Scary For Kids

Your Story

This is the part of the Website where you get to tell me your scary stories. If you have a really good scary tale swirling around in your brain, you can post it in the comments section on this page. I will read it and, if it’s really good, you will have the honor of seeing it will be posted right here on this page.

Your Story

Before you tell us your story, here are a few rules you should follow:
1. Make sure the story is scary. (Who would want to read a story that isn’t scary?).
2. Make sure your story is good. (No lame stories, please).
3. Make sure your story REALLY is good. (I can’t search through 100 bad stories to find 1 good story).
4. Don’t post a bad story. (Please, I am begging you!)
4. Try to use proper spelling and grammar. (Or elze it wil bee hard 2 reed).
5. Don’t spam your story on other pages. Just post it here. I will see it.
6. If your story doesn’t get accepted, please don’t be angry or offended.
7. By submitting your story, you agree that you are giving Scaryforkids permission and rights to display it on the Website.

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scary for kids


  • Talking to spirits
    This incidence dates back to spring 2008 as it was soon after my brother was born.

    My grandma along with aunt (buaji) had come to visit our house in order to help my mother to look after my mother. In India, it is always said that old people are boon for a house. Whatever may be occasion without elder’s advice nothing is done.

    I still remember that day after bathing my brother and making him sleep we were all sitting in hall on deewan. It was around11:00 or 12:00 in morning we were all chatting casually. Suddenly my grandma started acting strange. Her eyeballs rolled inside. My aunt asked me to talk to her. At that time I did not know the exact matter but knew something was wrong, it was only after talking to her I realized I was talking to a spirit who visited my grandma’s body. Initially grandma refused to talk. Then I introduced myself in order to initiate a talk. She looked at me coldly, I asked her who was she. To my utter surprise she introduced herself as my uncle who died at an early age in his childhood. After that I didn’t dare to elongate the talk as at that I was just eleven. After that my aunt talked to her to keep her busy. My mother was not allowed in room as she had given birth to a child just few days before and letting her in front of a spirit would mean inviting danger. My grandma was back to her self only after she was given blessed water.

    I want to make it clear that I am sure I talked to a spirit because my grandma had no health problems, she was sane. Also I heard my family talk among themselves about a spirit visiting her.

  • This is my sad sad story.

    There once was a young girl who fell in love with a big nerd. she and him were really good friends then one day she found out he was dating her best friend. She cried and cried for days but then decided she was not a baby. She went up to her best friend and him and said ”I was in love with you for so long but you toke my best friend instead… Why?” they both just stared at her and then her crush spoke”I’m not in love with her I love you I just pretended to date her to get your attention”. ” Oh my goodness. Really?!”she said.Then her best friend spoke”But then that means…”she stammered out and then ran off crying. Then he asked her to be his girlfriend. As they grew up she and her best friend lost touch but one day her best friend called and asked her to come over. When they arrived they seen from the balcony her best friend hanging there and there was a not on the door that read: He broke my heart and now well I decided its time to show you what a broken heart can do… ”Well that’s just terable”she stammered.

    Well that’s the end people!

  • The house in the woods

    Once there was an oldman who lived in the woods nad one day his grandson came to stay in his house as midnight aproched someone knocked. It was a man. “its raining heavily why don’t you stay here for the night” The oldman suggested then his grandson came and started crying hysterically don’t let him in. “Don’t be so rude”the oldman told him off and then his dog camed and barked ferociusly as though threatened and the man said to the oldman “its fine, thankyou for the offer but I’m in a hurry could you tell me which way to the next city please”

    The oldman gave him the directions and he left. About an hour later some cops arrived and asked him if they seen a suspicious man it turned out a man murdered a lady.

    He told then about the man that he gave the directions to and the police thanked him and left.

    The man asked the child why he was panicking when he saw the man as they didn’t know he was probably a killer and the boy said “Didn’t you see the bloody lady following him. she was covered in blood and her eyes were frightening.”

  • cannibal

    I crave human flesh,ever since my fast taste.
    the thirst is in nearly all of us.
    you just don’t know it.
    you say you never ate human flesh thats a lie as you probably ate



  • I also have a ghost game that you don’t have yet called ushi no koku maeri or in english hour of the ox prayer

    step 1 : Dress in white (kimono if possible)
    step 2 :tie 4 candles around your head
    step 3: get a straw doll and write your victims name on it
    step: go to a shrine or temple and nail the doll on a tree there.

    if sucessful the victim will die but if anyone sees you doing the the ritual you will die.

  • this story is called “noroi no isho” or “The Cursed Suicide Note”. It is a story I read in Japan and it goes like this:

    I can’t believe it! He actually died. He actually commited suicide because of me! I went to the spot where he killed himself and inspected the note he left. It read: “I can’t live anymore. I will die now. Taijou bullied me and that’s why I will die. I will never forgive him.”

