Scary For Kids

Your Story

This is the part of the Website where you get to tell me your scary stories. If you have a really good scary tale swirling around in your brain, you can post it in the comments section on this page. I will read it and, if it’s really good, you will have the honor of seeing it will be posted right here on this page.

Your Story

Before you tell us your story, here are a few rules you should follow:
1. Make sure the story is scary. (Who would want to read a story that isn’t scary?).
2. Make sure your story is good. (No lame stories, please).
3. Make sure your story REALLY is good. (I can’t search through 100 bad stories to find 1 good story).
4. Don’t post a bad story. (Please, I am begging you!)
4. Try to use proper spelling and grammar. (Or elze it wil bee hard 2 reed).
5. Don’t spam your story on other pages. Just post it here. I will see it.
6. If your story doesn’t get accepted, please don’t be angry or offended.
7. By submitting your story, you agree that you are giving Scaryforkids permission and rights to display it on the Website.

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scary for kids


  • In Philadelphia in 1976 a small but sturdy house sat on a large hill. Evan Christianson and his family had just moved there after his father, George Christianson, married his stepmother, Evilyn Christianson. Evan is 15 years old, tall, and strong. He gets good grades and is very smart. He’s very attractive and he loves his loyal dog Whiplash, a collie who he has had since he was only a toddler. Back then, Whiplash was just a small puppy.
    Evan’s father, George, expects a lot out of Evan because he is Evan’s role model. George loves his wife, Evilyn, but he starts to notice her strange behavior. He doesn’t think anything of it until he noticed Evilyn staying up late and whispering in the middle of the night. Once he overheard her and he realized that she was worshiping the devil. He started walking away because he thought she was just trying to trick him, but as he turned away he heard his wife mumble, “I can see you.” with her back to him. He realized that she was not joking he ran to his bedroom and locked the door.
    Evan heard the door slam and he slightly opened his door to see if anyone was there.
    “Hello? Is that you father?” he whispered as his voice cracked.
    He opened the door a little bit more until he heard footsteps. He quickly shut his door and went back into his room. Suddenly heard a knock at his door, he was silent for a couple of seconds until he heard the sound of his father’s voice.
    “Evan? Are you in there?” he whispered.
    Evan slowly walked to the door and opened it, his father then hugged him. Breathing very heavily, he said “Are you okay? Have you seen anything?”
    Evan was very confused but all he did was reply, “No.”
    “What’s going on?” Evan asked his father, very confused.
    “Nothing, we just have to leave, right now.” his father said in a stern voice. Then he grabbed Evan’s arm and pulled him out his door. They walked down the steps quietly, his father kept looking back and forth to make sure everything was safe. When it was his father darted for the door.
    They got in the car and Even asked “Where’s mom?”.
    “I don’t exactly know.” Suddenly Evilyn came running out of the house. “How could you do this to me? You scared me to death! I couldn’t find you! Why did you try to leave without me?” she said with tears rolling down her cheeks.
    “You scared me in the living room, I heard you whispering!” George said.
    “What are you talking about? I was sleeping!”
    “No you weren’t, you were talking to someone and even if you were sleeping, why were you sleeping in the living room?”
    “I told you that I was sleeping in there because you snore loudly and you keep me up all night!”
    “Oh, maybe it was just a nightmare.”, George said.
    The next morning, Evan woke up and heard barking. When he looked outside he saw a horrible sight. Whiplash was hanging on the fence by his collar. He saw Evilyn try to stab him with a knife, but he bit down hard on the buckle and broke free. He ran across the yard, but Evilyn didn’t chase him. Evan was surprised by this, for he yelled “Mom! Stop trying to kill Whiplash! What the heck is wrong with you? Dad help Whiplash!”
    George came running out of the house and yelled “Run Whiplash! Run boy!”
    Evilyn stopped and dropped the knife. She gave her husband an innocent look and sarcastically said
    “Oh no the doggy is gone! Come back dummy, I mean doggy.”
    Evilyn hated dogs because she was bitten by one when she was a little girl. She claimed that she was only petting it.
    “Evilyn why don’t you leave us alone for a while. Evan and I are going to the store.” George said.
    The next day Evan woke up with bruises on his arms and legs. He felt weak, and he didn’t go to school. He fell into a deep sleep. When he woke up, he was in the hospital. His dad told him that he was okay but he was not to go to school for the rest of the week. The doctors gave some tylenol and told him to take some twice a day. Evan went home and walked up to his room and went to his bed then once again fell into a deep sleep.
    The next morning Evan woke up. But there was one problem, Evan wasn’t really Evan anymore. His eyes glowed red and his clothes were ripped to shreds. He ripped everything to shreds, laughing in a maniacal, raspy voice. Evilyn was down in the living room looking very happy. She was having a very good morning. She didn’t notice Evan creeping toward her. Suddenly he pounced on her and tried to rip out her eyes she slapped him, but only in defense. Evan surrendered, and ran outside. The first thing he saw was Whiplash. He chased the dog around the yard, and picked up the knife that his father had forgotten to pick up. In a violent rage he stabbed the dog, leaving poor Whiplash to die a slow and painful death. George watched the whole thing from his window, shocked by his son’s behavior. He decided what had to be done.
    George tip-toed down the stairs and went into the kitchen. He grabbed something out of the silverware drawer and put it in the bathroom. “Evilyn!” he yelled. “Come here! I found something in the bathroom!” Evilyn walked up the stairs and stepped into the bathroom. She had fallen right into George’s trap. He stabbed her, crying. Her last words were “ Thank you George.”
    Evan came inside crying, “Whiplash is dead!” George had worse news for him, but he had enough for one night, so he waited till morning to tell him.
    When Evan fell asleep he had a strange dream. Whiplash was there. He licked Evan on his cheek as if he had forgiven him. Evan could almost feel it on his cheek. He woke up, but his dream didn’t disappear. It was real. Whiplash was floating above Evan’s bed. Evan cried for him, and Whiplash disappeared. Evan went back to sleep.
    George shook Evan and told him that he had killed Evilyn. Evan wasn’t surprised, for it was his dad’s job.

