Scary For Kids

Your Story

This is the part of the Website where you get to tell me your scary stories. If you have a really good scary tale swirling around in your brain, you can post it in the comments section on this page. I will read it and, if it’s really good, you will have the honor of seeing it will be posted right here on this page.

Your Story

Before you tell us your story, here are a few rules you should follow:
1. Make sure the story is scary. (Who would want to read a story that isn’t scary?).
2. Make sure your story is good. (No lame stories, please).
3. Make sure your story REALLY is good. (I can’t search through 100 bad stories to find 1 good story).
4. Don’t post a bad story. (Please, I am begging you!)
4. Try to use proper spelling and grammar. (Or elze it wil bee hard 2 reed).
5. Don’t spam your story on other pages. Just post it here. I will see it.
6. If your story doesn’t get accepted, please don’t be angry or offended.
7. By submitting your story, you agree that you are giving Scaryforkids permission and rights to display it on the Website.

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scary for kids


  • Five Knocks

    One day, a young girl found herself with nothing to do so, she walked to the boardwalk fair, which was only a few miles away. The girl went on rides, got cotton candy, and then went to the arcade. Soon, she found herself with so many prizes she couldn’t hold them all. With a plan to go home she began to make her way out of the arcade tent. Something grabbed her arm. In shock, the girl spun. It was an employee from the fair.

    “Where are you going?” He asked politely. She explained that it was time for her to go. The employee took her wrist and pointed out four black dashes on her neon-orange admission bracelet. “You get one of those for each thing you do in the arcade. You should have five if you are leaving. Do one more thing. After all, you did pay.”

    “I think I’ve done everything.” She looked around inside the tent searching for something else.

    “Fortune teller?” He gestured to a purplish photo booth looking thing.

    “No actually. I thought it was a photo booth. “Thanks, I will do that.” As she began to turn the employee handed her a ticket with some numbers and hurried off, vanishing into the games.

    The girl shuffled over and set her prizes down next to the booth. She examined it for a second before sliding the curtain open and going inside. There was a bench sticking out of the wall and in front of it was a black curtain. I could see the silhouette of a person.

    “Slide your ticket under the curtain.” The woman’s voice, smooth and calm. The girl obliged. The curtain was slid open.

    A woman appeared decked out in typical fortune teller clothes. Without a sound, the lady grabbed the girl’s hand and placing her palm over the girl’s palm, she shut her eyes. The fortune teller’s other hand pounded the table five times then stopped, five times, and stopped again. It went on for almost a minute before the girl fled from the booth. She grabbed her things and looked back at the booth. A young man stepped in.

    A few days later, the creepy fortune teller had been forgotten. Her mother wished her goodbye and went to work. After the girl finished her homework she headed to the TV and became absorbed in or show.

    Only two minutes later someone heavily knocked at the door. The girl perched at the end of the couch, ready to get up when she realized someone was knocking in intervals of five. Horrified the girl fled to her room and hid under her covers. Hours passed and the girl remained to frightened to get the phone. Suddenly the knocking stopped. All seemed well so the girl went downstairs.

    She walked to the door. A scream got caught in her throat. Her mother lay on the floor torn apart some of her body parts missing. On the white door: EVERYONE NEEDS TO EAT! was written in blood.

  • My Fairy Godmother:
    For about two years my father would be mean my sister and me. My mom always would sit on her rocking chair with a cigarette and watch has he would slapped us. One day I was in my room crying after my father had slapped my sister very hard. Clink clink clink. Something was tapping on my window. I looked out my window to see a young woman throwing pebbles at my window she was waving at me to come down. I was first afraid to go outside. But she emptied all her pockets showing she had no gun or knives. I went outside to see she was a beautiful young women.
    “Hi Fiona how are you doing?”, the woman chirped.

    “How do you know my name”, I said with a flash of fear in my voice.

    “Oh darling don’t you know”, she giggled, ” I’m your Fairy Godmother I give you has many wishes as you want but if you are tried of wishing you go just tell me to fly away”.

    I was gasping so amazed that something good happened to me! I didn’t want to tell the strange woman about my dad and mother.

    “I wish for the best nicest most beautiful Teddy bear”, I smiled.
    She reached into a bag across her arm and pulled out a teddy bear!

    I ran inside forgetting to thank the strange fairy Godmother. I played with the bear for hours, then I came downstairs for dinner with my new bear.
    “Did you wash you hands Fiona”?, My mother asked in a harsh voice.
    “Yes ma’am”, I answered while reaching for a plate.
    “Where did you get that bear from”?, My father barked.

    “I went to the store and bought it with the money I bought from walking Mrs. Jeans dog”, I lied.

    “WHEN YOU GET MONEY YOU GIVE IT TO ME YOUNG LADY I PUT THIS FOOD ON YOUR PLATE!” He screamed while tearing up the teddy bear.

    I ran upstairs into my room crying skipping my dinner. Then I heard clink clink clink on my window. It was my fairy godmother. I ran downstairs running to her arms.

    “Daddy ripped up the bear”, I sobbed.

    “Oh Honey”, My fairy godmother whispered.

    “I wished they, I mean mother and Father would just stop hurting me”!, I cried.

    “Okay honey”, she smiled.
    I went upstairs to my room I had a hard time sleeping I was thinking about running away with my sister. I woke up at 6 am my fairy Godmother was standing in my down way.

    ” I have something to show you”, she laughed.
    I followed her to my parents room. I realized in horror that my father had stuffing coming out of her mouth and my mother had a wand lodge in her stomach.

    “What are you”, I cried.

    “I’m you Fairy godmother”

  • Sorry scary for kids I was wondering why I couldn’t see my story in the comments section when I was logged out so I decided to write the story again but make drastic improvements to the grammar and plot so I accidentally posted it twice sorry but my latest comment of my story which is called ‘Perfection’ is the improved version. Thank you

  • Hello scary for kids, this is my story…


    There was once a girl named stephanie but people called her steph for short. She was very intelligent and bright and also very quiet, she tried her hardest in everything, she never hurt a soul or judged anybody.
    But nobody knew about her condition and they just made her life more miserable and painful.