    I took the note, put it in my pocket and left the top floor of the school. Finally people noticed Ryosuke’s corpse broken from his jump off the school roof and screamed. I disposed of the evidence by burning it.

    No one suspected me as I pretended to be his friend in public even though I bullied him. As I arrived home I realised the note was on my desk. I thought I burned it. Creeped out, I ripped it apart. I took a bath, but when I looked down, I realized that there was something written on my arm. It was the suicide note.

    At school I was unable to concentrate as I could see him looking accusingly at the window. I will have to say a speech at the assembly as everyone still thinks I was his friend. I felt like killing myself just to get away from the torment. I went on the stage to say the speech I looked down at the speech I wrote and it said: “I can’t live anymore. I will die now. Taizou bullied me and that’s why I will die. I will never forgive him.”

    I screamed and ran out of the school. He was following me. I ran and ran some more. I ran across the road and all of a sudden, a car hit me. When they found my corpse, everyone noticed that, all over my body, was writing that said: “I can’t live anymore. I will die now. Taizou bullied me and that’s why I will die. I will never forgive him.”

  • Hi my name is Maggie:
    Hi my name is Maggie I’m 6 years old with blonde hair and blue eyes. I always wear my favorite pink dress with a big white bow. My house is great! I live with my sisters and my best friends. But they never come out anymore. That is why I was so glad when I heard someone was moving in! I watched them come inside the house there was even a little girl! She would share a room with me! That night I watched her silently why she slept, I knew we were gonna be great friends! So I waited that night trying to be calm but I was so happy! I began to giggle, I tried to keep it in but I couldn’t help it.
    “Hello”? The little girl asked,” Is any one there”?
    I came out and showed my self.
    “Hello my name is Maggie want to be best friends”? I giggled.
    The girl gasped and started to laugh.
    “My name is Gracie”, I would love to be friends”, Gracie exclaimed.
    We sat and told stories exchanging information about each other. Gracie is 5 a year younger then me!
    That morning I came downstairs to have breakfast with Gracie and her mom. Her mom set up 2 plates.
    “Mommy”, Gracie said,”what about Maggie”.
    “Maggie who is Maggie”? Her mother asked.
    “She is my new best friend and she wants to eat breakfast with us”! Gracie shouted.
    ” Darling you’re to old for imaginary friends now help me set the table”, her mother growled.
    I wasn’t aloud to eat breakfast with them it made me furious I went upstairs to my room and waited for Gracie to come.
    Gracie walked into the room.

    “Hi Gracie”, I smiled

    “Maggie, mommy says I’m to old for imaginary friends we can’t play anymore”, Gracie cried.

    I was about to explode.

    ” We have to play we are best friends, and I’m not imaginary! YOU CAN SEE ME GRACIE! And that means I’m real!!” I shouted.

    “I can see you so I guess you are real I’ll go tell mommy”! She smiled.

    “No, your mom can’t see me and she thinks I’m not real but I am, if we are going to be best friends she can’t be here”. I shouted.

    “But she is my mommy”, Gracie cried.

    “So you don’t want to be best friends”, I said.
    “No I do”! She pleaded.

    “Then listen to me”, I giggled.

    The next I put our plan into action. At three am Gracie and I crept into her mother room. I handed Gracie the knife. Gracie raised it over her mother head.

    “I can’t do this”, she cried,” Its wrong”!!!

    “Do this or we won’t be best friends”, I growled.

    “I don’t want to be best friends, I want you to go away”, She screamed.

    “Oh I can’t go away but I know how we can be friends forever”, I said while raising the knife.

    The next morning Gracie’s mom woke up to a surprise. She moved out.
    And I waited in my house till a new family moved in they had a little boy.

    That night while he was sleeping I waked him up.

    “Hello my name is Maggie, want to be best friends”?

  • The Evil Double
    So mostly everyone believes that having a twin/ look alike is one of the awesome things in the world but in this case it is not…(Story is based on a true experience).
    There was a girl named Jenna who had just passed away last year due to unexplained causes. Jenna was a very social ,sweet and caring friend of mine. Till this very day I wonder if that evil double of hers was the cause of her death.
    It all started after 3 months after Jenna had moved in her neighborhood. Jenna had made a lot of friends by then. During lunch on a Friday Jenna began acting strangely. She became reserved. Jenna looked like as if she hasn’t sleep in weeks and she was hanging out by herself on an unused lunch table. I decided to be a good friend so I walked right toward her. As soon as I got near her she gave me the death stare and yelled at the top of her lungs to get away and to drop dead. I was shocked so I backed off and avoided her.

