakes; Scootaloo

    Early one mourning Scootaloo woke up to a crash. She walked to her closet to get a flash light realized all her clothes fell. Scootaloo walked over to her calendar which had he wrong date on it . She nothing to do today, or did she? She got to clean up closet. It took two hours to clean it up.
    Then Rainbow Dash walks in and says, “What are you still doing here? You are an hour late for your meeting!” Scootaloo says pointing to the calendar, “What do you mean? I have nothing to do.” Rainbow Dash flips the calendar. Then she walks out and Rarity walks in and puts a dress on Scootaloo. Right that second Spikes hand pulls Rarity out the door. Scootaloo says, “Why is my life so weird”. That is the last think she remembered after going to the meeting and eating a cupcake with a white base and purple and pink frosting, and blacking out.

    When she wakes up she is in the same room that Bonbon was in. She is on a metal table with holes for her wings. She is also strapped it so tight that she can barely breath. Suddenly she hears a squeaky giggle. The lights turn on, and Scootaloo looks up and sees a banner made out of pony hides that says, “LIFE IS A PARTY!” written in blood a spare cutie marks. Then she looks to the side and sees pony skulls. At the very end she sees a filly skull and realizes that it’s Sweetie Belle. Pinkie Pie with her hair straight walks out. She is wearing: 7-8 stacks of wings, a cloak made from cutie marks and a necklace made of unicorn horns and in the middle was Sweetie Belle’s horn. “I-I-I-is that Sweetie Belle’s horn?”, Scootaloo asked. “Yes and I put the skulls out just for you.”, said Pinkie.

    Pinkie rips off Sweetie Belle’s horn and sets it on the floor. Then she opens locker A2 and pulls out the box with the false teeth. Gummy smells the horn a kicks the trap door until it opens. He goes over and eats the horn. Scootaloo blacks out.

    When Scootaloo wakes up there is a knife on her nose. “Why is there a knife on my nose?”, say Scootaloo. Pinkie answers, “Because you fell asleep during a show. I have to punish you. You are a filly so I can’t cut your eye lids sooo.” Pinkie slides under the table and grabs
    Scootaloo’s wings. Pinkie says, “I can get this done in ten minutes.” One by one Pinkie starts to pull out the feathers on Scootaloo’s wings.
    Then after every feather was gone Pinkie went to locker A4 and pulled out an axe. Scootaloo said, “W-w-w-why are you doing this? I thought you liked me, as a best friend.” Pinkie said, “There has to be a time when every pony must die. I will be the one to kill them because their face was on the screen. I do like you as a best friend.” Then Pinkie cuts off Scootaloo’s wings. Scootaloo screamed and yelled. Pinkie walked over to locker A3. She grabs some water, tea bags, and a Sweetie Belle cupcake and puts them in a teapot and mixes it together. Then she put them in the locker to boil.

    Five minutes later Pinkie opens the locker and puts an oven mit on her hand and grabs the teapot and a long funnel. She walks over to Scootaloo and said while shoving the funnel down Scootaloo’s throat, “This should shut you up!” She pours the scolding hot cupcake tea down her throat. She tried to scream for help but the tea made her lose her voice. Pinkie said giggling, “No pony can if you scream so quietly. Epically if the room is sound proof!” “H-h-h-how could you?, said Scootaloo. Pinkie answered, “EASY! Your stupid face showed up on the screen. That means I get to kill you for revenge on being late for the cutie mark crusaders meeting.” Scootaloo said, “I didn’t mean to be late. My calendar was wrong.”

    Pinkie goes to locker A5 and gets some matches and gasoline. She walks over to Scootaloo and pour the gasoline on her tail. Pinkie lights a match and catches Scootaloo’s tail on fire. When Scootaloo’s tail was completely gone, Pinkie put out the fire. then she does the same thing to Scootaloo’s mane. Scootaloo trys to say, “You’re crazy I want you to stop.” Pinkie replies, “I know I’m crazy, it’s kinda what I’m known for. I’m never going to stop!” Then Pinkie races over to locker A5 and pulls out a metal bat. Pinkie sets the bat down and grabs contacts and scissors. She walks over to Scootaloo and puts the contacts in Scootaloo’s eyes and cuts off her eye lids. Scootaloo tried to scream and yell but, her voice was completely gone. Then Pinkie grabs the bat and hits Scootaloo over the head.