    Stephanie lived with her parents and her older sister kate. When she was fourteen years old she was diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome a condition that made her gain weight and gave her other problems which made her lose self confidence and she was very shy.

    School for stephanie became more and more unbearable, everyday she would get bullied and even physically abused by girls in her year calling her horrible names and punching her until she could not even get up. Despite all of this she still carried on and worked hard to pass her exams and to make her parents proud and to be successful.
    The other girls could not understand how nothing affected her and how she still carried on passing her exams and getting good grades, but little did they know what she was feeling inside and how she cried everyday at home wanting to be perfect and harmed herself just to get the pain and anger out but no one knew her emotions were getting the better of her not even her parents.

    One friday after school stephanie went to the cemetery like always and sat next to her grandmothers grave “why grandma? Why is this world so cruel?” She cried silently. She sat there crying and talking to herself longer than she ever had before and it was getting dark but she did not move.
    The girls who bullied her knew that stephanie always went to the cemetery after school because they usually teased and bullied her while she was walking to it and they always saw her there. The jealousy they felt towards the innocent girl was getting strong they absolutely hated her soul so they plotted a plan to take her life and get rid of her. The girls walked down towards the cemetery and saw that stephanie was still there she was sitting with her head in her hands crying uncontrollably, the girls laughed when they saw her ” awww little fatty crying like a baby” shouted one of the girls, stephanie looked up wiping her tears she was scared ”n-n no” She said. ” get up when we’re talking to you, you stupid pig!” Ordered another girl, the others laughed. Stephanie stood up slowly looking towards the ground, ” look up!” Said a girl, stephanie looked up and the girl punched her in the face making stephanie fall towards the ground she tried to get up but she couldn’t the other girls held her down as one of them beat poor stephanie, blood was pouring down her face and she lay on the ground in pain. ”Let’s finish her off” the girl said and she grabbed the shovel she brought and whacked it over stephanie’s head multiple times then she grabbed the hammer and hit lucy in the stomach. The girls looked at stephanie’s lifeless, cold body and not even one of them felt any guilt for their iniquity.
    “come on let’s bury the pig and hide our tracks” said the girl whose name was lucy, ” but where shall we bury her if we bury her like that people will obviously know something is not right because her grave does not have a gravestone” Said another girl. “yeah, your right well let’s bury her in her grandmothers grave, her grandmother probably died because she couldn’t stand the sight of the fat ugly pig” Said lucy laughing, the other girls snickered and agreed with lucy to bury stephanie in her grandmothers grave.
    Lucy and the girls dug up the grave quickly and opened up the coffin
    ”ewww” said lucy looking at the bones of stephanie’s deceased grandmother inside, the girls then picked up stephanie and we’re about to chuck her inside but then lucy said “wait, wait I see something…”, lucy reached into the coffin and picked up a unusually shiny pendant and observed it then placed it in the pocket of her jacket. ” now chuck her in!” lucy demanded, the girls threw stephanie’s corpse in the coffin where her grandmother lay and closed the lid then covered the grave. As lucy walked out of the cemetery slowly the girls soon followed and asked her what she had found she showed them the pendant and one of the girls touched it, lucy closed her hand and quickly pulled it back ” its mine I did all the hard work of killing the grotesque beast!” she shouted. The girls moaned but gave up arguing with lucy knowing she would not hand it over.
    That night lucy could not sleep but it wasn’t the fact that she killed stephanie, she didn’t know what it was. Lucy got up and turned on her lamp, she went and grabbed her jacket and she pulled out the pendant from the pocket she observed it closely and she saw that it had some kind of words carved all the way around it but could not make out what they meant, she tried reading the the words but was unable to pronounce and read them. It was very late, Lucy put the pendant on her bedside table and went to bed.
    In the morning Lucy got up early, ate breakfast and got changed quickly, it was the weekend so she had the whole day to herself . Lucy grabbed the pendant and put it around her neck and set off, she decided to go to the antique shop near her house to ask about the pendant and what it means then she would go to her friends house. Lucy walked inside the shop and the strong smell of wood and metal hit her, she walked up to the man behind the till ” excuse me, I was just wondering if you could help me?” She asked, “yes of course” replied the man with smile. Lucy removed the shiny pendant from around her neck ” I got this pendant as a gift and I can tell it is quite old but I want to know what the writing on it means” she said as politely as she could, she handed the pendant to the man and he observed it for a while. The man looked at the pendant then at Lucy then back at the pendant again ” well the writing is in gaelic and has a very strong meaning…” he responded slowly, “well..” lucy said curiously, the man looked at the pendant and sighed he slowly explained to lucy that the writing on the pendant reads ‘if a person purloins it in malevolence then they must suffer the fate of the last owner’. Lucy picked up the pendant and grasped it firmly in her hand, “thankyou” she said to the man with a smile and walked out of the antique shop. What nonsense she thought to herself, the man must have been trying to scare me so that I would have handed over the pendant to him. Lucy walked down the street it was getting quite chilly so she thought of going straight home ditching the idea of going to her friends house. Lucy picked up her pace as she walked down to her house as it was starting to rain lightly but she knew it would get much heavier. Finally she got home and ran upstairs to get changed she put on her pajamas and grabbed a quick snack, she felt a little uneasy and could not stop thinking about what happened yesterday and about the pendant. Whenever she did something her mind always stayed on the same thing, she tried to distract herself from thinking about the events but it didn’t work. Even her dreams were becoming nightmares and the same visions kept occurring in them.
    Lucy woke up suddenly as if someone had jerked her awake she looked at the clock 17:43 it flashed, she got out of bed in a hurry and got out if her pajamas and put her clothes from before and looked out of the window, the weather seemed much better it was not raining but just in case Lucy still put on her coat. Lucy walked down the creaky staircase of her house and entered the living area “mom! I am going out with my friends okay?” She shouted, ” okay darling but come back at a reasonable time I don’t want you coming home late like you did on friday or else i’ll be mad” her mom responded back, just the thought of Friday made Lucy shiver as she walked out of her house. Lucy felt bad for lying to her mom telling her she was going out with her friends but she had to make an excuse and couldn’t tell her mom that she was going to cemetery. Lucy had to go to the cemetery something was driving her to go there, every nightmare and vision drove her to that very spot where she had killed stephanie that Friday night but not guilt. Lucy walked down towards her school and went round the corner and down the street she looked towards her left and saw her friends house but carried on going straight straight and then eventually arriving near the cemetery which was opposite her. Lucy hesitantly crossed the road and entered the cemetery she felt a little fearful as it seemed creepy and she was all alone without her friends. Lucy walked around looking for the spot where she had buried stephanie, she breathed in the murky air with every step she took and could almost taste the grass and dirt with every inhalation. Lucy soon spotted the grave where stephanie was buried as the grave was not covered neatly and the headstone was a little slanted. She stood in front of the grave and said in anger ” Stephanie! you ugly beast im glad your dead and I got to kill you, I rid this world of a monster and your stupid grandmothers pendant is mine now I officially own it now!”, lucy was laughing as she looked at the grave poor stephanie lay in she then knelt down and spat on the grave ” im glad your dead steph! ” she said smirking.
    A few minutes had passed since Lucy had been at the cemetery she started getting a feeling as if a presence was behind her, she turned around in a flash to see who was there but she saw nothing. Lucy was feeling uneasy she turned back round towards the grave and felt a sudden sharp agonising pain on her forhead and she fell hard on the ground and was unable to get back up something had its hand over her mouth strongly and choked and strangled lucy. Lucy had dug her fingernails into the grass and dirt scraping her fingers along the ground in desperation to move and escape, something was beating her and killing her. Her life was slowly being taken away from her. Lucy’s corpse lay on the cold, wet ground, her neck had been broken. Lucy’s facial expression showed fear and the tears from her eyes had dried down her deathly grey cheeks, just like stephanie’s face when she died.