    3 hours later passed and it was after school. I didn’t have volleyball practiced so i waited for my cousin to pick me up. someone had sneaked behind and and gave me a big bear hug. I thought it was my boyfriend to give me a big kiss and to walk me home instead of me waiting for my cousin to my surprise it was Jenna (the normal Jenna. She was smiling at me and offered me a raisin cookie. I looked at her bewildered. What made me raise my hairs at the back of my neck was when she told me she was there to pick up the weekends homework.
    (wasn’t she at school that day?). I pretended that I knew she wasn’t at school to make her not freak out and asked “Where have you been?” She told me she didn’t feel really good and had a huge headache so she decided to stay home…. If the Jenna that had screamed at me wasn’t her then who was that?

    That night I couldn’t sleep. I kept on thinking who had screamed at me to drop dead earlier that day. I finally came to a conclusion that Jenna was messing with me. It was her and she was being nice to me as an apology for her behavior so I just forgave her and forget everything. ( I was wrong it wasn’t the real Jenna).

    3 weeks had passed and I was going to have a sleepover. I invited four friends (including Jenna). That night was the night I realized I had made a big mistake on inviting Jenna. Jenna talked about pretty gruesome things such as homicide killings and death…. The other girls and I became a little too scared. I guess she saw the fear in my eyes and suggested that we played hide and seek instead. It was childish for 15 and 16 year olds to play such a childish game but we agreed. Playing hide and seek was better than talking about grotesque things…

    I lived in a two story Victorian house. We had this big unused dumb waiter on the second floor so I hid there. I waited there for 10 whole ephing minutes but Jenna didn’t bother to go up and find me. I took out my phone and grouped messaged all my friends (including Jenna). All of them replied all at once and they have said Jenna left them hanging as well. Jenna’s reply shocked all of us though.
    Jenna: ” I’m running Late guys. I’m just a minute away! I had to go to my dads house. XoXo and save me some s’more!”
    I got out of my hiding spot and ran down the stairs, and right below the steps I saw Jenna. She just stood there giving me a sinister smile. I went down the steps and Jenna just turned around and walked towards the door to leave. “Where are you going?”, I asked. Jenna just kept on walking out the front porch towards her car…. right then I remembered the Text Message Jenna had sent me. Jenna had just arrived??!!! I saw two Jennas at that moment the one getting off the red car and the one walking toward the car…… as soon as i saw the Jenna getting off the look up the Jenna that was walking toward her vanished into thin air in a snap. (that was enough time to get the real Jenna to get a glimpse of her, but not notice it was her)… “Who was that?”, asked Jenna. I shrug it off happy that the weird Jenna was gone… (or was she?)

    A couple of months passed and Jenna became really ill. She was Home schooled the minute she couldn’t get up. I visited her almost every Fridays and weekends to keep her company. She told me the doctors didnt know the causes of her illnness and that it was unexplainable. They were giving her treatments but the medications wouldnt work.
    On January 4 2015 Jenna passed away with an unknown diagnosis.

    I know I might be insane but I think that the weird Jenna had something to do with this. I dont think it was my imagination that played tricks. I didnt see doubles and i had witnesses.

    I did further research and found information about doplegangers but still it is unexplainable. You can either believe this or not. Whatever but the most important thing is I believe on what I want to believe.

  • This incident really creeped me out, it happened when I was almost 9 and half.

    After I came from school, my mom and dad and my sis were packing their suitcases and we’re getting ready to go somewhere, I asked my dad where we were going and he said that we were going to visit my Grandma. I was overjoyed and went to pack my bag. We reached our hometown and went to our grandma’s house and kept our bags on the room and me and my sis we so tired that we went to our room and lay down on our bed. ( me and my sis grew up there, so we had our bunk beds and our room) it was dinner time, and I went to the dining hall and we ate a light meal, I asked my dad and mom several times where is grandma, but they didn’t say a word. This creeped me a little. At night after prayer, we went to sleep. I clearly don’t remeber the time, but at midnight, I heard a lullaby my grandma used to sing when I cried as a baby. I ignored it. After a few minutes, my sister woke me, and I freaked out like hell. There was a bright purple light that shone from our cupboard,my grandma s fav color was purple. I stood bravely as I was elder sis and went to face the situation… But as I got closer it vanished. I tried to fall asleep again. It was about 10:30 when I woke up, and there was a note lying on my study table. I read it and it said; “ Darling, me, your dad and sis went to a funeral of one of our dads friend, we know you won’t be able to take it so we went alone. Take care, and the food is ready in the dining table, take care honey, don’t open the door for any reason until we come.” I was home alone, and there was a knock, I peek through the lens and saw my grandma, I hugged her and welcomed her, me both played, and when I went to the kitchen to give her some juice, my mom and dad came, they asked me why I opened the door, I said that grandma came, but she said, darling, the funeral we went was our dear gradma’s funeral, she is in heaven now. I cried like anything and was really upset the whole day, my sis came to confront me. And my dad came and sat with me and said, “Darling, I know your feelings but we have to go through this”

  • 206

    Daniel and his girlfriend, Kaitlyn,were walking down the hall of their school. His girlfriend wasn’t the prettiest girl in school but he loved her anyways. “Kaitlyn, I truly love you from the bottom of my heart,” said Daniel, ” and I want to know if you will marry me!” Kaitlyn replies, ” Definitely!” With them on their happy walk after school, Daniel’s rival, David, shows up. “So there’s the ugliest girl I’ve ever seen. And the biggest dumbo ever born because he’s going out with her!” ” Don’t make fun,” yells Daniel, ” ’cause you might regret it in the future!” David replies,” I’m sure I will little one!” David busts out laughing and walks away.