    “Wake up sleepy head!”, Pinkie says. Scootaloo says, “What happened, and I thought you said that you can’t cut filly’s eye lids!” Pinkie said, “I was kidding silly filly! Oh! it’s time to burn the hooves!” Pinkie walks over to locker A3 with a bucket and tongs. She opens the locker and uses the tongs to out four horse shoes. She walks over to Scootaloo with bucket and the tongs. Pinkie sits down beside Scootaloo and says, ” This is nothing compared to what’s after this.” Pinkie picks up Scootaloo’s left hoof and a horse shoe. She put the horse shoe on her hoof along with some eye lid blood to keep it place. Then she does that to the other hooves.

    Pinkie grabs a rusty nail and a hammer. She puts the nail in Scootaloo’s chest and uses the hammer to slam the nail in her chest. Pinkie said, “You won’t be able to feel anything below your chest. That will make it easier to kill you!”

    Pinkie grabs a knife off her supply table. She makes an I cut on her chest. Right before she could pull out Scootaloo’s stomach, Twilight Sparkle burst though a solid steel wall. Twilight says, “What are you doing?” Pinkie replies, “Why do you care? Do want to die too?” Twilight says, “Sure. Just stop killing fillies.” Pinkie says, “Never. And remember, LIFE IS A PARTY!” Pinkie pushed Twilight though the hole that she came in with. Then she patched up the hole and continued to work. Now Pinkie pulls out Scootaloo’s organs one by one. When she got to the heart, she stabbed it and Scootaloo’s slowly bled out.
    The next day Apple Bloom got a cupcake with pink frosting and a orange base. There was also a card that read, “Hello apple Bloom! Pinkie Pie here. Scootaloo went to visit Rainbow Dash at the Wonderbolt Academy. She won’t be back for a while so enjoy the cupcake!

  • @Cinnamon Songs “squeeapzing and twisting her broken arm.”
    Hey, SFK, If you do decide to post this, it’s supposed to say “Squeezing” c:

  • Forest Where The Roses Grow

    There once was a young girl named Violet. She was 10 years old, and she had green eyes and pretty straight brown hair. Violet had recently broken her arm, slightly annoyed at the prospect of having to wear a cast. On the bright side, all of her friends had signed it in rainbow colours, she enjoyed looking at them, she felt they symbolized good luck. Her parents were out, and Violet felt like taking a walk. She packed a small picnic for herself, and set off for the forest near her home. She soon found that in the forest, grew many beautiful wild roses. They all varied in colour, from red, to pink, to black, and even white! Violet was wearing a pretty light pink dress with a satin ribbon around the waist. She was also wearing small purple ballet shoes and a purple headband. She looked around, enjoying the sights and smells of nature. “It really is a beautiful day!” She stated, despite not being able to see the sun behind the trees, she could tell it was shining brightly. She was inspecting a flower, when a small vine tripped her. She scraped her arm, wincing as it bled a little. Soon, more vines appeared around her, and the sky began to darken. She was starting to find it hard to see. It couldn’t be that late at night… could it? She had left at 12:26 in the afternoon! She soon found she could barely see at all. More vines soon found their way around her legs and arms, she winced as thorns dug into her arms. There was suddenly a loud burst of thunder, as the sky suddenly lit up for a split second from the lightning. In the distance, she could barely make out the silhouette of a woman… her face… Violet let out a little shriek before more vines found their way to her mouth. She couldn’t move or talk. Slowly, she could make out the silhouette of the woman getting closer and closer. She could see the woman more clearly now. She was wearing a tattered red dress with what looked like a thorny vine that was choking her around her neck. Her skin was a pale grayish and she looked dead. Violet could make out streaks of blood running down from her neck, probably from the thorns that had strangled her. Violet started to struggle more frantically. “Mmph… HELP!!!” She bit through the vines, causing her mouth to bleed a little. Her cry for help was abruptantly cut off by more vines wrapping themselves around her and squeezing. She screamed as the vines suddenly tightened, squeeapzing and twisting her broken arm. “Awww… My poor little girl…” The woman croaked. Her voice sounded deathly and demonic, as well as cracky. She sounded almost like a broken record. “Who knew you were to die so soon…..?” That voice… That horrible voice… Violet started to cry. The woman raised a large knife above her head. “…..but everyone knows that Violets don’t belong in a field of roses….” With that, the ghost plunged the knife into Violet’s head. The vines released their grip and slid back into the ground. With that, the ghost did a strange thing… she smiled. “Sweet dreams, my lovely daughter…” And with that, she was gone. Violet’s corpse was never found.

    [hey, SFK! This is my first time writing a real horror story, I hope you like it! If anyone has any feedback, they can email me at :3 also, Diem is not my last name, in case you were suspicious. Thanks for reading!]