  • Some flowers and a stranger

    Feeling very excited,Gina picked up her bag and got on the train.She was going to have her first trip by herself.It was a present from her parents for her 18th birthday.She was travelling round Switzerland by train.

    After entering the train she found her seat ,but on the seat she found a bouquet of flowers with a small card on them.”For my future wife she read.Gina just thought that it was another prank of her friends who brought her in the train station.

    When the evening arrived,Gina felt hungry and she went in the dining room .A waiter served her some food and then he left.Noone else was there apart from a strange man who was sitting alone.When she started eating the man approached her.She felt nervous and a bit frightened, but she tried to calm herself down .Eventually he sat on a chair of her table and he just staring at her.She was ready to scream ad run away,but she didn’t.The stranger actually talked to her and what he said made her feel a chill ran down her spine.
    “Hi Gina how are you”,he said.
    “Fine,but how do you know my name?”,she said.
    “Oh dear Gina I know everything for you. I’ve been watching you since you were 13.Since then I’ve been waiting for the time we would be alone.”
    “You have freaked me out!Please leave or I’ll scream.”
    “No you won’t,you can’t.You are my future wife,didn’t you see the card?”
    “So you are the one who left the flowers.Please leave and I’ll give you all the money I have.”
    The man started becoming aggressive and walked towards Gina.He grabbed her hair and tried to put her down.She started screaming,but he put his had over her mouth.When he tried to unbutton his pants,Gina grabbed a knife that had fallen down and stabbed him first on his leg and when he screamed in pain and touched his leg she stabbed him in the chest.
    “I LOVE YOU” were his last words.
    When the police came they didn’t arrest Gina,because she was on self-defense.When the policemen searched the man’s house,they found hundred photos of Gina and even some belongings of her.They found out that the man had been stalking her more years than he said to her.In some photos she was 4 years old…..Gina often visits the grave of her stalker…………

    (It’s the first story I write for the site.If you can please comment it.English is a foreign language for me and maybe there are some grammatical mistakes.)

  • Hay sfk this is my 2 story it is best friend forever
    There was a young girl Betty cooper and Veronica londge know one likes Ronnie is another name for Veronica
    But Betty likes her they did everything together one day after school Ronnie did’int mind her confused Betty asked Ronnie why did’int she mind her but no answer she cannot sleep that night and after midnight she got a phone call
    Ronnie:Betty come over my house now!
    Ronnie:just go
    Betty:kk coming be there in 4
    Betty grabbed her coat and her purse with her phone on it
    She went to her house and knocked just then it opened she ran to her room but she was too lat she was lying in the floor in the pool of blood ther was a stiky note it reads:best friend forever after the funereal she got a dreamshe was with Betty and says see you soon Betty Betty died the next day and thy lived happily ever after
    Ps. Pls. Post this it is my second please please 🙏

  • The bff’s
    There was a new girl in school she was always bullied so I always protect her she always have bruises in her skin becuse her family hated her soo she lived with me instead my mom is single and kind so my mom agreed but one day whe went to the park I was playing with my dog Jammie she said she was going to Thea sand box when I was bored I gave Jammie with mom and went to Thea sandbox but I could not find her it’s like she dissappered into thin air me and my mom searched for her but mom did not give up we went to the fortune teller but it was no use then we went psychosis she said she is still alive but she is in an new house where shi is safe my mother asks where is she?she said in heaven

  • A Haunting
    Easter Egg

    As you all know, Easter was yesterday. I’m young. I still go on Easter egg hunts. But once a couple years ago, when I was around 4-6, I found a peculiar egg. It wasn’t plastic. It was white and smelled horrible. It smelled rotten. It held a folded piece of paper. I unfolded it, and it looked like a map. I followed it because I noticed the location was in my backyard. When I got to the location I looked around and finally found it. To find it I had to look up to see a severed head with white and pink fur on it. I woke up and realized it was and dream. I also realized the egg was made of bones. The smell was from the body the bones had been in. I realized Easter was tomorrow. On the Easter egg hunt that Easter. I looked in that location on the map. I looked down in the grass to see white and pink fur covered in blood.

