Scary For Kids

Your Story

This is the part of the Website where you get to tell me your scary stories. If you have a really good scary tale swirling around in your brain, you can post it in the comments section on this page. I will read it and, if it’s really good, you will have the honor of seeing it will be posted right here on this page.

Your Story

Before you tell us your story, here are a few rules you should follow:
1. Make sure the story is scary. (Who would want to read a story that isn’t scary?).
2. Make sure your story is good. (No lame stories, please).
3. Make sure your story REALLY is good. (I can’t search through 100 bad stories to find 1 good story).
4. Don’t post a bad story. (Please, I am begging you!)
4. Try to use proper spelling and grammar. (Or elze it wil bee hard 2 reed).
5. Don’t spam your story on other pages. Just post it here. I will see it.
6. If your story doesn’t get accepted, please don’t be angry or offended.
7. By submitting your story, you agree that you are giving Scaryforkids permission and rights to display it on the Website.

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scary for kids


  • My dad was lying in bed with my mom when he woke up. He saw a shadowy figure standing on the balcony staring at him with white eyes. It just stood there…. Staring at him. He lay in his bed terrified. Joon, our black dog, was right next to the door asleep as the thing put a hand on the window. Joon woke up and started barking at the figure. Benny, our white dog, woke up to the noise and started barking as well. My dad started yelling as my mom woke up and saw the figure on the balcony as she screamed as loud as she could..I woke up from the commotion and walked into the room. My parents stopped yelling and screaming as I looked at the window and said “Natalie?” My parents were freaked out because Natalie was an imaginary friend of mine. My dad immediately grabbed the dogs as he held them in the bed and stared at me. “Natalie, what do you mean?” My dad said nervously. I just stared at my dad and said “She’s standing on the balcony, don’t you see her?” My dad froze with fear as the dogs stopped barking and began whining. “What are you doing up so late Natalie?” I said as my mom stared at my dad with fear. I began to walk up to the balcony door as my mom screamed and grabbed my shirt. I felt my arms jolt in front of me as she pulled me in the bed with her. My brother was asleep the whole time as the shadowy figure made a loud angry groan then the second I blinked it was gone. My mom began crying thinking that if she hadn’t moved, she would have lost me. My dogs stopped whining and didn’t bark for the rest of the night. I slept between my mom and dad for the rest of the night. My parents put white curtains up so that if the creature comes back, they won’t seen it and so I won’t walk up to it.

  • The Myrtles Plantation Mirror Contains the Spirits of a Woman and Her Children
    This story is true it’s in St Francisville,La you can stay there for nights,but let’s go to the story.Myrtles Plantation is an allegedly haunted bed and breakfast that is largely considered to be the most haunted home in the United States,as well as the top most haunted houses in the world. The plantation dates back to 1796, and it was built on a Native American burial ground. Additionally,it is rumored to be the location of at least ten murders, and paranormal events are an almost daily occurrence. Perhaps the most haunted item on the premises is a mirror that was added to the home in 1980. Guests of the plantation have reported seeing figures lurking in the mirror, as well as child-sized handprints on the glass. Legend claims that the mirror contains the spirits of Sara Woodruff and her children.The Woodruffs were poisoned to death,and through custom dictates that the mirrors should be covered after death to prevent spirits from getting trapped,this mirror is not covered, so the belief is that the Woodruffs souls are very much present and active within the mirror.

  • Well it is 2016 already and SFK still hasn’t gave me any feedback so SFK has inspired me to stop writing stories and to move on to a different scary website i may still comment on stories but i will never write another story here again i showed my friends my story and they said that SFK must hate my story since i didn’t get a word of feedback so they said that since SFK didn’t like it then they don’t like it and lets just say im lonley and friendless> thanks a lot NOT

  • red bear

    A girl got a white teddy bear for her birthday from her friend. She left it beside her beside table. She woke up and her teddy bear was stained red with blood and hold a knife. To remove the evidence of the horror so her friend wouldn’t see her disapointment, she put it on her highest shelf. The next morning her heart was filled with dread of what would happen the next morning. She woke up. Her white (now red) bear was on her beside table with a bloody knife in her hand and a alarm clock beside red bear,written in blood on the mirror was tick tock goes the clock. She again removed the evidence of red bear and worried of what would happen next morning…she didn’t have to worry for she was found dead that morning. Her red bear beside her. Her parents punched and kicked the red bear for they thought that there daughter had commited suicide and were ashamed of her choice. While they were kicking and punching the bear a note popped out saying: ” i never wanted to be your friend i hope the bear gave you grief…”
    plz post this sfk plz plz plz

  • this is a story my friend told me , it is called “counting sheep”

    There were 2 girls named Kara and Daisy . the 2 girls were best friends . they were in girl scouts together . one day they went camping with their girl scout group . they had to stay in cabins and there was 1 set of bunk beds in each cabin . daisy said “i call top bunk!!!” …… leaving Kara with the bottom bunk . they did lots of camp games, played truth or dare and told scary stories . at 10:00 they decided to go to bed . not even 10 minutes after they decided to go to bed , daisy heard kara counting . 1…2….3…4….5……6…….7……8…….. Daisy thought she was just counting sheep . so she just went to sleep . then , 1 hour later she woke up to hear Kara still counting . 1278…..1279….1280……. geez! by now Daisy was concerned . she was just about to look down when the counting stopped . then after a couple of seconds she looked down . what she saw , scarred her for life . there was a pale girl with black hair and no eyes looking up at her , sitting on the bed . she was plucking Kara’s hairs out of her severed head !!!!! then the creepy little girl opened her mouth and said “YOUR NEXT”!!!!!!!!! the next morning no one found the girls . no one ever did …………………