  • Scratch Scratch

    Sam was awaken rudely by the sound of glass scratching. She sat up in the bed, thinking that it might be some mice or something. Anyways, she decided to get up and drive away whatever is disturbing her sleep. She grumpily got up and trotted towards the window. Her opened her curtains slowly. Nothing. Sam mumbled angrily to herself and went back to her bed. Then, again she heard the scratching. She got up, cursing under her breath, and got to the window. Again there was nothing. She opened the window and looked around. The moon was shining brightly, and it was peaceful and quiet. She frowned and turned to go back. As she was turning, she happened to look at the mirror just beside the window. Through her blurry sleepy eyes, she would see herself, crouched against the mirror. However, something did not seem right. She shrugged and turned back to her bed. Just then, the scratching started again. This time, she was truly irritated. She was too sleepy to look, so she followed the scratching until it was close to her. She opened her eyes sleepily. To her utter horror, she realized that it was coming from the mirror.

    SFK, I really hope you post it. You can change anything. I hope you like it.
    Stay cool as ever.

  • Dark Hacker

    After working for a month, we decided to have a party at our office. Our office was REALLY old and it was redecorated and turned into an office. I don’t know what was it used for before. Maybe just a living space. Anyways, me and my friend, Matt, were tired of all this tiring job to do all the work from 9am to 10 pm, and then cleaning the office till 12 (He didn’t increase our salaries, though). Our boss was a tough one, but somehow decided to give us a break by having a party. We all decorated the office, brought some food, and when everyone arrived we had lots of fun. Suddenly the temperature dropped down and I started to feel cold. I sat down, thinking that I was probably sick. However, I looked up and saw that someone was staring at me. He was extremely pale and was wearing a black jacket with torn black pants, and black messy hair. I’ve never seen him in office, so I went to my boss and asked who that man is. “Stop joking around. There is no man there with a black jacket!”
    A chill ran down my spine. But then I thought that boss is an old man, and he can’t see without glasses. So I went back to partying.
    After the party, Matt and I had to clean again. It was difficult. There was trash here and there. I was cleaning near the boys washroom on the 5th floor, where nobody worked but was used for the party today, I heard a noise in the washroom. I went in to find nothing. Perfectly clear. I was about to turn around and leave when a man came out of the washroom stall. In the dim light, I saw that it was the same strange man. He was smirking weirdly and carrying something big, which I couldn’t see because of the light. What a weirdo, I thought. “Umm… Do you work here?” No answer. I smiled awkwardly and said that the party is over and everyone left.
    Suddenly, he mumbled,” Leave.”
    “Excuse me…” I
    Just then he picked up the thing he was dragging in his hands. It was an axe. I backed away. He was grinning mumbling something like,”You must die by 10… You must die by 10…”
    Then he kept coming towards me saying,”1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8…” I couldn’t scream, but terror filled me. Just then, the door behind me swung open behind me. It was Matt. I turned back to the man. He was gone. But I didn’t take any more chances. I jumped at Matt, pushing him to the ground, and closed the door.
    “Man! What was all that about?!” He said.
    “The… The… There is a maniac man in the wash…. washroom!!!” I stuttered, not being able to get off the ground.
    Matt laughed. “Very funny. There is no other man in here. We are the only one. And this area is too secure for any murderer to get in. Stop joking, Jacob”
    I flipped out. “But-but there is a man there, with black hair… A black jacket and torn pa-pants. I saw him!! He wanted to kill me with an axe!!” Suddenly, Matt’s face turned pale. He looked terrified. “Let’s go…” He said and grabbed my arm and ran into the nearest elevator. He then quickly pressed the ground floor button and stood back, shaking. “What-what’s wrong?” I asked. “Shut up and do what I do.” He mumbled. We got out and he led me outside the building. We got into his house, since mine was far away, and we sat down on the couch. “Ok, so what’s wrong?” I asked. He let out a huge sigh and started telling me everything.
    “You know how old our office building is.” He said,”In about 1915, it was used as an torture house for criminals. So, there was this man, who was nicknamed Dark Hacker, who used to chop people’s heads off and hacked their bones. He wore In 1950, he was caught and beheaded. His ghost haunted the building for many years, until 1980, when it closed down. The thing is, the bathroom you saw him in was the room he was executed in.”
    I sat there, gaping. Was it what I thought I heard. “Are-are you sure about that?”
    “Yes, I am.” He said. “Years ago someone else, we think, was the victim of Dark Hacker. That employee went into the bathroom but never returned. Just… Disappeared. We think it was the Dark Hacker.”
    We chatted for a few minutes, but neither of us were sleepy after that. The next day, Matt and I quitted our job and interviewed in another office. I still wonder what would have happened if Matt hadn’t opened the door in time.