    The End

    (Hopefully you enjoyed the story!) (Obviously it’s fake.)

  • Here Comes T-Rex Cottontail

    Everyone has heard of the Easter Bunny, as well the song that goes with most famous name “Here Comes Peter Cottontal”, but the town of Cottontail, Pennysylvania, has a more sinister version of the children’s character. It all started one spring evening, Iin the beginning of March, when the town’s rabbit population(a rather large one hence it’s name) began mysteriously disappearing, as spring comes rather earky to this town for some strange season. Responding poice officer noticed a fire deep in the woods, after getting a call of a “disturbance” people screaming in the woods late at night. They found a horrifying scene, a group of people dressed in robes, had been viciously mauled and mutilated. They found remains of rabbits in a cicrle. The police assumed Satantists had sacrificed them to some sort of demon, but the ritual went horribly wrong, and whatever it was killed them. Some say the vengeful spirits of the bunnies took revenge on the Satanists. But that wasn the beginning of bizarre events that continue to plague the town to this day. Children who were outside playing would sudden;y saying “Give me candy or I’ll eat them instead”, or a variation thereof. Parents frantically flocked to drug stores trying to get everything from Peeps to jelly beans, to chocolate bunnies, and left them at their front overnight, only to find them gone and the children safely in ved. After it became a recurring problem at Easter season, parents started getting it asa soon as it shelves. Some parents who think it’s a sick joke, or just leave carrots, never see their children again. Eventually however chocalte and candy didn’t satisfy him, and he started eating human flesh, and eating kids mercilessly, A child named Krissy was playing in her backyard, when a man in Easter Bunny suit came out of the woods, and held out an Easter basket, her parents couldn’t stop her in time and they never saw her again. The most horrifying incident was at a family Easter celebration, on a beautiful Sunday afternoon. The parents decided to let their kids go for an Easter egg hunt in the woods at edge of their grandparents property, with the older kids upervising, All went well for the first half hour or so, then one of them came out of the woods crying, saying they saw a “bunny monster”. The two their fathers, plus their uncle, along with some neighbors, who supplied some shotguns, went in after it. They heard blood curling screams, and then one of the neighbors came out all bloody and traumitized. The police arrived and the neighbor told them a 6 foot rall bunny, brown with fangs and razor sharp claws, charged out of the bushes and ripped them limb from limb. The police went into the woods and found a trail of blood with no trace of the bodies. The police did a sketch which the neighbor identified as the “monster rabbit”, and the man was committed to an asylum. The plolice dubbed the creature “Tyrannosaurus Cottontail” or of course a shortened version, “T-rex Cottontail”. Ever since then the residents adopted a song for the creature set o tune of “Here Comes Peter Cottontail”.

    Here Comes T-Rex Cottontail

    Roaring down the bunny trail,

    Fe fi fo fum

    Bloodshed’s on it’s way

    You best lock up your house

    Put your kids somewhere safe

    Or you’ll wake up Easter Morning

    And you’ll find he ate them all
    Here Comes T-Rex Cottontail

    Roaring down the bunny trail

    Fe, fi fo fum

    Bloodshed’s on its way

    A bit late but here’s creepy story for Easter but. I couldn’t find it from before and wanted to share it with everyone here

  • Only One

    I had the best boyfriend ever. Every day he’d tell me
    I was the prettiest girl in the world.

    One day, just after he told me, I noticed an unpopular girl staring at me.

    The girl’s name was Luci. She had no friends and everyone ignored her. So did I; I thought it was best to just go with the flow. Why is she staring at me? I wondered. What did I do wrong.

    Those big, brown eyes staring at me….

    That night, I couldn’t sleep. I kept thinking about her eyes, seeming to burn holes in my skull. At one point, I thought I actually saw them through the window.

    Eventually, I got out of bed to get a drink. Maybe that will help me calm down, I thought. As I passed the window, I thought I saw…no…there was nothing there.


    The door.


    I opened it. Nothing.

    But from somewhere outside, I heard the singing-

    “Only one, only one, only one…hehe…only one, only one, only one…”

    I heard a light giggle. Then everything stopped.

    Terrified, I went back inside and lay in my bed. I tried so hard to go to sleep, but it was no use. My parents were away and I had no form of protection.

    The next day, Luci stared at me once again as my boyfriend told me. I decided to confront her.

    “Why are you staring at me?” I asked.

    “Staring? I’d never do such a thing!” said Luci.

    “But you-” But by then she had walked away, humming. Suddenly, my blood ran cold. It was the same tune I had heard the night before. That night, I shut the windows tightly and locked the door. I armed myself with a knife.

    I crawled in bed, to unnerved to sleep.

    I had begun to drift of when I saw it.

    The figure.

    Long, scraggly hair…a knife in hand…

    It giggled.

    It walked to the side of my bed. It cocked its head slightly, raising the knife. Its mouth was full of blood and flesh. It smelled repulsive.

    “There can be only one prettiest girl in the world,” it said.

    “And she certainly won’t be you!!!” I screamed, snatching the knife out of its hand.

    “Ohh,” it said, its voice growing deeper. “That’s all you’ve got?” It let out a booming laugh. This thing was growing into a huge monster with bat wings, glowing, red eyes, and fangs with blood and guts in between them. Two long, red horns grew from its head.

    In the most horrifying voice I’d ever heard-deep, growly-it said, “My name isn’t really Luci, you know.. It’s Lucifer.”

    With that, it ripped my shoulder blades apart, blood spattering everywhere, my entrails glopping onto the floor.

    (Hope u liked it!!! feel free 2 comment!!!)

  • (I have no idea what to name it but I really want credit for something on this site so, :D)

    I have a friend
    They call her crazy
    She’s not crazy
    There was only a few accidents
    Only a few accidental murders
    That’s all

    I remember when she was giving her sister a great massage
    Her sister fell asleep
    And it was time for her neck
    But she accidentally choked her…
    Accidents happen!