    The news came like a bomb. Claire was dead. She was a pretty, smart and talented girl, that lived in a nice house with loving parents and a big garden to play with all her friends.
    Poor girl. She was only 11. She spent the afternoon at Diana’s house, but never came back at 8. It was not like Claire. Her parents eventually found her dead body. They say she was stabbed by a homeless man or an alcoholic on her way home.
    “Such horrible people among us!” the old lady says.
    “Who would do such a thing?!” the barman says.
    “Someone just insane!” the teacher says.
    “Maybe.. someone was jealous of her. She had it all, you know?” Diana’s mother implies.
    “What do you mean?” the business man asks.
    “Well, maybe a parent tought all the attention Claire was having was unfair. The other kids couldn’t shine.”
    “That’s outrageous!” the lonely man cries.”A parent should understand the pain of losing a child! I do… uhh…”
    “You’re right.” Diana’s father agrees. “It obviously isn’t possible. Jealousy is a bad thing, but it can be resolved with dialogue!”
    “How silly of me to say something so evil yet ignorant.” Diana’s mother sighs, with a shy smile.”But, have you seen our girl Diana? I think she is even better than Claire!”
    “She is.” her husband says, smiling too.”Maybe it’s her turn to shine.”

  • Does anyone like my story? It’s my first scary story so please comment!!!BTW dr.dead your story …

  • Hospital Deaths

    When you are admitted to a hospital, they place on your wrist a white wristband with your name on it. But there are other different colored wristbands which symbolize other things. The red wristbands are placed on dead people.

    There was one surgeon who worked on night shift in a school hospital. He had just finished an operation and was on his way down to the basement. He entered the elevator and there was just one other person there. He casually chatted with the woman while the elevator descended. When the elevator door opened, another woman was about to enter when the doctor slammed the close button and punched the button to the highest floor. Surprised, the woman reprimanded the doctor for being rude and asked why he did not let the other woman in.

    The doctor said, “That was the woman I just operated on. She died while I was doing the operation. Didn’t you see the red wristband she was wearing?”

    The woman smiled, raised her arm, and said, “Something like this?”

  • my story is called force.

    43857 Elmer Street was robbed yesterday. The house was cleaned of all its leather items. They have not been found. The cameras inside the house did not catch anything in the house. The items were not caught moving around. But, in the morning, they were gone. What could have happened?
    That was the news broadcast that came in between Kyle’s TV show. Naturally, he was very upset. He had been in his bed with a bowl of popcorn in his college apartment at Harvard. Yet, Kyle wasn’t surprised about that. In his opinion, leather was as precious as diamond. He turned off the TV and went to his computer. He saw that houses all over the world had been cleansed of all their leather items. Nothing had been caught on camera.
    Weird, he thought.
    He walked out of the apartment and out onto the streets. He went to the house that had been recently robbed. Police and paranormal investigators were walking around the house.
    He began to walk back to his apartment when he saw a huge banner in the distance. LEATHER SHOW TODAY! it read in big, bold letters.
    Leather, sure! thought Kyle.
    He walked to the place. It was packed with people enjoying themselves and looking at the leather.
    Before he stepped in, he noticed a small stall set up outside the leather convention. The people there were handing out papers to everybody. There were also a few signs on the stall that read: NO LEATHER. Although he didn’t want to, Kyle took one. It read in big, bold letters:
    Join the anti-leather society!
    Call: 857-4837
    Why leather isn’t good:
    To make leather we have to kill and skin animals.
    Leather needs to be dyed so they have to go through a process. This makes the leather indecomposable. That is bad for the environment!
    To make fancy leather, we have to kill animals that are almost extinct!
    To make leather, factories let out loads of toxic gas into the environment.
    One king of leather is made from the skin of unborn calves!
    Leather is also made out of the skin of DOGS AND CATS!
    Again, Call: 857-4837 NOW!
    Kyle threw the paper away.
    “Useless stuff,” he muttered. “Leather is not bad.”
    Kyle walked into the convention. He looked around. There was no convention. Instead, there was just an open space filled with snow. The wind was blowing hard. Kyle looked around. At his feet, there were some words written in the snow.
    Please let go of your liking for leather. You have already read what you people have to do to make it.
    Kyle’s face grew purple with rage.
    He stomped on the note until it was gone. The wind howled in rage. Then, Kyle heard a voice cutting through the wind. The voice was so cold, frost began to form on Kyle’s hands.
    “I am The Force and I shall say your last chance is gone and now you will pay.”
    Kyle turned to run but instead he hit a wall.
    “What in the world?” Kyle turned around and saw a long hallway. It seemed to go on forever. Then, he heard a noise that chilled him.
    Breathing heavily, Kyle senselessly moved down the hallway He walked down the hall for hours.
    The moaning was louder now. The hallway ended abruptly. Kyle was horrified about what he saw. There were animals skinning human beings. Kyle tried to run, but a crocodile got him and took out a huge knife and chopped Kyle up into pieces.