    Daniel is furious and he goes home. Kaitlyn, terrified to talk to him for it may upset him more, goes home as well. Daniel complains to his dad and mom that David won’t give him a break. Daniel eats his dinner and goes to bed. He wakes up the next morning to a peculiar text. It was from Kaitlyn! He reads it, it says, “David is dead, every bone in his body is broken! Come to my house as soon as you get this!” Daniel quickly put his pants and jacket on and drove to Kaitlyn’s house. He got to her house but the door wouldn’t budge. He knocked a few times, but when nobody answered he kicked the door in and rushed in. He found his dad with a bloody butcher’s knife and the severed head of his girlfriend. Daniel throws up. Daniel’s dad turns to Daniel and whispers, “He wouldn’t give you a break so I gave him 206!”

  • Clarissa had just gotten her weekly allowance, so she decided to go shopping, and as she browsed the cosmetics section, she noticed a bright-colored rack in another aisle. She walked over, and realized they were stuffed animals, with those huge, but adorable glass eyes. She looked at her reflection in the eyes, and then decided to buy a hot pink elephant with the little money she had left.

    After she had bought the animal, she got a text from her mom as she was walking home from the store. The text read: Your cousin is staying with us for the weekend, mind sharing a bed with her?

    Clarissa sighed, but responded with a yes. Her cousin was only a year younger than her, but she was a huge pain. As soon as she got home, her cousin was already snatching a snack from the fridge. Clarissa went to her room and adjusted her new stuffed animal on he bed. It’s not like she played with toys anymore, she just wanted to have a new decoration for her room.

    A few hours after dinner, it was finally time for bed. Clarissa was exhausted, but her cousin complained as it was time for bed. Clarissa’s cousin got the side of the bed next to the stuffed animal.

    Everything was going fine until a little bit after midnight, when Clarissa’s cousin woke up in the middle of the night. Her cousin looked into the stuffed animal’s glassy eyes, and in the reflection she saw herself, the figure of Clarissa next to her, but she also saw a man brandishing A knife.

    Clarissa’s cousin began to sweat, but knowing that a murderer was so close to her, she tried to appear calm. She shook Clarissa’s shoulder. Clarissa awoke with a grunt. “Uh, Clarissa! What a beautiful stuffed animal! Look into it’s beautiful eyes”, her cousin stammered, hoping Clarissa would see the man.

    Apparently Clarissa did see, but strangely enough, Clarissa smiled. Her cousin nudged her elbow in panic. Clarissa lifted up her pillow, and pulled out a knife, then she stepped out of bed and stood beside the man.

    “Don’t worry my sweet little cousin. He’s just my sidekick”, Clarissa said. The last thing her cousin saw was Clarissa reaching for the stuffed animal. The next morning, Clarissa’s mother got suspicious when the two girls weren’t coming down for breakfast, so she peeked into Clarissa’s room.

    Clarissa’s cousin had two glass eyes replaced inside her eyes sockets, and her throat was stuffed with cotton of the stuffed animal. Clarissa and her “sidekick” are still wandering around, so I would reccomend not buying a a stuffed animal with glass eyes.