    I remember when her dad was going swimming
    She wanted him to carry her out of the water on his shoulders
    But she was to heavy…
    And she guessed he drowned
    Accidents happen!

    I remember when she was cutting food for her mom
    She accidentally cut her mom’s finger off
    When she went to reach for the paper towels to dry the blood she swung her hand and slit her mother’s throat
    I guess she forgot to put down her knife…
    Accidents happen!

    I remember when she was playing with a dummy
    It was the size of a human
    She was playing with it pretending it was real
    She danced with it all the way to a bridge over some driving cars
    The girl pretended she feel in love with him and put him on the side of the brim of the bridge
    Whoops! It fell off the bridge
    Lots of cars crashed and many got killed
    Accidents happen!

    Have you been wondering…
    Who is this girl?
    Well she is my one and only friend
    The only one I care about
    And that accidental girl…
    She’s me.
    Let’s just keep this a secret…
    Or else she’ll make more mistakes–
    Starting with you.

  • Hello scary for kids i am new. This is my scary story it is true: “Burned faces”
    One day my family and I moved to a house where there had been a fire years ago but had been rebulit and brand new. We never new the history about it, but soon or later I was. So on the first week we moved everything to the house, when it was time to take my dogs in they wouldn’t budge to go inside. Neither did my cat, i found that strange but finally when i managed to get them inside my cat ran out of the house never to return. Thats strange i said as i cried. A few weeks passed and I went into my sisters room to get the hair straightener, when i felt someone poking my back. I turned around to see nothing, I quickly ran out with the hair straightener in my hands. That same night we heard people laughing and talking in my sisters room. My dad got mad and we went to see who she was talking to, but right when we went into the room the talking stopped and my sister was fast asleep so no one could have been there, I then felt my dad stroking and messing with my hair, but when i turned around i saw a little girl, her was was OMG horrible like of she had been burnt. She then said in devilish voice “I see you joined the fun!”. I quckly jumped onto my sister and she woke up, she also saw the little girl and we both scramed for help. My dad came into the room half asleep to see whta was wrong. He never believed when us, until one day when he came from work with mother he saw me my sister and my 2 brothers cowered in a corner. What we saw that night was so unexplained, everything had burned faces, glass was al over, and worst of all a fire had started. My dad quickly grabbed us before the house exploded into flames, and as we keft i noticed that our pets were still alive so i ran and saw my cat after weeks we was finally there i quckly grab him then i got my chihuahuas and them i noticed that something / someone was follwing me all the way. I quickly ran to the door in the back yard. my dad who had went in to grab food supplies since the fire wasnt too strong, and when we all were in the truck safe and sound, i looked up to the 2 story rooms an there they were again burned faces, glass stabbed in their faces, and again i blacked out. Since then i never even wanted to think about that house it was horrible and i never new who was the man that went with me to my sisters room i never new anything.
    Yes this story is true and it was in the streets named arizona next to the store home depot. You may visit it now but what ever you do DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT GO INTO THE ROOM THATS IN THE CORNER. i dont want anyone to go into that house, and see what i saw.

  • Chain Mail

    One day Lisa was in her room texting her boyfriend Mark. She said ” I wish could go to your house. I love you” he then responded with
    ” Yeah. Look at this chain mail.
    ‘ Annie woke up in the middle of the night. She had fury and rage in her heart. She killed her whole family that night and thought DO YOU LOVE ME NOW? so…Annie has one question left? Do you love her? Send this to 5 people in 1 hour or else’ ” Lisa smirked and responded with
    ” yeah right I would do that. Annie’s parents didn’t love her for a reason.”
    They then proceeded to fight over the matter and she ignored him. She went to bed that night to wake up to a horrifying message
    ” Hi. It is me Mark’s mom. He died today and I was wondering if you would like to say your prayers and go to his funeral.”
    Shocked and stunned at this message, her hands trembled as she replied with
    The following evening she awoke to a loud scream from her mother. She ran to get her mother and her mother said
    ” Annie ” as head fell to the pillow. She was at the hospital waiting for word from the doctor and said ” she is dead”
    Her father was sitting there idle for a long time and had no response to the doctors words. She looked at her father to see glassy eyes. Her eyes watered as the doctor said to go home and she drove herself home. She laid in bed and thought desperately when she saw her .
    “No family loves you!” We’re the last words she heard that night


    Once there was a little girl named Erika. She was six and had just moved into a new house. One day, her parents sent her to the river nearby to play. She left around noon. and returned a few hours later. She asked her parents if she could invite her new friend over for dinner. Her parents agreed since she had no friends. Around five they began dinner. Her mother asked where Erika’s friend was. Erika looked up and pointed to the empty chair that they had saved for her friend. Erika said she was sitting in the chair, playing with her doll. Her parents asked what she looked like. Erika was surprised they couldn’t see her. She said she has long hair that is scraggly and hung down her face. She wore a dirty white dress that was ripped and muddy. And that her face was pure white. Erika said her name was Emily. Her parents were shocked. They played along and pretended to send Emily home. After Emily “left” Erika’s parents asked her how she met her “friend”. She said she pulled her out of the river. After Erika went to bed, her parents looked up the history of the house. Turns out, 48 years ago a lilt girl named Emily drowned in the river near their house.

  • This my first time posting a story SFK hope you like it.

