Scary For Kids

Your Story

This is the part of the Website where you get to tell me your scary stories. If you have a really good scary tale swirling around in your brain, you can post it in the comments section on this page. I will read it and, if it’s really good, you will have the honor of seeing it will be posted right here on this page.

Your Story

Before you tell us your story, here are a few rules you should follow:
1. Make sure the story is scary. (Who would want to read a story that isn’t scary?).
2. Make sure your story is good. (No lame stories, please).
3. Make sure your story REALLY is good. (I can’t search through 100 bad stories to find 1 good story).
4. Don’t post a bad story. (Please, I am begging you!)
4. Try to use proper spelling and grammar. (Or elze it wil bee hard 2 reed).
5. Don’t spam your story on other pages. Just post it here. I will see it.
6. If your story doesn’t get accepted, please don’t be angry or offended.
7. By submitting your story, you agree that you are giving Scaryforkids permission and rights to display it on the Website.

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  • Here is my story. I would REALLY appreciate feedback from other members on here, I’m serious, I want your responses, and if the story isn’t posted, I will use it elsewhere.

    I’ve always had this fascination with the occult. Nuts to the “seeing is believing” propaganda. I’d rather invest my whole time to practicing spells and witchcraft.
    For a while, now I’d been searching for an Invisibility spell, ‘cause, wouldn’t that be the coolest?
    I’d come across this site that had directed me to a Book of Spells and whatnot.
    Anyway, I went through the trouble of looking up the book, searching for it on Amazon and such, and when I finally got it, I realized it was in another language. I was SO not gonna try to decipher the thing.
    I flipped through the pages for an Invisibility spell and ultimately came across one that looked something like what I’d wanted.
    The title was gibberish, something like:
    מתנת הנשמה שלךלהשתקפות שלך

    However, the diagram was of dotted lines showing the shape of a human being. It looked close enough to an Invisibility spell so I began the ritual. I closed my eyes, chanted whatever mantras I could translate in the presence of candles and holy water etcetera, etcetera. Soon enough, I began to feel… different. It was like a huge chunk had been taken out of me. I opened my eyes and quickly walked towards the nearest mirror. On standing before it, I gasped with delight. i couldn’t see my reflection or, to put it simply, I. WAS. INVISIBLE.
    Fast forward to a few hours later, where I was for some reason extremely tired, I was still getting used to Invisible me. Suddenly, my mom called me from the kitchen.
    “Coming!” I replied. I ran downstairs and said, strangely breathless, “What’s up?”
    My mom looked up from cutting some fruits and said, “Hey hon, I just wondered if you’d done your homework for Monday.”
    “Oh yeah,” I began, when something dawned on me. I was invisible. As in, I couldn’t be SEEN. Then who was my mother talking to?
    “I just finished it.” I heard a voice just like mine say. I whipped around. There, right behind me, stood… me? Before I could think further, I fell to the ground. I was beyond weak. Somehow I managed to get up and stagger back to my room. I collapsed onto the bed… and fell right through. I yelled.
    My mind was a storm of thought. I wasn’t supposed to be able to pass through things! Who was the kid below? What was happening? Thankfully, I didn’t drop through the floor or anything. I got back up, opened up Google Translate on my phone, (I was still able to press keys. Somehow.) and brought out the book. Something was very wrong.
    I managed to take a shot of the title of that spell from the book, and search for its English translation. As I waited for it to load, the door opened. It was the other me.
    “It” (She?) had a patronising look on its face. I didn’t like it.
    “Thank you,” it said, somehow able to see me.
    “What do you mean? Who… What are you?” I shouted.
    “I’m you,” it said, “Well… almost.” Right when she said “almost”, I began to feel sick to my toes. I sunk to the floor and felt like I was going to pass out. I was still invisible.
    I felt weightless. The phone slid right through my palm onto the floor. I couldn’t feel my feet and hands. I couldn’t believe it. Was I going to die?
    “Worse.” said my doppelganger, as if it had just read my thoughts, “You’re going to be trapped. Forever. In a realm where everything is dark, where you’re all alone, and where…,” It took a sharp intake of breath, “… It is boring as heck.”
    I had no strength left to reply.
    As I took one last glance around me, I happened to look at my phone screen. My eyes caught onto the translation of the title.
    My eyes began to sting. What I had mistaken for “Invisibility Spell” was actually “Gift Your Soul To Your Reflection”.


    P.S. If you feel the literal translation of the title is too far-fetched from what the narrator thought it was, and how she could ever think it meant an invisibility spell, do remember that it was in a completely different language (I used Hebrew, I think) so, she assumed that this was the next best thing.
    Please comment!

  • This is just an extremely short story, one of those “two sentence horrors”


    Everyone has mysterious shadows on their wall, after a scary movie you start to notice them even more. But what you don’t notice is the shadow that creeps closer each time you close your eyes.

    (I haven’t seen this anywhere else so I don’t think it’s a copy, I thought of it)

  • Ok what I don’t understand is that how come so many lame stories got published and so many good ones didn’t. There are tons of fantastic stories here instead boring, uninteresting other stories get published. I love sfk and all but I think it might want to improve their tastes.

  • @matthewlan13, you should stop saying “damn” so much in your stories… Other than that, your story is really good.
    Also, @The_Ultimate_Horror_Girl, your story was long, but I liked it. It wasn’t predictable.
    @NoahtheDead I liked your story, is it true?

  • The Spine Splitter

    I was probably 10 years old the first year I attended this camp, back in ’95, and I had gone every year until I was 18. I had definitely heard my share of campfire stories. The one about the crying ghost in the woods no one can find, the one about the skeletal hog with the rotting head, “Raw Head” I think its name was. Probably every story ever told, at least twice.

    I work here now, as a counselor. Now whenever they tell stories at the campfire, I just sit back smirking, watching the older campers laugh and the younger ones jump at the ending. I know every story, and it’s almost psychic how I predict the formulation of every sentence as they tell it, every word that they speak as they speak it. It’s not psychic, just years of hearing it.

    But there’s a story I remember that I’ve only heard once, and it might be the most chilling one I’ve ever heard. The thing about it, it wasn’t even a story. It had no name or title, it was an experience shared at a campfire one night.

    It was told by one of the counselors, I think he was the oldest one. I was a camper at the time. I believe his name was Joe, or Jeb, I forget. He looked like he was in his late fifties or early sixties. His hair was all white, and he was on the heavier side. One of those tough, meaty old guys, but never threatening, more wise and experienced. He was a father figure of mine, and come to think of it, likely everyone else’s too.