  • I would like to share a personal experience of mine after a few nights on SFK. For starters I am totally addicted I love this site. One night I was reading anything new I could find and I read a story about the girl with the stalker. In the story the girl is stalked no matter how much she changes her number. Strange things have happened since I read this story. The next morning after reading this story I woke to a phone full of messages and missed calls. NO KIDDING PEOPLE THIS REALLY HAPPENED. I immediately remembered the story and became very spooked. I had received messages and calls from 5 different numbers. I tryed reading the texts but they were all multimedia messages and I have a government phone which doesn’t allow picture messaging. I called one number back but just got the sound you here when amber alert takes over all cells notifications (even though everything is on silent… beside the point but admit it everyone hates that little annoying buzz that comes unexpected) I tried another number but did not get an answer, after what seemed like forever I hung up. I had school that morning so I gave up because I was already running late. when I got to school I told one of my friends and she says ” Oh sorry that was me sending messages to our group to meet for the project… You must have got all the messages separately. This was a huge relief for me because I was not being stalked or cursed or whatever I was thinking also I was happy because I would be able to continue my late night dates with SFK (get your mind out the gutter I’m talking about reading!) Everything was back to normal until the next morning I woke up with more missed calls and texts. I know your thinking its your friends…NO… I woke up to 8 different numbers in my phone! 5 text 3 calls all from different numbers that were not my friends because they would have displayed their names. Now I was really freaked out. They were not picture messages and when I checked again I noticed my friends names were not in my contacts anymore. They were their numbers,tho I know I locked them all in. I read one message it said “hey how are you” the next said ” I saw you…Did you see me at school?” Next said ” of course you didn’t you wouldn’t pass me like that would you?” …” Are you ignoring me or are you still sleep?… ” Im going to call you PICK UPPP or else lol” I don’t know why the person put lol but at that point I wasn’t laughing I was scared to death! I went to school told my friend again this time she just looked at me strangely like I had gone crazy or something. She told me she didn’t send any messages that morning . I showed her the numbers but she didn’t recognize any. I didn’t read SFK that night I was upset I thought I had read the wrong thing! The next morning I had no messages but that night I recieved so many calls from one of the numbers from one of the previous mornings I had to turn my phone off. When I turned it back on the calls started almost immediately I quickly answered and put it on mute and listened. It was silent for a sec then a familiar voice said “Hello is ***** there” I knew this voice very well it was my ex I had broken up with a month before . He explained how he’d been trying to reach me from different numbers just to TALK …I was once again relived… it’s crazy how this all happened around the the time I read that story I thought my life was over!! But I still don’t know how my friends numbers were erased out my phone!

  • Sally hated the dentist. There was not one thing about going to the dentist she liked. Sally hated how the dentists were stupid enough to put all those sharp tools on display, and you had to go through a bunch of boringness and pain, and your only reward was a dumb sticker and toothbrush, all with occasional pat on the back.

    Every year, she managed to avoid going to visit the dentist. Once, she even made herself throw up so she could be too sick to go. But when she was ten, her parents forced her. After waiting for a half an hour, the dentist called her name and she reluctantly stepped into the office.

    Her dentist was bald, with creepy light blue eyes, a crooked nose, and yellow rotten teeth. How ironic, her dentist had worse teeth than she did. The dentist instructed for her to sit in the chair, and above her there was a TV. As the dentist began to work on her teeth, she watched the news channel on the flat screen TV.

    For the first few minutes it was just the usual stuff: people were protesting for stupid stuff, the latest sports games, but then a red signal popped up, with a serious looking reporter.

    Sally began to watch intently as the reporter began to talk, “About ten minutes ago, a highly dangerous man escaped from a federal prison. He is known to carry around poison, and pose for various jobs, such doctors and dentists. Please stay tuned for more updates.”

    For a split second, a mugshot appeared on the screen, and Sally gasped as she realized it was her dentist. The dentist quickly grabbed the remote, and turned it into another channel, acting as if nothing had happened. Her so called dentist said that he was almost done, he just needed to add some teeth-whitening chemicals into her mouth.

    Sally screamed and jumped out of her chair, and threw several various objects at the “dentist” and ran into the waiting room, where she begged her dad to call the police and leave.

    Later that night, Sally and her dad were watching the news. The reporter she had seen early that day said, “Here is our next update about the escaped criminal. He has been caught faking as a dentist, and several bottles of deathly poison were found in his pockets and the cabinets in the office. He has been sent back to prison, and he is now under constant surveillance.”

  • Ever since I was a little kid, I had been paranoid. Well, I like to think of it as cautious. Because so much could happen. The person sitting next to you on the bus could be a drug dealer. Your own mom could be a murderer, and you just don’t know it.
    When I turned thirteen, my mom offered me a job to babysit my little brother. She said I would get paid about five dollars an hour. I was very nervous, because in all the stories I had read the babysitter always gets murdered or kidnapped. But stupidly enough, I agreed.
    Once she left, I took my dog, Max, and left him in the front yard. My mom didn’t like it when I left Max outside for a long time because his paws would be muddy, but my excuse would be we needed a guard dog.
    Me and my little brother snuggled together on the couch, and everything was fine for about forty-five minutes. My little bro was watching Thomas the Train while I was reading creepy stories on my iPad.
    Suddenly all the lights went out. There wasn’t a storm, and I hadn’t turned anything off. My little brother started crying, and I held him tighter. I kissed his cheek, and left him on the couch, while tears streamed down my face.
    The only way somebody had managed to turn off all the electricity, was the little electricity box. The box was in the room next to the one me and my little brother were in. I quietly crept into my dad’s room, and grabbed his gun out from under his pillow. Holding the trigger made me feel safe.
    I tiptoed into the kitchen, and when I saw who had turned off the lights, my mouth gaped wide open. It was my mom. She was holding a bloody axe, along with my little brother’s corpse. “Why would you do that?”, I sobbed, kneeling to my knees.
    My mom leaned over me, with the axe perfectly placed about 2 inches above my neck. I could feel my mom breathing over my shoulder. Sweat laced my forehead, can’t I slowly lifted the gun to my neck. I pulled the trigger, and bullet came blasting through my neck.
    But now, my mom chases me around the house with my little brother’s corpse slung over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Forever. I’m getting tired of e same old thing everyday: starts in the kitchen, O run around the living room, then up the stairs to my room, then her room, then my little brother’s room, and we start back at the bottom. For eternity, all I will ever see is her insane face chasing me with an axe.
    But, a new family has moved in. Perhaps it’s you. My mother always likes to play tag with another new player.