    Dark Night

    I was home alone the night the worst thing would have happened to me. My parents had left for there 10 year anniversary I was left alone taking care of my baby sister . I was watching tv it was around 10:20 pm when I went to check on my sister Leila. She was sleeping like an angel I assumed nothing bad was going to happen. I went to sleep later that night when I heard a loud CRASH downstairs I thought it was my parents so I kept sleeping. Then that’s when I realized it came from Lelia’s room I ran to her room and she had magicaly disappeared . I checked everywhere for her that’s when I heard her crying in the basement. I never had liked going to the basement but I grabbed a knife and whent down. That’s when I saw my sister . I rushed to her but immediately but I stopped dead in my tracks. A big black figure was standing behind her. With its big smile he said ” hello Arly I guess you joined into the fun” I ran fast as I can forgetting about my sister up into my room. My parents came a few minutes later. I told them everything they called the cops. As soon as they came they went to the basement to see the most disgusting thing they have witnessed there was blood everywhere my sister was nowhere to be found. We moved away from this house not soon. Who knows this may have happened in you’re house and the monster may be waiting for you.

  • It’s Called “I don’t like faces” (You can change it had no other good name(that is if u post it!))
    It all started when my family was on vacation. No big deal. We rented a hotel. It was either me, or everyone in that building was covering their faces. They wore hoodies, masks, and such, but if they didn’t have anything to cover themselves they either faced the wall or ran across the room with their hands on their faces. “Weirdos…” I said to myself. First, we took the stairs. They seemed to never end. They didn’t even stop at a new story! We decided to go back down and take the elevator. Now I knew something was wrong with me. The way down seemed to take less time then it took to go up! “Whatever…” I mumbled to myself again. This time no one was on the floor. Not one. “Stop it, stop it, stop it! Stop imagining things!” I told myself stubbornly. I wasn’t going to let my imagination tag along with me on this trip! I angrily stomped up to the elevator–alone? Suddenly all the lights turned off. “Probably technical difficulties. Don’t fret, my boy.” said a deep voice that had to be my dad. No, it couldn’t be! My dad didn’t come on this trip! Someone clicked the floor 50 button. I heard heavy breathing. I quietly slipped to the corner of the elevator and slid down to the floor. Someone was with me– but who? The lights turned on. No one was there! No one except me. I sighed of relief. I guess my imagination did get a hold of me. “Or not!” said someone mimicking my voice like they could read my thoughts. I blacked out. The last thing I saw was words scrapped on the elevator wall reading:

  • Madison was a lonely 14 year old girl she had no friends and the friends she did have would always leave her. One day at school the teacher, Mrs. Apple, said “class today we have a new student joining us today, her name is Audery.”

    “Hi..” Audery said shyly. Audery was very cute, she had black hair with bangs and she worn her hair loosely around her shoulders, she also looked a bit taller than Madison.

    “You may go have a seat… Umm.. Over there by Madison.” Mrs. Apple told her sweetly.

    Audery walked over to her seat, Madison rested her head on the desk and then buried her head in her arms.

    At Lunch Madison sat alone as usually, then Audery walked up to her, “hi, can I sit here?”

    “Sure!” Madison said.

    “Thanks, you’re in my class right?”

    “Yea, my name is-”

    “Madison correct?”

    “Uhh yes and you’re Audery.”

    “That’s me!” Audery hooted.

    The two girls talked and became friends, over time they became best friends and did everything together. One day Madison and Audery went to the mall together they had loads of fun when they were heading home together Audery stopped and handed something to Madison it was a small little box, “here I’m giving you this. Whatever you do never open it!! You will know the when’s the right time”

    “But what is it?” Madison asked looked at the box.

    Audery shook her bed, “I can’t tell you that. Just promise me don’t open it.”

    “Okay I promise! But I want to give you this.” Madison said handing over another little box to Audery, “you can open it when you want to just not here”


    That night Madison was getting ready for bed when her phone rang, it was a text from Audery:

    Audery: COME TO MY HOUSE NOW!!!

    Madison: why? Is something wrong?

    Audery: PLEASE I AM SCARED!!

    Madison: kk I will be there in 5

    Madison sighed, put on her coat and headed out the door in the direction of the her friends house. When she got there the door was open so she went in. It was deathly quiet inside, “hello…?” She said. No one replied. She went upstairs to Audrey’s room and stood in front of the room put on a mask and went inside.

    Audrey’s room stank with a weird smell, the smell of poison, Madison peered around and saw Audery on the ground drawing her last breathes. Madison walked over and held her friend “what happened?” She asked. Audery didn’t answer. Madison put Audery on the ground and stabbed her 5 times, wiping her knife clean she cut Audery’s head off and put it in her collection, “friends forever!” Madison cheered.

    Madison opened the little box Audery had given her inside was a small slip of paper it read:
    Die Murderer!
    Madison crumbled it up and tossed it away.

    The next day at school a new girl had arrived to school her name was Samantha she sat next to Madison.

    Madison glanced over at her and gave her a smile, “Hi my name is Madison. Let’s be friends.”

    My first story so give me feedback please!!

  • This is the first time I am writing a story Sfk

    A rainy night
    I never realised how much my mother loved me. I never bothered to take care of her. I never appreciated her sacrifices for me.She always loved me. After graduating from college I fell in love with a guy and moved to a new house with him. My mother and I still kept connection with each other. I didn’t even invite her for my wedding. Her own daughters wedding! Now I am at her funeral, she died a few days ago. I feel guilty that I never took care of her. I still cant forget the incident happened few days ago. My husband Joe was working up late and would not have come home until midnight. I put my kids to bed as they were very sleepy. I sat on the couch and started watching a horror movie. I just dozed off. A loud knock on the door woke me up. I opened the door to find my mother standing, drenched with water as it was raining heavily. I let the old lady come in. She had something in her hand. As I opened my mouth to scold her for being so stupid to come to my house in the late hour , my phone rang. I picked it up and there was a lady at the other end. “Hello, is this Helen?”she asked. “Yes it is , and who is this?”.” I am your neighbour, your mother died a few hours ago due to heart attack.” I dropped the phone and turned back there was no one there. My couch was wet and there was a letter on it. It read ‘How are you my child? I have been missing you lately. I know I wont live that long. It is my last wish that I want to see you and your family, dear. Can you come home? I hope you get this letter honey. Love-mom’.
    Tears trickled down my cheek. I wish I had taken care ofher……….
    (Hope you like this story can add a few changes if you want)

