Zombie Attack is a game you can play at your Halloween party. All you need are a few guests and some tennis balls, or other soft balls.
To play Zombie Attack, everyone stands in the back yard. One person is the human and the other people play the zombies.
The human kneels at the top of the garden with a pile of tennis balls. The zombies line up at the bottom of the garden.
The zombies shuffle forward, moaning and groaning and saying “Brains! Brains!”
The human has to throw tennis balls at the zombies to keep them at bay. When a zombie is hit with a tennis ball, they have to go back to the bottom of the garden and start again.
If a zombie reaches the top of the garden without being hit by a tennis ball, they get to attack the human and eat his brains.
Do they actually get to eat you brains?
@SeeingStars so true
Cool and if you don’t have a back garden try the front if you don’t have a front then go to a field or a park.
Oh! I’m playing this! But a hallway will have to suffice, I don’t have a backyard. Now where did I put those tennis balls?
speak for your self at my dad big big property and at moms a deset size
“The Backyard”? As if everyone has backyards.
this sounds like a real life old videogame :3 me likey
cn there b like a time limit to hoe long the zombies have b4 they run out of time or sumthng or huw many times they have to go back to the start cuz the human has to win sumhuw 2 but i love the idea 4 the game
that game sounds epic
thats a really cool game