  • Edgar lived a perfect life, he had all he wanted. He had three siblings, two older sisters, and one younger brother. His oldest sister was Elsa, then the next sister was Anne, and his younger brother was Julian. It was one day where Edgar’s parents announced that they were getting a divorce. His dad just packed up and left, to never be seen again. Edgar’s mom fell in love with another guy, less than a year later. Edgar noticed that something about this new guy was off. He had dull, lifeless eyes, his teeth were jagged, and his hair was matted and tangled. This new guy had anger issues and a horrible temper. But Edgar’s mom married him anyway. Edgar’s new stepdad would wait until Edgar’s mother was at work before he would let the evil side out. He broke Julian’s arm one day, just barely touching him at all, his arm snapped in two places. Edgar wondered how he had so much strength. The stepdads favorite kid was Elsa. He was too friendly with her, and she just went depressed. It was one night, Edgar dreamed that he went into the bathroom and realized that there was a pale demon staring at him in his reflection. Edgar backed up and started falling into an endless plunge. He passed a hallway filled with woman that were hanging, they all had red eyes. He then woke up in darkness. He was laying on wood. He was in a casket. He banged on the door and cried out, someone must have heard him, since he was lifted back up. He lifted the lid and everyone stared at him with horror. His stepdad had a look of pure disappointment on his face. They went home, still deep in shock about Edgar’s return from the dead. Edgar had a feeling that his stepdad had something to do with his temporary death. It was the next morning when Edgar woke up to a horrible odor. He walked around his room sniffing. It came strongly from his closet. He opened the door and saw with pure horror, his sister, Anne, was hanging by her neck, that was slit from ear to ear, and blood was all over the place. The family mourned over Anne, but the stepdad always had his ominous smile on his face. A few months later, Edgar got a phone call. He answered it and heard fire roaring, and low whispers in the background. He focused on the whispering, hoping to make out voices. When he heard the conversation as clear as day. One voice said, “Someone will die tonight.” The other voice said, “Who will it be this time?” The first voice replied, “The foolish one who is listening to this conversation.” The phone went dead. Edgar went pale, and shut himself in his room for the rest of the night. He eventually fell asleep, and woke up the next morning with a pool of blood around him, it was all over him, and he felt it continue to drip on him. He looked up and saw his brother, Julian, hanging by his neck, which was also slit, and Edgar was covered in his brothers blood. When they buried Julian, stepdad wore a face of satisfaction. Else committed suicide shortly after, with her being depressed about losing her brother and sister, and how the stepdad would be a little too friendly with her. The stepdad blames Edgar for Elsa’s death and takes a butcher knife and slits open his abdomen and head. He removed all of Edgar’s organs, and brain. “I’m going to make sure you stay dead this time!” Edgar felt the life drain out of him, the last thing he saw was his stepdads jagged teeth grin, and his hand lifting to his mouth with Edgar’s stomach organ, and taking a bite out of it. Edgar slipped away into darkness.

  • The Perfect One

    “She hates me doesn’t she?!” Madison screamed, slamming her hand on her desk in frustration. “I mean what have I done to her?! Why is she out to get me? To ruin my life? She just wants me out.” Madison ranted tearing up, “As if I’m a mistake… A copy… I’m just a copy… A copy of a copy… Not as good as the original… but still not as good as her… but now it can be me!”

    Madison got up and placed the 6 inch knife on her dresser next to the rope and handkerchief. Yes, you should know tomorrow will be her day.

    Hope you like it! 😁
    Also you can change the title of you want

  • The Doll

    A young girl, named Danni, got a doll from her father one year for Christmas. She fell in love with it instantly. It had flowing red hair and green eyes like emeralds. It wore a powder blue dress and shoes with white stockings. It had a porcelain face that always felt smooth and cool.

    She took special care of her doll, which she named Laura. They played together all the time and constantly had tea parties. But Danni was growing up. She began to have fewer tea parties and let Laura stay in her room alone most days.

    One day, Danni and Laura were out in the woods behind her house. They didn’t return home. Danni’s parents searched the woods for weeks, they found nothing. They gave up and had another child a year later.

    Their second child was named Marci. She wasn’t aloud to go to a room in the house. She would look at the room, curious, reading the “Please Knock” sign on the door. She often knocked on the door, but it never opened.

    She went out to play in the sandbox one day. She looked up and saw a little figure at the edge of the forest. It looked like a doll with red in a powder blue dress. She went to go see it when her mother called her in for lunch, Marci told her about the strange thing she saw. The mother gasped and went to see the doll, but never saw a thing. With Marci’s father at work, she didn’t feel safe leaving Marci in the yard to go look.

    She told Marci, “Never go into the woods alone! Promise!”

    “Okay, mommy,” Marci said.

    For a week straight, Marci saw the doll. She would run inside and tell her mother, who continued to miss it. Finally, Marci played outside and her mother watched her. Marci looked up and gasped. The doll was back, and this time, her mother saw it too. Marci and her mother held hands and went up to the doll.

    “Laura?” the mother gasped under breath.

    Suddenly, the doll got up and walked away. Marci and her mother ran after the little porcelain doll. It then stopped on a little mound of dirt covered in daisies. Laura looked at the mother.

    “We played here,” said that doll. “Danni was growing up. I knew it would stop eventually, but this was too soon. She never saw him coming.”

    “What?” asked the mother.

    “Her murderer,” said Laura. “He came home early. He followed us. You were inside, cleaning. You didn’t hear the scream. He then put us in a shallow dip in the earth and covered us in dirt.”

    “You don’t mean…?”

    “Yes. Her father did it. Danni was beautiful and growing up. He couldn’t stand the thought of some boy hurting her. He said, ‘I only want to protect you.’ He killed her to protect her.”