  • Hi, this is my first story and I hope you like it :)

    The Midnight Murderer

    “The Midnight Murderer has killed my son!” a young woman shrieked, clutching a bundle of red rags. Tears poured down her face as she looked up at the sky. The villagers all bowed their heads, except for Charlie Steele, who just looked at the woman. She used to babysit her son, until she was fired three weeks ago.

    “We must find the Midnight Murderer and kill them,” Mr Hall said, and a group of men pulled out there guns. “They cannot be allowed in this village any more. That’s the seventeenth victim this month. From now on, everyone, be careful. Lock your doors and close your windows. Stay indoors. And for Gods sake never be alone.” A chorus of “Yes sir” was heard before everyone went back inside their houses.

    Charlie laughed. Like she was going to lock her door. Or stay inside. Or be surrounded by people. She liked being on her own, anyway.

    Instead she walked to the graveyard. Her parents had been preyed on by the Midnight Murderer almost a year ago. Charlie still missed them, although she never showed it. Then her little brother, Sam, had died two months later. It was a shame, really. He died on Christmas.

    Suddenly, Charlie heard a twig snap behind her. She spun around, her eyes darting everywhere. “Hello?” she asked, trembling. Then she saw them. Their eyes looked blood shot and angry, and in their hands was a sharp knife. It gleamed in the moonlight, and it was then she realised how late it was. Had this person been behind her the whole time? She walked back, almost stumbling over the graves. The person advanced on her, holding up the weapon menacingly. “Who are you?” Charlie asked, her eyes watering.

    “That is not of any importance to you, Charlie Steele. All that matters is I know who you are.” Charlie, now sobbing, tried to run but found herself rooted to the ground in fear. The person was only five feet away from her- now four- three- two-

    “AAGH!” Charlie screamed as the knife was plunged deep into her heart, and then taken out, only to be put back in. With one swift slice her head was off, and returned to the village so they could see her.

    That night the people of the village could sleep once more without having to worry about the Midnight Murderer.

  • Thanks @FAN OF SCARY FOR KIDS all I did was take a section out of my romance novel that I’m writing… I just added the part where she is insane.


    thanks so much for saying my story was creepy that tells me im doing good :D

  • the shadows new friend

    After the murders at beach elem the school would be on total lock down,
    but the shadow had a new trick up his sleeve and he could use time to travel into somewhere or on something, or just time travel with his new friends he was more deadlier then ever. But the shadow had a new friend, a large block dog named was transformed into shadow rose she was no completely black and she had knew white eyes. This was the start of the most horrid killing in a school or in the US

  • @tici tobi is amazing good story i really want sfk to post your story

  • There was a girl named Dominique who dated a very popular boy named Jake. Dominique moved to the same building where Jake lived. They dated when Dominique first came to his school she hanged out with her friends: Samantha and Morelia until one day. She caught Samantha making out with him. She was so heartbroken. She ran home and started cutting herself and listening to Evanescence. She started sleepwalking a few days later her parents would not let her get ut of her room because they thought that she might kill herself one day her parents left for the weekend. She got dressed in the nightgown she got at a Evanescence concert and went to sleep. Jake and Samantha were practicing for a duet they are gonna do at prom. They were gonna sing “Bring Me To Life” and they started singing
    Samantha: How can you see into my eyes like open doors
    leading you down into my core
    where I’ve become so numb without a soul my spirit sleeping somewhere cold
    until you find it there and lead it back home

    Jake: Wake me up
    Dominique heard Jake and sleepwalked to her window since they lived in the same building
    S & D: Wake me up inside
    Jake: I can’t wake up
    S & D Wake me up inside
    Jake: Save me
    S & D Call my name and save me from the dark
    Jake: Wake me up
    S & D bid my blood to run
    Jake: I can’t wake up
    S & D Before I come undone
    Jake: Save me
    S & D Save me from the nothing I’ve become
    Dominique got out of her apartment and stepped onto the ledge and started walking and climbing things

    S & D Now that I know what I’m without
    you can’t just leave me
    breathe into me and make me real
    Bring me to life