    Note: SFK you can change anything. This is one of my stories, like The Movie and Jellybean (others are not mine). Hope you post it.
    Stay cool

  • Ouija Board

    When I was in high school, I had a best friend named Josh. When it came to personalities, we were complete opposites. While I was social and had tons of friends, Josh was a loner who kept to himself most of the time. Due to being labeled the school emo, Josh was a common target of bullying. We grew really close and did everything together.

    One night, I was busy doing homework when my cell phone rang. It was Josh, and he sounded really excited about something.

    “Dude, I just found the coolest thing!” Josh buzzed.

    “What is it?” I asked, my curiousity piqued.

    “I’ll send you a picture of it. You’re gonna love this!”

    I waited a few minutes, and then Josh texted me a picture. I gasped when I saw it. It was a picture of an Ouija board. The board was a dark black and the letters, numbers, and words written on it were in bright red. I immediately called Josh back. He answered before the first ring ended.

    “Well? Isn’t it the coolest?” Josh asked, his voice still filled with excitement.

    “I-I’m not so sure, Josh. I mean, I’ve always heard those things can be dangerous. We shouldn’t mess with it.” I replied. I had always read stories about all the terrible things that can happen when you try to communicate with the dead, and I didn’t want to be a part of that.

    “Oh, come on, Brandon!” Josh exclaimed. “You know all those stories aren’t real! Aren’t you even a little curious?”

    I had to admit, I was a little curious about what it might be like to talk to the dead. It seemed thrilling and dangerous, which was what made it more fun. I finally told Josh that I wanted to try the board out.

    “Great! I know the perfect place we can try it out: The old warehouse!” Josh replied. I instantly knew what he was talking about. Across the street from our school was an abandoned building. For as long as I could remember, the place stood empty. The warehouse was very dilapidated and covered in vines. Whenever I saw the warehouse, it sent chills down my spine. But I was so intrigued by the prospect of communicating with the dead that I agreed to Josh’s idea. We made a plan to meet at the warehouse on Saturday night and hung up.

    On Saturday night, I drove out to the warehouse and Josh was already there, waiting by his car. He was wearing his usual attire of all black clothing and a black knit cap. Underneath his arm was the Ouija board. “About time you showed up, man! Let’s go!” Josh shouted before sprinting toward the warehouse. I started running to catch up to him.

    Inside the warehouse, it was pitch dark. The only light in the building came from the flashlight Josh had brought with him. We went into the middle of the room, put the Ouija board on the ground, and we each sat down on either side of the board. Once we were seated, Josh pulled out the planchette and put it down in the middle of the board.

    “We each have to put a finger on the planchette.” Josh said as he put a finger on the planchette. I did the same thing. Josh took a deep breath before asking a question.

    “Is there anyone here?” We sat in the darkness, waiting for a response. None came.

    “Spirits, if you are here, can you give us a sign?” Josh asked. Again, the only response was silence.

    “This is stupid, Josh. Let’s just go.” I said. Not only was I feeling foolish because nothing was happening, but I was beginning to get scared being in the middle of the creepy, old warehouse. But Josh ignored me.

    “Can you give us a sign to your presence?” Josh asked again. All of a sudden, the planchette moved under my finger. It moved over to the H and then over to the I.

    “Josh, was that you?” I shouted, surprised. Before Josh could reply, the planchette moved again, going over the letters at fast speed. My eyes bulged as the planchette spelled out a message.


    “Seriously, Josh, stop it! You’re really freaking me out!” I screamed, angry at Josh.

    “Brandon, I’m not moving it! I swear!” Josh shouted back. Just then, the planchette moved again and spelled out another message. This one sent chills down my spine.


    All of a sudden, Josh was pulled into the shadows. It looked like something grabbed him by his long hair and pulled him into the darkness. Josh screamed out and I tried to run after him. But in the pitch dark, I couldn’t see where he had gone. I wandered through the dark warehouse, trying to find Josh.

    Just then, I saw a bright light at the other end of the building. I ran over to the light and saw that it was coming from an adjoining room. I flung open the door to the room and saw Josh standing in the room, his back to me.

    “Josh! Are you OK?” I shouted. But Josh didn’t move. It was like he didn’t know I was there.

    “Josh? Josh?” I asked as I slowly approached Josh. I placed a hand on his shoulder and Josh suddenly turned around. I screamed out in horror at the sight of my friend.

    His eyes were as black as coal. His face was frozen in an emotionless stare. His mouth came open and blood started pouring out, splashing onto the tiled floor. I was so repulsed that I vomited all over myself. Suddenly, the light went out and something grabbed me by the throat.