    “But… It can’t be…”

    “He is planning to do the same for Marci. She is already pretty. We must stop him and get justice for my kid. I have tried to get help, but it has been hard.”

    The mother cried and finally decided to help Laura. They took the doll with them and waited for the father to come home. Marci played with Laura when he walked in.

    “Where did she get that?” asked the father.

    “She found it,” said the mother, her voice thin.

    “But where?”

    “The woods.”

    “W-what?” The father was now pale.

    Marci looked up and said, “I found Laura in the woods.”


    By now, the father was scared. He was backed up against the door.

    “Yes,” Laura said, jumping out of Marci’s hands. “I pick her as my new kid. I will protect her.” Laura pulled out a knife, much to the horror of Marci and her mother. “You will pay.”

    Laura then jumped on the father and slit his throat. The doll wasn’t done yet. She carved him up and carried him out to the woods. Marci was now catatonic and her mother sat in horrified shock, glued to her chair. Both soon passed out.

    The next day, Laura was gone. Marci and her motherwoke up in their beds. The mother decided to call the police. Marci was beside herself and the mother was sure the whole thing was a bad dream. When the police arrived, they found nothing of the missing father inside. They searched the woods. Under the mound of daisies lay the pieces of the body of the father.

    The police told the mother the news. She threw up. She asked if there were any other bodies, but they found only the dad. The mother was scared. She shook. She couldn’t hold it in.

    She said, “My first daughter had a doll, officer. The doll went missing with her. But then Marci and I followed the doll and found the mound of daisies. She said my husband killed Danni and planned to do the same to Marci. We only wanted to scare him but the doll killed him, chopped him up, and took him out to the woods. I swear, that’s the truth!”

    For a while, there was silence. The mother was sure that the officer didn’t believe her. Then, he surprised her.

    “Was here hair red?” he asked. “Her dress powder blue? Green eyes and white stockings? Named Laura?”

    “Yes!” said the mother, shocked. “How did you know?!”

    “Because that was my great grandmother’s doll,” said the officer. “I remember that we sold it to your husband. My mother then told me the story behind that doll.

    “Laura loved watching kids grow up. She didn’t mind them not playing with her. My grandmother had an older sister who picked on her for having the old doll. When her sister went missing, so did Laura. Years later, Laura killed my great-grandfather, saying that grandma’s sister only meant to play a prank but her father killed her. The doll killed him and hid him in the woods. The same thing happened to my mother and aunt, except it was their brother missing. Always, the father gets killed.”

    “Why?” asked the mother.

    “I traced back the story,” said the officer. “It turned out that the first owner of the doll was indeed killed by her father. She possessed Laura. She would actually talk to the girls. At night, she would plague the fathers with sleepless nights. The fathers, convinced it’s his girl doing it, go mad from lack of sleep and kill the girls. Laura is always with the girls, taunting the fathers. Years later, she kills the dads because she couldn’t do so to her own father. He took his life soon after he killed his daughter.”

    “But Danni didn’t have a sibling at the time of her death.”

    “Yes. It is different. Why?”

    “Mama, Danni’s room is open.”

    Both the mother and the officer ran to the room. Inside sat Laura. She held a knife. The officer took out his gun and fired. Laura laugh and disappeared. At the same moment, the floor caved in. Out cam a hand.

    “Mom?” a girl asked, climbing out from a cellar like room.

    She was pale, dirty, and thin. It was Danni. Danni then told her story.

    She said, “Dad tried to kill me in the woods. I passed out. I woke up in the room under my floor. Laura told me everything. I couldn’t get any help. She left me alive because she couldn’t actually do anything to me. I was supposed to find her.”

    “Why wait so long and when you didnt have a sibling?” asked the officer.

    “Because I kept dad safe by burying Laura in the woods often. She always came back. As I grew up, she would be gone longer. I guess she knew this would happen. She kept me fed and watered at least. She could only wait so long for Marci to be born.”

    “But why?”

    “She was never found until I found her a week ago. She is under our house. I think we should give her a proper burial.”


    With that, the case was closed. Laura was gone, Danni back home, and justice served. That is, until Danni was found dead in her bed. Written on the wall were two words. Marci would be the only one who knew what it meant. “The doll.”

    Marci went back to their old home. She went to the secret room. She looked around and dug around. She called the officer, now in his eighties. They found the bodies of every person Laura had held captive over the years, as well as the doll. They excavated the body of the “owner”.

    Through facial reconstruction and missing persons reports, they found out who everyone was and buried them. One was buried with the doll. But the deaths didn’t end. Marci concluded that the body had decomposed so much that it was now part of the earth and the spirit would never be appeased.

    Laura is still looking for some poor girl to find her body. She continues to taunt the fathers into a failed murder attempt, kidnap the girls, and dispose of both when her game is over. So, watch out for the doll.

  • My story goes like this………….
    The Girl
    Serene Parker opened her eyes. She was feeling so cold and thirsty. She thought that probably she came too drunk from the dance club. Serene shoved the blanket away and stared into the portrait right across her bed. It was of a girl. A gorgeous yet cruel and blood-thirsty one. The name of the painting itself was “The Girl”. Whatever, Serene thought she was way more beautiful than The Girl. Smiling to herself she thought about how the artist of this painting had told her not to compare herself to the painting as it was cursed. He had told that whoever had compared themselves had ended up looking deformed and horrific. But Serene being vain & spoilt had compared herself a hundred times; yet nothing had happened. Serene knew that it was a myth. But something about the painting didn’t seem quite right today. It was like those cold eyes were looking directly at her.
    Serene shoved the painting out of her mind. She was feeling a hell lot thirsty. Reluctantly, Serene went down the stairs and tried to wet her throat. But the water didn’t simply go down her throat. The more she tried the thirstier she got. Just then the lights flickered and went off stranding Serene in the huge house.
    Serene was now really scared. She tried to make her way down the stairs but instead she slipped and fell rolling down the stair, landing with a thud. Her head throbbed with pain. Serene looked around and tried to hand her way to find a candle and a matchstick. And thank the gods she found one. Trembling all over, she lit the matchstick and the candle, and stood up facing the mirror. There the reflection wasn’t her’s but instead it was of a girl. A gorgeous yet cruel looking and blood thirsty one. The Girl. Horrified, Serene let out a scream. But no sound came out of her voice. Serene tried to move but found herself pinned to the wall. Suddenly she heard a clatter of cold and cruel laughter. The house’s light again started to flicker. There was The Girl standing a little distance away. With every blink, she came closer and closer. And then there was sheering pain across her face. She could feel her face being deformed and The Girl was back in the mirror. She smiled cruelly at her. ”You were too pretty”. Then slowly she faded from the mirror and all that Serene could see was a horrific and deformed face. Her face was deformed. She tried to scream but all came out was a gurgle of blood. Now she felt her body being entangled. And then Serene saw The Girl in front with a large knife in her hand. “Die” she told and raised her knife. That was the last thing Serene ever saw.