    Jake: Wake me up
    S & D Wake me up inside
    Jake: I can’t wake up
    S & D: Wake me up inside
    Jake: Save me
    S & D: Call my name and save me from the dark
    Jake: Wake me up
    S & D Bid my blood to run
    Jake: I can’t wake up
    S & D: before I come undone
    Jake: Save me
    S & D Save me from the nothing I’ve become

    S & D: Bring me to life
    Jake: I’ve been living a lie, there’s nothing inside
    S & D Bring me to life
    Dominique came to Jake’s window

    S & D Frozen inside without your touch without your love darling only you are the life among the dead
    Dominique fell of the ledge and started holding onto it and Jake came out of the room where Jake and Samantha were practicing and tried helping Dominique

    Jake: All this time I can’t believe I couldn’t see
    kept in the dark but you were there in front of me
    S & D: I’ve been sleeping a thousand years it seems
    got to open my eyes to everything
    Jake: Without a thought without a voice without a soul
    don’t let me die here
    there must be something more
    S & D Bring me to life

    Jake: Wake me up
    S & D: Wake me up inside
    Jake: I can’t wake up
    S & D: Wake me up inside
    Jake: Save me
    S & D: Call my name and save me from the dark
    Jake: Wake me up
    S & D Bid my blood to run
    Dominique puts her feet on the ledge
    Jake: I can’t wake up
    S & D: Before I come undone
    Jake: Save me
    S & D: Save me from the nothing I’ve become
    Jake lets go of Dominique by accident and Dominque was falling
    S & D: Bring me to life
    Jake: I’ve been living a lie, there’s nothing inside
    S & D: Bring me to life
    Dominique fell to her death. When Dominique’s parents came home she was nowhere to found so they asked Jake and he said: “She sleepwalked over to my apartment window while me and Samantha were singing and she was singing along and she fell off the ledge and started hanging onto it and i tried saving her by accident i let go of her and she fell to her death.” Her parents were sad so they held a funeral for her the night of the funeral she possessed Samantha and made her die the same way she did and the next night she appeared in his room in a black dress and black everything except her skin was pale and she stabbed him and said “You deserved to be stabbed”
    Morelia was so devastated about Dominique’s and Samantha’s death that she killed herself so she could be with her friends
    she left a note to her mom saying: “Mom i killed myself because i wanted to be with my friends and i just missed them so much i could not bear the loss of them”

    Evanescence’s “Bring Me To Life inspired me to make this story i hope you like it

  • The shadow

    One day at beech elem Nick had been doing a math game for past 45 minutes. His teacher walked up and forced him to correct the paper that he worked on an hour ago he didn’t say anything but fire raged in his eyes. He’d been planning to do the unthinkable one day and today
    was the day. He was a sneaky and tricky kid in school he wrote on walls and and made loud sound’s when teacher weren’t looking. He was also very friendly at times. Sometimes he would play with kids that didn’t have friends. BUT only about 3/10 was good the rest was a
    flaming rage that if he was pushed to much he would snap and maybe
    hurt or kill someone. The teacher started to yell and erase things that were correct Nick could feel the rage boiling inside him and then he did the most devilish smile the teacher had ever seen,He got up and went to the bathroom. The teacher yelling at him at the door just made him laugh softly under his breath. Then the teacher heard insane laughter mixed in with sobbing soon there was just laughter everyone was starting to freak out. When the teacher open to door she almost threw up the sink was cover in fresh blood, the floor was to, so as the walls, but this is what freaked the teacher out the most, spelled in blood the mirror said SMILE. In the corner the teacher saw Nick sitting with blood stained clothes ( a black hoodie with black sweat pants ) and a pocket knife in his hand a bloody pocket knife the teacher turned around and told the class to stay calm and leave the class room but just then everyone OH MY GOD LOOK OUT!! But it was to late the teacher was dead lying on the floor covered in blood and standing above the body was laughing Nick with a neat smile carved into his new face. Everyone scream and started to run but Nick had 3 more victims that day the names: Rayn,Avery and annie . total of 2 girls (the teacher was female ) and 2 boys everyone else escaped but not for long Nick was now no longer a human but one with all shadows that’s how he got the name The shadow. THREE MONTHS LATER… the class’s new teacher was teaching and barking orders like the last one but everything was different there were at least 10 cameras in 1 classroom. Normaly the door was locked but this time you had to have a key card to get in. But i mentioned the shadow was sneaky and tricky so he could easy be out of site little did they know the camera’s lins was painted black so no one could see through it anyway the lights went out suddenly and everyone knew who it was the shadow was searching for its next victim scanning the class for a new play mate
    Kyra someone who moved from there and back was the again and that
    would be a nice victim for the shadow. Whats goin on peoples? Kyra said everyone shushed her and remained still but not Kyra she was walking around seeing what was going on then AHHHHHHHHH! shlick! sssssssssss….. the shadow and slit Kyras neck blood splatted on the shadow and Kyra was in a pool of blood dead. Then the lights went on and the shadow wasen’t the all that was there was the body of his victim but they heard they horrid laugh the shadow had struck again ( HOPE YOU ENJOYED PART 1 )