  • I know of a story my Dad tells me. Quite a few really, and they are real. My Dad’said what you call a ‘Necromancer’. Now, before you get your pants in a twist, understand that my Dad doesn’t employ them, he talks to them, or he can if he wants. I have grown up knowing of many things, but the biggest, scariest monster isn’t ‘Slenderman’, it’s the Woodboger. Go ahead, laugh, I know you want to, my Grandmother does, but he’s real, he’s in the Interlachin/Hollister woods, and he’s waiting for fools to come and eat. He is a half-man half-alligator, and my Dad had a run in with him. Her’sister the story.
    From what I gaver, it was a night, ever in the holiday dream s or weekend time, for him and his best friend, a man I know as Uncle, to find and capture the woodboger. They had gone far into the woods with a net and some swords or something and we’re playing around. Not uncommon for boys after all. All of a sudden, they hear wish and dam, the ground shook and then there was the sound of feet on leaves. My Dad and Uncle shared a look and turned towards the way they knew the dirt road would be. You’very got to understand, my Dad’s tall, my Uncle’s taller, even back then. My Uncle is said to run better, but in the story they tell, my Dad bets him to the road. From what they say, that thing knocked down trees trying to get them.
    This isn’t all that has been told to me, but the rest are of the ghosts. I my self have had a few encounters with each, both woodboger and ghost, so, please enjoy. Not all will be scary.
    In the house I live in, there is a male ghost, my Dads great Uncle or something. He likes to mess with my Mom a lot. The first night, there was a clock by the bed. It would go off and we Mom up. At first Mom just hit the off bitten then rolled over to sleep more. It happened two more times before Mom unplugged it. When it happened next, Mom found and yanked it’s batterys out. You’don’t thank it stopped then, right? Well go figer, that man was determined to get Mom up, it went off and then Mom sent it flying to a wall. RIP clook, right? STILL WRONG!!! Mom gave up. Damn clook just won. That wasn’t Mom’s last encounter with mister pain in the a××. The next would be when Dad went to work a few years later. Mom went back to bed after waking him up. From what I get, he made an end end in bed next to her and started talking to her, the womanizer.
    So there’s this little girl, Dad says, that run between our house, his mother’s and his grandmother’s, in the woods. Sometimes you can see her, sometimes you hear her. Dad says she is dangerous, but we don’t know the full story.
    There’s a graveyard near our house, an old one. It’s just past a creek. The woods from the other side to the graveyard are hunted by native American and, sometimes, the people barred in the graveyard. In the graveyard, there’s. ..a lot of spirits. There’s the weeping widow siting on a binch waiting for a soldier, her husband, to return from war. There’s the brothers who come out and party with you if you’re partying near there graves, the cross lovers, ‘Romeo and Juliette’ a white girl and black boy from the slaves time who fell in love and the father killed them. There’s a headstone that is always broken. These are the good and harmless ghost. There are the… natural ghost that, my Dad tells, chase you out and away to a sustain point. As I hear Dad describe them in my head, I shiver. It seems like they come down from the moon on a horse, five to seven of them. If you see them, leave. Dad says if you leave at that time, they will not fallow you. When they fallow you, well, I am unsure how far they can fallow people, with me it is to the creek, but if someone took the other way it might be further away. I have never heard of them hurting anyone, they just want peace. There is however a warlock who lays beneath two trees, beware of him. He mainly likes females, especially witches, Wiccanes and pagans. He haunts there dreams with pleas for a white rose, but it is unknown what he’ll do if he gets one. A lady I know touched a slither of his bone that was sticking up because he promised to give her power, what was left of his, but he started branding her power. His death is not completely known, there are two story’s that I know that tell of his demise. One says it was an accadent, two hunters shooting to kill dear, one missed the dear, but killed him. The other tells of a murder, a man, like others, feared the being and shoot him, killing him…ever way, he was shoot, killed and barred.

  • Here is my story

    Once when I was 10, I sprained my ankle. I had to go to the hospital for a few days. I saw a girl there who was very sick. She was very pale and all she ever did was lie in bed and refused to eat. The nurses try to feed her, but she attacks them like a wild animal. The nurses say they don’t know what’s wrong with her. I started to talk to her and her mom yelled at me. Her mom is the only one that can feed her. The girl cries when her mom feeds her, and the mom holds her down and forces her to eat the food. The only thing I dreamed about in that hospital was the girls screams. When the nurses said I was able to get out of the hospital, my mom signed me out straight away. I still wanted to see the girl, so a few weeks later my mom finally brings me back, I ask the doctor how the girl was. The doctor said the girl died. She didn’t sugarcoat it either, she just said she died. My mom drove me back home, and I went up to my room and locked myself in. I remembered the girl gave me a note when I was permitted out of the hospital. I read the note, and it said her mom was planning to kill her by putting poison in her veins. I am now in a mental hospital explaining the note, banging my head against the padded walls.

  • I have another one ☺️ I REALLY love this one. Can u please publish it??? Thank u if u do!

    Where did you go?

    One day, I was driving home from work at night, when I saw a hitchhiker standing across the street. She was only a little girl, so I wasn’t scared. I pulled my car up beside her but she didn’t get in. When I rolled down the window and told her I would give her a ride, she just vanished. I was curious, and the next day, decided to do some asking around. After a while, it seemed hopeless, until I talked to an old man. He greeted me. “Hey! Last name’s Belm. Nice to me you!” He told me that once there was a little girl waiting for her dad to give her a ride home after she had a lesson. The thumb sign was actually not for hitchhiking, but the father and daughter’s special signal. The daughter had to tell that to a lot of people who passed by. The man continued. It was eleven o’clock at night, and the father was supposed to pick his daughter up at eight. So the daughter just decided to take a really long walk home. As she was walking home, she screamed: “Where did you go?!” Right before she was hit by a car and killed on impact. Rumor has it that you can still hear her cries on the street that she died on. The reason her dad couldn’t pick her up was because he also died. He was murdered by a crazed killer.
    “That’s a very sad story,” I said. “Just wondering… What were the names of the dad and daughter?” ” Lilly Belm and Carson Belm.” I shuddered. “Oh, I love the name Lilly.” The old man said. In fact, I named my daughter Lilly after the Lilly trees…”

  • Hi I really like this story. Please put it on this website. Thanks.