  • Ok here’s an easy riddle:
    My brother was heart-broken.
    My sister never died.
    My mother floated in air.
    My father climbs up, but goes down.

    Can you guess their deaths?

  • The Creepy One:
    Anne was a strange girl, or according to most people she was. She wore gothic make-up, she didn’t believe in God, and she always avoided talking to people. Many people teased her about it, and constantly called her names. However, no matter what they did, Anne never cried or got angry. It was nearing graduation, and the populars didn’t want to end the year without seeing the goth go “out of it.”
    So then, the leader, Samantha, asked Anne if they could have a sleepover at her house on Saturday. If they were gonna torture the girl, they might as well try to know her more as well. As usual, Anne didn’t really care and accepted it anyways. It was something new, and she had nothing better to do. With that, Samantha gathered up her friends and planned what to do next.
    On Saturday morning, Anne heard the doorbell ring. She opened it, and surprise surprise, it was Samantha and her little minions. As the girls hurried in, they grabbed Anne to her bedroom. They then dumped their make-up all over her room, and then proceeded to strap Anne to her bed.
    Anne screamed and screamed, but to no avail. After what seemed to be an hour, Samantha finally changed the gothic look into the popular look. After allowing Anne to be free, she blinked. And then laughed. And then laughed again. The girls watched with anticipation. Anne then stood up then flipped her hair and walked out the room. It was finally complete. Anne was a popular-she was now one of them. And now Samantha had one more follower.
    As she walked outside in pride, she spotted a girl in a hoodie. A devilish gleam flashed in her eyes. Now she had another subject…….

    (Btw, I know this was sooooooo bad. Originally, it was supposed to be scary, then it was supposed to be just creepy. After I failed a lot, I just wanted a good plot twist. Looks like that one failed, too XD I will still keep writing, so hopefully there will be better ones in the future.)

  • Hi SFK, Sorry I haven’t submitted anything in a while, but took a break from horror to explore other genres of writing. Meant to leave some Christmas stories but didn’t get to it. Hope the holidays went great, and Happy New Year!!! I don’t log in as much, but do check for new stories when I get to it.

  • Sorry for the last one
    (Based on a true story)
    Home Alone

    When I was little I used to be scared of being alone. One day my family decided to go out, my sister went with her friends, and my brother went to work, so did my parents, I wasn’t really social so I stayed by myself while I finished the ton of hw I had. Since I was really scared I decided to turn on all the lights in my house so I could feel safe. Then I noticed I needed something to finish my art project. Since I was at Mexico at the time I could come and go to the market. To make myself less scared when I came back I decided to leave the lights on (all of them). When I got to the market I found my brother there working, I told him what I needed and was soon ready to go home. “Hey I’ll be home soon, I just have to pick something up.” He called out as he ran past me. I nodded and quickly walked back home. When I got there a chill ran down my spine, every single light in my house had been turned off. I slowly walked inside and turned them back on. I sat down on the couch and tried to calm down. Just then I felt a disturbing coldness surround me. Then I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to find to perfectly little hands marked on the couh besides me, I couldn’t move. I tried to run but I was caught in the cold. Then there was a knock on the front door. The door opened and my brother peeked inside. I burst into tears and almost slapped him, “Why did you turn of all the light, you know I get scared.” He looked at me weirdly, “What I havn’t been home all night.” He exclaimed. I told him what had happened but he simply dismmised the subject. To this day I still don’t know what happened that night but it sends a chill down my spine to think about it.

    Thanks for reading, this actually happened to my aunt when she was little
    I thought it was creepy. I hope you do too!

  • Cookies (narrated by a seven year old girl)

    Mommy and Daddy were very happy today. They told me that soon I would be big sister. I asked them what that meant, and Daddy said that Mommy was going to have a little girl. A little baby sister, who I could play with all I wanted! Now, this got me excited. I jumped up and down with excitement and so did Daddy. I’m glad that Mommy has this thing. They call it pregnant. Mommy is pregnant! I was wondering why she kept getting fatter. It’s like her tummy was a big balloon!

    Little sister arrived today. I was really happy, but the people dressed in white wouldn’t let me go in. I was very sad. I had to stay in the waiting room for hours. But finally Daddy snuck me in. Mommy was smiling and rocking a white bundle in her arms. Her cheeks looked like they had tears on them and I asked what was wrong. She said that sometimes, when people are really happy, they cry. They called it Tears Of Joy. Finally I noticed a tiny hand reach up and stretch its fingers with a short whimper. I tilted my head and looked up at Mommy. Slowly she tilted the bundle so that it was facing me. “Meet Emily. She’s your new little sister.” Mommy smiled down at me as the little fingers clamped around my hand. I grinned and kissed Emily’s small hands. Me and Daddy went home a little while after. Mommy said she and Emily would come back home in a few days.