    This story, or memory of his, rather, was about something on the news when he was a camper, a younger one, in fact. I remember jokingly pretending to be amazed that he was ever young. I remember the rest of it clearly though:

    “This was in 1952, I remember which year. I was just a boy like you campers when we were out hikin’ in the woods. I noticed a critter up the side of the trail, and I saw it was a chipmunk, sitting nonchalantly. No way in hell it didn’t notice any of us comin’. When the counselor leading in front walked past it, it didn’t move. ‘Brave little bastard,’ I thought.

    “When I walked past it, I noticed it wasn’t alive. In fact, the poor thing was bent backwards and snapped into an angle. I told my friend behind me, and we determined that this chipmunk hadn’t fallen prey, but was killed for the sake of killin’. ‘But what kind of animal does that?’ he says. I said maybe it’s a stupid joke, and someone’s watchin’ our reaction. But how sick. Someone would have to be deranged to do that to an animal for real reason. The counselor ended up seein’ it, and told us to just move on.

    “The next time we went hikin’, the chipmunk was decayed and covered in ants and larvae. But a few yards away from it, a squirrel and a woodchuck were dead and snapped into the same screwed up backwards degree. The woodchuck had a raw hind paw, like it had been in a cruel snare until it had this done to it. Then we knew this was definitely done by a person, and this was no joke.

    “The next year or so, more encounters with broken dead animals were bein’ shared. This was eventually on the news, and the cops were searchin’ the forest when they found this fallen tree with snapped animals littered around it. The tree roots stickin’ up sideways formed a cave, you know how they do that. So they just found where this guy’s been hidin’.

    “Some years later another camp at the other side of the forest says they’ve seen dead animals with their spines broken, torn open and eaten, too. This forest covers about 50 square miles, mind you. Now there’s this legend of ‘The Spine Splitter,’ but that was 48 years ago when all that started happening. There’s no such thing anymore.”

    Now, I’m only sharing this story because the other day, I found a small dog in the woods with its spine broken.

  • Jack is Back

    When I was younger, I used to have imaginary friends. I would talk to them at night, play games with them in the day time like Hide and Go Seek, and occasionally I’d speak to my parents about it.

    My parents never thought much about this, they figured that it was something almost all kids went through, and would eventually grow out of.

    And they were right… I started kindergarten later that year, I made some new friends, and soon enough my imaginary friends stopped visiting me as much.

    All except one, at the time I called him Jack. Jack often appeared when I was feeling sad, he was an old man who wore a cow boy hat and talked in an 1930’s Oklahoma accent. I liked Jack, so I didn’t mind his company, until he started acting strange.

    He told me to do certain things that I wasn’t comfortable with, thus I decided to ignore him from that day forward.

    A couple years later, my family decided to move. I was already uncomfortable being that I was soon going to start sixth grade, but it made matters worse that the house we were moving into was creepy.

    The house was built in the 1950’s and all the neighbors had a story to tell about it. All of which, included death. On top of all of that, sometimes pictures would fly off the walls, dolls would move by themselves in the middle of the night, and cupboards would open in the night.I guess you can say that is typical ghost activity, right?

    Well by the third month, nothing really bothered me about the house anymore.

    That’s where things get strange.

    Once I entered eighth grade I would wake up in the middle of the night and my blanket would be laying beside me, on the floor, perfectly straightened out.

    At first I though maybe my mom moved my blanket, but when I asked her the next day she was as confused as me.

    It kept on happening for a month, and I finally decided I’d stay up and see what was going on. I stayed up until one a clock in the morning, but I soon fell asleep, only to wake up in an hour.

    I woke up to find my sister climbing down from our top bunk. Usually I’d find this normal, since my sister almost always gets up in the night, but this time something was different… My sister didn’t seem right… Her short blonde hair was matted against her pale skin, and she didn’t bounce off my bed, like she usually did, instead she stepped lightly on my bed and onto the floor.

    “Molly?” I asked softly.

    No response. Instead she proceeded to pull my blanket off my bed and lay it neatly beside me. She kneeled beside my blanket, just wathcing it.

    Being confused, I sat up watching her. “Molly what are you doing?” I asked.

    She sat up and faced me, revealing her hidious eyes. They were no longer blue, instead they were an unearthly black. Who ever this was it was not my sister.

    She hissed at me. “SSSHHH! He’s sleeping!”

    “Who’s sleeping?” I ask trembling.


    Suddenly memories of my evil imaginary friend return.

    “Jack is here?” I ask.

    My sister stared back at the floor. “He’s talking to me, he’s mad at you…”


    There was a long pause. “You left him, now he wants you to know that you’re going where he is.”

    I sit up and run in my parents room to wake them up. My dad grabs a bat and my mother and I follow quietly behind.

    My sister was no longer in our room. My dad lead us into every room of the house, but no sign of her. That is until the phone rang.

    My dad sprinted into the living room, but my sister got there first. We stood and watched in terror. She picked up the phone and started talking.

    “Um, huh. Yeah, they’re all right here. Yes my sister is here too. I don’t think I want too-” I notice that her eyes slowly start returning to blue. “Ok, I’ll tell them…” She put her hand on the speaker of the phone. “Jack is back.”

    Suddenly the lightbulb popped and my dad rushed us outside. Including my sister, who was bawling. She claimed that Jack was trying to steal her body to hurt me.


    We moved out after that, and Jack hasn’t returned…

    But to this day the words, “Jack is back” still gives me the chills.

    (Hi SFK! This is my first scary story, I really hope you like it, sorry if it doesn’t make much sense. I’d love you hear some of your feedback.)