  • There once was a little girl a hundred or so years ago named Isabel.  She was very popular and had lots of friends.  One of them was named Sady.  She was not the best friend you could have,  I’ll tell you right now.  She yelled at her every day,  but Isabel was too scared to tell her that.  She thought that she would beat her up.  She thought she would be bullied until she died,  so she dealed with it. One day she got tired of it.  She walked up to her and yelled furious lay at her face.”WHAT DID I EVER DO TO YOU,  HUH.  YOU THOUGHT I DIDN’T NOTICE,  BUT NOOO,  I NOTICED ALL RIGHT AND NOW YOUR GONNA GET IT!”  Now she started punching her,  and in not talking about a little playful punch on the arm.  I’m talking about a large blow on the face.  Not to mention she started working out

       There was blood everywhere.  Sady’s mom came outside a couple seconds later and started screaming her head off.  “WHAT WERE YOU THINKING,  NOW SHE’S GONNA DIE AND IT’S ALL YOUR FAULT.  I’M CALLING THE COPS!”  I quickly reacted and said”no your not.”very calmly.  “Pardon me,”  she said with a sniffle

    “Your not calling the cops!”  I said a little louder.  “Too late.”  she said as she dialed the number.  I ran and tackled her before she pressed the last one.

    By then she was about to explode with guilt.  She smashed the phone and choked Sady’s mom.  Then she realized what she did.

         A few weeks later there were news reports (on the paper of course.  Duh,  what did you think I was talking about)  that there were two dead bodies found on a sidewalk.  They also found one at the bottom of a cliff.  They say that Isabel committed suicide after what she did.  The officials don’t know exactly what happened,  but they think that’s the basic gist of it. 

    They do know that she died that day,  so they know she’s out there looking for people who yell at their friends.  She knows your out there

  • Someone pls tel me how i can post my story?????? (step-by-step)

    Scaryforkids says: Think of a good story idea. Open Textpad. Write your story. Make sure it’s good. Rewrite it until it is good. Copy and paste it. Make sure your story is good. Post it here as a comment.


    actually, he was helped by someone to write this story.
    and thank you again for your wonderful feedback! really, I got a lot of encouragement from your advices and feedbacks. THANK YOU AGAIN!


    your story was superb! Now i am afraid from bathroom… I need my parents to help me do my pee and poo LOL!

  • @Sticking knife welcum.
    And the story ‘ ROMA’ was awesome! You are very talented… You won’t believe I almost was gonna fall by laughing at your story… I am sure that your story would be posted… HA…HA…HA… Still can’t control my emotions… But a silly doubt…if the author was blind how did she wrote this story?

  • Thank you FAN OF SCARY FOR KIDS for your inspirational advice. I will use your suggestion as a guidance for my later stories.
    Anyway, i have a story now.


    I am an early teenager living with my parents. We live in an old two storeyed bungalow. I often feel that something is not right in the bungalow. But, I never got a proof to explain my parents that we have to leave this house.

    Once, i was studying in my room. Suddenly, my sister Roma busted in my room and surprised me. i was so scared to see her that fell unconscious. When I woke up, I felt that I am in my bed and my parents and doctor were talking to each other. The doctor questioned me few things and the reason why I fainted but I was not able to remember. After the doctor went, suddenly I remembered Roma and told my parents about the matter.

    Next day, we left the house and the city.


  • Hello everyone I’m new here so I hope you enjoy my story it’s a real one by the way :)

    The Painting

    Before my dad met my mother he had a girlfriend.I can’t remember her name thoughBut anyways she was a normal girl not too rich and not too poor.

    One day,she decided to buy a painting from an artist nearby.All the paintings looked beautiful and detailed but one painting caught her eye.It was a painting with three girls in it.They all had long hair covering their faces.

    My dad’s girlfriend decided to ask the artist about it.The artist said he had a dream of them begging him to paint them or else.He agreed.So the next day,he painted them.

    My dad’s girlfriend was fascinated with the story so she decided to buy it.My dad had a bad feeling about it though but he didn’t say anything.

    When they were at home,my dad drilled it to the wall beside the window but it didn’t hang intead it kept on falling off the nail will bounce out for no reason.

    So my dad drilled it facing the window and it hung there without falling off…..creepy

    The next day my dad’s girlfriend went out to buy some stuff so my dad was left alone at home.He went to check on the painting but somehow the three girls were not there.My dad thought his girlfriend must have changed it so he ignored it.

    He then went upstairs to watch TV but what he saw gave him the fright of his life.There on the sofa were the three girls sitting there like they were waiting for him.At first he thought they didn’t see him but suddenly all three of them slowly turned towards him……and showed their faces it was an old woman’s face grinning at him.

    That’s when he ran down got the keys to the house and locked the front door and waited on the streets for his girlfriend to come back.Finally her car showed up and he told her what he saw at first she didn’t believe him but when she saw the look of terror on his face she believed him.

    He begged her to bring the painting back she agreed because she too was scared.They wrapped the painting in newspaper and tied it with a string.