    Once they came home, I was very happy. I asked to play with Emily, but Mommy and Daddy said she was too little for that right now. They told me I had to be very careful when I did anything around her. I couldn’t run in the house, or play with balls, or move around with any food or hot things. This made me sad. But I could live with it, as long as Emily was happy.

    Grammy and Grumpy came over today. Usually they can’t wait to get me toys and play and make me cookies. I missed Grammy baking cookies with me. I had already gotten dough and flower and chocolate chips, like usual. But they only came to see Emily. They said she was little and needed more cuddles than I did. That’s not fair at all! But I didn’t tell them, because I wanted Emily to be happy.

    Mommy caught me feeding Emily my famous cookie recipe. She yelled at me and put me in the corner. She said that I could never do that ever again. When I asked why, she said that Emily’s tummy was too soft for cookies. That seemed like a lie to me.

    Today the whole family came over. I had already made cookies for everyone. There was one heart shaped one, and one big one that covered up the whole plate. No one asked me why they were red. Soon, they started to look for Emily. After about a half an hour of them looking, I told Daddy that we were all playing hide and seek, and I had hidden Emily well. He held my shoulders still and asked me where she was. I giggled and told him that I couldn’t tell him. It would ruin the game. He shook my shoulders and yelled at me to tell him where she is. I giggled again and told him the truth. She was in my toy box. He ran away and I walked behind him. As he got into my room and opened my toy chest, he screamed. “EMILY!” It was funny, so I laughed again. “That won’t wake her up, Daddy. Nothing will.” He ignored me and lifted her up and out of the toy chest. The big cookie was easy to make, I thought as he stared at the knife sticking in his youngest daughter’s side, right next to a large hole. Looking up slightly in horror, he noticed the second wound. The heart was a little harder, I remembered as he pulled the heart shaped cookie cutter out of Emily’s chest. I knew she wasn’t breathing anyway, even though he checked multiple times. Just then, I felt a shove behind me and fell to the ground. Turning so I was laying on my back, I saw that it was Mommy. She looked angry. There were tears going down her face. How I loved her Tears Of Joy. “I told you Emily’s tummy was soft enough for cookies. “

  • I call this one “Story of a Girl”
    Paige loved to write stories, starring herself and her friends. One day, she wrote a story that went, “One day, Paige was hanging out with her friends out at the park, in Paragould, AR, where she lived, when one of her friends, Riley, got the bright idea to have a camp out in her backyard.
    All of the friends were immediately on board with the idea. They all quickly got permission and began planning. At the camp out, they all decided to tell stories. Riley told one of a girl who lived in the woods they were all in that kidnapped people and ate them, Maggie told of a young couple who drowned in a lake nearby, Angelina told one of two girls who were best friends that ran away and were later eaten by cannibals, and Paige told one of a young girl who wandered and got lost in the woods that went crazy and killed herself in her home when she returned. They all were so terrified they couldn’t sleep. All Paige could think about was that girl… She wondered if it was true. Eventually, Paige drifted off to sleep and dreamed of death. Paige died in her sleep.” The REAL Paige, however, did not. She was, however, found, in her bathroom, her wrists slit, and that story written on the walls in her own blood. It is said whoever reads this will eventually face the same fate-completely losing your mind and slitting your wrists, painting the story on the wall, your story.

  • red bear.

    A girl got a white teddy bear for her birthday from her friend.
    She put it on her dressing table with care. She fell asleep the next morning she woke up and felt scared…

    On the mirror above her dressing table her teddy bear was stained red with blood.

    Written on the mirror with blood was ‘ i’m watching you ‘
    Fearing the white (now red bear) bear she put it on the highest shelf not having the heart to get rid of it.

    She washed the mirror to scared to tell her parents about what had happened.

    The next night she slept in fear of what would happen next.
    She was too scared to open her eyes.

    The red bear had moved once again on her dressing table.
    a note scared in blood ‘tick tock goes the clock now its time to say goodbye…”

    She noticed a bloody knife dropped beside her bed.
    She decided to tell her parents…they were gone.

  • Hi SFK!
    I made a story, i hope you enjoy it!

    Its named The Forest’s End.

    A few months ago, pretty recent, there was a group of friends on vacation close to the sea. This was the first time they went on vacation together, and they had great plans for it.

    The group of friends had seven members. Three girls, and four boys. The girls were named Alicia, Sam and Jaynee. The boys were named Jack, Kostas, Albert and Mike. They met eachother at the primary school, and didn’t lose contact because they were great friends.

    This vacation was great fun already. They went swimming in the ocean, riding around with the bikes they hired and played games when the weather wasn’t so good for once. Early in the morning, Kostas decided it would be cool to do something fun today. His idea was to go to the woods and play some fun games when there.

    Everybody agreed with the idea and they decided to just go have some fun. They walked through the forest with all seven, and made some jokes and basically talked with eachother. When they came in a more open spot in the forest, they put down a carpet, and made a picknick ready, because it was already afternoon, and they were getting a little hungry. The lunch was delicious, with lots of different sorts of bread, and stuff to put on it.