  • “When the Air goes Cold”

    Mary brought her legs up to her chest and hugged them tightly with her arms.
    “It wasn’t at the top of the hill, it was somewhere near the bottom,” she said to the other four who were sitting on their mattresses in a circle. “A rock. Right there. I didn’t even see it. Until I fell on top of it, of course. My skis flew off. To save my face from hitting the ground, I stuck out my arms, and the rocks below pretty much snapped my fingers right off.”
    “That sounds ridiculously painful,” said James, sitting across from Mary.
    “And not only physically painful,” she replied, “But mentally as well. Imagine looking up from the snow and seeing your bloody fingers lying in the snow, not attached to your hand. I thought, ‘Jesus, those are some fat worms there.’ And then I realized, ‘Oh, crap!’”
    “Jeez,” muttered Amy, next to Mary.
    “And, of course, as you all know, two weeks in the hospital led to a sort-of fix.”
    Mary held up her left hand, now with only a thumb and half of a little finger on it. A metal frame stood in place if her other fingers.
    “I had to switch to being left-handed, as well as having to switch the hands I use to play the violin. It’s awful.”
    I cringed. Mary’s story was definitely a cringe-worthy one to be told.
    The room was full of five of us; Myself, Mary, James, Savannah, and by best friend Amy. We were all gathered in the living room of my house in the living room. It was eight o’clock in the night, and we were all sitting around telling stories before went to sleep for the night.
    There was a long pause in the storytelling. We all sat silently for a moment. After about a minute, James broke the silence.
    “We should tell ghost stories,” he said.
    “Oh, for god’s sake,” said Amy, smiling. “Nobody calls them ‘ghost’ stories, they’re called ‘scary’ stories. There’s a big decrease in the horror factor of ghost stories, because everybody knows that ghosts aren’t real.”
    “What are you implying?” asked Savannah, skeptical and clearly confused by Amy’s remark. “That ‘scary’ stories are in fact real? Why must a story be real in order to be scary?”
    “Scary stories aren’t limited to ghosts,” replied Amy. “They can be about crazed murders. Those can be real. They can also be about demons, disturbed people. Anything that frightens people that has a possibility of being real.”
    “Demons ain’t real,” said James.
    “Some people believe they are,” replied Amy.
    “Yeah, but some people also believe that ghosts are real. A third of the population, I think. Where are you going with this?”
    Amy blushed. She seemed to let go of her topic at that point.
    “Any of you ever heard that story of the killer that hid up in the parent’s bedroom while the babysitter was over?” said Savannah. “And the babysitter saw him but didn’t realize it because he was disguised as a statue?”
    “Yes, we’ve all heard that one,” said Mary. “And even if we didn’t, you would have already spoiled the ending for us.”
    The rest of us nodded.
    “I used to convince my little brother that there was a graveyard that this house was built over,” I said. “And that a monster lived in the basement whose name was Mildred. He believed me.”
    “Why the name ‘Mildred?’” asked Amy, giggling slightly.
    “I don’t know,” I said. “It’s just one of those funny-sounding ones, you know? You don’t come across a lot of people in the day and age named ‘Mildred.’”
    “And what kind of monster was this ‘Mildred?’” asked Mary.
    “A big, red, furry one,” I said. “With big horns, too. It was funny, because my little brother would make claims of seeing Mildred in the basement. He’d say, “I saw her, I saw her! It was eating a person!”
    We all laughed.
    “Eating a person?” said Savannah. “Your little brother has a vivid imagination. That’s kind of screwed up, to say the least.”
    “I couldn’t agree more,” I said.
    Suddenly, a quiet creaking noise came from all around us. It lasted no more than a second. Everyone looked around.
    “It’s Mildred!” said Amy. “Ooooh!”
    “It’s just the stupid house,” I said. “The thing makes that noise all the time.”
    “Maybe ‘cause it was built on a graveyard,” added James.
    I laughed again. “You’re all a bunch of strange-oes,” I said. “Say that to my brother, though, and he’ll believe you. The kid’s so gullible it’s practically unbelieveable.”
    “Anyway,” said Mary, slapping down her hand and half-hand, “Scary stories. Who’s gonna tell the first one?”
    There was a pause.
    “Oh, for god’s sake, somebody’s got to have one!” she said.
    There was another pause.
    “I don’t think anybody does,” I said. “But I’ll tell you what. I’m gonna go get some ice cream. Everybody like that, eh?”
    “Sure,” said Amy.
    “Any specifications?” I asked, getting up.
    “Sprinkles,” said Savannah. “Bring ‘em all here.”
    “Indeed,” I said, turning around.
    “Let me come with you,” said Amy, getting up and following me.
    The two of us walked out of the living room and down the dark unlit hall. We progressed into the dark kitchen, where I pressed a switch on the wall and the room buzzed with life.
    I turned to the freezer, opened it, and pulled out two buckets of ice cream, one chocolate and one vanilla.
    “The sprinkles are in that cabinet up there,” I said to Amy, pointing up at a small door above the stove. She reached into them and pulled out several bottles ad I closed the door.
    Moving over to the drawer with the bowls in them, I was made to look out the window above it. When I looked out, however, I saw something that I did not expect to be there.
    The face of a small girl, probably about six or seven years old, was pressed up against the window. She was small and had blond hair.
    “Jesus Christ!” I yelled, dropping the ice cream on the floor.
    “What?” said Amy, becoming startled and rushing over to me.
    “What the hell is she doing here?” I said loudly, pointing to the window. When I looked back, however, I saw no little girl.
    Great, I thought. Just great. It was just like every horror situation ever. The protagonist sees something scary, then it disappears when anyone else looks at it.
    “What are you talking about?” said Amy, putting the sprinkles on the counter.
    “You aren’t going to believe me,” I said, “But there was a frickin’ girl looking in that window right there.”
    “A girl?” questioned Amy. “Like, how old?”
    “Like six or seven,” I replied.
    “There’s no one there now,” said Amy.
    “Of course there isn’t,” I said. “She would have ran away, wouldn’t she?”
    “I don’t know,” said Amy. “Let’s go back into the living room.”
    I slid open the drawer which I had failed to open earlier, pulled out five bowls, and closed it. The two of us then moved back into the hallway.
    “You believe me, don’t you?” I asked.
    “Yeah,” she replied. “But what I don’t understand is what a little girl like that would be doing out here in the middle of the night.”
    “Weird,” I said.
    We continued into the living room and served the ice cream. We then talked some more, discussed the strange girl I had seen in the kitchen window, and then, after another few hours, decided to go to bed.
    The five of us slipped into sleeping bags, all of which had previously been stacked against the wall next to the front door. It wasn’t until after about five minutes after lying in my sleeping bag that I noticed something was very off.
    “It is really cold in here,” I said.
    “I know,” said Savannah. “I’ve been thinking the same thing myself.”
    “I can’t get to sleep,” said James. “I’ve been shivering.”
    “Do you have the heat on?” asked Amy.
    “I have no idea,” I said. “I’ll go down into the basement and check it. I can get some blankets while I’m down there.”
    I slipped out of my sleeping bag and walked across the hardwood floor over to the door which led down to the basement. I turned the doorknob and opened the door, revealing the pitch-black stairwell that led down into the basement.
    A blast of especially-cold air flew onto me after I opened the door. I figured that because of the fact that the basement was down lower than the rest of the house without the heat on, it made sense that it was so cold.
    Before I stepped through the doorway, I flicked the switch on the inside of the hallway to turn on the light. The light, however, did not come on.
    “God damn,” I said louder than I wished.
    “What?” came James’ voice from in the living room.
    “Stupid light isn’t working,” I said. I heard multiple sleeping bags move in the living room. Within a few more seconds, Amy, James, and Savannah had arrived.
    “Try another switch,” I said. Amy quickly walked over to the switch for the light in the hallway and flicked it twice. The light came on and off.
    “Power isn’t off,” I said. “It’s probably this bulb that needs replacing. You guys go back; I’ll go get a candle. Get Mary up, too.”
    The others returned to the living room, while I traversed into the kitchen. I flicked the light switch in the kitchen; the light did not turn on.
    “Something’s wrong here,” I said to myself. “Maybe a fuse blew?”
    I used the kitchen counters to feel my way over to the drawer which contained the candles. I pulled the drawer open and pulled a candle out along with a box of matches. I took a match from the box and slid it across the side; a flame burst into existence. I moved the match over to the candle and held it for a second on the wick. The candle became lit. I moved through the kitchen, back towards the hallway. Suddenly, as I walked right in the middle of the kitchen, a face appeared by my candlelight. It was the same six-year-old girl with the yellow hair, and she was standing right in front of me.
    “Jesus Christ!” I yelled again, jumping back. The girl stood there, looking at me. She had a face which looked very innocent. Her expression was almost sad in a way.
    “Who the… Who are you?” I said.
    The girl made no reply.
    I bolted around the girl into the hallway. I did not stop running until I came back into the living room where the others were. They were all sitting next to one another, shivering.
    “That damn girl!” I said, panting. “She was in the kitchen, right in front of me!”
    “What?” asked Savannah, confused. “She was in the house?”
    “Yeah!” I said.
    “Are you sure it wasn’t Mary?” asked Savannah. “because she isn’t in her sleeping bag.”
    “Absolutely not,” I said. “And Mary’s not there?”
    “No,” said Savannah. “I don’t know where she is.”
    “That’s it,” I said. “I’m calling the damn police.”
    “I’ll do that,” said Amy. “Just go down into the basement and turn the freaking heat on so that it gets warm in here by the time this all gets sorted out.”
    I turned around, back towards the opposite hallway as Amy pulled her cellphone out. I walked very quickly down the hallway, afraid that I would find that damn girl again. I knew that she couldn’t teleport, but I wanted to be safe.
    I flicked the light switch on the hallway. It no longer turned on, as it had before.
    I approached the basement door and opened it. I walked down the cold staircase, turning left and then down into the large, pitch-black room.
    The house made that creaking noise again. It sounded undoubtedly louder this time, though, as thought it had originated from the basement.
    “Damn thermostat, where is it?” I said quietly, fumbling around the wall.
    Suddenly, I heard a loud scratch. It wounded like a hard object had been scraped against the opposite wall of the basement.
    I jumped around, holding the candle.
    The scratch happened again. Part of me felt that I needed to run up the basement stairs and get the hell out of my house that instant. Another part of me said to explore. Another part told me it was that girl.
    I held my arm out, extending the glow of the candle. I stepped one foot forwards, and then I saw what was making the noise.
    There was a hideous, red monster slumped in the corner of the basement. It was hunched over the body of a human; a human whose face was completely chewed away. The monster had large horns coming out of his head.
    I was completely frozen with fear. I had no idea what to do; surely, if I ran upstairs and told everyone, they wouldn’t believe me. Turning around, I saw that my path up the stairs was blocked. It was blocked by the girl.
    I screamed, something I shouldn’t have done. The hideous monster looked up from its meal, a human being which I happened to notice one interesting detail about – its hand had only two fingers on it.