    As they were about to reach their destination they heard the painting crying and begging to go back the house.

    They went to the shop and returned it.The cashier said she couldn’t take it back but my dad said he didn’t want a refund.Finally she agreed.

    To this day the painting might be here and someone must have bought it but who knows maybe it’s in your country,town or maybe even in your house……….

  • I have 1 more story… This ones called: In Your Bathroom

    I was walking to the restroom to do my AHEM, business. I heard a creepy noise. At the time I didn’t,t think much of it.
    I walked in to the restroom. It looked like it had been abandoned for many years, with a old fashioned mirror, urinals.not there. Stuff like that.
    I walked into the stall and AHEM,did my buesiness. As soon as I was done, I washed my hands. I opened the door and there.was a person standing over me, looking at me with his cold, beady eyes. He grabbed me by my hands, covered my mouth, and said”I got you now little kid, and don’t even try to get away, cause it ain’t happenin’ .”
    I was so scared, I was puke on his jacket. He dragged me in to the cold winter’s night. He shoved me in to the back of his van.
    He drove me to what seemed like a abandoned house. He carried me inside and set me on a stool and tied me up. He put a piece of Duct tape over my mouth.
    He beat me every day, and every day it got worse. That was until one day I couldn’t take it no more.

    He did his usual and then gave me a slender.piece of bread for lunch, and with that bread, I beat myself repeatedly until I could barely breathe. Then I called the cops on him, and beat myself.even more.
    The cops came, but I was already dead. I kept beating myself till’ I couldn’t breathe, and I let myself die. The police arrived, and arrested the man and put him in jail for two years, but he escaped and is now free. Be careful,cause’ right now, he is in your bathroom.

    Guys I revised this one, so I hope you liked it!!!

    He’s watching you with that camera. In not kidding. He is. STOP IM NOT JOKING


    No seriously though. He’s right behind you.

  • @Sticking knife your story was awesome! I thought the burning sensation was due to the pink chocolates and candies but it was due to ice cream. Wow! but i think this story is almost similar to the story in this website named ‘Candy from strangers’ In children stories section. I hope you have read it. Now a days many stories are based on this. Your story is nice but next time write something unique.

  • Hello my dear friends, I have made a story called Pink splash candies. please read it and give it your compliments and feedback and if you know that how can i improve it, then please suggest!

    Pink Splash Candies

    There was a girl named Cyril who was very shy. She was of something like fifteen or sixteen but she had childlike favorites. She loved playing with kids, watching cartoons, and of course! HAVING A FULL BAG OF CHOCOLATES AND CANDIES! She also had some friends in her class. She always made friends with small kids.

    One day, she went for shopping while having her favorite chocolate ice-cream saw a billboard where it was written “PINK SPLASH CANDY, BUY ONE PACK AND GET ANOTHER FOR FREE!” Cyril was very delighted and hurriedly noted down the address of the shop. Then, she rushed towards the shop. When she reached, she saw that it was an old, dilapidated building with a foul stench. The stench was unbearable, but she didn’t mind it. She rushed through the doors and finally she met a person.

    “I…I…I…..I came to buy a bag full of candies”, she said

    “Oh! You came here at right time, you’re our first customer and as a present we will give you THREE BAGS!”

    “Oh! THANKS A LOT”
    Then, the man went inside through a wooden door and came with three bags of candies. She was delighted and hurriedly paid him the money. Then, she rushed out of that building and took a cab to home. At least, she got rid from that horrible stench!

    When she reached home, she took out a pink candy and topped it in her mouth and cracked it with her sharp teeth and thus, munching it. Then, she changed her clothes and fell into her bed.

    During the night, she again smelled that horrible stench. Cyril woke up but found no smell and went back to sleep. Suddenly, she felt a burning sensation in her mouth and got that pungent smell again.
    She woke up with a start. The burning sensation was increasing. She hurriedly rushed towards her refrigerator and took out a bottle of cold water and gulped it down whole. But, it was of no use. Then, she took out some ice-cubes and dropped in her mouth. But still, it took no effect on her mouth.

    On the other hand, the foul stench has increased so much that felt almost breathless. She suddenly fell to the floor and was dying. The burning sensation has spread all over body. She thought that the burning sensation was eating her alive. Suddenly, she saw a shadow in the corner. Frightened, she climbed with a lot of struggle and saw the ice-cream seller! The ice-cream man removed his mask and she was horrified to see Ryla! Ryla was her oldest enemy and they hate each other with their mind and soul. Ryla was mean so much that she poisoned the ice-cream as she knew Cyril loved ice-creams. She was laughing as Cyril fell down to the floor gasping for breath. Before closing her eyes, she saw that the foul stench was coming from her mouth.

  • So this is a true story I’m in the process of living.

    I’m a normal 11 year old 6th grader I like to read scary stories and they don’t scare me. I watch scary movies and tv shows behinds my parents’ backs. I accept any dare and I love to Finn dong ditch. Nothing scares me long term but 1 thing. I all started when I was a 4th grader. I was 9 at the time and i loved dolls. I still do. So one day I got a package my mom opened it and there was a creepy as ever porcelain doll in it. “Your aunt Machelle decided to collect porcelain dolls but after buying this one she changed her mind and sent it to you” my mom explained. My mom orderd a case for it. When the case came she put it on my shelf and I soon got scared of it. I thought it was just me but its eyes seemed to follow me around my tiny room. I began to go outside more and more to keep away from it. One day when I was walking my dog my neighbor katliyn and her babysitter were outside. It was close to Halloween so there was a mood in the air. Somehow we began to talk about haunted dolls. Katlyn’s babysitter told me when she was a little girl she had one and it was very creepy and when she stood on the other side of the room the doll’s head would move to face her but she was never allowed to throw it away. Then when she was finally allowed without a second thought she threw it away as she told me more and more scary things my little 9 year old self got scared and I made an excuse to leave the conversation. I ran all the way home my dog right behind me. That night I was terrified I became more and more shure it’s eyes move his went on for a long time. Eventually I got a new doll set. It was the Polly pocket treehouse set I loved I played and played with it the next morning it was torn to shreds. My parents thought my dog did it but I wasn’t so sure I begged them to take it out of my room. No such luck. That was the first time she smiled. If you looked closely at her you could just barley see her smirking. Her head moves and arms shake. Now as a 6th grader this past summer I had my aunt hammer her stand in place so she can’t get me I am affraid to grab clothes from my dresser it is right under her shelf. I never bring my American girl dolls up here anymore she seems to glare at them. I am certain of she had no case and just stood on my shelf I would be dead by now. This is a true story and now I wonder if this is why my aunt Michelle gave her away to me. I wonder if this creepy doll on my shelf is out to get me. Kids please don’t leave creepy porcelain dolls in your room if they don’t have a secure case I am warning you please just heed my advice.