    After they finished the lunch, and packed their bags again, they went doing a game. The game was chair dance, but in place of chairs, you use trees. They played the game for about a quarter, and after that Jack seemed to have wandered off… He was nowhere to be found, and everybody was screaming his name after he went lost. It was a nice try, but it didn’t help a single bit. That was, when they decided to go look after him. They went in pairs of two, and went searching around the forest. When they came back on the location which was the place they were going to after an hour, they saw there was just four of them… Three of the people seemed to be lost now…

    Only Kostas, Albert, Jaynee and Alicia were left now. They started to get creeped out, and felt afraid, since they had no actual idea where the rest could be. Kostas decided to go search one more time. He went to the place they played the ‘Tree dance’ game. He walked further in the forest on that spot, and saw a little ven a couple ten meters in front of him. He ran to it and saw there was something weird in the water. He thought he saw a glimpse of somekind of green thing.

    He took a peak in the ven, but all he saw was himself. Thats weird, Kostas thought. After searching some more, Kostas gave up and headed back to the location they chose to come back. Nobody was there, except Alicia. ‘Where is the rest?’ Kostas asked. ‘I dont know!’ Alicia screamed, ‘They just dissapeared when i was tieing my shoelaces!’ Alicia sounded really feared right now, and Kostas was feeling really worried as well.

    ‘We should get out now!’ Kostas said. And as soon as he said that, they left the forest and went for their vacation house. When they arrived there, it was all silent and they went to bed immediatly. Later that night, they heard the door being opened. Kostas got out of bed and heard a super loud scream. ‘AAAHHHH!’ He ran downstairs and there were five people, Sam. Jaynee. Jack. Albert and Mike. Being scared for their lives, while Jaynee was pointing at Kostas and Alicia, sputtering: ‘M-m-mon-MONSTER!

    That was the last thing Kostas heard, when he felt a harsh pain at the back of his head. He fell on the ground, and his vision slowely turned black…

    A few days later, the rest of the group returned home and told the story to everyone they met. But nobody believed them… Their parents sent them to a Psycologic, but the boy and the girl named Kostas and Alicia were never to be seen again.

  • The Chip: Sherri was 23 and lived in an apartment with her friend, Catherine. They didn’t live in the best neighborhood and for a while now they had been talking about moving. One night Sherri and Catherine went to dinner at a fancy restaurant downtown for Catherine’s birthday, when, out of the blue, Sherri fell to the ground and was rushed to the hospital immediately. The doctors held Sherri overnight at the hospital to look at her and they found traces of chloroform in her system along with foreign objects put inside her skull like skewers and weapons. When closer analyzed, each one of the foreign objects inside of her had traces of blood, and DNA tests showed that the blood was from victims of serial murders made by a crazed murderer who was on the run. The most frightening thing rhe doctors founs though, was a tracking chip implanted in her neck. The scientists decided to keep the chip for further research. The day after the doctors sent Sherri home, the police were told that there were gunshots coming from the hospital. All of the scientists were found knocked out with chloroform but survived. What the police didn’t see however, were the stiches in their head and and marks on their neck… They say the man who did this still roams around the USA waiting for his next victim…

  • Eyes

    In september of 2007 I had just started working at mcdonalds on the night shift from 10 to 2. I worked the drive through and loved my job, being able to converse with people every night, learning about them. After about a year i noticed more creepy people coming by. People who i dont trust. It accually got to the point where i was talking to my parents about changing my name tag so that they couldn’t track me down. One night we were having kind of a slow time until one car came up. It was a rundown 96 ford with tinted windows and 4 bulky doors that were painted black. The man ordered 1 whopper and a diet coke. While he was digging around for change in his floorboard, the back seat window rolled down to reveal a girl, probably around 8 or 9. The first thing i noticed was her eyes. They were the most beautiful eyes i have ever seen, hazel with a tint of green in the middle, but then i noticed something much more sinister…. She had duct tape across her mouth. She then held her hands up to reveal her hands tied at the wrists. She somehow managed to pick up a flashlight with her free fingers and clicked it on and off in a certain order. It was morse code. Dot dot dot… Dash dash dash… Dot dot dot.. It was SOS. Before i could do anything, the man in the front turned around and did something to the girl. All i could hear was muffled screaming and scolding from the back of the car. All i could do was stand there and hope for the best. The man turned back around, blood on his shirt, and apologized for taking a long time. He gave me the money and drove off, stopping to throw something out of his window. I immediately rushed to the back of the restaurant and called the police. While i was waiting for then to arrive, i went outside to see what he threw out the window. When i found what he threw, i almost threw up. It was two hazel eyes, with just a tint of green in the middle.