  • Elanor
    I always hated it Elanor is what my dad called her. Elanor was a terrible creature sharp teeth with drool coming down her chin and awful dry scale skin. Worst of all her cage was in my room. Dad found her on a hunting trip he was in the woods with my mother she spotted Elanor, Dad never wants to admit it but Elanor ripped mom to pieces. I hated her she ruined my life and somehow dad couldn’t get rid of her. Every night Elanor would howl Dad would feed her gross awful meat. He wouldn’t even cook it just gave her raw meat, the smell of it would make you vomit. One day I heard something in the cellar of the house it was sobbing not like Elanor howls but sobbing. It was my father and a woman. The woman was sobbing trying to speak but was to frighted. My father was holding his hunting knife his hand was shaking, a smirk on his face.
    “Don’t worry darling”, he whispered in a sinister voice,”it will only hurt for a second.
    Slice. Blood spatted on the wall I couldn’t let a scream escape my voice. I ran upstairs to my room. Elanor was biting on her cage bars, she was hungry. My father entered our room he was carrying a sack full of that woman’s organs he was about to feed Elanor. Elanor was clicking her teeth drool oozed down her chin. My father dropped the meat her mouth a nearly puked. My father left our room. I stared at Elanor her awful face. I knew I had to get rid of her. I knew my father was going out on a hunting trip that weekend it was my chance to get rid of Elanor.
    My dad left for his hunting trip Saturday morning. He left quickly. I waited and finally I took Elanor out of her cage. She stared at me with her scary eyes I was food to her. I went to the swimming pool. I bent over and dunked Elanor’s head in the water she struggled at first but after a minute she was dead. I heard the door open.
    “Honey, can you believe it I left my wallet at home”, my dad laughed.
    “Where are you”? My dad asked.
    He opened the door and went outside he stared at me then saw Elanor, he rush over to her, tears ran down his face. He grabbed Elanor’s corpse.
    “I did everything for her, I killed all those people to keep her alive, even after your mother give birth to her and Elanor ripped her to shreds I still love her. My father cried.

    “Why did you do this to your sister”?