    When I woke up, I was lying in the main room of the warehouse. It was early in the morning, and light was pouring in through the windows. I turned around and screamed in horror. Josh’s body was lying on the floor. His throat was slit, his eyes were gouged out, and his stomach was sliced open. His intestines were poured out onto the floor. It was the most disturbing thing I’d ever seen. I threw up again, my stomach retching until it hurt. After I was done, I ran out of the warehouse in tears.

    I used a payphone to call the police and they came rushing over. They took me to the police station and asked me what happened. I told them everything that had happened and they looked at me like I was insane. After they finished questioning me, they sent me home with my parents.

    That night, I tossed and turned, struggling to fall asleep. But every time I closed my eyes, I saw Josh’s body. His slashed throat. His gouged eyes. His spilled entrails…

    Suddenly, I heard a loud creak. I looked up and saw my closet door slowly opening up. I wanted to scream, but it caught in my throat. Slowly, a figure stepped out of the closet. I gasped softly when I saw that it was Josh. His eyes were dark and his throat was still slit open. Blood was smeared on his face. He walked over to the bed and looked down at me.

    “I’ve got you know.” Josh said. But it wasn’t his voice. It was a deep, demonic voice. Before I could scream, Josh grabbed my throat and began to squeeze hard. I tried to break free of his grip, but he was too strong. As I began to black out, the last thing I saw was Josh’s emotionless, dark eyes.

    (I hope you like this, SFK!)

  • The Movie
    “We will be back soon.” said Alice’s mom as her parents left the home to visit her aunt. It was the first time she was staying alone. “Please do… W-what if an intruder attacks?”
    “Don’t be silly, Alice. I’ve secured everything.” said her mom. Her parents said goodbye to her and she locked the door securely. She sat on the couch and took out her laptop. She logged on to Facebook and chatted with her friend Lily. She then turned their new TV and saw a figure of a girl sitting on a couch and behind her was a figure of a man. The picture was awfully blurry and dark and she couldn’t see their faces. She thought that it is just a horror movie and the man behind the couch was a murderer. There was no sound except a slight shuffling sound. She saw the movie for a while and got bored, so she tried to change the channel of her TV. But it wouldn’t change. She got frustrated and checked the batteries. They weren’t there. She got horrified as she realized that the TV wasn’t turned on the whole time. She heard a raspy laughter behind her. She turned around and…
    That night, her parents got home and saw the horrific scene. Their daughter lay there and her throat was slit and her limbs were dismembered. In the wall there was written in blood,”How was the movie?”

    Ps: @SFK One of my first stories. If you wish to change anything, you’re welcome. Thanks and stay cool.

  • @sfk in my last story idk how that name got so big it was only supp to be Lamlana Harley maybe it was my stupid cousin lol sorry he plays pranks on me

  • I made this one up myself so definitely original :) hope you enjoy please comment on what you think :)


    A knock on the door became a thump on the door as Grace sat apprehensively against the dominant walls of her bedroom. A supposed ‘safe haven’ became a nightmare as the pounding became louder and louder. As she woke up a bird’s song fluttered it’s way into Grace’s ears and passed it’s way out of her mouth as a sigh. A nightmare, yes, just a nightmare.

    It had been 3 years since the passing of her menacing father, and Grace still occasionally heard him screaming at her through the wood of her door. He had been an alcoholic for 6 years before the ‘incident’, as she and her mother had always called it. They merely even spoke about the night her father stumbled into the road, drunk, of course. The strange thing of it all was that after he had been run down by the car, the driver nor it’s vehicle were ever found, although witnesses claim it was a Hearse carrying a coffin surrounded by white roses.

    There was no funeral, as Grace’s father wasn’t the social type and didn’t have many friends, and the only family he had were Grace and her mother. Grace had always felt the need for closure, and one typical rainy day in November, she decided to gain it.

    As she began the 2 mile journey to her father’s ‘grave’, which was really just a hole in a field, Grace felt an eerie vibe, as if someone was watching her. She quickened her pace, desperate to get somewhere where she felt completely isolated, but in vain, for as fast as she dared to run, she could still feel a sense of dark company.

    As she neared the field, she stumbled across a fallen tree blocking the pavement, and in her attempt of jumping it, she hit her shin and fell to the ground. Looking at the road ahead of her, she saw a Hearse carrying a coffin accelerating towards her. As the cold metal struck her ribs and two men picked up her hands and feet, she managed a subtle whisper.

    “Why?” She pleaded, looking up at the pale face of one of the men with a blurred vision.

    “Because otherwise we’d have no job.”

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