  • This is a true story that happened to my older brother (who will be referred to as B to keep it anonymous) when he was around my age.
    A few years ago, when my brother was in the ninth grade, he had to walk back and forth to and from school every day. We lived in a pretty neutral part of Oklahoma at the time, so he didn’t have to suffer through intense, below-zero temperatures during the winter time. Everyday after school he would walk home with some of his friends, and they took their time getting home every day, either by getting distracted by catching frogs or having mud fights, just normal teenage boy stuff like that.
    One day, while he was on his way home, his friends decided to go a different way, or a ”shortcut” as they called it. Looking back on it, he remembers getting a bad feeling, but he says at the time he just thought it would be a more efficient way to get home. So, he happily agreed and they took a shortcut behind the school and behind a few neighborhoods. As they were on their way back, they came across an open entrance to a sewer, and, since they were idiot teenagers, they decided to go and check the place out to see if they could find some hairy tarantulas or scaly snakes to freak out their moms and some girls at school with. They ditched their backpacks at the entrance and ran into the tunnel, whooping and hollering and just doing normal-guy stuff, I guess. B decided before he went in that he would time how long they were in the tunnel so that they wouldn’t be late for dinner. After a few moments, the brightness of the entrance of the tunnel faded out and they were left in pitch black dark. He remembers waving his hand in front of his face and not seeing a thing (but I personally think he said that because I’m a HUGE fan of the Hobbit). His friend Mikey, luckily, had brought his small pocket flashlight so they could continue their journey. The light was dim and not very helpful, but it was better than nothing, I guess.
    They walked for about twenty minutes when they heard something that made them stop in their tracks. A faint voice whispered “turn around while you still can….” along with a faint sound that sounded like someone scraping their fingernails along the wall. The three boys stopped in their tracks immediantly and shone the flashlight to the source of the voice. In the distance was a dim, eerie shadow that stopped mysteriously when the light was shone on it. B swears that he heard a hissing sound so loud that it hurt his ears, and before they knew what had happened, the shadow was gone. B and his friends were terrified, so they picked up their flashlight and ran the whole way back. They didn’t even know they were out of the sewer until they were outside with the stars twinkling up high above their heads. Freaked out, his friends both started yelling at B for not keeping track of time. They couldn’t figure out how to get home from there in the dark, and they figured their parents were worried sick. That’s when B really got scared. His watch said they had only been in there for fifteen minutes, but when he changed it to the time, it was 1:27 in the morning.

  • Salon 85

    My favorite hair salon was going out of business. When I found this out, I was extremely disappointed. They were just so friendly and welcoming. Every time I left that place, my hair looked like it came off of the page of a celebrity’s head.

    I looked on the internet and searched for good hair salons in my area. All of them were either extremely expensive and swanky, or required a hour-long drive. I was about to give up hope when I saw it. Salon 85.

    I clicked on the link and it took me to their website. The website looked pretty professional. They had pictures of their employees standing in black in front of their stations. Underneath each picture it had the employee’s full name and level of schooling. I noticed that a majority of the employee’s had only a high school level of education. I didn’t think much of it, after all most of them seemed at least 25.

    One thing struck me as odd, though. Even though there was a place for comments and reviews on the website, there were none. The place had been open since 2009, so it wasn’t as if it was new and undiscovered.

    I hadn’t gotten my hair cut since February, and it was November. I decided to try it out, after all it was at most fifteen minutes from my house. Maybe I would be the first to give them a good review.

    As soon as I opened the door, I was attacked with the smells of hair products and perfume. The woman at the front desk gave me a big, toothy, smile.

    “Hello and welcome to Salon 85! Would you like anything to drink?”

    I said sure, and she lead to me to the waiting area. I took a seat and she poured me a cup of herbal tea.

    “Your stylist will be with you shortly, is there anything else I can get you?”

    “No, thank you.” There were two other people in the room with me. A middle aged woman and a girl who couldn’t have been older than 19. The walls were decorated with peaceful pictures of forests and oceans. Songs that I never heard of played through the speakers.

    The tea she gave me was strong, but it tasted alright. After about 5 minutes a woman dressed in a black dress and leggings came into the waiting area.


    “That’s me,” I said standing up.

    She smiled at me and held out her hand.

    “I’m Sandy, if you’ll follow me we’ll get started.”

    I shook her hand and followed her. We stepped into a big room with at least 15 chairs and mirrors set up. I sat down and she started asking me questions. Just normal things that you get asked every time you get your hair cut by someone new. What you do for a living, what you did over the holidays, where you were from. She started rubbing some products in my hair. She actually started giving me a massage on my head, neck, and shoulders. It surprised me, but it was a pleasant surprise. In fact, I almost started falling asleep when she said we were going to go wash my hair.

    I got up and followed her into a room with four sinks and chairs. The room was dimly lit and it smelled even more like hair product. She washed my hair and rubbed even more product. She wrapped a towel around my hair, but before I could get up, she put a rag over my nose. To my horror, I realized that the rag was soaked in chloroform. The last thing I heard before I blacked out was her telling me that this was their special smelling salt therapy.

    I woke up bound to a chair and my hair was pulled back tightly. The room was freezing and there weren’t any windows. Everything was covered in plastic, including me. There was one other girl with me. I recognized her as the young girl from the waiting area. She was screaming and crying. She was bound as well. I was about to say something to her, but then I noticed what her hair was trapped in.

    There was a machine sitting behind her where her hair was. Her hair was wrapped around a bar. I was confused at first, but as soon as I saw the gears and lever; I realized what was going on. They were going to scalp her. No, even worse, they were going to scalp here alive.

    “Your hair!” she said to me in a terrified voice.

    “What’s wrong?” I asked. I was getting more terrified by the second and I wished I never asked that question. I was pretty sure I already knew.