  • Hi guys, I’m new, and this is my first time posting a story. I have not heard on like it, and if it sounds like on you’ve heard, let me know. Here it is:
    The fog woman
    It was a sunny afternoon and I was baking cookies in my kitchen. Suddenly, a dark cloud appeared out of nowhere. That wasn’t unusual, because the weather in the summer was always so unpredictable. What was unusual, however, was the way the cloud kept growing and growing, until it covered the entire sky. I quickly called my young son in from the backyard. It was now so dark I could barely see my neighbors house. “Mommy, what’s going on?” My son asked me. “It looks like some fog has rolled in.” I replied. Just then, the phone rang. It was my husband, calling me to tell me he was going to stay at his office until the fog was gone. Outside, I could hear my neighbors talking about the strange fog. I tried turning on the tv, but all I got was static. “What are we going to do now?” My son asked me. “Read, play games, there’s got to be something to do,” I replied. By the time it was dinner time, the fog was still there, and my husband had called to tell me he would probably end up spending the night at his office. By that time, I was starting to get worried. What if the fog never went away? You’re being ridiculous, I told myself, it’ll probably be gone by the the you wake up tomorrow. After dinner I washed the dishes and sat down on the couch while my son did his chores. After he was done, I sent him to bed. “Good night, mommy,” he said. “Good night sweetie.” I replied. I went back downstairs and laid down on the couch. An hour later, my son came down with a scared look on his face. “What’s wrong?” I asked him. “I can’t sleep with all the people screaming outside,” he replied. Sure enough, I heard people screaming in the night. I looked outside, and immediately wished I hadn’t. The streets were filled with people. Corpses were littered on the ground, with their intestines ripped out and lying in pools of blood and guts. But that wasn’t the worst of it. In the middle of the road, was a woman, who seemed to be made of the fog itself. She had long flowing hair and a long gown of some sort. But the creepiest part were her eyes. They were glowing red, and they seemed to look into my soul. I grabbed my son and ran into the closet. I must have fallen asleep, because the next thing I knew, the streets were silent again. I went over to the window and looked out. The fog woman was nowhere to be found. There were no other living people except me and my son. I went back to the closet and fell asleep. When I woke up again, my watch said it was eight am. It was still dark out, and I knew the fog woman had not left. My son and I ate breakfast, and then he asked to play outside. I said no. I didn’t want him to see the mangled corpses, the pools of blood, the remains of my last feast.

  • Pete’s and Hanako’s stories are the best!! then A again I only read two or three of theres :D

  • Insane house.
    Once there was a couple who was just married they were so happy with each other!! They bought a small house on sixth street there address was six/thirteen. on sixth street. We didn’t think too much about how it was six/thirteen (six devil number thirteen witch number) we didn’t mind anyways this house was perfect!! it was cheap! and had a great neighborhood!! perfect for a starting out family. one day my husband came home for work. we sat down for dinner and I told him, “Jason, I’m pregnant.” I smiled and said. “That’s great Jessica!! When is it due?” he asked smiling so wide. “In June.” she smiled before they knew it there baby girl. they loved her so much! Katrina had her mothers hair and eyes and her fathers nose and mouth. They had a perfect life. On night, I (Jessica) got up to check on Katrina and heard a whisper down the hall I just blew it off. later on that day when my husband came home for work and told me he lost job. “Oh, why?” I asked seriously. “I don’t know.” he said “Well,” I asked “Can you start supper? Katrina NEEDS a bath ” I asked hoping he’d agree and he did. So I started Katrina’s bath. not too hot not too cold. (it was only her fifth bath in her lifetime so if had to be just right) When I set her in the little sit up chair in the water she was fine so I went down the hall to grab her toy’s and saw a dark figure and she whispered chhheck theee babyyyy I ran into the steaming bathroom “JASON!!!” I screamed I couldn’t see In this fog, the bath wasn’t that hot!!! once the fog died down I could see right there my poor little Katrina scolded to death Jason ran up and saw her to. he left out a moan I turned around and there was the woman again she stabbed my husband in the back with an ice pick as he bleed out I fell to the floor and next thing I knew I was in a straight jacket! did they think I killed my family? hahaa who even cares! I was screaming crying and laughing…. who did care anyway?

  • Dead twin
    I’m Britney. I’m the most beautiful girl in school, the town, the state, seriously. I had rich parents, and a twin. (she is ugly) I’ve got silky black hair /she dirty, ratty black. I have ice blue eyes / she has dark blue eyes. I was only eighty -two pounds and She was hundred fifteen I was the smartest for a Middle School girl. she was dumbest you get the point right? Okay, well, as you know I’m popular so, I’ll tell you how it happened. it was two thirty and I was hanging out with my friends “so, when do you get to get a phone?” asked Jessica “Shut up bitch!!” I yelled back I was in the middle of posting something as my sister walked in I told everybody go home they left. “Hey, Britney.. I have this crush and.. promise you wont tell?” I crossed my fingers “sure” “Okay, I like Kyle.” she blurted “WHAT!? MY BOYFRIEND YOU DOUBLE CROSSING BITCH I HATE YOU GO TO HELL YOU FREAKING RETARD HOW WOULD A TUB OF LARD GET A HOT GUY? F** BITCH GET OUT OF MY ROOM!!” I yelled and she ran out crying I was soo mad!! later at school I seen her talking with him I followed them into the gymnasium behind the bleachers I seen them start kissing and whispering I was furious once they were done with whatever that was I followed whitney (my sister) into the bathroom and ambushed her (after making sure nobody was in there) I’d always been this way to whitney so I decided on beating her a little more but once I started I couldn’t stop … just listen , I told her he was just using her, and made her cry then I punched her face kicked her legs down she fell against the wall she busted her head open and was bleeding out I took out her pocket knife and jabbed out her eyeballs, teeth, all that and then pushed her into a stall, I was happy with myself. nobody ever knew who did it or what caused it :) will you keep my secret?

    Hope you guys like it!! comment on what you think please.

  • Cat got your tongue?
    One day I was reading the news paper for salt lake ** and it was notifying all pet owners (mostly cat owners) to lock all doors and be aware, for there was a pet thief on the loose but it normally struck on cat’s leaving foul things behind. For my birthday a month later I asked for a kitten black and orange. I got a boy named frenzy I loved him!! Mother warned me to keep an eye on him just in case I did so. I kept him on a leash with me pretty much 99 % of the time. but when school started I was forced to leave him inside at my locked house. One day I went straight to my friends house to study. my parents wouldn’t be home until nine tonight anyway. around six thirty my friend said she had to leave for supper so I decided I’d go to my home too. when I got home I went straight to my bedroom where my cat was I looked around On my wall there was blood streaked down the wall there was my cat slit apart bleed out only things were missing were it tongue, eye, ear. immediately I called the police and it happened to be my cat was indeed not the first or last… A few years later the guy was caught he’d eat the cats intestines, and eyes and all that and sometimes he’d freeze the cat half way and while the cat could feel everything he’d skin them and pull them apart.