  • Hey SFK! Thank god you’re back! We missed you! Heres a story. You can edit!


    Everybody thought that the school was haunted. Rumors spread quickly and everybody believed. Mitchell, Avery, Jan, Dave and Theo were four best friends, and also went to the same school. They heard about the rumors and didn’t believe them at all. The school called them the Seven Wonders of the School. “A bunch of BS” said Theo. “We should check them out one night.”
    Everyone agreed, except Jan, who was a bit of a coward. The rest persuaded until she agreed. Jan was the only one who somewhat believed it. As she was teased a lot for being a coward, she decided to do it.
    The next night, Dave, Theo, Jan and Mitchell were waiting by the school gate. It was very old and rusty, and the school didn’t even bother to change it. “Where’s Avery?!” said Dave, impatiently.
    “How do we know?!” exclaimed Mitchell.
    “Shut up! I wasn’t asking you.” replied Dave.
    “Oh yeah?! You shut that bloody mouth of yours before…”
    Mitchell couldn’t finish her sentence they all say Avery running towards them. She apologized and they got in through the gate. Jan trotted behind everyone, afraid if the rumors were true. Something felt wrong. Avery kept looking around as if she has a plan with a weird smile on her face. But that may be natural, because Jan thought she always looked like a psycho.
    “First rumor!” yelled Theo suddenly, making everyone jump.
    They were in front of a big lake, and the rumor was that if they said “Moon Lady” 3 times you would see a figure of a woman turning her back to you. If she turns to you, you will have bad luck for a year.
    They all chanted. Nothing happened. “Told ya.” Said Theo, disappointed
    “There’s more, though.” Said Avery.
    “That’s what I’m scared of.” Said Jan to herself.
    They tested out 4 more rumors, but they didn’t work. “Two to go.” Said Mitchell.
    During the whole thing, Jan felt that something was wrong. Every time they tested a rumor and left, she saw Avery looking back and grinning weirdly. She would also hear some muffled noise.
    The 6th was the 13 step rumor. Everybody says that the stair usually has 12 steps, but at night, it has 13. And again, it didn’t work. But Jan saw something different. There was a huge mirror in top of the stairs. When they all got up, she wouldn’t see Avery’s reflection. She wanted to scream, but thought that she was imagining things. They all got out of the school.
    “I am highly disappointed.” Said Dave.
    “You thought you would see something? You’re an idiot.” Said Mitchell.
    Dave rolled his eyes and took out his mini camera and set it up on a trash can. “Picture, everybody.” He yelled.
    After the pic, Avery said, “I have to go. Bye.”
    They waved bye. Avery ran and disappeared around the corner. “Whoa, that was fast.” Said Theo.
    “Can we just go home now?” said Jan.
    They all laughed and teased her. Then they walked home. While walking, Mitchell suddenly remembered. They forgot to see the 7th wonder. Since they’ve walked a long way, they decided to skip it.
    The next morning, at school, Dave approached Mitchell, Jan and Theo with terror. Without even saying a word, he handed them some photos. They were the ones they took yesterday, and they all noticed that Avery was missing. “Nice photoshopping skills.” Said Theo, smiling.
    “I didn’t Photoshop! I got it like this!” Said Dave.
    Theo’s smile faded. Just then they saw Avery approaching them. “Avery! You won’t believe what happened…” Said Mitchell.
    “OH!” Said Avery. “I’m sorry I couldn’t come yesterday.”
    “What do you mean?”
    “I had high fever, for no reason. I’m okay now. Now, tell me what you saw…”
    “But you were there!”
    “Um, no?”
    Jan looked over at Theo. He was pale. “I remember.” Said Theo. “The 7th rumor. It says that a spirit will come in a form of a friend…”
    The story spread quickly among the school. The school was shut down soon.

  • Twisted

    While I’m typing this, I’m being hunted.
    No, really, I am.
    It all started when I moved into this new house. And my parents took my little brother out for lunch and a shopping trip. So I had the house to myself, and it was really cool – for a while.
    For the while before I heard the scratching.
    It was coming from the basement, which was locked and my parents looked nervous when I asked them about it. They told me to never, ever, ever go down there, no matter what I hear, because the floor was covered in rusty nails. But I saw their faces, and they looked like they were lying.
    So I went down the basement stairs, leaving the warm upstairs, two steps at a time. When I reached the locked door, I listened. And I heard scratching, this time accompanied by meowing. I gulped and ignored my parents’ warnings. I was going to save that kitten, no matter what!
    I got a bobby pin from my suitcase and picked the lock. But no cat came rushing out when I opened the door. Instead, I saw a child huddled under a blanket. It was crying, and crying, and sobbing. So I cautiously stepped over to it, and lifted the blanket up…
    The child spun around to face me, and I screamed. Its face was deformed – where eyes were supposed to be, jagged stitches jutted out. Its nose was bumpy and small. Its mouth had lips replaced with scars, and needle-like fangs protruded from its yellowed gums. Its ears seemed to be only attached by a string of skin. Only a few strings of greasy black hair hung from its bony scalp. I realized that several milky white eyes – some of them red, most with no pupils – covered the top of its head. Its skin was very pale, so pale that I could see a skeleton under it.
    I kept on screaming.
    The thing seemed to grow thinner, and I realized that instead of hands, needles and knives were what its skinny arms ended in. Tears began streaming down my cheeks. I whirled around, but the basement door was magically closed. I was really shrieking, now, but then I remembered how hot it was upstairs. And I hadn’t seen any furnace up there, so one must be down here. I might still have a chance! So I quickly looked around, and when I saw a door, I knew it was my only chance. So I dove towards it and managed to lock the door before the thing started banging. The floor around the furnace was covered in bones with dried blood all over them.
    And that’s where I am right now – hiding under a pile of bloody bones, near the furnace. As I’m typing this sentence, I hear the furnace room door burst open. And I hear a voice that sounds choked with blood gurgling, “Ay-meee…. you can’t hide forever!”
    Help it’s really really close now I think it’s the end of my life goodbye wish me luck everyo