    “It’s all tangled up in this weird machine!” She said. She was talking so fast I could barley understand her. Tears were streaming down her face. Soon I started tearing up too. All I could think about was the tremendous amount of pain I was going to go through. I knew I could never brace myself for it. Would I even survive it? Maybe I would. I remembered reading about scalping in school. In my textbook there was a picture of a survivor. The top of his head was bald and scarred, but other than that he looked okay.

    “Oh my God! My hair is in the machine too! Why didn’t you tell me!” The young girl screamed. I was so deep in though I completely forgot she was there.

    “I-I-I’m sorry,” I stammered, “I didn’t want to scare you”

    “You didn’t want to scare me?! Well I would have been pretty scared when I felt my head being ripped off!”

    I tried to apologize, but she wouldn’t listen. She kept screaming and crying. Tears were streaming down my face. I was scared and angry. I wished she would just shut up. After all, I was here too, and I was screaming and being obnoxious.

    A door opened behind me. One of the hair stylists came up in front of us.

    “Now ladies, you are making a lot of noise down here, it could disturb other customers,” she smiled to herself and turned on a radio. The other girl started screaming and cussing the hair stylist out.

    “I think I’ll start with you first” said the hair stylist. The young girl fell silent for a moment, and then screamed louder than I though was physically possible.

    As she pleaded and begged for her to be spared, the hair stylist jut turned on the radio louder and walked over the level.

    I could only watch for a bit before I closed my eyes. The process was excruciatingly slow. Her screamed echoed in the room, in my ears, in my brain, and in my soul.

    Suddenly, it was silent. That silence chilled me to the bone. I opened my eyes and glanced over the girl. When I saw her I nearly threw up. Her head was bloody and mangled. It looked like she was still breathing though, she must of just passed out from the pain. The woman operating the level came from behind the young girl with her scalp in her hand. It was absolutely disgusting. Her scalp was bloody and was seeping onto the floor.

    “And then there were two” said the woman in a playful tone. She cackled and layed the scalp on the floor in full view of me.

    She stepped behind me and I knew this was it. I bit my lip and the lever started turning.

    It wasn’t horrible for the first couple of turns of the lever. What was horrible was when it first started ripping out the scalp. It was like you could feel each part of you scalp being ripped off. I remember screaming and screaming until it felt like my lungs were going to burst. The last thing I remember was walking with my hair stylist to the hair washing room. I remember passing a display case.

    A display case filled with wigs. Wigs that looked unbelievably real.

  • Look Beyond
    It all started when Liliana moved in to her new house with her daughter,Allison.On the outside,it was a very beautiful house,with salmon paint and flowerboxes in the windows.On the inside it was not great at all,but they had yet to know that….and why that house had been extrordinarily cheap.As they started to unpack everything,Allison,who was only 9 asked if she could go to her room and play.”Why,of course honey!”her mother replied,and Alli dashed off,while her mother was given the task to unpack everything.She suddenly heard a scream,and a voice shouting,”Help!”Thinking it was Alli,she ran up the stairs of their new home and ran as fast as she could to Alli’s room.Inside,she saw the closet’s door knob twisting and turning,and she knew the door was locked.”I am coming,dear,”Liliana screamed as she grabbed the door knob,but to her surprise it was not locked…..and inside…….there was NOTHING!!!!Her eyes widened with fright,but then she thought that she was probably going crazy and her imagination was running wild.”What are you doing,Mommy?”a voice behind her said,and Liliana turned around to see Alli there.”Where have you been????Mommy was really worried…””I was playing with Sarah!She told me she lives here!Liliana frowned.”There is no Sarah living here….”But to sum all of the crazziness going on,Alli started to act weird.She loved to wear dreses,but she started to have an attitude with them and instead now wore jeans with a shirt.When she was tucked in,she would point to the closet and say,”Sarah is watching me!”Liliana wondered what the heck was going on,and she wondered if she and Alli were going insane.”No,it cannot be!SOMETHING is going on,but I don’t know what it is….”Weird things kept on happening;whenever Alli was asleep her laptop discharged even though she was asleep,and weird noises went through the house.The final straw was when Alli told her mom that Sarah was getting angry at her for not playing with her,and right then Liliana decided she would go to those”people who do fortunetelling and stuff like that”She immideately set up an appointment with Daniela,”the physic”When they arrived at her home Daniela asked,”What’s wrong??”Liliana told her everything,then Daniela told her something so horrible,she almost sobbed with fright.”Your house was where an unhappy family lived.There was a girl,Sarah,her mom,Azalea,and her dad,Karl.Karl,however was always drunk and always hit Azalea.They also had many arguments,which did not end well.This all was heard by their young daughter,who always sobbed and hid beneath the covers of her bed,wishing for a better life.One day,Azalea and Karl had an argument,the worst of them all.It was over all the beer Azalea had thrown out,which Karl had brought home & he had wasted all the family’s money on.He was in such a horrible rage,and in his fury,he stabbed his wife.Sarah had seen everything,and ran off to her closet,locking the door to not allow her father in, since at the last moment,her father had seen her and was chasing her with a knife.She hid in the closet,but somehow,her father broke in and he killed her,too.Finally,he comitted suicide and he killed himself with the knife he had used to kill his family.That is why your daughter has been acting weird;Sarah’s spirit is inside HER!Do not worry,though,I will cleanse her and all will be well.”Daniela did fix her daughter and brought peace to them,but they soon moved away,since they could not bear the fact that a horrible murder had happened there.(PLEASE comment on my story,and SFK,please post it)

  • Hey friends, I got a new story. Please comment, suggest ideas, and review it out of 5 drops of blood. and dear SFK, can you please post my story if you feel it’s worthy? You can change the title if you feel its necessary.