  • hehehe here’s my first story…

    THE TALL MAN… ( i don’t know if anyone’s did this )

    One day ( a Friday ) Nick and his friends were on the playground at school. One of Nicks friends named: Jackson said have you ever heard off the myth of the tall man? Steven and Mike shook their heads but Nick just smiled and said don’t you mean the slender man? Jackson looked confused but Nick just smiled and said come over at 8:00 pm ill tell you about him. After about 6 hours Mike,Steven and Jackson were at Nick’s house they were on Nick’s laptop looking at slender man pictures and stories. While they were looking at stories and pictures a bad storm was on the way. Soon they could here thunder in the distance. Jackson asked what does the slender man do to you? Nicks reply was lets find out! They looked it up and what it said shocked the boys this is what it said: Some people don’t know but slender hunters have thoughts that the slender man takes its victims and kills,eats,or just plan makes them insane causing them to hide and say things like hes my friend or don’t you want a home? Other’s that have had sightings say he we follow you until you die or try to murder you. many people have gone missing and witness’s say the saw a tall man with NO FACE and a black suit and tie with several arms or snake like arms with no hands but sharp tips on the end extending out of its back. Others say that – just then a huge boom of thunder scared the kids half to death and causing the power to go out – Nick Mike Steven are you okay? Said Jackson yeah they all said at once. They grabbed flashlights and turned them on. WHATS THAT?! Said Mike the rest of the boys went to him to see what he was so freaked out about. what on earth? Said Nick is that a O with an X through it? Looks like it. Said Mike just then Nicks mom came and said is everyone okay? We heard you guys scream. All the boys said yes and then pointed to the blue painted wall. Did you boys draw that? Mom said no we didn’t said Jackson it just showed up when the power went out! Huh that’s weird said Nicks mom and she left into the kitchen little did they know the boys didn’t read the most important part about the slender man he will always watch you… ( thanks for reading this is only part one but if you guys don’t like it leave a comment telling me and i wont make part 2 if you want to see part 2 well… say you want part 2 BYE! shadow out… hehe..

  • Emily jolts awake, covered in cold sweat. She looks to her left. Nothing. She looks to her right. Nothing. She sighs a breath of relief. Her bloody slumps back on her bed. She thinks about the figure she saw. Was it just a dream? A flash of its face crossed her mind. The red eyes bulging. A shiver goes down her spine. She closes her eyes, falling asleep not to long after.

    Emily wakes up again, in cold sweat. She felt as if someone was watching her. She grabs her phone and turns it on. She looks at the time. It’s already five thirty. Her sister is supposed to wake her up for school soon. She looks up from her phone. The hall light isn’t on.

    She sits up in her bed. She slowly walks to the door, putting her back on the wall. She hears raspy breathing from the hallway. She leans her head against the door. “Found you”

    (Sorry it’s so short…. Hopefully it’s scary enough)

  • 5-4-3-2-1
    It was a warm sunny September day when jade canaan Chelsea charline and maddy went on a walk. It was getting dark so they started going back to maddy house. When they heard footsteps trailing behind them they hurried to maddys house very creeped out “it was probably just our footsteps echoing of the houses” spoke jade “or maybe it was a spooky murderer” laughed maddy “lets watch Friday the 13” said canaan
    They watched it and dosed of somewhere in the middle… The 5 girls were awoken by a loud banging sound “I’m scared” trembled charline and Chelsea “its probably just the branches against the windows guys” said maddy calmly “And ill be right back” “ill come with you” whimpered charline. upstairs the two girls split up trying to find the noise when charline turned around and a masked madman stood there grabbed her and stabbed her before she could scream. hours later the three remaining girls searched for there friends. When they found charline they screamed and hid in diffrent places “w-where’s maddy” whispered canaan to jade. Jade didn’t respond and to Canaans horror she was covered in blood AMD had been fatally stabbed. In horror canaan turned and saw the killer standing there she screamed and tried to run bust couldn’t escape the killer grabbed her and sliced her head off blood splattering everywhere in the small closet. Chelsea was crouched down by the closet she heard the screams and was silently sobbing… The next thing she knew the killer found her and she was screaming out maddys name in hopes of living then the madman swung and axe down on her head splitting it in two…… Maddy went into the bathroom and pulled off the the blood soaked mask and the clothes she breathed and said to herself “those girls are idiots they came looking for me they should have stayed put” and ran out and escaped into the night

    This was my first story I know its bad

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