    Because I’m Emma

    Hi. My name’s Amanda. Once, there was a girl named Emma who went to a very advanced high school. She was silent and very sweet when people talked to her. On the first day of school, I decided to befriend her. I walked up to her and asked how she was doing on her first day. She just smiled, shrugged, and said: “Fine.” I smiled back at her and, a bit awkwardly, asked to be her friend. She accepted. We talked a lot the next day, and the next. Eventually, we were really good friends. Everything was going great. I was doing really well in school and had a lot of friends. Then after hearing our town’s announcement, my life tipped upside down.
    There had been several murders. Four, to be exact. After hearing this, everyone in school was freaking out. Emma was, too. But she wasn’t scared for her safety, she was just scared of being a suspect. I laughed at that, and she got mad at me. When she asked why I thought that was so hilarious, I said: ” Because you’re Emma. You’re sweet and funny.” I kept having to tell her that, but she seemed sad, and turned her head away.
    In the next few days, Emma’s behavior was getting seriously dangerous. She always looked like she wanted to hit or punch someone. I was getting scared of her. Strangely enough, the next day she was being sweet and nice again. There were reports of more murders…
    She invited me over to her house for a sleepover. I nervously accepted. When I arrived, her parents weren’t home. I entered her living room and screamed like i have never screamed before. There were eight dead bodies slouched on the carpet dresses like Emma. I started to cry when Emma walked in. She saw my face filled with terror, and giggled. I sputtered: “Why… Why is this funny… And why would you DO this?!!!!” Her face twisted in rage and she said: “You idiot!!!!! Haven’t you said it a THOUSAND times?! It’s because I’m EMMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m wicked and solemn and I just… Gosh, I snapped!!!! Amanda!!! I think I’m a’goin CRAZYYY!!!!!! Please stop me before I kill again!!!” She giggled and finally said: “By the way, Eight bodies for Emma!” With that, she threw me onto the ground before I could stop her. The last thing I remember hearing, was: “You made me so MAD when you said I was sweet. I shall kill them all because they all deserve to be Emma! Because I’m Emma! Thank you for inspiring me, Amanda.”

  • Once there was a girl named Jenna, one day when she was walking home from school she got a text from her friend Julia it read: Don’t turn around! Jenna was confused and just walked home without looking back. She finally opened the door and closed it, tightly locking it behind her, she walked straight ahead for the kitchen, then she got a text from her mom it said: DON’T LOOK BACK! Jenna was starting to freak out, but once she finished the snack she got she had to turn around to get her homework that she left on the table behind her. When she turned around she saw a man holing in one hand the severed heads of her mom and her friend, in the other hand he held a knife that was rusted with blood.

  • Hey SFK! I really like this story I wrote, and if you do too, please post it on here!


    I arrived at Becky’s house for her Sweet 16 birthday party. When we were smaller, we always thought it would be just me and her, maybe a couple of other friends, having a little get-together and just chilling out. The reality, however, was that half the school was at her mansion for the event. The garden was littered with paper cups, streamers, and the occasional passed-out jock.
    Leaning on the trunk of a tree some way ahead, I saw a girl checking her phone. She had long brown hair and was faced away from me. I thought it was Becky and proceeded towards her.
    Resting my hand on her shoulder, I said, “Hey, Becky?”
    She whipped around, and upon looking at her face, I immediately realized that this girl was NOT Becky.
    “Uh… sorry. I thought you were someone else”, I muttered.
    “I know,” the girl said, “Rebecca, right? I haven’t seen her all night. She must be partying somewhere inside.”
    I looked at her. Was she a friend of Becky’s? I had never seen her before.
    “Sybil,” she said, extending an outstretched hand towards me. “My name’s Sybil.”
    I shook her hand. “I’m Anna”
    Over the night, we got to know each other. I found out that she didn’t know Becky that well, and was invited by her friend’s friend. At about 2 AM, we found ourselves sitting in the courtyard sipping some drinks. People were passed out all around us. Some were chatting. The music had died down half an hour ago. I hadn’t seen Becky at all.
    “Okay then, Sybil,” I said, checking my watch, “I have to go. Curfew.” I got up to leave, but she grabbed my hand.
    “No! Don’t go yet!” she half-yelled. I sat back down. Suddenly, she leaned forward and looked very closely at my eyes. It was very unnerving. So much, in fact, that I became severely creeped out and got up again.
    “I… I really have to go. Goodnight.” I had only come to the “good” part of “goodnight” when Sybil tackled me to the ground. Then she punched me, and everything went black.

    I woke up after what felt like eternity to realize something very close was pressed to my face, to be specific, my eyes. It felt like ice, tied tight with a cloth. I couldn’t open my eyes in that confined space, so I loosened the cloth a little bit. When I opened my eye, I saw everything in red. I wasn’t anywhere I knew. At that moment something liquid fell into my eye. Pretty scared, I pushed the cloth back up, blocking my vision.
    I felt my pocket and realized I still had my phone. I took it out, used voice-dial and called 911.

    I was informed of everything at the hospital. After I was punched, I was drugged. So much that I had no feeling of what had happened next.
    I’d been transported somewhere else. While I was drugged, somebody, maybe Sybil, maybe her mates, had used hot, iron industrial pincers to literally tear or rip my eyelashes out my eyelids.
    It had been bleeding when I woke up over there. And it was blood that fell into my eye.
    I can’t believe what I’ve gone through. How could Becky not have been there for me? How could I have trusted Sybil? Just the thought of what happened sickens me. ‘Cause, imagine it happening to you. You’re asleep.
    Hot iron pincers. They grab onto one or two eyelashes at a time. The grip on the pincers tightens.


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