    HuMaN MaSsAcRe:-

    “Mom, I can’t bear the cold anymore! I am going to freeze”, complained Rachel.

    “I am so sorry dear, but we all have to freeze. For that purpose, we are kept in here”, replied her mother. “Look Rachel, we all are helpless and we all will die here by tomorrow” “Just try to sleep, this will be your last siesta”

    “Why? Will I never wake up anymore?” asked Rachel.

    “Please Rachel, don’t question me anymore, already many question are swirling around my brain”

    “I will miss you all, especially you, Julie, Eva and my brother, Jade”, sighed Rachel.

    “Oh! I forgot to ask you, where are Julie, Eva and Jade?” asked her mother.

    “They are outside and I don’t know what would happen to them, those creatures took them outside,” cried Rachel.

    “Those are Ice-creams,” exclaimed her mother. “There was once a time, when we used to buy ice-creams to get relief from the scorching sun and quench our thirst, at that time we didn’t know that what fate had in store for us”

    “We didn’t know that we would come to such gruesome end”, sighed a teary Rachel. Those tears of her also froze in there.

    “I wish if everything would return to its normal place, there would be then happiness, joy and fun”, cried Rachel.

    “But, how did those ice-creams come to life?” asked Rachel.

    “There is a lot of confusion, Rachel. I would not be able to answer this question, but, this much I say that we all will meet our death by tonight,” replied her mother.

    “That day, I was just preparing something for dinner when, suddenly I felt terribly cold. I also heard our doorbell ringing; I just opened the door and saw a giant cone full of whipped cream screaming to come outside. I instantly ran towards our innermost room and tried to hide in my wardrobe. But they immediately found me and put me down here. That’s when I saw that all of you are being captivated in here.”

    Mother, now where we are?” asked Rachel.

    “We are inside a giant refrigerator in the freezer section”

    “Can’t we do anything to escape out alive?” asked Rachel.

    “I have already told you that we are helpless,” replied her furious mother.

    “Then, what will happen to us tomorrow?” asked her daughter.

    “Actually, I don’t know,” replied her mother.

    “Mother, I am suddenly feeling very sleepy,” exclaimed Rachel.

    “I too, let us sleep till tomorrow, and then we will see what happens to us,” replied her mother.

    Soon, all of them were asleep in the icy floor.

    Next day, the giant ice-creams took out Rachel, her mother, and few others from inside the freezer. But still they were asleep. Then they took some human blood cream and poured on Rachel and others. Then they started licking them and they finished them in no time.

  • Hey, This is my story. It actually got published in a book this year (not to brag, but actually to brag) so um yeah, I hope you like it xx GG

    Theres Something Living In The Basement

    No one ever believed me when I said something was living in the basement. It had been practically my first words. There’s something living in the basement. Yelling them at anyone would listen, when I didn’t even understand half the words I spoke. I just knew I had to get the message across. There’s something living in the basement.

    My mum thought it was cute, until I kept repeating it for two years straight and refusing to walk down the hall, in pure fear of the basement door that lurked ominously at the other end. My dad had a simple solution to ‘give his little girl some guts.’ He picked me up, dragged me kicking and screaming into the basement that haunted my nightmares, and locked me in.

    He said he’d unlock the door in the morning, when I had spent the night and realised there was nothing living in the basement. I banged, kicked and screamed, knowing if I made enough commotion, either the neighbours would phone the police, or my mum would let me out.

    After a while of banging and screaming I could hear something shuffle behind me, causing my heart to race. I screamed louder and louder. Banging so hard I’d thought I’d break my hand. Begging with anyone, mum, dad, God, Lucifer, just to let me out.

    Something wooden covered my mouth suddenly and drew me to the ground. I looked up, daring not to blink, to see a wooden jester marionette staring back at me with unblinking, painted eyes. It placed one wooden finger over its unnaturally large grin, causing me to be quiet. Then it reached one hand to open the door. Freeing me and it. As I left it followed me, fiddling occasionally with things mum had told me never to touch.

    Then the marionette grasped my hand and ran out front, jumping on the tree swing my dad had made for me. It gestured for me to push it and fearing what this thing might do if refused, I obeyed. I should have noticed as I pushed the marionette higher the flames on my house grew larger.

    I couldn’t remember how the fire started that night. I feel as if it was the marionette’s doing. It fled into the night before the authorities could arrive. Psychologists told me that the marionette was my way of coping with the loss of my parents, but I never really believed them.

    Now I’m older. I have my own house, my own husband, and my own daughter. Now the strange thing is tonight, as I tucked in my daughter who was sound asleep, I thought I could hear her mumble. ‘There’s something living in the attic.’

  • oh mariah vansyoc is smiley BTW so don’t think this is a work of plagerism did this for a school project

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