  • Cheap store.
    One day I was walking down sixth street when I saw a new store. I had an extra ten dollar bile with me so I walked in. There were all sorts of things! A beautiful prom dress velvet red laced in black it was beautiful I just needed it for the up coming prom! Maybe then the next day I got ready curling my hair and applying makeup. I went downstairs and drove to prom. I was happy. I walked into the ladies room at prom and heard a screech somebody came out stabbed me in the gut pulled my intestines and strangled me with it.. my last breathe I said it was worth it… be popular. It only cost five dollars, so I got it. I also bought a black heeled shoe for two pennies. I came to checkout and bought the things some old lady smiled evil at me and turned away.

  • There was once a couple who were married for about 2 years. The wife’s name was Marie and the husbands name was Jonathan. Marie was the most beautiful woman Jonathan had ever seen. One day Marie had twins. Two girls. They named one Caitlin and one Samantha. The girls were always, well perfection. They were mommy and daddy’s little princesses. Until one day everything changed. It was their sweet 16. After their party the girls started screaming and sobbing uncontrollably and ran to their room locking the door. The parents tried everything to get the girls out of their room, even busting open the door (which didn’t work). It took them weeks to stop screaming and sobbing, and months later they came out of their room. They were in terrible shape. They were so thin, and their eyes were red and puffy. They were immediately taken to a hospital. The hospital declared them mentally challenged and they were sent to a mental institution. They were driven crazy. The parents were heartbroken. One day the parents got a phone call from the mental hospital.
    “Hello?” Said the mom
    “Hi, we would like to inform you that your daughters are very dangerous now and they have escaped. I’m sorry, but they are armed with a knife.” Said the front desk of the hospital.
    With a shaking voice the mother replied “O-okay. Th-thank you. G-ood b-bye.” And hung up.
    “Jonathan!!” Called Marie.
    “WHAT?!” Replied Jonathan.
    “Come here! ” said Marie.
    When Jonathan got there Marie recounted everything that the woman on the phone said. That night they locked everything. At midnight they heard a window smash. Shaking in fear the parents when downstairs. And their they saw their two princesses holding knives, laughing life a maniac.

    The next morning the mailman noticed that the window was smashed. He called the police and ran into the house. There, there were Marie and Jonathan laying in a pool of blood. They had been stabbed to death. And beside them were their daughters, who had killed themselves. The ghost of the once happy family still lives in that very house.

    The end!

  • Fourth Night

    A few years ago, a family went on a camping trip out in the woods. No civilization for miles other than the other campgrounds. This particular family went to campground number four. One by one, the cars entered the campsite and got directions from the ranger.

    “Campground number four,” the driver would say. The ranger got a weird look on his face, as if the driver had said something strange.

    “Uh, that way,” he said as he pointed to the left. “Just take the left hand side everytime there is a fork in the road.”

    And then, they drove off. They eventually all made it to the campsite and unpacked their belongings. There were three cabins. It was agreed the cabins would only be used in case of rain. There was one cabin for the kids, one for the adults, and one for food. There were two tents. The adults set up the tents while the kids went to explore.

    The kids found canoes and kayaks by the beach, and a swingset. But there was something suspicious. There was always either three of one thing, or in the case that there was more than three, they would be numbered 1 2 3 5 6, skipping four. It appeared that this place had something against the number four.

    The first three days went pretty well. People spent time together and on the beach, and doing other activities. But on the fourth day, nothing went right. It was raining all day and several people got injuries. When night fell, the kids stayed in the cabin and talked. Then, there was a knock at the door. They thought this was odd, because an hour before, the adults said that they were going to sleep. Emma, the oldest, asked who was there.

    “It’s Uncle John,” We all shuddered. None of us had an Uncle John. “Be a dear and let me in, would you? The other adults locked me out and went to bed. It’s pouring out here.”

    “You must have the wrong campground,” Emma replied.

    We heard footsteps squeaking and sloshing in the mud outside. The window on the side of the cabin took up most of the wall. From the side closest to the door appeared a man in a long black cape and tall black hat and black leather gloves. Emma made sure the doors and windows were locked.

    “See? It’s just your Uncle John.” He raised his gloved hand, which was clutching a knife, and began scraping on the glass, screaming, “It’s pouring down! Let me in! Let me in! It’s pouring down!”

    This frightened the little kids, so Emma shut the curtains, ushered the rest of them into the bedroom, and locked the bedroom door. She also made sure all of the windows were locked. The screaming and scraping went on all night.

    In the morning, it had all stopped. The rain, the scraping, and the screaming. They slowly crept out of the cabin. They vowed never to tell anyone, even their parents. The rest of the trip went pretty well, but when they got back, one by one, each of the children who went on the trip died. Within a month, there was only one left. He was the fourth. He didn’t die until he was very old, but, every once in a while, a long black cape, or a tall black hat, or a black leather glove appeared in his laundry.

    ( I hope you enjoyed it! I had fun writing it. The end is supposed to be free for different interpretations)

  • The babysitter
    One night my mommy and daddy had to leave for a week in New York. it was only three hours away from here so I felt fine. especially since jess was babysitting me. she was beautiful!! black hair blue eyes flawless skin when the teachers at first grade this year asked who I wanted to be when I grow up I immediately replied Jessica Blast. they just laughed. everybody laughs when I say that. nobody understands. one night when jess fell asleep I went into the guest bedroom sat on her bed and watched her… for hours I sat staring at her beautiful long hair .. her perfect face.. I wanted to be her!! she woke up startled that I’d been watching her. so I went to my bedroom and played dolls until seven o’clock she came into my room and told me She’d make me breakfast. “Okay, thanks jess” I said smiling she left I played carelessly for hours until I realized I should go see when it would be done I came downstairs to blood in front of the doorway “Oh no!!” I mumbled mom and dad would be home today!! they would hate this mess!! I went to the living room to see jess hanging lifelessly blood dripping in a pool of blood under her and intestines falling out of her stomach.. I smiled “now I can be like You” I whispered gently I grabbed a knife and carved out her toes… fingers and then last but not least her smile Once I was done I went into the basement hid her toes over the place then took a chainsaw went back up stairs (daddy had a workshop down there that’s why there was a chainsaw) I quick got a rope tied it next to hers and cut my toes fingers and stomach as quick as possible then left a note saying :Mommy, Daddy, I love you so much!! I want to be like her feel like her die like her.. I found her like this as you will find me, Bye mommy and daddy.
    she hung herself and on from then the house had been haunted people claimed to her chainsaw’s see people in the living room and often wake up to hear noise’s as if water was on in the living room.