  • Anna

    Anna’s mom loved to sew. Her husband had taken their money and left a long time ago, so they lived in a cramped trailer. There was no room for Anna’s mom’s sewing equipment outside, so they had to be inside. Anna always volunteered for the mannequins to be kept in her own room.
    One night, when the clock struck twelve, Anna was awakened by a thump in her room. Her eyes opened and darted around, and she spotted a quick movement of one of the dummy’s arms. Brushing it off as a trick of her eyes, Anna fell back asleep. But she was awakened periodically by these thumps – one at 12:00, one at 1:00, one at 2:00, and so on. Finally, at 4:00, Anna turned her light on and screamed. The mannequins were surrounding her bed, each one holding a knife. Anna kept on screaming. One of the dummies reached out and knocked her unconscious with the handle of its knife.
    Anna’s mother came in the room a few minutes later, wondering what the commotion was. She arrived to find Anna propped up on her bed, knives sticking out at odd angles of her body, and a bloody hole in Anna’s window.

  • Needle And Thread

    Jamie Thread had been in my class since first grade. He was a nice enough boy, always smiling. But that was the weird thing about him – he was always smiling. His lips seemed scarred, and that wasn’t especially unusual considering how they were constantly stretched to the brink of ripping. Even when kids would brutally injure him, Jamie would be grinning.
    So one day I was curious, and I followed him home. He would turn at the oddest corners, and whenever I would think he would stop, he kept going. Finally he veered left into a dark alley. I would have stayed, but I remembered that curiosity killed the cat. So I turned back around and was about to step into the light when a cold hand grabbed my shoulder. I screamed, but no sound came out. I whirled around, and saw two big glowing white circles. I could also just make out the wide smile of Jamie Thread.
    A raspy laugh that was more of a croak came out of his mouth. It sounded like autumn leaves drifting in a breeze. Then he said something that really made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up: “I know who you are, Justin. I know how you been following me all this way. I know you’re wondering why I’m always smiling…” He paused to take a breath, and I could see his eyes glow brighter. “But there’s just one teensy little problem – I don’t wanna tell you about my life, Justin. Because it is none of your-” he twisted my shoulder and I cried out in pain. “Stinking…. business. So I thought maybe I’d teach you a little lesson…”
    I heard what sounded like the striking of a match, and suddenly our faces were illuminated by the light of a small red candle. The wild gleam in Jamie’s eyes made me uneasy. I saw the glint of a needle that had come out of nowhere, and he let go of my shoulder to retrieve a spool of black thread from his pocket. Then, he gave a twisted smile and threaded the needle before shoving it in my mouth. He kept on sewing until my lips were sewn in a sick smile like his, and then he laughed a laugh that made me almost vomit. Finally he set me free.
    That was three years ago. Now I am used to living the life of a sick freak. A freak that scares away his own family, and a freak that lives underneath a dock. So far, one kid has shown a kind of interest in why I am always smiling. I wait for the day that he follows me home. I already have the needle and thread…

    (By the way, my last comment is titled “Reflection”)

  • One day, Jane was looking in her mirror. She was about to go to a party and she was making sure she looked perfect. Her phone buzzed, signaling that the party was starting. So she whirled around to leave her room – but she noticed that her reflection was a split second behind in her action. Jane squinted, and quickly moved her hand. Again, her reflection was too slow. Jane gulped and with trembling hands took her mirror off the wall. Then, she left for the party and didn’t get back until midnight, when she fell sound asleep.
    When she woke up in the morning, however, the mirror was back on her wall. Jane approached it and stared deep into the eyes of her reflection. Despite the fact that Jane wasn’t breathing, the glass fogged up. Jane reached out to write something in it, but it was fogging up from the other side. While Jane stalled, not moving at all, her reflection quickly wrote something in the condensation. It looked like it said ‘Get Ready.’
    When she was getting ready for school the next morning, she noticed her reflection’s lips silently moving. Jane paused, and pressed her own lips together. Her reflection continued mouthing words, and this time it began smiling a sick grin as it slowly stopped copying Jane. Jane felt her blood run cold, and her reflection’s lips gradually started whispering the words.
    “I am the only person in the world that could flawlessly replace you, Jane,” It rasped, grinning that horrible grin. “If I took you, you would be me and I would be you.”
    Jane swallowed and gripped her doorknob, never taking her eyes off of her reflection, who seemed to be reaching out of the mirror. It silently stepped into Jane’s room. Jane was frozen with fear and couldn’t scream. Her reflection took the mirror off the wall and smacked Jane on the head.
    When Jane came to, she was standing in her room. Except everything was on the opposite side…
    A cold chill ran down Jane’s spine as, through her mirror, she saw her reflection. It was holding a bloody knife and the lifeless bodies of her parents were lying on the ground. Jane leapt through the mirror and the reflection handed her the knife. Then it stepped back into the mirror.
    Jane, in her rage, broke the mirror into lots of little pieces.
    When the sirens came later, they tested the knife and found Jane’s fingerprints all over it. No one else’s fingerprints were anywhere in the room. Jane tried to tell them that it was her reflection, but they just threw her in a mental hospital.
    One night, Jane woke up to an eerie thumping sound. She got out of her small bed and saw a strange figure creeping towards her. The last thing Jane ever saw was a person, completely identical to her except for the fact that it looked like it was made out of little broken pieces.