  • Mud Monsters

    Old Man Mundy was a strange fellow, the kind kids tell all kinds of stories about. He was a hermit, a rich one too, and lived out in the country, isolated from all civilization. He owned plenty of land, and throughout his lifetime, there arose various disputes regarding who owned certain parts of the land, and the fate of the land once he died. Old Man Mundy had no relatives as far as knew, he’d long since isolated himself from his family, and he never married, spending his young life making a fortune for himself instead, and spent his entire life in his cabin, only going to town once a month for food, and any other basic necessities the old man needed. His appearances in town usually attracted attention due to his appearance. He’d walk in the streets in overalls, wearing only a plaid shirt underneath, barefoot, and leaning on his cane. He’d paid the city to build a path the woods so he could walk to town safely, as opposed to walking along the side of the road, when he first settled in the mountains outside of town. Due to him having no known family members to leave his property to, the city had no choice but to buy the land from him once he passed, even though he threatened them with “You set those fancy machines of yours on my land, and I’ll see it you get what’s coming to ye”.

    Most of the stories about the old man stated he knew all sorts of spells, and was skilled in witchcraft, hexes, voodoo, and every black magic practice imaginable. Of course the city didn’t believe the old man and thought it was some kind of crazy treat, as they believed his sanity to be quite dim, especially in his old age. One day a city employee found the Old Man Mundy, lying face down on the floor, unconscious with his arms stretched out. Seeing in point in calling a doctor for such an old man, as would probably die either way, he called his boss, who sent a second worker to dump the body, as the old man never paid for a burial plot in the town cemetery. They went up to a certain spot in the woods, where a deep hole, seemingly a bottomless pit, was mysteriously formed in the earth, seeing this as the perfect substitute for a grave, they tossed the body in. Unknown to them, this hole was actually man made, the city chemical plant, figuring that, with the old man’s health declining, as were his visits t town, he wouldn’t notice the hole, or live to do anything about it. They drilled a large hole in the earth, and dumped tons of mysterious waste into it’s muddy core. The waste caused the mud to permanetly fuse to Old Man Mundy’s body.

    Since the land the old man owned was huge, the city decided it was the perfect setting for a summer camp, with all the woods surrounding it and all. The construction crew demolished in the old man’s cabin the daytime, and by evening they were already setting up some of the wood for the buildings, mainly the cabins. They had driven up the gravel path and parked in the open field that was once Old Man Mundy’s property. Two of the construction workers, Ernie and Louie, started to haul a pile of wood back down the gravel path, when suddenly it the clouds got dark and it started raining. The foreman wasn’t pleased “Damn you Mother Nature! The weather was perfectly fine, until just now” He grabbed a blue tarp from his truck and tossed it at Louie and Ernie. They were walking past the giant sinkhole that unknown to them was grave of Old Man Mundy, when they heard a low moaning. a muddy hand reached out of the top, and clung to the surface, pulling up a giant muddy shape. Louie being the skinny way ran for it, leaving Ernie behind. “Where’s Ernie”? the foreman asked. Louie’s only was “M-m-m-m-mud monster”.

    Louie led the foreman and the rest to the sinkhole, the only sound was the hooting of an owl. They stopped when they got a look at ground around the sinkhole. “L-looks it got Ernie boss”. They were marks leading up the sinkhole that had the indication of someone being dragged. “Well something got him” the foreman answered but it certainly as hell wasn’t no mud monster”. the foreman replied. Right as he said it, Louie pointed toward the trees. “THERE IT IS” the thing was advancing at edge of the trees next to the sinkhole, they heard more movement behind them and a second one, much bulkier compared to skinny one Louie had encountered, appeared in the trees opposite the sinkhole. “E-Ernie?” Louie stammered. The crew tried to run for it but the creatures blocked their path on both sides, except Louie, who escaped through the trees.

    A year later the camp did open, but a different crew had to replace the one that went missing. Afraid to do it at night, due to the rumors and wild stories being passed around, they did everything in the day. The replacement foreman had decided to put one of the cabins on top of the sinkhole, which the camp gave to the male counselors. Despite all the stories about it, no one was scared. One night however one of them by loud SMASH and saw that someone or something had punched a hole in the floor, and was trying to climb out of it, he saw the face of a creature, he believed was one of the mud monsters the camp talked about, and ran out screaming, waking the other counselors in his cabin. The creature yet out a loud roar as they ran toward the front door. They pushed it open bt saw mud monsters lumbering toward them in all directions. The one who woke up first tried to escape and run away, but one of the creatures managed to stretch it’s arm and grabbed him. The camp closed the cabin down, but that wasn’t enough. Rumors spread and the boy campers wanted to check it out, and with the limit of counselors, no one could really stop them. Two of them a skinny one and a fat one went there on a dare, and managed to get in to the closed cabin, they went right where the monster tore up the floorboards, and heard a low groan, a muddy hand reached up, and grabbed the fat kid, then it raised him over his head, and swallowed him!!! The kid ran back and told the counselors, who decided to send all the kids home. The next night, the counselors along with the rest of the camp were trying to decide what to do. They were in the dining hall, when one a movement coming into the clearing. The counselors could make out a bunch of brown globs heading towards the cabin. They screamed and attempted to escape, but there was so big of a panic, that the one got outside trampled all over each other , and the mud monsters had made it to them by then. The creatures, then made their hands into hose like shapes as if they were pumping their victims full of mud. Then they advanced towards the ones inside that had huddled into the corner.

    No one could figure what happened to the missing campers. They found all the cabins battered, chairs thrown all over the place in the mess hall, it was as if some wild animal had torn through the camp and they’d run for it without any trace. When they removed the cabin that covered up the sinkhole, they finally got a good luck at was dumped down there, they didn’t find Old Man Mundy’s body, but did find the chemicals dumped into that sinkhole. An investigation revealed that if you whatever made the chemicals made contact with, you’d find yourself forever bonded with it. Believing that had in fact caused these “mud monsters” to exist, even though the chemicals didn’t turn people into zombies or anything, they hired a construction crew to demolish the entire forest, and those people were never heard from again…

    Hi, SFK. This is my latest story. Haven’t done any in a while because of other projects, and was going pretty well towards the end, but was getting to tired to make it any scarier. Feel free to add stuff. I considered to make the mud monsters attack the entire town actually but decided not to.

  • “Go to sleep” I told all of my victims… The End said Jessica my babysitter she was beautiful long black shiny hair slim body hazel/blue eyes soo beautiful I was seven and a half at the time. later that night I heard a scream come from the living room I reassured myself it was nothing until the next day my parents came home from her hanging ove rthe ceillling pools of blood dripping down her skull

  • The wicked marriage.

    A newly wedded couple just rented a apartment. They loved it!! Britney, could decorate, and josh could relax after work. they both agreed they loved there new home. One day when Britney got home she started to unpack box’s full of stuff into one she realized this must have been josh’s stuff, but she kept on because she wanted to surprise her lover. She started dinner pot-roast, and veggies. she went through another box as soon as she seen the first thing she kind of was shocked!! why was he buying rope? knife? and fire starters? whatever she decided to blow it off during dinner she realized josh had blood print’s on his face. “Hey honey I saw this box..” he cut her off saying “wow you did an amazing job with decorating this place!!” later that night she went to bed not knowing she wouldn’t awake. she was hung to death and sliced open to bleed out setting fire to intestines and brains, guts, and all that. the police arrived after a week of stench. the neighbors complained. the police shook down the door and found her hanging lifelessly THEY HAVE STILL NOT FOUND JOSH BUT THEY CLAIM HE HAS SOMTHING TO DO WITH ALL THE OTHER MURDERS IN TOWN BRUTALLY TOTURED AND BURNT, HUNG, AND SLICT OPEN…..

    if you do not share Britney will come as you sleep and slice your throat and hang you. you have exactly 24 hours from seeing this…

  • Hi, this story is supposed to scare the **** out of you. it’s about a demon who take’s control over many people’s bodies until……

    Me and a friend were texting each other out of boredom one night
    jess: Hey, brit what did you’re parents say about the mall tomorrow?
    me: ughh don’t remind me!! you know what they said and why they said it!!
    jess: No, why? :(
    Me : Really? you didn’t hear about the crazy “demon” on the loose?
    jess : No, stop it!! you know I’m alone tonight your just freaking me out!!
    me : whatever >.< Hey…
    no reply.
    Me : jess? are you still there?
    No reply.
    me : Got to go parents are home :p byeee
    No reply.
    the next day I didn't see jess at school, I figured she skipped again.
    but as I was walking home I seen a dark figure hanging from an alley. "Jess!! cut it out!!" I said peering into the darkness…"Jess?" I asked a little freaked out. "Ok, fine can you help me down?" she said. "O-okay." I started slowly realizing she was pale, purple and blue I ran home and my mother turned around slowly "Hey sweetie.."

  • Three year’s ago, me and a friend decided to walk into town. it wasn’t too far of a walk only three miles there and back so six miles would be fine we decided. I lived out on a farm of fifteen mile’s of pure land. not a person was to be seen from where I lived. My friend’s parents went out of town for the week so she was with me. We left around noon. we decided to go to the movies and see what was playing and maybe go somewhere for a snack. then if there was still daylight go window shopping downtown. there wasn’t much to do in the town but it was still an outing for me. once we got into town we watched the movie Halloween 6. it was terrifying!! after that it was around three o’clock we decided to head somewhere for a snack, downtown snack shop. but it was closed when we got there. “Okay, let’s just go to the library” said my friend Josie. “I guess” I replied kind of mad she would rather focus on homework. we got there she told me she had to use the restroom. I waited for almost ten minutes when I heard a scream I ran into the ladies restroom only to find she had been brutally slaughtered and hung, I shivered and called 911 right away but before I could hit the talk button something behind me grabbed my arm stuck a needle in it I felt everything he did, cutting me open slicing away flesh ripping intestines out I felt it all and everything went black. I never found out what became to me and Josie if we were ever found….

  • In June 2011, emergency services dispatched an ambulance to the home of 65-year-old Barrie Hepburn. Barrie was a retired sports car enthusiast and a paraplegic. He’d been left wheelchair-bound in 2000 after being shot by a neighbor in an argument. Barrie had told the emergency operator that he was bleeding heavily, and they feared the worst, as he had fallen silent during the call. They certainly weren’t expecting what they found, which was the shock of their lives, and the grisly stuff urban legends are made from.Barrie, who had lost all feeling in his legs, had made an enthusiastic attempt to remove one of them with a hacksaw. He had recently become despondent because he was having so much trouble getting into and out of his beloved sports cars, and his overtures to his doctors about amputation had thus far been rebuffed. Barrie had apparently decided that if he began the surgery himself, doctors wouldn’t have any choice but to continue. When the paramedics arrived his right leg was almost totally detached, the plastic sack he’d used for a tourniquet covered in massive amounts of blood, and his bag was sitting beside him, neatly packed for the hospital

  • A little boy by the name of Greg Garrett was playing in his backyard in Enfield, Illinois, when he was attacked. Not by a person, or any animal anyone had ever seen before—to this day nobody knows what it was—but it tore his shoes to pieces and left him in tears. Just minutes later, local resident Henry McDaniel opened his front door after hearing a light scratch, and got a good look at what would would come to be known as the Enfield Horror.Greg and Henry’s descriptions were pretty much exactly the same: The Horror was short, no more than 1.5 meters (five feet), and had three legs. Yes, three. It also possessed short, stubby arms ending in claws or talons that seemed to be placed in the center of its body rather than at its sides. It was hairy, yet slimy, and had reddish-pink eyes the size of flashlights. Just minutes earlier, Henry’s children had insisted that a monster of some kind had tried to break into the house while he and his wife had been out to dinner. He’d laughed it off at first, but upon seeing this thing on his porch, Henry slammed the door and went directly for his gun. Henry ripped open the door and fired four shots. He was sure he hit it on the first, and he said the thing “hissed like a wildcat” before bounding away, covering 25 meters (75 ft) in a few powerful leaps. He immediately called the police, and over the next few days, several more sightings were reported by searchers, sheriff’s deputies, even a radio station news director and his crew. Henry also saw it once more, a couple weeks later, out of his window as it wandered near some railroad tracks.And then it was gone. Whatever it was, it hasn’t been seen since. Let’s hope it stays that way.

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