  • Hello scary for kids. I’m smiley and I have the story you’ve been waiting for(hopefully you will like it) Even if you don’t believe it is true at least think how scary it would be if it was true.

    The Fortune Teller
    Once upon a time their was a small town that was atop a very large hill. There was a nice couple that had just moved into their new house. The couple had just adopted a little girl. They called her Crystal. They made a lovely family and their lives were just perfect. Every day Crystal, nine years old, milked their old cow named Buttercup. Her mother always cooked breakfast every morning and her father, a pilot, would board an airplane and fly out of state. It always felt like the perfect day to go to town and walk around the market by the sword swallowers, drummers, and fortune tellers. But Crystal’s mother said that it would be dangerous to go to the market alone. But one afternoon when her mother was at her friends house Crystal unlocked the door and snuck out to the market. She then came across a strange fortune teller and put a dollar in her hat. The fortune teller told her to gaze into her crystal ball and tell her what she saw. When Crystal saw her future, she refused to believe it. So she went home mumbling how she wasted her money to hear a stupid lie. She watch some T.V. and went to bed. SHE NEVER SAW THE LIGHT OF DAY AGAIN When her mother came home she was shocked to see Crystal hanging from her ceiling fan. Seeing her daughter like this she committed suicide and hung herself from the same ceiling fan. When the father headed home and saw the two dead family members he also committed suicide. When the mailman came the next day he rang the doorbell so many times that Crystal’s father stood in the door as pale as flour and said “WE ARE DEAD WE DON”T NEED YOUR STUPID MAIL!” Then he saw the name on the envelope. “The Fortune Teller” it read. The letter said “Told you so”
    The End
    (in case you didn’t already know, the crystal ball showed Crystal and her family committing suicide.)
    SFK please tell me if it needed work, how i can improve it,e.c.t.
    I will not be angry if you didn’t like it i just want to know how i can improve it and how you felt about it.

  • This is a true story that happened to my grandpa, when he was a teenager.

    My grandpa used to live in a small community in Bakersfield, CA. There wasn’t much there, only a couple of houses, a few resturants, and a small school. And as you would probably guess, crime usually didn’t happen in this kind of nieghborhood.

    But my grandpa said as soon as he moved in strange things started happening.

    Let’s call him Tom for now…

    Tom used to ride a motorcycle, sometimes after school, him and his friend would drive to another neighborhood and hang out at the drive-in. One night, his parents were gone on a trip, and his siblings were all away at friend’s houses.

    Since he was sixteen at the time, he was allowed to stay home alone for the weekend. So that friday, after riding around on their motorcycles, him and his friend decided to come back to his house.

    As they pulled up in the driveway, they were both surprised to see a face staring out the window at them. Their first instinct was that i was an intruder.

    So Tom decided to go inside through the backdoor, turn on the light to scare the intruder, and if the intruder ran outside, Tom’s friend would be there to stop him.

    So Tom opened the backdoor and turned on the light, but was surprised to see that no one was there. Confused, he went outside to see his friend sitting down and staring at the window.

    The man was still there.

    “Didn’t you go in?” His friend asked.

    “Oh course, I thought you already caught him. When I went inside no one was there.”

    Puzzled the two boys stood outside watching the man for several minutes. Tom said his face looked un-real, almost as if he were wearing a mask.

    Soon enough the man disapeared into thin air.

    Tom decided not to tell his parents about this incident, that is until these small antics lead up to something terrifying.

    For days in a row, Tom and his family noticed strange things, such as cupboard doors flying open, doors opening and slaming, voices, but none were as bad as the last antic.

    About a week later his family awoke to the ringing of a doorbell in the middle of the night, Tom’s father was away, so Tom and his mother went to see what was going on. It was around two in the morning, so Tom’s mother was a little bit worried, fearing that someone in the nieghborhood was hurt.

    Well they opened the door, and were frightened to see a large man standing there dripping blood on the front porch. The man was wearing a black suit with a black fadora on. His face was bloody and he looked frightened.

    Toms moter asked what was wrong.

    “I had an accident…” Said the man. “Please call 911.”

    Tom’s mother told him to stay there and be patient, help was on its way.

    They called 911, and minutes later the ambudlance and the cops showed up. No trace of the man.

    The blood that was dripping onto there porch by the man, gone. Tom and his mother explained and the cops left.

    The family moved weeks later.

    Their new home was quiet, and there were no weird occurences. But one night his family was watching the news and their was a story about a man who showed up around two in the morning, wearing all black, dripping blood onto the porch and pleading for help. When the authorities arrived, no trace of the man.

    It was the same house that my grandfather (tom) lived in. And not only that, but it was the same day and month, that it happened to my grandpas family.

    Apperantly the new family living in the house tracked down a team of ghost hunters, and were startled to hear that in the early 1900s a man was violently killed on the porch of that home, and it was on the same month, and day, that my grandpa witnessed the man on the porch.

  • @TamasakiLion
    Thank you for bothering to type out your views on my story. I’m always up for feedback, and I’ll see if I can improve Invisibility Spell with your suggestion in mind!
    Really though, I’m just waiting for SFK to get back. He’s been away so long now.

  • @raven overall it was good, it reminded me of another story where a girl switches bodies with a ghost. However, i felt that you could’ve done something with the mistranslation like personally id have a girl go to this eerie shop and learn about these books and whatnot, and then come across the book of spells. This can lead to the shop owner translating the spell for her and tricking her, but considering you’re story is more modern its your choice on how your character gets the translations from.
    I don’t know if you were trying to make it scary, because personally it was really interesting, but definitely not terrifying.

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